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Posted in: Holowan Cloakworks 2
07-25-2005, 1:12 AM
Holowan Cloakworks 2 ( (For KotOR2:TSL ONLY) For KotOR version, go here ( *** Version 1.1: Whittled the list down to existing models, indi...  [Read More]
Posted in: [DVD] Luke Skywalker with a mustache?
10-06-2004, 9:16 AM
Maybe I'm hallucinating, but in RoTJ when Luke jumps off of Jabba's sail barge (just before it blows up), there's a close-up of him and I swear I see some fuzz on his upper lip... Am I mad? Andargor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan CloakWorks
01-17-2004, 5:45 PM
Holowan CloakWorks for KotOR For TSL version, go here ( Applies any disguise in the game by equipping an armband. Instructions: Dump all file...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone have a GFF XML or ascii import/export tool?
01-09-2004, 12:30 AM
I've tried using asc2itp and itp2asc, and in general they seem to work fine, except with CExoLocStrings. I have the sources and could probably hack something together, but does anyone have this kind of tool handy? I'm looking for something I can ru...  [Read More]
Adventuring and lacking that one piece of gear? Never fear, Holowan is here. With the Holowan Extradimensional Emporium Mark I (HE2 Mk I for short), you will have instantaneous access to any and all items available in KotOR! As well, the virtual sh...  [Read More]
Posted in: OpenStore buggy?
01-07-2004, 12:46 PM
I'm trying to find a user-friendly way of choosing models and emotes for characters, and I was thinking of using the Aurora "store" functionality (the shopping interface, which I would dub "Andargor's Extradimensional Emporium" :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Shield to activate skin change?
01-06-2004, 3:28 AM
Well, I was toying with shields to see if it can change the model. So the player would only have to "equip" the proper "shield". Well, I've got something that works, and generating a shield for every model is fairly simple. You...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some screenshots
01-05-2004, 1:55 PM
I've made a set of screenshots, some normal, some using scripts based on information here. I just thought I should share them, as some are wallpaper-worthy, like a sunbathing Bastila :) They are all on The pictures using sc...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to get an item activated-script to fire?
01-04-2004, 8:31 PM
Ok, I'm trying to get k_ptar_sitharmor to provide another disguise, such as Revan. I successfully tested applying the disguise using p_pend_door01.nss and the code I found here. I compile k_ptar_sitharmor.nss to *.ncs and put it in the Override fol...  [Read More]
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