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Page: 9 of 53
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
09-12-2007, 12:44 PM
Jyot's eyes widened with horror as Arelyn sat down and introduced herself to Ali. "Oh, no," he remarked under his breath. He leaned in closer to Latch. "They're making an alliance," he quietly commented about the two women. "...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
09-05-2007, 7:30 PM
"Bucking for my job, are you?" Jyot stuck his head up inside Arelyn's turret, and then revealed his recently-purchased replacement console assembly and waggled it in front of her. "If you're going to tinker around with stuff, you might...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
09-02-2007, 7:21 PM
Jyot guided a levi-trolley through the crowded streets in the Corellian sector. He was coming back from his shopping spree purchasing parts for the Scimitar--some spares but mostly the replacement parts he needed to fix Arelyn’s turret controls. He...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-22-2007, 10:04 AM
"Nice to see you, too, Ali." Jyot's hand massaged his jaw as his tongue ran on the inside of his cheek and gums tasting the saltiness of blood. "...but I promise not to damage anything you actually need for fixing the ship..."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-21-2007, 5:51 PM
Jyot visibly cringed as he saw Alec and Ali shake hands. "Oh, no...," he groaned, then slammed down his shot in one go. "Another one?" the bartender asked, looking askance in the direction of Ali's table. Jyot eyed over Ali's st...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-18-2007, 8:52 PM
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no...." Jyot visibly cringed as Alex casually walked over to Ali's table, sat down, and started a conversation with her. Hoping, no praying, that Ali wouldn't notice him, Jyot started to shift himself to the far side...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-18-2007, 2:32 PM
Jyot turned to look in the same direction that Alec was looking in--and then his mouth dropped. Quickly turning away, with his hand semi-covering his face as if he didn't want to be recognized, he faced the bar again. "Oh no...." he uttered...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-18-2007, 9:21 AM
Jyot blinked. "Huh? Oh...erm, yeah. I'm comin'." With his eyes still lingering on the dancer, he took a few steps backwards. Then he flashed an appreciative smile at the girl, before turning and catching up with Alec. "She's got some...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-16-2007, 11:02 AM
Jyot turned his head away from Gem as he rubbed his now reddening and sore cheek. "Yeah, yeah, 'no fishing in the employer's pond'," he said to Alec under his breath. He lowered his voice even further. "Sorry, I tried not to, but those...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-16-2007, 9:13 AM
Jyot sighed with resignation, acknowledging with a slow nod that Alec was right. "Yeah, okay, fine," he said a bit glumly. "I'll go and get 'the list'." 'The List' was Jyot's running list of parts that he needed for either repair...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Bounty Hunters
08-16-2007, 8:01 AM
Jyot grinned and greedily rubbed his hands together. "Yes! Carmen's cantina...," he said dreamily. "Can't wait to see what's on the menu tonight. Maybe I'll try a red this time... no, no, a brunette, or maybe a blonde or..." He ca...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
09-04-2007, 7:20 PM
Kimber spun around in the pilot's chair to face the mechanic. "Yeah, well...," she said in a slow, disparaging tone. "It's either Czerka or the Hutts. And of the two, neither is desirable. But..." She gave him a quick grin, "...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-29-2007, 6:53 AM
Kimber snorted at the mechanic. "Nah, she's alive. Anyone who has the gumption to hunt krayt dragons, or worse hang out within the dragon's lair, certainly has got to have enough will to stay alive. If for no other reason than pure stubborness o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-28-2007, 8:04 AM
"Fall? I'm a pilot. Pilots don't 'fall'. Not ever." A slow grin manifested itself onto Kimber's full lips. "They crash and burn sometimes, yeah, but they never just 'fall'." She gave a look at the others. "I'm in this for t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-24-2007, 6:29 AM
Kimber raised an eyebrow. "An asylum? You, Cap'n? No." She looked askance at Kala-Naa. "Though I'll reserve judgement for... erm, any others." She cleared her throat and quickly continued. "But an entire planet of palladium.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-22-2007, 11:28 AM
Kimber listened intently as the rodent-like creature known as Kala-Naa spoke to Tysy and the rest of them in broken Basic. When she came to the part of the black planet where there was no darkness, Kim frowned slightly. But when the rat indictated th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-20-2007, 6:18 PM
Kimber nodded thoughtfully. "Kala-Naa? Heard the name, but never met him. Her. It." She shrugged. "Whatever." She started to input the co-ordinates for Nar Shaddaa into the navicomputer. "But Nar Shaddaa... I can get us ther...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-19-2007, 5:42 PM
((OOC: @R9--Thanks! I did. :) )) "Well, I just thought that if you were a scout that you might have been in that area before," Kimber said to Lane. "Lots of scouts keep their information secret." She tapped her temple with her in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-18-2007, 9:04 PM
As Kimber examined the area on the galaxy map that Lane was showing her, she asked, "So, does that place feel like home then?" She racked her brain. "As I remember, and don't hold me to this, but... I think there was a planetary system...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-18-2007, 2:46 PM
Kimber took a moment to consider. Odd, she thought to be asked by someone she had just met if she liked an alias name or not. "Yeah," she said after a moment. "I guess I like it well enough. It's simple, short, and easy to say. A bit a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-18-2007, 8:58 AM
"It seems as if Ms. Odnova and our yet-unnamed party have something to discuss," the lips spoke, still singsong. Kimber turned her head to look down the corridor down which Tysyacha and the mechanic had disappeared just moment earlier. &qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-16-2007, 2:37 AM
Kim raised an eyebrow at the mechanic's comment, and then she looked at Tysy. "So... not just a Force Sensitive, but a full-fledged Jedi, are you?" She grinned wryly. "See, I knew this job was going to be interesting." She scanne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-15-2007, 6:04 PM
Kim's brow raised with awe as she recognized the significance of Tysyacha's gesture during their handshake. She nodded in acknowledgment and then said, "Thank you. I won't let you down. Captain," she added. As the near-human spoke up, Kim...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-15-2007, 8:24 AM
Kimber carefully eyed the near-human newcomer, who she suspected was of Arkanian origin and quite possibly competition for this job Tysy was offering. Although his opinion had been unsolicited and quite bold, he didn't appear to pose an immediate thr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Keeping the Galaxy Intact
08-14-2007, 9:39 PM
Kimber grinned at the mechanic. "Probably because it's normally covered up by a helmet and/or a face plate when I'm in a space port," she replied to him. "It's no matter. I'll remember eventually. I never forget a face. Names, on the o...  [Read More]
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