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Glycerine Queen

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Posted in: Permanently Ignited Saber (ooh, naughty)
 Glycerine Queen
02-18-2005, 12:39 PM
I am. Is that the problem? If it is, that's too bad, since it's by far the sexiest saber color in the game. Is it meant to be permanently ignited, or is it just a bug with the cyan crystal?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Permanently Ignited Saber (ooh, naughty)
 Glycerine Queen
02-17-2005, 10:55 PM
Ok, I know this problem is relatively cosmetic compared to all the driver issues, crashes, etc. that people are having, but this little bug is driving me absolutely mad: The Permanently Ignited Saber Glitch. My poor Jedi is running around barely a...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Exile's Item Pack now up at my site.
 Glycerine Queen
02-19-2005, 6:59 AM
Wonderful mod, Redhawke, makes my second playthrough much less tedious and more immersive (don't have to use the ridiculously annoying invisible console to get decent items). I'd love to have similarly named items for my crew, as well. I always wonde...  [Read More]
tk102, I wanted to thank you for such a comprehensive, versatile, and fun editor. In the spirit of improvement, I wanted to point out a slight adjustment to the alignment bug people were noticing before. Every time I adjust any attribute/skills/feat...  [Read More]
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