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Page: 60 of 89
Posted in: Gothic III!
10-22-2006, 4:40 AM
Yes, I've heard of Gothic 3. It sounds promising. I'd take the plunge, but my conscience would itch if I didn't play the older versions. Is G3 connected to G2? In that case, I'll play G1 and G2 first. G3's system specs go over my head anyways. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can anyone please help? (TSL patcher)
10-21-2006, 11:09 PM
Your autopatcher should be there in the KotOR entry in your Start Menu. It will say "Update Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords" If not, go check the folder where you installed KotOR. The patcher should be in there. If it isn't,...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Illustrated Fic] A Stirring in the Blood
10-17-2006, 6:42 AM
Wow! We finally have CEC's first Illustrated Fanfiction! :D Thats great work on the Hawk, and the story looks promising! Tho I'll agree with ol' Pottsie that you're a better artist. (or maybe thats because the rest of us suck at holding a pencil in...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Star Wars: CSI: Coruscant Episode 1
10-14-2006, 5:20 AM
Ah, an interesting innovation in this forum! I'll take a look now and then, Nihilus! And believe me, that coming from me is big compliment! (You can ask the others) And uh, yeah, the Epilogue part is a little embarrassing, cause it is usually at the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-14-2006, 5:33 AM
Why is God universally referred to as He? Wouldn't the presence of a gender indicate there is more than one being of God's species? If there was only one, what purpose would a gender serve? (Interestingly, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-11-2006, 4:45 AM
I'm agnostic and I follow my own religion. In my view, no person has a right to take another's life. Its not like you created that person, or that you forced him to live, that you are taking his life. Even if he killed someone, he should be forgiven,...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Art] Revelation (Pencil)
10-10-2006, 12:54 AM
My, that is excellent! I like it! But I like the first one more. This one looks a little jumbled, sort of. Whatever, its great! What're you workin on next?...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Art) Bastila's Torment (Pencil drawing)
10-06-2006, 1:33 AM
OMFG. That is so cool... O_O Torthane, you're my hero....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-16-2006, 6:31 AM
Jarros Czerka was not in a good mood. He sat alone in his plush board room. The long, irregular hexagonal table lay before him, all of its displays and holo-messages disabled. Jarros’ head was in his hands. He had messed up at this board meeting. J...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-11-2006, 4:28 AM
“Profanity is the crutch of a conversational cripple.” —Jay Alexander We want to keep things family friendly so that the younger folks here don't get excluded. There's not many times where an expletive is better than another choice. :) --Jae I...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-10-2006, 3:14 AM
LOL, I've never played GTA, ironically. I would have even inserted swear words, to be honest, if it weren't for the whole PG-13 thing our mods have... “Profanity is the crutch of a conversational cripple.” —Jay Alexander We want to keep thing...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-10-2006, 2:45 AM
Ancete woke up because of the sharp ringing of his personal communicator. He sat up on his bed and groaned. He had a blunt headache, but his body felt as good as new. His hands were augmented with various metal gadgets, all streamlined so as to not l...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-09-2006, 12:54 AM
Yeah me too. Keep the good work up Sabre. Just out of curiosity, how many parts are there? There are four parts to the story. The first which depicts Ancete's life before the War. The second depicts Revan's life before the Jedi Civil War. The third...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-06-2006, 2:29 AM
“Rise and shine, Ancete!” a familiar voice called out. Ancete opened his eyes and found himself in a medical room. He was strapped to a bed and was covered with all sorts of medical and surgical machinery. He tried to move, but was locked down f...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-04-2006, 6:12 AM
Ancete's a real maniac. Oh, believe me, he's sober right now. Wait till he gets angry. ;) For anyone needing reference, he looks something like this: Saesee Tiin ( Except his head and body...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-03-2006, 12:21 PM
Thanks for the feedback! Since my 10th Standard Exams are going to be here this year, you may expect postings to be a little later (but aren't they always? :D). I'll try to write as fast as possible, though. @Potts: JK-DQ was an absolutely random fa...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-03-2006, 5:32 AM
Wow, I take out two minutes to sort out my Word problems and post the prologue and everybody's on! Talk about early feedback!...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-03-2006, 5:26 AM
“Warehouse 15N” the Rodian whispered and held out his hand. He was trembling and was frequently glancing behind his back. The person opposite to him was a rather imposing figure. He was a seven-foot tall humanoid alien. He had blood-red eyes, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-03-2006, 5:14 AM
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
10-03-2006, 5:11 AM
Finally I've managed to sort out all the complexities and intricacies of this saga and chalked out most of it. Admiral Ancete is a prequel to Knights of the Old Republic and is my first fic to go way back there. The story involves numerous characters...  [Read More]
Posted in: O/T but information.. My time has come to an end.
10-21-2006, 5:21 AM
Ah, all good things must come to an end! Goodbye, DMUK and Godspeed! We shalt thoroughly miss thee!...  [Read More]
ROFL!! I love the concept of this "Badfic"! The spelling errors are half the humour!...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC-SW]Brothers United: The Beginning
10-09-2006, 1:04 AM
Wow, I love this fic! Its very original and takes a different look at things - away from all the fancy stuff and into the more unknown. Its well-written, especially the way you have orchestrated the battle scenes with convos. I like the battle scene...  [Read More]
Posted in: So lost at swoop racing!
10-21-2006, 3:55 AM
However, I tried asking my husband about swoop racing (who played the game 4 years ago) Wow, your husband must be impressive. He played the game before it even released! :xp: I suck at swoop racing, too. Eventually I just gave it up. Whats been bug...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Shortie][AU] There is no emotion...
10-07-2006, 10:32 AM
I must say I'm very disappointed, RC. When I saw the [AU] tag in the title, I thought that my dream of seeing Star Wars done with Australian accents and slang had come true. :xp: *SLAP* This was a good fic, RC, I didn't know people are trying AU fi...  [Read More]
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