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My Psychonauts Website

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 Zetz Darke
08-29-2005, 7:48 PM
K, so i have a website now. It's a crappy free u can't reach it from the net, but I'm going to post the link here and from now on if you want to see updates on my fanfic or whatever just go there.

Thorny Towers Home For The Disturbed:
08-29-2005, 8:05 PM
Sweet. I'll be sure to visit often.
 Purple Squid
08-29-2005, 8:45 PM
That thing could cure cancer. =D
 Purple Squid
08-29-2005, 8:52 PM
Also your bio says you dislike overly nice people. Therefore, in order to be popular with you, I am filled with moderate contempt.
 Zetz Darke
08-29-2005, 9:30 PM
Also your bio says you dislike overly nice people. Therefore, in order to be popular with you, I am filled with moderate contempt.

Lol, I meant people who are SO nice that it's freaky. Like their smiling all the time...and your in a bad mood, and they keep smiling...and you kind of want to hit them nice people. I like the regular sort of nice people just fine.
08-29-2005, 9:54 PM
Oh...I like the fanart. ^^ I think your site is nifty. :)
 Zetz Darke
08-29-2005, 10:27 PM
Oh...I like the fanart. ^^ I think your site is nifty. :)

Thank you :)
 Purple Squid
08-30-2005, 5:36 PM
Lol, I meant people who are SO nice that it's freaky. Like their smiling all the time...and your in a bad mood, and they keep smiling...and you kind of want to hit them nice people. I like the regular sort of nice people just fine.
THAT won't stop ME from glaring at YOU with little to no CONTEMPT, you baby eating author, you!

I keed, I keed. Also I agree--the stuff is neato.
 Zetz Darke
08-30-2005, 5:48 PM
:) Thanx

Hehe...this is totally off topic...but I started this thread so...whatever...
I just saw a review for Psychonauts on X Play and it made me giddy. ( not giddy...but excited none the less.)
They had nothing but nice things to say about it and Tim Shaffer. They showed clips of it and some of his previous games and talked about how uniquelly wonderful he made his games and characters and all of that. *sigh*...that made my night.
 Purple Squid
08-30-2005, 6:04 PM
:) Thanx

Hehe...this is totally off topic...but I started this thread so...whatever...
I just saw a review for Psychonauts on X Play and it made me giddy. ( not giddy...but excited none the less.)
They had nothing but nice things to say about it and Tim Shaffer. They showed clips of it and some of his previous games and talked about how uniquelly wonderful he made his games and characters and all of that. *sigh*...that made my night.
Aw man... I missed it? They're so nice to him--talking about his great strides in creative gaming and such. Manny looked cool also. =D I think X-Play might be in love with Tim, assuming X-Play is female.
 Zetz Darke
08-31-2005, 4:32 PM
Aw man... I missed it? They're so nice to him--talking about his great strides in creative gaming and such. Manny looked cool also. =D I think X-Play might be in love with Tim, assuming X-Play is female.

Good, Tim needs the love.
 Purple Squid
08-31-2005, 5:19 PM
That would be weird. BUT. I digress. Do have any inkling as to when you might update next? No need to rush--I'm just wondering if I have time to read it. I'm moving soon. Nebraska>Georgia.
 Zetz Darke
08-31-2005, 7:23 PM
That would be weird. BUT. I digress. Do have any inkling as to when you might update next? No need to rush--I'm just wondering if I have time to read it. I'm moving soon. Nebraska>Georgia.

I can do it this weekend, no problem. I've been overloaded with homework because I've ben sick for the last couple of it's going to have to wait until at least Friday.
 Purple Squid
08-31-2005, 11:57 PM
Greatness! Thanks.
 Zetz Darke
09-01-2005, 5:39 PM
Greatness! Thanks.

Your welcome :)
 Zetz Darke
09-03-2005, 3:58 PM
Yay...i put a new picture in my fanart section!
I should have the next chapter to my fic up shortly too...I started it this morning and I'd say its about half done.
09-03-2005, 8:10 PM
Very nice pic! A little creepy though...
 Purple Squid
09-03-2005, 10:28 PM
Yay...i put a new picture in my fanart section!
I should have the next chapter to my fic up shortly too...I started it this morning and I'd say its about half done.
Schweetness. Blue ribbons.
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 12:21 AM
Very nice pic! A little creepy though...

