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Posted in: Content Mod(s) for TSL?
08-26-2005, 6:03 AM
Thanks, ChAiNz.2da...  [Read More]
Posted in: Content Mod(s) for TSL?
08-26-2005, 6:02 AM
I'm insulted that you think I didn't use Google. Or look at Would I waste your time with something that I could that easily do myself?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Content Mod(s) for TSL?
08-25-2005, 9:17 AM
Where can I find mods that add content (storylines, especially) to TSL or attempt to restore missing content? Particularly complete mods. Or are there any such things?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Fuel Quest Bug Help
03-13-2005, 9:41 PM
So...does anyone want to take on the project of making this into a more-complete "fix the broken quest" mod?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Fuel Quest Bug Help
03-13-2005, 8:15 AM
Okay...When I modded it with KotORTool I apparently mucked up the header info -- thus Vogga being silent. Tried with a GFFeditor this time. Works as advertised. Now to find the variable....  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Fuel Quest Bug Help
03-13-2005, 5:59 AM
It moves into the "Completed" list but the quest is never resolved and Telos is always running short of fuel at the end of the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Fuel Quest Bug Help
03-13-2005, 5:00 AM
I had it confirmed for me the other day that the fuel quest is indeed bugged. Something about the conversation with Vogga mis-sets a variable (to 5 instead of 4) so that the quest can never be finished. Now, fixing it should be a fairly simple mod....  [Read More]
Posted in:  Manaan Selkath Door Relief Mod
09-12-2004, 12:18 PM
oddly, I have never been bothered by Selkath or their voices. Now, Twi'leks on the other hand.... "Stop babbling or I'll shoot you, dammit. I KNOW you can speak Basic." Non-skippable dialogs annoy the hell out of me, though. That and slo...  [Read More]
Posted in: When does a script get executed ?
08-26-2004, 8:04 AM
Hey, I think I can actually help out here. :) I did something pretty similar for my first mod, putting my Godslayer of Hitpoints and my Invulnerability Suit in Revan's footlocker on the Endar Spire. What I did was to modify Trask's opening dialog t...  [Read More]
Posted in: UFPOB mod
08-22-2004, 6:42 PM
I can't say I mind the idea of hauling off and killing all the NPCs in a scene (great way to work off stress in Fallout 2, for example,) but I'd like to be able to do it with my lightsaber. Is that too much to ask? I'd also want the other NPCs to re...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-22-2004, 5:45 PM
You know you just said you hoped the guy dead? :rolleyes: :p :D Yes, but then I would become more powerful than you can imagine which could only help my modding skills. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-21-2004, 10:06 PM
Ha! Done! Okay, so that was stupidly simple and easy, but I found out some really useful stuff that will help me in later mods. In case you want to see what I've been wasting time on, here's My first mod ( (wooho...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-21-2004, 7:12 PM
Oh, no worries there. I'm a strong believer in the benefits of open-source, and my mods (if/when I get around to releasing any) will include full source code for scripts and maybe an explanation of how I did everything else.... ...not that I'm there...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-21-2004, 7:19 AM
I looked around to see what I could figure out and I remain baffled. Something, somewhere is going wrong. Either the dialog isn't triggering the script properly or the script isn't doing what it's supposed to. Either Way -- no Godslayer of Hitpoint...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-21-2004, 4:37 AM
Hey, thanks. See? I knew it was a stupid question....  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-21-2004, 12:13 AM
speaking of items and the gffeditor, now that I've created the Godslayer of Hitpoints, how do I go about putting it in Revan's footlocker on the Endar Spire? Real basic n00b stuff here, I know, but my pathetic attempts at searching the forums yielde...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was just looking at getting into KoToR modding.
08-20-2004, 10:11 PM
Based on your message it sounds as though you have a lot of experience modding. I have no doubt that your learning curve in this forum shall be small. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can produce (especially those side quests :D) Thanks, Achi...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Darth333 Welcome to the forums:) You could also read the Guide for the Newbie to get some tools. And just ot infrom you that some of your mod ideas have already been taken: :D You'll soon notice that lots of stuff is still har...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Achilles Welcome to the forum :) Wow, that's quite a list that you have there. Most of the ideas that you've listed are big ones. You'll be happy to note that we pretty much have #3 taken care of...well kinda. We have a "s...  [Read More]
So, yes, I'm a complete n00b. Worse, I have no artistic talent to speak of. The problem is that looking through a forum like this to find out what I need to know is a very time-consuming excersise. So, here's my first question: What can we (as a co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Like bastilla?
08-20-2004, 8:13 AM
While the mod you pointed to does certainly eliminate some stuffy conventions (like story-progression checks and the like...) According to the readme... " ~ No, this is not the mod that allows same sex romance" Which makes me wonder -- is...  [Read More]
Posted in: Like bastilla?
08-20-2004, 6:44 AM
You know, I'm not sure why noone seems to have thought of Bastilla as a love interest for a female Revan. I mean, just because it's a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away doesn't mean we have to be all stodgy and conservative. :D...  [Read More]
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