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The Battle of LF Sith

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 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 1:37 PM
"You know my hatred for Revan," Sion told Anakin, "I really want to kill him. Please let me serve you and please take me to Revan."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 1:41 PM
"Very well, but like I said earlier, not until my enemies are at a bloody corpse at my feet...." Anakin said. "Now, Sion, swear loyalty to me......"

"Sir, we having problems with the hyperdrive." A stormtrooper said walking up behind Anakin.

Anakin Force choked him.

"You have failed me for the last time.... I will go fix the hyperdrive...... it will not take long." Anakin said.
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 1:46 PM
As Anakin walked off, Sion followed him.

"You want me to find Grivis, don't you?" Sion asked.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 1:49 PM
"Find, no..... I know where he is.... what I want you to do, is interrogate him........ find out all information you can get from him...... and then kill him......... but not yet.... this war must not be over, before it starts...." Anakin said.
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 1:50 PM
Randus and the fleet dropped out of hyperspace, and Courscant was finally in view. He started his approach. He told the fleet to follow him in.

Once he landed, he started to gather the troops and eagerly awaited his new master to come and greet him.
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 1:53 PM
"Yes Emperor," Sion began, "Tell me where Grivis is, once you're ready. For now, I shall make sure that no one else harms you, even though I know that you can handle yourself. Or perhaps I should help your armies?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 1:59 PM
"Yes....... go to Courscant........ at the old Jedi Temple, my apprentice will be waiting for me........ tell him that I am stuck, and am trying to fix the hyperdrive." Anakin said. "He has an army of the dead....... they will be useful in the war against Grivis and InSidious.... tell him to bring them to the Death Star."
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 2:05 PM
"Yes, my lord," Sion told Anakin, getting aboard the ship, "I shall find this apprentice who you call, the grey one and tell him what you told me to tell him. I'll see you later, Emperor Skywalker."

And with those words, Sion left.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 2:11 PM
Anakin activated his comlink....

"Sion...... the Gray one is not my apprentice, his name is Darth Yeshnaal.... he betrayed InSidious........" Anakin said. "He is.... with an army....."

YES! Only one more part left.... Anakin thought, finishing up. Finally, it is done...

Anakin stood up and left........
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 2:16 PM
Sion turned the ship's communication off and set off for Coruscant. Sion hadn't been on Coruscant, since his Jedi Training from Master Vandar. When Sion had fell to the dark side, it took him nine years for Sion to put an end to Vandar's life.
 Darth InSidious
01-01-2007, 2:20 PM
Anger rose in N'Dul like an avanlanche. Reaching through the Force and across the galaxy, he formed an invisible hand gripped Randus' neck.
I offered you ultimate power...all the knowledge of the Old Empire...the power of the Sith...and this is how you repay me? So be it.
The hand tightened around Randus' neck, until he could feel he knew his upper vertebrae had been crushed, and then the grip was gone, taking his connection to the Force with it.

((Anakin: Fair enough, but you made it quite clear it was something happening right at that moment...))
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 2:21 PM
Randus had just recieved a message from Emperor Skywalker telling him to meet one of his followers at the old Jedi Temple.

"Troops follow me, we will soon meet my master!" Randus told all of them

The leader who spoke before came forward to him again and spoke again "you told us he would meet us here when we landed"

Randus had become very angry with this one for questioning him a second time "you have questioned be for the LAST TIME" and then used a new force power that he had learned from his former master, Force Crush. He then fell to the ground in a bloody mess. Darth Randus told the rest of the army that if they did not wish to end up like their leader on the ground in fornt of him, they would follow him to the temple... NOW.

Another soilder stepped forward and said that the would follow him to the temple to meet his new master.
01-01-2007, 2:27 PM
((The last two posts need to be made to match somehow.))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 2:29 PM
Anakin used the Force to rip the Force from InSidious, and then implanted what was taken from his apprentice back into him. He then severed what was left of a Force bond between InSidious and the newly annointed Darth Yeshnaal.

:You will die, you fake Sith: Anakin whispered to InSidious, and the Force carried it to his ears... :but not until I am ready for you to.:
01-01-2007, 2:33 PM
((InSidious is a little powerful for you to do that to him. Randus was just a dumb apprentice, N'Dul was a powerful Sith who became Dark Lord in his own right. Not so easy, I'm afraid. [Although personally, I think using Force powers across the galaxy like that is a little much.]))
 Darth InSidious
01-01-2007, 2:35 PM
N'Dul felt Skywalker's feeble attempt to rip the Force from him, and quickly turned the effect upon itself. Skywalker seemed not to notice, as he ranted on.

Fake Sith? You are no more than a Jedi with delusions of grandeur compared to the power I command, fool!

