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Gaming Nut

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Posted in: Air they suck?
 Gaming Nut
05-05-2002, 9:20 PM
I got no probelm with how they look. I think a flying laser platform would look more like a tie fighter then a star destroyer. mon cal only make curisers for the rebels they dont make fighters or transports and so theirs no way of knowing what a lar...  [Read More]
I dont buy this he had to die crap. WHY did he have to die? You think that if he had lived luke would have gone na with you alive I don't feel like being jedi ummm I some how dought that would have happened. If anything luke would have been a better...  [Read More]
What are you talking about he has no power at all he cant hurt vader. And he dosen't even seem cable of going places on command ohterwise he'd be with luke all the time not once or twice through like 4 years. I also think he was suicidal and could h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poll: Who or What image do u want?
 Gaming Nut
05-09-2002, 5:44 PM
yeah that pick did suck....  [Read More]
Posted in: Whoa that worked nicely!
 Gaming Nut
03-30-2002, 2:20 AM
Was he trade fed and was all tech on? trade fed go's retard when it has to build hosues it's just not in it's AI....  [Read More]
Posted in: Whoa that worked nicely!
 Gaming Nut
03-19-2002, 8:06 PM
Yeah most of the time they will build around those power cores given time adn ahving them their is not a bad idea if you have as much carbon as you need which they do. What I hate is the dumbass building 150 units and putting them in circle around th...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to use Jedi?
 Gaming Nut
03-19-2002, 8:22 PM
Thier not really good on the computer and their utter crap on people if they have a brain will have 4 hunter around to make quick work of their one use hit and run. Even in massive numbers thye stink. Just played a trooper blood guy liked jedi master...  [Read More]
Posted in: Instructions in case of a nuclear attack
 Gaming Nut
03-03-2002, 2:37 AM
Is thsi beacuse of that shaedow goverment that bush has in bunker outisde washigton incase terroerist blow it up?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Turret Complaint
 Gaming Nut
01-23-2002, 11:43 AM
It's litte more then an annoyance and maybe an insentive to keep him away from your workers. Also I'm not sure but if you look at the turret are their the alret buttons on it's menu I think the forrtress has them and you need to cacnel the alret thei...  [Read More]
Posted in: Unit Limit
 Gaming Nut
01-19-2002, 2:11 PM
mission have preset limilts to make them harder if you got 200 men on the frist mission you could stomp the enemy....  [Read More]
Posted in: Transporting troops via mechs: why?
 Gaming Nut
01-25-2002, 4:03 PM
350 nova is ALOT it's like 6 planes or 2 reasecrhs. 10,000 nova onlys gets you 20 to 25 assault mech's their a waste of money and few people outside DM's use them. They don't get more protcion since they have to get out to fight they die just as fast...  [Read More]
Posted in: Transporting troops via mechs: why?
 Gaming Nut
01-23-2002, 11:38 AM
Thing is a trooper walks just as fast as an assault mech maybe faster with upgrades. They can't see what you have unless they scout you in route even if they do it's rare they would have time to build a conuter to a group that is already coming to th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Unnecessary Upgrades and Research
 Gaming Nut
01-18-2002, 5:00 AM
Phase 2 DT's get I think 20+ hit pionts and 2+ attack it's worth it if you have the money....  [Read More]
Posted in: How to Use Grenadiers?
 Gaming Nut
01-19-2002, 8:26 AM
I don't know what your playing but like 12 bombers can over power an AA turret and 24 a fortess their quite poteint fighter though are usless on buildings but can take units better. Mounted troopers are usful epesailly at dealing with heavy weapons...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to Use Grenadiers?
 Gaming Nut
01-09-2002, 1:22 PM
Yeah after Tech 2 my mounted troopers don't go on the attack but I don't kill them either I sit them in my base around mech factory CC and trooper center making pummel dropping much trickery and if he bring up cannons or artillery without support he'...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's so great about Droideka's?
 Gaming Nut
01-21-2002, 12:45 PM
Artillry stinks againts them they are fast roll foward get clsoe and rip them up mech destory own them true but every unit has a counter....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's so great about Droideka's?
 Gaming Nut
01-19-2002, 8:23 AM
Yeah well it wouldn't make a big diffrance you get 2 shots of 2 in the time of one brust of 4 i prefer the later a big punch over high cyclic rate though haveing both is great....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's so great about Droideka's?
 Gaming Nut
01-09-2002, 5:04 AM
Their beter alright If you looked at a pummels stat youd think a turret could beat it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Defensive structures strategies
 Gaming Nut
01-09-2002, 4:23 PM
No I've tested it by leaving gaping holes in my D but having a huge mass of forrtesses and turrets where he firsted attacked I sat and wacthed TV an hour later after repeated beat down he was still coming I finally smashed him with the 40 assualt mec...  [Read More]
Posted in: Defensive structures strategies
 Gaming Nut
01-07-2002, 5:29 AM
You could buy like 60 grenad troopers for it's cost or like 12 assualt mechs the only reason to get is if your on inlands and can't really scout whats on other inlands ahead of landings....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lets talk about advantages/disadvantages of air
 Gaming Nut
01-01-2002, 1:54 PM
I use air unit as skrmishers if large force is coming and is getting spread out some X-wing sniping at anyone who falls behind can be real pain. As said their's nothing better for hit and run on his workers then air. But is has huge disavantage too...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who has the weakest troopers
 Gaming Nut
01-06-2002, 10:56 PM
Naboo not only do they not get repeaters but they also lack several important upgrades naboo are crap I destroy driod die to snow speeders and I belive DT do as well so a few speeders counter your infantry killers. Don't just say I have AA I belive i...  [Read More]
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