Yea...that's what i was shooting for :)
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 11:16 AM
GOOD BEANS. You're going to be so popular. =D
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 12:09 PM
GOOD BEANS. You're going to be so popular. =D

Lol, your fic is right here:

Tell me if you want anything else on the description.
I'll be working on my fic for the next couple hours, but I'll check back here and change anything you want me to change.
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 12:12 PM
Also, to anyone else who has fics or art you wouldn't mind submitting, I would really appreciate it. My website is linked both from here and from The Psychonauts Fan
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 12:19 PM
Lol, your fic is right here:

Tell me if you want anything else on the description.
I'll be working on my fic for the next couple hours, but I'll check back here and change anything you want me to change.
Naw, the desription is cool. I just felt the need to write, since it seems to be very hard for a few people to... maybe we'll start some trend...

That is the first fic I've ever posted online. X__x
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 12:32 PM
Naw, the desription is cool. I just felt the need to write, since it seems to be very hard for a few people to... maybe we'll start some trend...

That is the first fic I've ever posted online. X__x

Well it's a great start.

Haha, totally off topic, but did you know that the name Rasputin (With an s) Means a disregard for rules and moral restraints? I found out when I was looking up names on the net to try to find Raz a last name. This guy Gregori Yefimovich (or soemthing like that) Rasputin popped up...who was like...this Russian Psychic healer guy.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 1:12 PM
I know... its crazy. And either ironic, or done on purpose. I can't tell.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 1:34 PM
And just so you know--the fic itself doesn't actually have a title. I hadn't thought about it until just a few seconds ago. The title you have for it is actually just something I called the journal. You don't have to change it, just letting you know.

...and I love your character Angus so much. =3
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 2:14 PM
And just so you know--the fic itself doesn't actually have a title. I hadn't thought about it until just a few seconds ago. The title you have for it is actually just something I called the journal. You don't have to change it, just letting you know.

...and I love your character Angus so much. =3

Hee hee, thanx. His name is kind of unfortunate's a cow >.<

Ah, I see, well would you like a diff title posted for it? It's REALLY easy to change.
09-04-2005, 2:46 PM
I know... its crazy. And either ironic, or done on purpose. I can't tell.

I'm pretty sure it was done on purpose--Rasputin's a rather infamous historical figure and a very uncommon name. That, and a lot of Tim's characters seem to have names with some significance behind them. My favorite's Oleander--an oleander is a type of flower that's very pretty, but highly poisonous. I mean, every single part of the plant is poisonous and even ingesting small amounts can cause sudden death.

Also, am I the only person who can't look at crullers at the donut shop without snickering?
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 3:05 PM
I'm pretty sure it was done on purpose--Rasputin's a rather infamous historical figure and a very uncommon name. That, and a lot of Tim's characters seem to have names with some significance behind them. My favorite's Oleander--an oleander is a type of flower that's very pretty, but highly poisonous. I mean, every single part of the plant is poisonous and even ingesting small amounts can cause sudden death.

Also, am I the only person who can't look at crullers at the donut shop without snickering? u aren't the only one...I'm going to think about it every time I see them now.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 3:28 PM
I'm pretty sure it was done on purpose--Rasputin's a rather infamous historical figure and a very uncommon name. That, and a lot of Tim's characters seem to have names with some significance behind them. My favorite's Oleander--an oleander is a type of flower that's very pretty, but highly poisonous. I mean, every single part of the plant is poisonous and even ingesting small amounts can cause sudden death.

Also, am I the only person who can't look at crullers at the donut shop without snickering?
I know I'm never eating them again. At least without crying... or laughing my butt off.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 3:29 PM
Hee hee, thanx. His name is kind of unfortunate's a cow >.<

Ah, I see, well would you like a diff title posted for it? It's REALLY easy to change.
Actually... the fic doesn't even have a title. Xl So I'm not sure what I want...
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 4:08 PM
Actually... the fic doesn't even have a title. Xl So I'm not sure what I want...