N'Dul left his meditation chamber, and closed his mind to the Force for now. In the menagerie, he found what he was looking for, and leading it to the airlock, gave the beast it's instructions.

"Do not fail me."

And with that, he let it go.
((Dark Lady: I was in my meditation sphere, and hey, if Naga Sadow can do it... ;)
@Anakin: Yeah, fair enough...))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 2:36 PM
((Yes......... but I had to make the two posts fit together..... but no more of this..... this thread is strictly for RPing so that R9 don't get mad at us


InSidious...... no more powers like that...... that is not right..... a Sith Alchemist of no.... it is far too much and no one could do that.....))
01-01-2007, 2:47 PM
((Hey, I'm pretty sure R9 wouldn't get mad at anyone for pointing out something that obviously needed to be fixed. After all, the RP needs to make sense. No more Force Ripping across the galaxy, okay? Otherwise this duel would become pointless. Even Jae and Devon didn't do anything that drastic. :xp:
Naw, we just went time-ripping. :D --Jae
*sigh* And now for another betrayal...))

Sa'adow Fan felt Randus's departure through the Force, and smiled. It wasn't a cheerful grin, more of a cold and calculating expression, but a smile nonetheless.

"Now that fool N'Dul doesn't have a leg to stand on," she muttered. If he won't listen to reason, if he remains in the past and closes his mind to the future, I must find someone more worthy. Maybe this Emperor Skywalker was such a one. Walking softly through the corridors until she reached her ship, she ran her finger over the controls and blasted away into space.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 2:54 PM
"Finally, I have reached Courscant..." Anakin said. "Trooper prepare a land force, and be ready to land...."

"Yes, milord..." A few Stormtroopers replied.
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 2:57 PM
Darth Yeshnaal felt himself being choked through the force and noticed that his force powers were being taken away from him, and then all of a sudden he was releaced.

Afterwards, he realized that he had completely lost his force powers, and then he realized he had regained them because of his new master. Yeshnaal was pissed as hell and was bloodthirsty for anything, even another trooper.
01-01-2007, 4:51 PM
Darth Quanon , leapt out of his fighter , Force gripped the captain , smashing him in a support beam .

" Is this the kind of respect I get " : he sneered at the officer .

" No milord , it has been a long time ... Lord Gurzan N'Dul was doubting of you still where alive . "

" What !!! " : Darth Quanon became so angry , he bited the neck out of the captain and spitted out on the deck .

Whiping of the dripping blood , he said : " I claim this ship , anyone who tries to opose me will die . Bring me to Lord Gurzan N'Dul , I'll be meditating ... "

Quanon walked away , dragging the bleeding corpse of the captain after him .
While miditating , he reached out , the Force filled his mind and consciousness .
" Sion ... Sion the name sounded clear , Sa'adow Fan ... clouded visions of struggle ... the smell of blood , fire ... "

" Milord ... " : a soft voice interrupted Darth Quanons focus .

" What ? " : he asked .

" We are en route to Lord Gurzan N'Dul , in 4 hours time we'll arrive " : said the scared new appointed captain Neda .

" Good , warn me when wer'e about to leave hyper-space , ... and , yes , bring my ship to the repair dock , it needs some adaptations . "

" Yes , milord , ofcourse ."

The captain left Quanons room .
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 5:00 PM
Sion landed his ship on Coruscant, knowing that Anakin was nearby.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 5:10 PM
((Due to developments to which I have seen, when I say something, someone else uses it to their advantage, I'm going to tell you..... this is a secret meeting so..... InSidious and his followers do NOT know about it....))

Anakin landed almost as soon as Sion had.... and slowly crept towards the old Jedi Temple. When he reached the Jedi Temple, he found his apprentice and Sion waiting for him.

"Sion...." Anakin nodded. "I am your new Master..... you will serve ME!" Anakin yelled, then all the "dead" soldiers cheered. "We are to return to my Death Star, where we will make all our plans....."
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 5:12 PM
"I thought we had already discussed this Emperor," Sion warned Anakin, starting to get impatient, "I don't serve anyone. The only reason I'm with you is to kill this Grivis you hate so much."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 5:17 PM
"Hmmm....... yes...... but if you want to kill Revan, and get Traya's teachings out of your head... then you will serve me......" Anakin said calmly. "My deceased master predicted you would be hard to contain.... but actually.... all I have to do is hold the reins....."
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 5:25 PM
Sion sighed. He knew that there would be drawbacks with working with Anakin. He was an impatient one, much like Sion was, but Sion couldn't stand.

"Fine, I shall serve you," Sion told him, knowing that he wouldn't work with him after killing Revan.
 Darth InSidious
01-01-2007, 5:29 PM
((@Skywalker: KK. Similarly, my meeting with Quanon.))

