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Sir Palamides

Latest Activity

Posted in: Problems with names of mdl-files
 Sir Palamides
11-27-2007, 5:47 PM
Well,....thanks a lot!!! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problems with names of mdl-files
 Sir Palamides
11-14-2007, 7:01 AM
Well, I don't know all the filenames of the models and so I can't find some of them. For example I can't find Bastila's darkside underwear or the golden Echani armor, I looked for them quite long but I really can't try every model. So I want to know...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with merging head and body
 Sir Palamides
05-09-2007, 5:21 PM
I think I cant't help you, I just found out how to import more than one model (without having errors)in gmax/3dsm and put them together (NOT MERGING, I still don't know how to do that...)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with merging head and body
 Sir Palamides
05-09-2007, 6:17 AM
I have found a way to do don't care aboout it:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with merging head and body
 Sir Palamides
05-08-2007, 4:56 PM
I wanted to merge the head and the body of a model (one of the partymembers) and so, I first imported the body model (tried it in 3dsmax and gmax) and then I imported the head. but then I was not able to move the head and the face was not at the righ...  [Read More]