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Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 8:38 PM
Indeed, I like poking the penguin as well. *penguinsrule*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 8:19 PM
#80 And that is the best one ever. Smehe, I printed that one out and put it in the little clear window on my English folder, along with this picture:  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 8:12 PM
Wasn't that how Gloria looked like when she was younger (like Bonita?) Hmm...I dunno. o.O I think their faces are kind of shaped I'm going to have to look back at her memory vaults some time. Also, did you check out some of the ot...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 8:06 PM
Well I got it from Shinzuki's favorites. I love it because it's our inner beauty. We all have inner beauty to share. And because Bonita has a man's voice. Indeed. XD...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 8:05 PM
Sasha/Raz...>< *shudders*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 8:03 PM
Oh wow...I hadn't seen that picture of Bonita before. *squee* I love it! It...even made me do a fangirly squee. X_x 'Tis awesome. Thank you for sharing the link. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 7:59 PM
Ooh! Sasha vs. Smoky...too cool. ^_^ Also, I love that picture of Milla in Sasha's clothes, especially with the sunglasses on....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 7:49 PM
Well, generally adults who smoke ciggarettes have a constant habbit of smoking ciggarettes. Besides, Sasha exudes even more coolness with his cigarette in the game, though I'm not sure why. Ciggarette's don't make him cooler...he just makes them coo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 7:39 PM
Those pictures are excellent! ^__^ I like! I've seen most of them before, but not all of them. I especially love that picture of Sasha hanging upside-down in the tree. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanart
09-26-2005, 5:16 PM
Smon...I loved that video! ^_^ Also, even if my Psychonauts fanart is kind of crappy, would anyone want to see it? X_x I'm still thinking about whether I should post it or not....  [Read More]
Posted in: The coolest Psychonauts-related dream ever!
09-26-2005, 6:30 PM
I had a weird dream about killer bunnies once...that involved a gigantic courthouse/museum marble-filled building that was in the middle of downtown Nashville, as well as politicians, tricycles, the devil in the form of a little blonde-haired green-e...  [Read More]
Posted in: The coolest Psychonauts-related dream ever!
09-26-2005, 6:23 PM
You made out with Sasha in your dream? O_o Hmm...why don't I have any cool [or just weird] Psychonauts dreams?! ...Oh well. But that does sound like a really strange dream. I wouldn't want dream-Loboto hitting on me. X_x Though I wouldn't mind if d...  [Read More]
Posted in: The coolest Psychonauts-related dream ever!
09-26-2005, 5:58 PM
These dreams are as awesome as fanfiction! Well, almost. I really wish that I had crazy dreams about Psychonauts...instead of dreams about, and marching band. -_-' Thanks for sharing everyone. I especially loved "Together they form...  [Read More]
Posted in: Psychonauts Chill Board.
09-29-2005, 4:27 PM
I hate spelling the name of my state. -_-' Oh least I don't live in...that place. With all of the s's. And...not a lot is up. I'm just neglecting my homework. And talking on these boards. And that's about it. ^^' How about you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Psychonauts Chill Board.
09-29-2005, 4:18 PM
Can I be the band's groupie? I'll be the first groupie! Or I could play rock flute. Anyway, I read these boards a lot, though I don't post very often...>.> But name is Kelly, just so you know. And I love Psychonauts. <3 A lot. Aside from...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
08-29-2005, 9:54 PM
Oh...I like the fanart. ^^ I think your site is nifty. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
09-25-2005, 9:32 PM
Fanfiction! *clings* I love fanfiction. I love both TyraaRane's story [want more!] and shinzuku's "Missing Dance Partner"...two more lovely things I got to read in just one day. ^_^ I love the growing the number of Psychonauts fanfiction o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
09-19-2005, 8:32 PM
An awesome story about the awesome Vernon. *spasm* It's wonderful! ^_^...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
09-19-2005, 6:10 PM
Just stopping by to say...hooray for Psychonauts fanfiction! It helps keep me sane. :) I browse the forums whenever I have time and you people here have written some really awesome stuff. Wish I had more time to be online though...then I wouldn't mis...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
08-29-2005, 7:58 PM
It would be awesome if you finished them. ^^ Of course, you don't need to rush, or anything. And...I've always wanted to go to Japan...[okay, not always, just since I was like...8, or something] so I am very jealous. >< I hope you have fun. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
08-27-2005, 6:05 PM
I like that chapter too. ^^ Especially the last bit. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
08-29-2005, 7:58 PM
It would be awesome if you finished them. ^^ Of course, you don't need to rush, or anything. And...I've always wanted to go to Japan...[okay, not always, just since I was like...8, or something] so I am very jealous. >< I hope you have fun. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
08-27-2005, 6:05 PM
I like that chapter too. ^^ Especially the last bit. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
08-24-2005, 3:42 PM
Ooh...I really like your story so far. ^^...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sasha and Milla
09-28-2005, 4:18 PM
I remember talking to Janitor-Ford whilst 'looking' for Sasha's lab [because I felt like milking every bit of dailogue I could out of everyone in the game] and eventually Ford says: "Oh! You mean that German feller?" So I though..."A...  [Read More]
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