"Ahh, Lord Quanon! What brings you to me? Good news, I hope? Never mind. Incidentally, I have some gift for you: This is the holocron of Darth Bane. I hope you find it useful. And this," he pulled out an ancient box, and opened it, showing the gleaming item within, "is an ankarres sapphire. Accept them as tokens of my belief in our alliance."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 5:30 PM
"Oh, you have so much promise, Sion..... but don't think I can't read your emotions.... you will betray me, after you have killed Revan, so I am not going to teach you to get rid of her teachings until after you do.... and even then.... I will teach you it very slowly...... tiny piece by tiny piece..... you will serve me, and come to the realization that I am a master, and you are nothing...." Anakin said.
01-01-2007, 5:33 PM
(( Ok , sorry , hadn't seen Insidious post as I was typing this . Just see this as a short past event before the meeting ;) ))

The Corvette ended his journey at the edge of the Outer Rim .
The intercom buzzed : " Lord Quanon , please come to the main-deck . "

All crew looked fearful at Darth Quanon when he passed by , the doors opened and he stepped on to the deck . Captain Neda was awaiting him and looked nervous .

" Lord , our Navigator-systems have stopped , it looks like Lord Gurzan N'Dul is out there in the Void . I'm sorry but our navigation chards reach only so far . Lord Gurzan N'Dul does not trust all information to all of his servants . "

Darth Quanon looked into the deep Darkness , he calmed down although the urge to rip apart the new captain was great .

" I'll take my ship "

With that said he left . He activaded the auto-pilot and asked his master throw the Force :" Master , hear me , ... Anwser me Master what is your wish , what should I do ... the Force brings me visions of violance , passion and massive bloodshed ... what is your bidding Master ..."

And there in the vast cold black Darth Quanon repeated his call .
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 5:36 PM
Sion sighed again. He had no choice. Anakin could read his mind easily.

"I have no choice," Sion told Anakin, kneeling down to the floor, "I shall say the same thing, you once told Palpatine. I pledge myself to your teachings. My master."

Sion felt embarrased as he held his head in shame.
01-01-2007, 5:42 PM
"Milord , I accept your gifts greatfully , still forgive my slow mind , I have little knowledge about the old TRUE Sith , what is the power behind the Ankarres Sapphire ? " : asked Quanon , fear was in his eyes .
 Darth InSidious
01-01-2007, 5:46 PM
"Of course, Lord Quanon. The Sapphire enhances one's connection to the Force, allowing it to flow more easily. When placed in a lightsabre, it will allow one a slight increase in damage, and makes the user and the weapon more in touch with one another."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 5:56 PM
"Sion, here...... I found your old Lightsaber." Anakin said. "I have no use for it.... it's yours. I found it on the Jedi Exile's corpse. Also, I found this on the surface of Kataar..." Anakin said holding up a Quxoni Crystal. "I found many of them.... here...... I only need one."
01-01-2007, 6:27 PM
" Thank you Lord , I'll make good use of it ."

" Now what is my mission ? I felt your anger ? Something did not happen according to your plans ... . Should I hunt the betrayers ? "
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 7:03 PM
Sion snatched the Lightsaber off Anakin and smiled.

"Thank you Emperor," Sion told him, "At least one of my enemies is dead."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 7:08 PM
Anakin looked amused.

"I killed her...... made her scream.... bloody murder. It was very amusing." Anakin said. "She screamed out for help. Well her Force Ghost did anyhow..... although I didn't think a Ghost could feel pain."
 Diego Varen
01-01-2007, 7:10 PM
"Nor did I," Sion told Anakin, "And I shall have that same pleasure when I kill Revan."
 Grey Master
01-01-2007, 7:24 PM
"Mmmm...what are your thoughts?" asked the specter of Darth Traya, that took residence in the holocron the Rebuilder had recovered.
"I have been observing all of the Sith movements and after the visit to Skywalker, I really think that they will kill each other" said Draco, the gray master "but why did you asked me to go to Vader, misstress?"
"You needed to see for yourself that the DS is being used by a incompetent Sith, and that you will no longer be pained with their destruction, you must wait, to let events unfold, so now, go to talk to Lord Grivis, and ask him what he wants of you, and then go to InSidious and do the same"
"But why, shouldn't we go seeking the last of the Jedi?" asked Draco
"That will happen later, when the Sith factions are diminished and weak" said Darth Traya "in the meantime, I have a lightsaber technique I want you to practice, one that is strong against both the LS and the DS, and you may need to use it in the future."
"As you command, misstress" and that said, Draco plotted a course to see Gurzan N'Dul, then he will meet Lord Grivis.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 7:38 PM
"Your hate for Revan... will drive you to the extremes..... I caution you to be careful. He is very powerful, but still not as powerful as me..." Anakin said. "He has strived to be more powerful than I in the past.... but I have always come out on top."
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 8:14 PM
Upon seeing his master, Emperor Skywalker, Darth Yeshnaal kneeled before him and waited for his master to greet him...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 8:19 PM
"Darth Yeshnaal, you may rise.... come here...." Anakin said. "I sense the Gray one has betrayed me........ I want you to find him..... Kill him, grind his bones into dust."
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 9:19 PM
Yeshnaal got up and walked toward his master upon his master's request, his anger at hearing that his master was betrayed by the Grey one was unstoppible.

