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Jae Onasi

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Page: 64 of 98
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
12-01-2006, 1:57 PM
Makes for a great redneck window ( too :laugh6: :rofl: What I'd like to know is how someone took that picture and drove at the same time. :lol: There was one time I was driving and wished...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
12-01-2006, 11:50 AM
Urm... what is duct tape? It's that silver tape that gets used for everything. They say duct tape is like the Force--it has a light side and a dark side and it binds the universe together. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
11-29-2006, 8:11 PM
Oh, and there's another route to moderatorship, but it involves an administrator, several bottles of hard liquor, some twine and a parakeet. Just ask Jae or any of the other female moderators. Don...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
11-28-2006, 5:03 AM
ouch. that stinks, but i'm sure there's gonna be somebody out there that's gonna say something like, "But it will pay for itself over time..." :rolleyes: They say the same thing about mandatory home and car repairs that nail you right befor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
11-27-2006, 6:15 PM
^ :lol: You two are just sassy tonight....  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
11-27-2006, 1:09 PM
You'll have to forgive them, Alex--the boys get a little over-excited when a female joins the forum. :D Welcome!...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] 'Meditation'
 Jae Onasi
11-29-2006, 2:07 AM
We don't always get to hear Kreia's point of view in TSL fics--it'll be interesting to see what you have next. :)...  [Read More]
thanks Jae, thats very nice of you :) here, have some gul lokumu (rose flavoured Turkish Delights) also, check out this other .xml hack I came across elsewhere. It gets rid of the chatbox altoge...  [Read More]
yeah, Ive tried many different enter combos, none successful :( bizarre :p mtfbwya Wanna know the worst thing? I have no idea how I managed to turn it on in the first place, and it doesn't say squat about it in the instructions. :D Edit: Found this...  [Read More]
actually, I have a quick question which Im hoping someone can answer ! how the heck can you get rid of the chat box...mine is forever superimposed over the game dialogue box :( mtfbwya It's not immediately obvious, is it? Drove me crazy when it ha...  [Read More]
what the hell have you been selling him........or shouldnt I ask ;) Everything I didn't want (like a lot of the darksteel chain shirts and all those shortbows from the warehouse) including a few big items that I didn't think I'd be using so I could...  [Read More]
This is probably the quickest way to do it and it doesn't even involve opening the cumbersome toolset. (snipped much goodness) EDIT: Or the super-duper easy way - PM me your email addy and I'll send you the modded file. Hey, I might not be too chi...  [Read More]
Yes! This was a bit disappointing, and I was actually thinking it was a glitch !! This part of it is quite similar to KOTOR, but even though you *do* see teh changes in clothing and weapons...doesnt make it into headgear for NPCs....methinks this has...  [Read More]
Too bad, it's hard enough to lug around every decent item you found that might be useful for other party members you pick up later, tons of different essences and crafting components, a truckload of metal ingots, potions, scrolls etc with the few mag...  [Read More]
Kudos to Obsidian for trying to make evil options more subtle and less thuggish, but they lose points for consistency (damn near nice one second and bloodthirsty monster the next...and I'm referring to the dialog choices). Heh, good. I'm not a big f...  [Read More]
I'm only in the early parts of the game and I give it a big thumbs-up so far--I've actually died a couple times and had to go back to a previous save, but I honestly didn't really mind too much. There are a couple piddly little things that bug me (l...  [Read More]
But there are better ones, and it's hard enough to squeeze those into the party as it is when you only have 3 slots to choose from most of the time. :) Oh, Qara's got Elanee and him beat in the spell-casting department for sure, but it's fun to see...  [Read More]
oh Lordy NO! I hate anyone who talks too much, even if they are just pixels and soundfiles..... Im trying my best to avoid picking him in any party :p mtfbwya He's not a bad little party member--doesn't talk quite as much as in the beginning. :)...  [Read More]
I just met up with Grobnar (this is what happens when you have 2 people fight over the computer for play time. Slows you way down. :D). I about fell out of my chair laughing at the initial meeting. I'm going to have to load a save right before that t...  [Read More]
That may be one of the funniest things I've ever read :D :giggle1: Not so much with the ornery. To quote Dane Cook, he's a "silly, silly bitch". Almost foppish, as it were. You know, I have a good friend who'd fit that description admirabl...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 Jae Onasi
12-01-2006, 2:37 PM
Yes, I doubt the power of the computer, because it's people that program it. :D It can only be that way if you have 2 barab ores in that saber. I only do 2 types damage with either saber, either energy/physical or energy/heat, so I was going to spl...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 Jae Onasi
11-30-2006, 11:02 AM
I thought you were off the drug that caused that. Stress does it too. Gotta find $2500 to fix the garage roof and we don't have it atm. Sigh.... There were no mods with that character. Count it. ;P The _only_ way it could be over 12 is if it were a...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 Jae Onasi
11-28-2006, 11:55 PM
Weren't you up awfully late last night. ;P Try 'early'. Woke up at 3:15 am, wide awake. Insomnia--Ugh! That's what the game said. Don't question it! :D Someone better check your computer for mods, then. ;P You metnioned it was physical/attribute da...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 Jae Onasi
11-28-2006, 6:56 AM
Two of the lightsabers have barab ore. It's possible. Now for the combat... The 19 fire damage you listed was only for 1 saber. You broke down your attacks for each saber, you know. :D Which, actually, is good and we both should continue doing--the b...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 Jae Onasi
11-27-2006, 9:54 PM
It didn't look like it was included. If the computer calculated it, I'm sure it included the critical hit, but just keep in mind even if you roll a 19 or 20 initially, you still have to make another attack roll for the double damage. As the compute...  [Read More]
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