Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: Post your Star Wars name.
06-08-2002, 10:56 PM
This page has a Star Wars name generator: Mine - Chami Dupla :lol: Post yours. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: y3t4n0thR
06-02-2002, 9:05 AM
Heklos, Allow myself to introduce.....Myself. I've been lurking the boards for a while now, but since e3 and the announced release date of the game, I've decided to get into posting shtuff. - Cheers! (p.s. please excuse the excessive l337 speak...  [Read More]
Posted in: Installing an AGP slot? (help)
03-27-2002, 4:05 AM
A friend just gave me his Geforce3 Ti 200 *sweet* anyway he neglected to tell me it was an AGP card (i only have PCI slots on my MOBO) I would like to know if it's worth installing a AGP slot (if it's even possible) and if so can you tell me if it's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Complete JO - skin/model poll
02-21-2002, 9:25 PM
Quinlan Vos...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gmax
02-15-2002, 8:39 AM
i have only gotten passed the basics of it so far but i have to say that this is a really great editing tool. does anybody know if it will be compatible with JO? -Kx...  [Read More]
Posted in: JO models/skins
02-14-2002, 5:11 AM
read my post here: And cast your vote...  [Read More]
Posted in: JO models
02-14-2002, 5:05 AM
A nice Darth Maul model would own, so i'll be messing around with blender or milkshape to put one out for JO....  [Read More]
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