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Druid Allanon

Latest Posts

Page: 4 of 6
Posted in: Killtracker...
 Druid Allanon
03-06-2004, 8:25 AM
Crow, you use a killtracker then? ;) I don't use killtrackers. Far from it, I hate it alot. It clogs up my screens when I'm trying to kill someone. Also, the messages from killtrackers can be very insulting. 'Haha, I owned j00 noob, ur the 2234323 s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Slap Your Headphones On and Listen to This!
 Druid Allanon
03-06-2004, 6:30 AM
BeachRain.mp3's nice and relaxing. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Slap Your Headphones On and Listen to This!
 Druid Allanon
03-05-2004, 11:38 AM
Lol, awesome? I found it irritating... sounded like a human helicopter. :/...  [Read More]
No use about Raven giving what people wanted. When it was heard that staff and dual sabers would be avaliable in JK3, it was awaited with much anticipation. But nowadays, people are complaining about them, saying they're not 'balanced'. They even ter...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dawn of the Dead: Blackout
 Druid Allanon
03-06-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by DarkLord60 I suck at games your rushed in. Same. I died after killing 3 zombies. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Pain...
 Druid Allanon
03-05-2004, 3:27 AM
I never had braces... never wanted to. I'm ugly enough, I don't want braces to make me uglier!...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was there in 1977 man !....??
 Druid Allanon
03-05-2004, 3:33 AM
I've watched Episode 1, but I didn't really pay attention to it. It's only after I've watched Episode 2, then my love for Star Wars began. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tweety bird's girlfriend
 Druid Allanon
03-05-2004, 3:29 AM
William Hung sings better. SHE BANGS all the way!...  [Read More]
Nothing. It's merely a challenge for people who likes playing SP....  [Read More]
Posted in: Oops I got your Name Wrong Game!
 Druid Allanon
03-03-2004, 8:33 AM
Hi, sicko. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: This sucks
 Druid Allanon
03-07-2004, 7:42 AM
That sucks indeed. 18 years old and you MIGHT have Parkinson's disease. Good luck, and may the Force be with you, man. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Floor = Partner
 Druid Allanon
03-05-2004, 3:38 AM
Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest Hehe, when my PE teacher tells us to do 20 sit-ups, i do less than 10 :evil2: Weakling! I can do up to 40! Bwahwahwa, and it's the standard one....  [Read More]
Posted in: Holy Crap, I wish I was that rich?
 Druid Allanon
03-02-2004, 7:09 AM
Bah... I honestly don't care about being rich. Money can't buy you everything... the only thing I want now concerning money is to buy a new handphone with camera and video recorder though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Not this again...
 Druid Allanon
03-02-2004, 7:04 AM
That article is absolute rubbish. It has been shown that people who play video games become more aware of their surroundings, and more intelligent. Perhaps when you play more video games, your grades will fall. However, I've seen many people who are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tales from the l33t
 Druid Allanon
03-02-2004, 7:06 AM
Here's an article about a guy who talked in 1337 speech and scared away a robber. Enjoy :D  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you ever get bored of JA
 Druid Allanon
03-05-2004, 4:23 AM
i post in the official Jedi Academy forum cause i want to talk about Jedi Academy and video games You post for everybody, you want to talk about Jedi Academy. That doesn't seem the case. All you did was flame everyone and called us noobs. that turn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you ever get bored of JA
 Druid Allanon
03-04-2004, 5:53 AM
Originally posted by A Jedi I can fight in real life, i have a life and i dont take this too seriously, i only try to do good whatever i am doing, either i am playing a computer game, or playing soccer or beating the crap out of you, ****ing dwarf....  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you ever get bored of JA
 Druid Allanon
03-03-2004, 9:29 AM
Originally posted by A Jedi You are all not having fun because you all suck, because you are the noobs that get pwned too much, get frustrated and leave to play other games. The only video game i play is JA (well and Day of Defeat sometimes) and th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you ever get bored of JA
 Druid Allanon
03-01-2004, 8:11 AM
Originally posted by Pnut_Master LMAO, all the way :D No better way to gain enjoyment than to seize it from the sufferings of others. Evil, but it works for me ;) Yeah, who said whiners killed the game? They made it more enjoyable! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anger against RPGers, but where are they?
 Druid Allanon
03-04-2004, 5:58 AM
Originally posted by Cosmos Jack Oh really? Well you're not looking hard enough. Why don't you make your own server and call it "RPGers Only." It will do allot for the gaming community by calling them out of regular servers "the few...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anger against RPGers, but where are they?
 Druid Allanon
03-02-2004, 7:56 AM
Originally posted by AIVAS 3 Words: IP Banning :D If an admin was there, they would have banned me already, instead of taking the trouble to call a kick vote....  [Read More]
Posted in: Anger against RPGers, but where are they?
 Druid Allanon
03-01-2004, 8:09 AM
Originally posted by AIVAS Druid allanon, I've seen honourz, they are nothing like RPG, so please, be quiet until you find some RPGers. Kurgan, I agree, but what I'm looking for, is not honourz, I'm looking for servers where people actually ROLEPLA...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anger against RPGers, but where are they?
 Druid Allanon
02-29-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by AIVAS I'll admit it, I'm not an honourz nub, but I AM a roleplayer, I hear all kinds of angry stuff against roleplayers, but I haven't even FOUND any roleplayers other than myself. So are people confusing RPG with Honourz? or i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Funny thing
 Druid Allanon
03-01-2004, 7:13 AM
LOL! Good one. That guy should've done more to shut her mouth up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Routine????
 Druid Allanon
03-01-2004, 7:15 AM
Well, I'm here on LF mainly to increase my posts and show 'em off afterwards. :D Here's my routine: 1) School 2) Doing homework/Revision 3) JKA(Might go to LF if I'm too laggy) 4) TV 5) Revision again 6) JKA again 7) Sleep ;)...  [Read More]
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