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Problems with names of mdl-files

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 Sir Palamides
11-14-2007, 7:01 AM
Well, I don't know all the filenames of the models and so I can't find some of them. For example I can't find Bastila's darkside underwear or the golden Echani armor, I looked for them quite long but I really can't try every model. So I want to know if there is a list of every item-model and it's filename or if anybody knows where I can find EVERY costume.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
11-16-2007, 11:20 PM
Yes.... look up Achille's handy lookup sheets, if not in there, you'll find what you're looking for in the same general area. In the General Tut's section, there is a table of contents. Look there... you'll find what you are looking for :)
 Sir Palamides
11-27-2007, 5:47 PM
Well,....thanks a lot!!!

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