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Posted in: Give the Zune some love...
01-18-2008, 5:39 PM
Well, I'm back again after another one of my hiatuses...sorry... :( So at Christmas I got one of those may have heard of it...Zunes? Yea, that's it (btw, I'm totally being sarcastic). Well, I started this thread merely as a question f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Day of the tentacle saving
01-18-2008, 6:09 PM
okay, honestly, I had this "problem" on my old windows 95 computer...I was able to bypass it by pressing SPACE (or any other key I think)...and the game worked fine...did you try that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Religion, Science, and the unknown
08-19-2007, 8:20 PM
Religion gets my vote. That's just the way I am....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vista - Gamer heaven or gamer hell?
08-19-2007, 7:43 PM
I honestly am waiting for SP1 just b/c that's what I did w/ XP (maybe even SP2), so I'm not gonna worry bout it for the time being...but no matter what...I was able to get Grim Fandango working on XP, so I'll be dual booting my comp w/ XP and Vista w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vista - Gamer heaven or gamer hell?
08-19-2007, 4:11 PM
lol..I'm just waiting for the flame war to start. Honestly, Vista is no better or worse than XP for gaming. People just can be stupid that they don't try several things before deciding "Vista Sucks for Gaming!" Okay, so who's the Mac user w...  [Read More]
Posted in: WTF Lucasfilm?
08-19-2007, 8:07 PM
Yea, it was a good conversation. It's actually nice to have a convo once in a while that is actually meaningful on LF...don't get me wrong...I have a blast with random banter, but having an actual conversation is like taking a break. So, thank you fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: WTF Lucasfilm?
08-19-2007, 7:10 PM
Well, I'm mad Lucasfilm won (that's the only time you'll ever hear that from me)...I'm a die-hard Lucasfilm fan, but it's a shame they go after one of their own previous partners for it. Oh well, it appears that SDS is still up and running anyway, so...  [Read More]
Posted in: WTF Lucasfilm?
08-19-2007, 6:40 PM
But when does it become Lucasfilm's design? I mean, we're talking about the design that the company themselves made. Wouldn't that mean that any alterations made to the design would make it a completely different product itself anyway?...  [Read More]
Posted in: WTF Lucasfilm?
08-19-2007, 2:38 PM
Well, I completely agree w/ the legal side of it...but to completely screw over a legendary company just to make a quick buck is what p*sses me off...I'm sorry, but no matter how much I love Lucasfilm, I cannot condone what they are doing w/ SDS....  [Read More]
Posted in: WTF Lucasfilm?
08-18-2007, 1:27 PM
Okay, before you read this...understand that I know that this is relatively old news, but I just wanted to point it out... I just heard about this by reading wikipedia. Shepperton Design Studios (SDS) makes the Stormtrooper (as well as many other) h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Q & A
08-18-2007, 2:40 PM
A: No, that's just me breathing down your neck. Q: Am I as beautiful as everyone says I am?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Q & A
08-17-2007, 6:30 PM
A: Kotor 1 by far Q: Why do we play forum games?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rudy Giuliani on Immigration
08-16-2007, 12:23 AM
^Ron Paul spammer maybe? Like I'll always say...Ron Paul: Internet Favorite, General Public Unknown and Unwanted....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vader went glowy
08-16-2007, 12:19 AM
It wasn't really a choice I don't think. The same way Qui-Gon learned how to do it probably. It was just something that happened I assume, and Luke was able to see him....  [Read More]
While I am a diehard Microsoft/Windows user, I do recommend the Macbook Pro if you have the cash. That way, you can use "Bootcamp" to dual boot your Mac w/ either XP, Vista, or whatever OS you want. It really depends on how much you are wil...  [Read More]
Posted in: Windows XP
08-16-2007, 6:44 PM
Yea...well thanks again guys, you answered my question, so good Karma for you....  [Read More]
Posted in: Windows XP
08-16-2007, 2:52 PM
Am I allowed to have it on 2 PC's at the same time, or do I have to buy another license for that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: AMD: Spider, Puma and Imageon !
09-04-2007, 10:17 PM
Well, I think you die-hard AMD fans will be happy to know that for my next computer, I will be switching away from Intel for a while purely because the speed that I can get with AMD is greater for a lower price. The technology may be older, but I'd m...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Straight Story: DirectX 10.1
08-17-2007, 3:17 PM
#10's more because my Sony Vaio (NEVER BUY A SONY DESKTOP!!!) doesn't have any good slots to put it other words...they didn't want to include a PCI-E x16 I actually wouldn't be able to use a DX10 card anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Straight Story: DirectX 10.1
08-17-2007, 12:25 PM
^NegSun...I had the exact same card, and it really sucks. What do you have, the PCI or AGP version? (I was stuck w/ PCI card)...well, I hope you get a new one soon b/c that card is compatible w/ like 5 games in total... Hey, good info. I'm still gon...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Movies: Soundtrack
08-15-2007, 3:50 PM
Believe me, it's a very addicting game. It also tells you how much time you've spent on it (like KOTOR), and you'll be surprised with the value of it... btw...anyone help me with finding the soundtrack???...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Countdown to BRAWL!!!!!
08-18-2007, 8:12 PM
#22 made the right choice....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Countdown to BRAWL!!!!!
08-18-2007, 2:42 PM
Prob. not getting a Wii...prob. not even getting a 360...and it's obvious that no one will get a I think I'll skip a generation and keep the PC....  [Read More]
Posted in: 360 games
09-03-2007, 10:09 AM
Even though halo 3 isn't out yet, I can already tell that it will beat all those guys out....  [Read More]
Nope. A lot of people think I'm nerdy, but not in a mean way. I mean, they eventually realize that it's better to have a passion in something than nothing at all. They also think that it's cool that I go out of my way to get these things, and that I...  [Read More]
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