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Page: 22 of 41
Posted in: Rebel Assault II on Vista
02-19-2008, 10:10 PM
I dunno...isn't it DOS based? I'm sure you could find something to get it to work if it is...DOSbox works on Vista now right? I dunno...I'm not a huuuge fan of the game, but I can understand if you want to play it......  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Vader - Getting Old?
02-02-2008, 2:54 AM
I don't think that it had anything to do w/ age...I think it had to do w/ the fact that they hadn't really had too many lightsaber fights for a long you're looking at it in film-making aspects, it was just a difficult scene to beg...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association
02-27-2008, 6:39 PM
funny nickname...  [Read More]
Good enough for me......  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
02-17-2008, 3:02 PM
Jolee was sleeping extravagantly on the couch while dreaming of farting monkeys, zombiefied orangutans and vampiric squirrels eating his legs with tartar. Jolee awoke and fell into a vat of boiling scum and fried rabbits with ample enjoyment. Jolee d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
02-11-2008, 10:32 PM
The Ebon Hawk traveled across the surface of a ocean planet that had french fries for buildings and tacos for currency. Its name was Ham burgler so full of meat stealing purple hairy goblins who beat children. So Darth Mash said, "GO AWAY, ye tr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
02-11-2008, 6:18 PM
The Ebon Hawk travelled across the surface of a ocean planet that had french fries for buildings and tacos for currency. Its name was Ham burgler so full of meat stealing purple hairy goblins who beat children. So Darth Mash said, "GO AWAY, ye t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
02-04-2008, 6:42 PM
Jerec took out my chandelier, toy set and dictionary of imaginary words and colors, then decided to eat it with ketchup and explosive fries. Kyle fell off the tall chandelier and went to the hospital where a nurse had an amazing set of cold pepsi bot...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
02-03-2008, 2:30 PM
Jerec took out my chandelier, toy set and dictionary of imaginary words and colors, then decided to eat it with ketchup and explosive fries. Kyle fell off the tall chandelier and went to the hospital where a nurse had an amazing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
02-02-2008, 5:46 PM
Jerec took out my chandelier, toy set and dictionary of imaginary words and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
01-31-2008, 4:08 PM
Kyle took my carrot and threw a drumstick at his computer to wholly emancipate an elephant which was bleeding because a banana had penetrated the deep nether regions but then, a woodpecker caught the banana and the drumstick and helped the elephant j...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-26-2008, 10:35 PM
^ Homer Simpson > bundy's show isn't that to one of the greatest ever... v Books or eBooks (any kind of computer format)...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-17-2008, 3:01 PM
^ ruthless > everyone loves the bad guy v Batman or Superman? @Sabretooth...I am actually gonna answer that, and definitely Grim Fandango b/c it's just so much more satisfying......  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-11-2008, 6:19 PM
^ Intellect > Just annoys me when I meet some hot girl who has no brains whatsoever... v Computers or Women?...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-07-2008, 10:09 PM
^ Kisses... > Who wants just a hug when you can share some saliva?! v Microsoft or Apple?...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-04-2008, 6:41 PM
^ Ships > Ships are awesome because they're visible...and those massive guns are amazing... v Army or Navy?...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-02-2008, 5:47 PM
^ Chocolate > Do I really need to explain? v Football or Futbol (aka soccer)?...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
02-02-2008, 2:49 AM
^ Right > I dunno...just because I guess... v Star wars or indiana jones...  [Read More]
Posted in: "^", ">", and "v"
01-31-2008, 4:09 PM
^ Nokia > Sony has scarred me for life... v Nintendo or Microsoft?...  [Read More]
Posted in: First Word That Comes to Your Mind
01-31-2008, 4:05 PM
sweet tarts...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
02-17-2008, 3:04 PM
Uhh...this section needs to be clarified...but just because WWI was one of deadliest wars , it has to be the "winner"...Vietnam Out. World War I is the "worst" although because "worst" wasn't ever really clarified, it c...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
02-04-2008, 6:42 PM
I absolutely hate those little tiny guys in the 1st Halo...I don't know why, but they annoy me, so they are gone... 4. Hunters 6. Brutes...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
02-02-2008, 5:48 PM
Devil May Cry simply b/c it's on the PS3...and that console hasn't/won't sell well either... 2. Fable 2 6. Too Human...  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
01-30-2008, 3:50 PM
Thank's finally we can move on......  [Read More]
Posted in: Eliminator
01-30-2008, 3:03 PM
Can we wrap this up soon...please?...  [Read More]
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