"Yes master, i shall find this grey jedi, his bones will be ground into dust!... Before i leave, i would like to request more training if i may."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 9:22 PM
"Very well...... what is it you wish to know?" Anakin asked. "I can teach you techniques that will allow you to be hidden."
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 9:35 PM
"I wish to know how to remain hidden, and also how to inflict untold agony in my enemies, and anything that will help me in killing the grey one, master" Yeshnaal replied.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-01-2007, 9:41 PM
"Very well, then listen and watch closely....." Anakin said. He demonstrated a few Force Techniques that were unknown.
 Darth Randus
01-01-2007, 9:43 PM
"Yes master, i will pay close attention" Yeshnaal replied.

Once Yeshnaal had learned what his master had tought him he said "Thank you master, i will use what i have learned well" and left for his ship and took off in search of the "grey one".

Once he had taken off, Yeshnaal thought to him self ::hmm... i think i will meditate for a while and then head off for my old master's ship, i heard a report from a trooper that he was on his way to meet with him.::
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 3:43 AM
((I will continue this as my final Darkside act FOREVER, well except for the Dark Anakin Trilogy I've started))

Anakin stood at the bridge of his flagship, The Eclipse, a powerful ship design he had stolen from his master's vault, after he had killed him.

"Ahhh...... there you are," Anakin said not turning around.

"Query: You called me....." A Droid asked.

"I want you to eliminate the Mandalorian Leader, Mandalore... HK-47." Anakin said.

"Statement: It will be done meatba.... I mean, Master." HK replied.
 Grey Master
01-02-2007, 8:31 AM
"So, the hidden comm device worked after all, seems that Skywalker and his apprentice have turned against me, how very Sith" said Draco to his Master Kreia.

"Do not worry about them, they are pathetic, but you better be on your guard, they could be a problem" replied the holocron avatar.

"Yes, it seems that my hyperdrive has been damaged, no doubt Anakin had a hand in that" said Draco looking at the schematics of the ship "I gotta land to repair it, so lets look for the nearest planet or moon."

"This reminds me on how we came to the Moon of Dxun, and meeted Mandalore and got to Iziz" said Traya.

"You were on Dxun, when?"

"When I travelled with the Jedi Exile and her companions, almost 4,000 years ago, and we got attacked by a Colonel, that's all I remember" lied Traya, who didn't like to reveal her past to her apprentice "let's focus now, where are we going down?"

"Well, the sensors pick up a planet nearby, and if my guess is right, then it's Mandalore" replied the Gray Master "looks like you are going to see Mand'alor and Mando'ade again, misstress" and they decended into the planet.
 Darth InSidious
01-02-2007, 1:04 PM
N'Dul was direct.

"Lord Quanon, someone is coming here. I wish him to be delayed for a while. Do not kill him, but ensure that he is off his guard when he arrives. And now, if you will excuse me, there are other matters requiring my attention."

He bowed to Quanon and left the room quickly.

So. Sa'adow Fan had *also* betrayed him. She would not last long against his latest development.

He took a small capsule from the menagerie, and, programming it for the correct co-ordinates, launched it into Hyperspace, to find it's way to Fan.

Then, leaving the menagerie again, he went to his private chambers, and, searching amongst the ancient scrolls, he found the holocron he was looking for, and activated it.

The ancient Sith looked back at him in shock and annoyance.

"Bezh'liqt?" (What kind of trickery is this?)
"Goz'ba'hanzhe, Tol-ket, Nagizh P'elo; Jen'ari N'Dul." (No trickery, my lord - I am the last of the Sith, the Dark Lord N'Dul.)
"Pez'geh?" (What do you want?)
"Gi'zhe Tro'kul. Pozan Ye Golg. Graushze Kolnech." (A location. The Valley of Golg. Graush's tomb.)
A series of co-ordinates appeared, and N'Dul smiled.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 1:09 PM
"Sion..... apprentice...... ARMY!" Anakin yelled. "It is time to move back......... we are leave Courscant forever......... to prove how powerful the Death Star is, I will be using it to destroy the last of the Republic........ Courscant!"

The Army cheered.....
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