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Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-08-2007, 2:44 PM
"Nah i've already seen one today." Castov replied walking with Geonar to the shuttle. "Once you've seen one you've seen them all."Lake had to grin at the comment. If all went to plan, the destruction of the Arcadia Raider would ta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-06-2007, 6:04 PM
“Well I have an excuse.” Castov joked as he got out of the pod and help Geonar out. “I ran into a plasma torch, you know just for kicks.” “So what do we do now.” The Twi’lek girl asked. “We need to get you to a secure location.” C...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-06-2007, 8:11 AM
Lake sat at the nav station of the Arcadia Raider, keeping her course directed at the centre of the convergence she had created, whilst also keeping the large cruiser in the way of any other ships that were trying to leave. It was getting more and mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-01-2007, 4:04 PM
Lake thought a moment. She looked at her sergeant, who, apparently thinking the same thing she was, nodded vigorously. "Yeah, Mike," Lake said into the com. "As a matter of fact there is. Think you can lay down some cover fire for us w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-01-2007, 3:42 PM
Lake grinned. "You know me, Mike. Of course I have a plan. I always have a plan." She lowered her voice a notch. "They're not always great, but I always have one." The corner of her mouth twisted upwards. "I'm just trying to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-01-2007, 3:22 PM
On board the Acadia Raider, the marine private sitting at the com donned an amused grin. "Commander?" he said to Lake. "Jedi Mignola Sapien is on the com, and I believe he's observed our course change and is asking if you know where yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
06-01-2007, 1:04 AM
“We’ve got the rest of the ship on lockdown,” the marine sergeant reported to Lake, “but it won’t take the crew long to figure out how to reroute bridge control from here to auxiliary control,” the sergeant said. “I’m more concerned...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
05-30-2007, 2:33 PM
((OOC: Ah... how I love co-postiness. :) Thanks, StarMark2k! )) “This is Jedi Knight Jesp to the Republic commander of the commandeered Acadia Raider please respond.” Castov asked through his communications console.“Sarge?” said the marine a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
05-28-2007, 7:13 PM
“Right,” said Lake to the sergeant, “now that we’ve established mass confusion out there, and a traffic jam to rival a Coruscant rush hour, it’s time to let our people know that we’ve completed our part of the mission.” She frowned at t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
05-28-2007, 6:41 PM
Lake and the group of marines began to make their way to the bridge. They had encountered some droids, which had been little trouble for the marines’ blasters or the Jedi’s lightsaber, but now, as the closed in on the bridge, they had encountered...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
05-28-2007, 10:13 AM
On one of the Mandalorian capital ships, Jedi Padawan Lake Kiel stuck her head around the corner of a corridor to check if it was clear. A sudden barrage of laser blasts streaming toward her told her otherwise, and it was only due to her quick Jedi r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn
05-26-2007, 5:12 PM
I'll have a go with this! :) Name: Lake Kiel Nickname: No nic, just Lake. :) Species: Human (From Corellia) Gender: Female Age: 20 Class: PADAWAN (Guardian) Appearance: Long dark hair, usually worn twisted up in a single braid (save for her Pa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Job Hyperinsecurity: The REAL Ticking Time Bomb
02-27-2007, 3:18 PM
Three weeks' notice. :roleyess: Then I can claim unemployment, tho that's not much. I could take him to EEOC court since he's firing me for no good reason in order to hire in a man.Oh, you would score very well with that over here! :) And here, you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Job Hyperinsecurity: The REAL Ticking Time Bomb
02-27-2007, 2:52 PM
Oh, Jae, that's just horrible! :( Especially when your boss doesn't have the bottle to tell you face to face. (What a coward!) I do hope that he's giving you adequate notice, or at the very least, some redundancy pay. :s Unfortunately, the employmen...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jehovah's Witnesses
02-26-2007, 11:49 AM
Aw, no problem, Achilles. You're forgiven. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jehovah's Witnesses
02-26-2007, 11:27 AM
I’ve really been enjoying reading the debate going on between all of the different parties involved in this thread. Don’t really want to get too involved in it (mostly because I'd feel so out of my league due to my lack of familiarity of the Bibl...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
03-11-2007, 7:21 PM
And it's Yosho, not Yoshi.Sorry about that. Edited. :)Well, if you guys would all stop sluffing him off, and give him some leeway to become apart of the group, and/or get friendly with him, then I'd be able to integrate him into the RP, and the trave...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
03-10-2007, 8:42 PM
Ok, sorry for a bit of charry control with our mages and Takara, but after a chat on AIM with FFWM12, we figured we needed everyone back at the inn so that Kyo can assemble his ‘team’ for his quest. So far, he’s got Akira, Carywn, Aya, and Kai...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
03-01-2007, 2:15 PM
Don't worry, guys. There will be a time and a place to kill of Wolf, Crispin and a whole bunch of 'thug/warrior' types. So, everybody will get a chance to do damage. :) Just get your characters to the inn by tonight (tonight as in RP tonight ;) ) so...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
02-22-2007, 6:37 PM
Well, to shorten the fight to your liking, then maybe Wolf could cheat, I was planning on it anyways, but it's a way to have the fight end sooner, if that's what you wanted. Besides, I thought I should ask before having him cheat, seeing as how every...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
02-22-2007, 5:57 PM
Maybe she'll get time to post this weekend, Rex. (Fingers crossed! ;) ) In the meantime, I think the fight will go another few posts. And then perhaps Doc Waverley can make another appearance and tend to everyone's wounds. (Yes, even the Wolf's. ;) )...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
02-21-2007, 9:13 AM
I think we should move to the next round. I think everyone is at least in the market square (if not watching the fight itself), and I want to see our mages fireworks displays. :) And FFWM12, correct me if I'm wrong, but now that Kyo has gotten the '...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
02-14-2007, 8:40 AM
MUHAHAHAHAHHAAHHHAHAHAH... Istergard will make Mr Wolf a small surprise... *smiles evily* A sword stuck in his neck *сyard сyard*!! Beat him up, insult him, and make him look like a fool, but please don't kill off Wolf (or his son) just yet as I'...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
02-13-2007, 7:33 PM
*crickets chirping*....Wait, I'm confused, are you talking about people elements (such as integral characters meant for important use later in the plotline), or natural elements (such as Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and any other 'element', you consider...  [Read More]
Posted in: [OOC]Obake Blade
02-13-2007, 3:23 PM
Well, I don't want to answer for FFWM12, but the fifth element will become apparent in due time. And as far as I know, we have all of the 'elements' already. They just haven't all been revealed yet. :)...  [Read More]
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