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Zetz Darke

Latest Posts

Page: 12 of 24
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 11:13 AM
Aren't we all just falling? Down, falling into an abyss... All of us squares, all of us... angular. NO ONE can express their individuality. No speaking. None. God's Gameboy is our home, and we are always crammed together. And in the end, just when yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 11:07 AM
Did you read my Tetris fanfiction? Its up there, on this thread, somewhere... That's how they come up with it. They improvise. They need lives. Ok, hold on, I'm gonna go read it....  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 10:54 AM
Does this signature make me look fat? D: Grotesqely fat. (I know I spelled that wrong.) Sorry. no snickers bar. (You can all club me in the head for that joke.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 10:52 AM
Seriously, it would make probably make a really trippy story. You could totally pack it with metaphors and comparisons to teen life, or something. I'm sure some psychoanalytically inclined author would have a field day doing it up. A little late but...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-16-2005, 10:13 PM
K, it's alright. Still no section. Although I bet they'll have one in by the time the movie comes out 9.9 Even tho they've neglected Psychonauts for this long!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-16-2005, 10:10 PM
The Corpse Bride. I'm actually a little scared of what is going to happen when the movie comes out. I already saw some NC-17 pictures of the Corpse Bride three weeks ago. People, keep your hormones under control until the picture is at least out. Th...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-16-2005, 7:49 PM
Oooh, yeah. When I was younger and the movie first came out, I didn't have a favorite character or anything. In fact, I didn't really care about the movie. Now that I'm cool, older, dignified, mature, and awesome, I LOVE the character designs. Especi...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-14-2005, 9:41 PM
...but Disney seriously needs to cut the cheap sequels. But since they're OBVIOUSLY not making anymore more hand drawn flims, we won't have to worry about that. They're stopping after Cinderella THREE. Walt Disney is crying in his ice block. D: Am...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-14-2005, 6:59 PM
I think so, I only read WPotG and the Raft before getting bored an picking up the Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Is that a good book?...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Psychonauts Website
 Zetz Darke
09-14-2005, 5:59 PM
I read it in school a few days ago, it was part of Skeleton Crew, I don't read his works much but I really enjoyed it, especially Word Processor of the Gods. Ah, Skeleton Crew...of course...OOh Words Processor of the Gods is awsome. I also like the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 10:04 AM
K, I'm leaving. I read ur KH fic, Klia. It's good, I like it. Off to color Sasha!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:48 AM
Of course not. I see you noticed the random name thrown in there. I love you! Only you, and nothing more. Maybe a tie between chocolate. I'm going to edit that so people don't think I'm an e-slut. It better be funny. I'm going to watch it! YOU LIE...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:47 AM
I was just talknig about Discworld with my dad! Don't delete! I want to read! I WANT TO LEEEEEARN!'s a fantastic book series...but I've never been good with writing fics on books. (Unlike those Potter heads who are clogging much of the book...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:41 AM
I'm wary of the sequel. They said it was going to be darker but that's what I loved about the first game. It was light, dark, comedic, and deep. Once you tip the scale it's done for. Aww..just one little link Darke? I'm on a TNBC rush right now. An...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:39 AM
My link is: But there's only one KH fic in there. It's sort of a crossover with FF7 (The real ff7...not the one reprosented in the game) I feel bad for not having updated in a while. Everything else there is Night...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:35 AM
Heh, I love KH, but not enough for fanfiction. Anyway, I could just go to Disney fiction and read it. Well, I need to write these stories. NOW. I just can't get my hand to do anything but draw, even though I have a lot of cool ideas. I think that's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:22 AM
Yay Darke is back! I like thinking about things. I try to write a fanfiction and I have gotten pretty far but nothing holds my interest for long. The only way I can do it is if I write all day without stopping for food or drink. That was how I destr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:04 AM
And, with the blessings of the lovely Zets Darke, the humble Squid strode off on a dark horse and thus, with a mighty pen, wrote a fanfic. Lol, looking forward to reading it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:04 AM
Wow, Klia. U post like SUPER long posts that make my vision double just looking at them. O_O Hehe u should write a fic Ne ways, Someone DEFINATELY needs to write another feels like we have all suddenly gotten unforgivably lazy and aside fr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 8:57 AM
Dude, I wrote the first Sasha/Milla fic. I'm so proud. I REALLY want to write a Boyd fic, and I've started one... I'm thinking Gloria would be fun too. Boyd would be totally interesting. U should do that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-16-2005, 8:16 PM
Weee for craziness then ^^ At least this thread is staying alive HAHA!!! How many pages does it have now? I started it and I can barely remember what it was originally about....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-16-2005, 5:46 PM
Wow O.O This thread is getting CRAZY....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfiction
 Zetz Darke
09-14-2005, 7:46 PM
Honestly, I don't think he's dead. If he is dead, however, that was a pretty open ended way to go. Falling off a tower into the dark? Silly, if you ask me. Crispin? Fred doesn't seem like the killing type, sooo... Maybe he just acts like that to hid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sasha and Milla
 Zetz Darke
09-14-2005, 8:49 PM
NOOOOO. NOT THERE. NOOOOOO. Does the format matter? Psych-fiction is fantastic no matter how ugly the format is, foo! I knew you were a girl, homie. I saw your picta' on your bio. (vurry pretty. Love your eyes.) Hehe, thanx. Yea, I know it doesn'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sasha and Milla
 Zetz Darke
09-14-2005, 5:08 PM
I've uploaded my story at fanart central instead. Tnx to Zetz Darke for his advice! here's the link and chapter 2 is coming soon.(I hope...) *Blush* I'm uh...I'm female. Sigh...ah w...  [Read More]
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