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As Jae has already said, not everyone has the time to read and critic on your Fic. I don't. That is why most of the time, my comments are "Good Chapter and I'm looking foward to more".... [Read More]
Well, I know how some of you might feel. When I first started writing Fics, the only people who ever read my Fics were JediMaster12 and mach, since he reviews Fics after all. It doesn't matter who reads your Fics, just write them and have fun. And li... [Read More]
Sion sighed again. He had no choice. Anakin could read his mind easily. "I have no choice," Sion told Anakin, kneeling down to the floor, "I shall say the same thing, you once told Palpatine. I pledge myself to your teachings. My mast... [Read More]
Sion sighed. He knew that there would be drawbacks with working with Anakin. He was an impatient one, much like Sion was, but Sion couldn't stand. "Fine, I shall serve you," Sion told him, knowing that he wouldn't work with him after killi... [Read More]
"I thought we had already discussed this Emperor," Sion warned Anakin, starting to get impatient, "I don't serve anyone. The only reason I'm with you is to kill this Grivis you hate so much."... [Read More]
Sion turned the ship's communication off and set off for Coruscant. Sion hadn't been on Coruscant, since his Jedi Training from Master Vandar. When Sion had fell to the dark side, it took him nine years for Sion to put an end to Vandar's life.... [Read More]
"Yes, my lord," Sion told Anakin, getting aboard the ship, "I shall find this apprentice who you call, the grey one and tell him what you told me to tell him. I'll see you later, Emperor Skywalker." And with those words, Sion lef... [Read More]
"Yes Emperor," Sion began, "Tell me where Grivis is, once you're ready. For now, I shall make sure that no one else harms you, even though I know that you can handle yourself. Or perhaps I should help your armies?"... [Read More]
"Listen, Emperor," Sion told Anakin, "You might look powerful, but looks don't help you. The older you are, the more powerful you are. So I'm more powerful than you, Skywalker."... [Read More]
Sion put away his Lightsaber. He was very clever indeed. He had such power around him too. "Yes, I'm over four thousand years old," Sion told the man, "I survived the destruction of the planet and remained hidden on Tramond XXV, my se... [Read More]
"Malachor V," Sion told the man, "Now listen, whoever you are, I don't need to learn anything, I'm immortal and even I would be able to kill you if I wished, but you prove some use to me."... [Read More]
(Hope this first post is okay. If not, PM me.) In the distance, the dark lord of the Sith, Darth Sion noticed a man in the distance, with a man who he called "the grey one". Sion could sense the power within this man and Sion knew that the... [Read More]
Jedi Scum...... Sion...... you are no friend of the Sith.... you left them because of the Jedi Exile.... Sera Tana.... :p Exactly. But at least I never returned to the light side...... [Read More]
Another good chapter. I like it. Nothing to comment on, for now. Agreed, although it was nice to see some of Kreia's past. She is one of my favourite characters. Looking foward to more.... [Read More]
Another good Chapter as always Mr_BFA. Not being rude or anything, but I was wondering how many more Chapters you had planned for this Fic? Looking foward to more as always.... [Read More]