Well, if you think of one, tell me. Until then I'll leave it up the way it is.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 5:17 PM
Aw man. I'm no good with titles... can I have some help? Suggestions? Threaten me until I think of something! ANYTHINGVFDGVFSB
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 7:52 PM
Aw man. I'm no good with titles... can I have some help? Suggestions? Threaten me until I think of something! ANYTHINGVFDGVFSB

:rifle1: COME UP WITH SOMETHING DARN YOU!!!! :twogun:

That working for you?
Or are you into the more positive threats :stick:
09-04-2005, 8:05 PM
Very creepy Loboto there, all like "Ya know whats gonna happen, get in here ya little piggah!"
 Murray the Chao
09-04-2005, 8:45 PM
But he should only have ONE red eye.
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 8:53 PM
But he should only have ONE red eye.

Oh...bummer. I thought so...but I wasn't i just made them both red. What's the color of the other one so I can change it?
 Murray the Chao
09-04-2005, 9:05 PM

BTW, the painting made by Edgar Teglee has it backwards.
 Zetz Darke
09-04-2005, 9:17 PM

BTW, the painting made by Edgar Teglee has it backwards.

K, thanx. I'll change it the next chance I get.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 9:35 PM
:rifle1: COME UP WITH SOMETHING DARN YOU!!!! :twogun:

That working for you?
Or are you into the more positive threats :stick:

Not stuff that'll make me cry in public. Like you're doing now. Stop that. More like 'how about you help? I'll... not eat babies'. That would help. SUGGESTIONS NOW.
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 11:36 PM
Seriously, yo. GET A MOVE ON AND HELP ME. Don't make me hate you. Rawr.
 Murray the Chao
09-04-2005, 11:51 PM
Don't make me hurt YOU!
 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 11:54 PM
Great. I wet myself.


 Purple Squid
09-04-2005, 11:54 PM
So what would happen if I asked really nicely? Would I get help then? Maybe? Please?
 Zetz Darke
09-05-2005, 12:19 AM
Sorry, hehe...let's see...a title.

The Words Not Spoken

At A Loss For Words.

You Don't Need to Speak.

Words Lost In The Rainstorm.

Your Silence Says It All.

The Silence Between Us.

A Blissful Silence.

A Meaningful Silence.

They all suck I know, but you can build on them if you want.
 Purple Squid
09-05-2005, 1:36 AM
Sorry, hehe...let's see...a title.

The Words Not Spoken

At A Loss For Words.

You Don't Need to Speak.

Words Lost In The Rainstorm.

Your Silence Says It All.

The Silence Between Us.

A Blissful Silence.

A Meaningful Silence.

They all suck I know, but you can build on them if you want.

Those are freaking awesome. So much to choose from.. hmm.
I definately like 'A Blissful Silence'. That one fits, I think. So whatever money type things I get (millions, I'm sure) you'll get paid. I'm almost finished with the other fics I've written, so those will be up there soon. (I always write a few at the same time) Man. You're good with titles. A possible career?
 Zetz Darke
09-05-2005, 11:04 AM
Those are freaking awesome. So much to choose from.. hmm.
I definately like 'A Blissful Silence'. That one fits, I think. So whatever money type things I get (millions, I'm sure) you'll get paid. I'm almost finished with the other fics I've written, so those will be up there soon. (I always write a few at the same time) Man. You're good with titles. A possible career?

Lol...I don't think you can have a career figuring titles, but thanx ne ways. Mkay, I'll go change the title right now. Can't wait to read your other fics.
 Zetz Darke
09-05-2005, 12:10 PM
New fic in the fanfiction section, sent to me via email by a very talented writer. Go check it out!!!
 Purple Squid
09-05-2005, 2:15 PM
New fic in the fanfiction section, sent to me via email by a very talented writer. Go check it out!!!
Hurray! I will!

I KNOW that can't be a career. I was just... kidding...

EDIT: Holy Tylenol! That might have been one of the best things I've ever read.
 Purple Squid
09-05-2005, 2:47 PM
#50 what am I supposed to be when I grow up?...
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