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Gaming Nut

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Posted in: The clones cannot be stopped!
 Gaming Nut
05-20-2002, 5:00 AM
No It took all ym cash to egt the cursiers out besides they had no air cover and the curiser was as good as anything on AA It also had to get theior soon or its arrival would be piontless....  [Read More]
Posted in: The clones cannot be stopped!
 Gaming Nut
05-18-2002, 10:08 PM
Oh yeah air curisers put the hurt on. Last night my allies base was being ravaged by about 18 heavy artillrys well I couldn't do jack to stop that with my army save introduce him to the air curisers the reaction was to good. It fired once into a grou...  [Read More]
Posted in: The clones cannot be stopped!
 Gaming Nut
05-18-2002, 8:02 PM
95% acutally sicne you get the fortress upgarde too....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fav/Best Civ (with X-Pac)
 Gaming Nut
05-18-2002, 8:13 PM
I like the republic best but I think the confed are better. Their driod upgadre makes tougher armor look kinda lame. The confed ARE the new trooper civ the the only thing that makes them somewhat weak is that medics can't heal their men so you have t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Counter Mass-Droideka?
 Gaming Nut
05-16-2002, 10:51 AM
Theirs no conuter that gonna get you a win without heavy loses (short of having all your units under a sheild) But if I remeber greande troopers and mech destroyers work the best grenade troopers are hellish if they get their spalsh damage upgadre....  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Empire too dominant!!!
 Gaming Nut
05-16-2002, 1:54 PM
I gotta wait until friday they have it instock since yesteryday but I can't get to the store until friday. pfffff 8 more monuths until i can start taking the tests to drive....  [Read More]
Slightly better but still dumb as a brick IMO yeah they still take the same path, use all the same units each time they attack never lay seige but charge head on into heavy defenses but since they build AA their alot better. :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
You really should 4 or 5 of them can get you nova at pace that can matian an airforce. And over time they build up huge resveres they also let you keep making planes, heavy weapons, and assualt mechs. While he has to use mech destroyers, troopers and...  [Read More]
Nothing new their they beat me like that once it NEVER happened again I leave them one casue winnign like that sucks but I take 90% of them....  [Read More]
Posted in: Preliminary Republic Strategy
 Gaming Nut
05-13-2002, 1:24 AM
Says quicker that usally mean faster not less cost Im assumings it build 50% faster since a clone is unlikely to cost less then sjut training a guy their edge is their full grown in a few monuths and are all in peek condtion and mindless if need be....  [Read More]
Posted in: Preliminary Republic Strategy
 Gaming Nut
05-12-2002, 11:49 PM
Where it say theitr cheaper it say they get them a hell of alot faster at tech 3 but nothing about chepaer units....  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-18-2002, 1:25 PM
You could have done the same thing wasier by using the trade fed adn heavy atrillry....  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-17-2002, 6:45 PM
I already said some guy might use them for the challnage. thou thats a silly reason IMO but to each his own. If the AA was out in the open and alone I gusse a few troopers and some monuties would be able take them out. has it ocuured to you that...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-17-2002, 7:22 AM
Like I said a civ should work as well in the hands of novice on another novie then in the hands of an expert on another expert and naboo don't IMO. So their weak you also must note that msot palyers never will get to the eilte level and and so Naboo...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-16-2002, 2:57 PM
I've siad this many times and will say it again it shoudln't take an expert player to win with a side. If it dose then that side is unbaclned and weak. It takes an expert to win with naboo you yourself admit that. That Right away is proof that it's t...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-16-2002, 2:37 PM
Sorry I must shot down you 10 bonuty vs 10 reapters you right the bonuty hunters woulds win with like 6 of them dead. But you totaly disconut cost even with 10% cheaper I could feild like 25 Repaters for the 10 bonuty hunters which will then quickly...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-16-2002, 1:50 PM
I like the empire best they look real cool to me atleast and they got good bouns all around. heh bonuty hunters they can just barely beat a reapter trooper who has no hit piont upgarde. But he cost 3 times as much. he also has less range and armor t...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-16-2002, 10:54 AM
tadre fed can atleast put up a fight on land after tech 3 unlike the Naboo Naboo are hands down the worst. Won't matter short of giving masters as much health as heros and a 20 attack which I can't see them doing. They will still die on mass as bon...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-15-2002, 4:02 PM
I’m not sure what game your playing but the gungans and trade fed has all the same upgrades and ships as the naboo. There a perfect match it comes down to the guy in command. And if you beat a gungan player easily with Naboo he was a NooB or just p...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-15-2002, 2:03 PM
Tarde fed and gungans match them on water maps. And they both get good upagrdes on the land too. Gungans mechs and troopers are among the best in the game. and trade fed has great mechs and heavy weapons. Now naboo lets see aside from planes that di...  [Read More]
Posted in: what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?
 Gaming Nut
05-12-2002, 12:12 AM
They will be uqinue in that their the only race that turly sucks :p . That acutlly not a total joke they never where that good rebels and empire both had jedi rearly as good and rebel had air that was basily if not totaly equal to naboo. And they bo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Padawan System?
 Gaming Nut
05-13-2002, 2:53 AM
I could teach anyone all the tricks of the tarde for hero fest, Fort bloob, and trooper battle then again all of those aren't really hard to grasp. thou it still never cesases amaze me the number of newbies running mounted troopers at reaptersd and a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Air they suck?
 Gaming Nut
05-10-2002, 4:10 PM
I already have a SW absed space RTS well alright it's a mod for homeworld but it looks as good as the orignal movie. You can even have your Star destroyers chase around blockcade runners thou they get away fairly quickly (if they live that is). Ah it...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is the A-Wing suspose to be used for?
 Gaming Nut
05-11-2002, 12:00 AM
We don't but it's clear that to compete it will need some kind of edge over other fighters, bombers, or cursiers. I personly think that rebels won't get the anti air refit but instead the A-Wing will get a huge bonus on air curisers. That or as above...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is the A-Wing suspose to be used for?
 Gaming Nut
05-10-2002, 9:31 AM
I'd like norgi or (how ever its spelled) commandos myself they could be melee units like rancors but as fast ewoks with more attack and hit pionts good armor too make their conuter jedi and strike mechs (claws lose to steel armor)....  [Read More]
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