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Zetz Darke

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Page: 23 of 24
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 7:22 PM
Heh. Yeah. I can see the pressure in that. Oh-can you tell me your account name? I'd like to read your stuff. Friendly reviews. Throwing Benjamins. URGING for PSYCHO-FICTION. It's Atrophy_Conception, but if you want to read only my Psychonaut stuff,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 6:16 PM
THE GAME HAS SO MUCH TO BUILD ON AND THE ENDING WAS BLOWN OPEN. Well...maybe if the section is added on...someone'll put stories there. That's what I'm hoping anyways. I've got another five freeking stories going right now for other things and one o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 6:09 PM
And it's sad because Psychonauts is a goldmine of fanfic material! It really is. Especially since there's a lot of stuff open for creativity, not too mention the way the game ended. Plus all of the characters are pretty interesting and have enough...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:40 PM
Tetris. ....huh. Sniff. I hate this. WAIT. HOW DO YOU WRITE SOLITAIRE FANFICTION? HOW??!! HJGFJHGF. You know I have absolutely no idea. I got bored one night and was searching through all of the sections and those two made me laugh. (Even wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:30 PM
I feel exactly the same way. I'll even read about characters I don't like very much. I just want some fanfiction for this game! Even Tetris and Solitare have fanfiction. (Although I seriously pity whoever wasted their time in writing it.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:25 PM
I keep Googling it. I think that's how I found this site. I had googled 'Milla Vodello' and got the Sasha and Milla board... I was compelled. A good site to check for fanart is Deviant Art. It's a little chaotic, but they do have it there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:23 PM
I normally don't do that because I'm AFRAID OF CRITIQUE. AGFDHGFN BHDGXNgh. Well if you do I can garantee you a super nice review...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:01 PM
I KNOW! I check constantly on to see if anyone has bothered to make the section. :cry6: I got tired of waiting and now I'm trying to do it myself. If you have any fanfic ideas WRITE THEM! Otherwise I'm going to be very lonely there all by my...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 4:07 PM
Thank you for your help. Yes, I have finished the game. But I only got to do it once and didn't catch much because of it. I'm trying to get it on, but I had to request a new sub category and I'm waiting for their response. Plus, I ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 1:48 PM
Ummm...I just have a quick question about some of the facts in this game. What do we know about Lili's family? I'm writing a fanfic and I want to have all of the facts before I start making stuff up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 7:22 PM
Heh. Yeah. I can see the pressure in that. Oh-can you tell me your account name? I'd like to read your stuff. Friendly reviews. Throwing Benjamins. URGING for PSYCHO-FICTION. It's Atrophy_Conception, but if you want to read only my Psychonaut stuff,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 6:16 PM
THE GAME HAS SO MUCH TO BUILD ON AND THE ENDING WAS BLOWN OPEN. Well...maybe if the section is added on...someone'll put stories there. That's what I'm hoping anyways. I've got another five freeking stories going right now for other things and one o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 6:09 PM
And it's sad because Psychonauts is a goldmine of fanfic material! It really is. Especially since there's a lot of stuff open for creativity, not too mention the way the game ended. Plus all of the characters are pretty interesting and have enough...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:40 PM
Tetris. ....huh. Sniff. I hate this. WAIT. HOW DO YOU WRITE SOLITAIRE FANFICTION? HOW??!! HJGFJHGF. You know I have absolutely no idea. I got bored one night and was searching through all of the sections and those two made me laugh. (Even wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:30 PM
I feel exactly the same way. I'll even read about characters I don't like very much. I just want some fanfiction for this game! Even Tetris and Solitare have fanfiction. (Although I seriously pity whoever wasted their time in writing it.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:25 PM
I keep Googling it. I think that's how I found this site. I had googled 'Milla Vodello' and got the Sasha and Milla board... I was compelled. A good site to check for fanart is Deviant Art. It's a little chaotic, but they do have it there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:23 PM
I normally don't do that because I'm AFRAID OF CRITIQUE. AGFDHGFN BHDGXNgh. Well if you do I can garantee you a super nice review...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 5:01 PM
I KNOW! I check constantly on to see if anyone has bothered to make the section. :cry6: I got tired of waiting and now I'm trying to do it myself. If you have any fanfic ideas WRITE THEM! Otherwise I'm going to be very lonely there all by my...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 4:07 PM
Thank you for your help. Yes, I have finished the game. But I only got to do it once and didn't catch much because of it. I'm trying to get it on, but I had to request a new sub category and I'm waiting for their response. Plus, I ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
08-20-2005, 1:48 PM
Ummm...I just have a quick question about some of the facts in this game. What do we know about Lili's family? I'm writing a fanfic and I want to have all of the facts before I start making stuff up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hardest Boss?
 Zetz Darke
08-19-2005, 6:15 PM
I think it's a tie between the Den Mother and Jasper. It took me a while to get my aim right with TK when she turns out the lights on you--I think I ended up restarting that boss battle about five times. Had the same problem with Jasper, but that was...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hardest Boss?
 Zetz Darke
08-19-2005, 1:52 PM
I agree with Smon, I disliked the Lungfish battle the most, but not because of the battle itself...the water took a lot of time to get the hang of, although I think the battle with the tank took me longer... I found the last battles of the game very...  [Read More]
Posted in: Glitches?
 Zetz Darke
08-19-2005, 6:29 PM
I have the PS2 version and I just beat the game with minimal glitches. I found it to be a great game. I'm willing to overlook a few minor glitches for the chance to play it. I would never be able to afford an Xbox or better PC on my current income, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Glitches?
 Zetz Darke
08-17-2005, 2:48 PM
Unfortunately i'm gonna have to stick to the Ps2 version...unless I want to wait a year or two to even own the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: psychosayings(laughs ahead)
 Zetz Darke
08-19-2005, 2:10 PM
In the beginning of the game: Milla: Why it's just a little boy. What's your name, darling? Coach Oleander: I'll find out! (Struggles for a moment to get into Raz's mind, then gives up. Raz falls to the stage.) Raz: My name... Coach O: Starts with a...  [Read More]
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