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Page: 13 of 41
Posted in: Be it enacted...
02-23-2009, 3:27 PM
Alright, I still have no idea wtf is going on......  [Read More]
Posted in: Be it enacted...
02-22-2009, 5:09 PM
Wait...what is this?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Not-so-famous Quotes & Phrases Game
02-21-2009, 12:59 AM
Alkonium, not to copy you, but I actually did say this just the other day. "When life's got you down, make lemonade." :( I'm  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Books & Comics
02-21-2009, 1:10 AM
Ebay? I don't think there's some end-all-be-all site that has all the books/comics but any of those sites will have tons of options along with different sellers that may ship to your area. Hope this helps....  [Read More]
Posted in: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
02-22-2009, 2:50 AM
Just to add to my previous statement...I'm still pretty mad about the whole thing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
02-07-2009, 1:41 AM
No, it's pretty much 99.99% bona-fide. A trailer of that quality is most certainly not a hoax. Either way, I'm happy with it. it's good that they didn't just target it to the 360/PS3 crowd only, as they've had their fill of "hardcore" game...  [Read More]
Posted in: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
02-07-2009, 1:29 AM
FAIL. EPIC FAIL screwed me again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Did you make New Year's Resolutions?
01-24-2009, 4:09 AM
I made my resolution... Become as attractive as humanly possible...worked out thus far......  [Read More]
Posted in: So...
02-21-2009, 1:04 AM
^Yeah, it's the same attitude, but I think we'll find that it's nothing like Full Throttle...oh well, those days are long gone and there is no hope for another FT game......  [Read More]
Posted in: So...
01-19-2009, 12:42 PM
i am saying schafer is not the lonely adventure designer Coulda fooled me...besides the Sam and Max games, there aren't any really groundbreaking (or even very good) adventure games being made......  [Read More]
Posted in: So...
01-16-2009, 1:26 AM
^Huh?...  [Read More]
Posted in: So...
01-13-2009, 12:29 AM
Why would they? Schafer is gone...adventure games are dead to the mass market (with only a few quality adventure games coming out)...and Lucasarts hasn't made a good adventure game since Grim Fandango... Wish they would continue making them...but the...  [Read More]
Posted in: How much money did you spend on Black Friday?
12-03-2008, 6:33 PM
Nope, none whatsoever. Not because of financial issues but because I hate the crowds...I'm willing to spend more money if it means I don't get trampled at a wal-mart *cough cough*...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods?
11-15-2008, 9:51 PM
Take some mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, and then just mix it up w/ corn and combination dish ever...I am so thankful for Thanksgiving dinners!...  [Read More]
Posted in: exclusive lego stes! new 2009 minis!
02-21-2009, 1:14 AM
^There's a lot to be said with their re-releasing. It seems like every set they have ever made will be re-released within 10 years after its first run with some minor variations....  [Read More]
Posted in: (Forum game) Type your username with your elbow
11-21-2008, 11:01 PM
urluckyday I did it!!! lol jk Here's what really came out: jjfccdrnnjghytc b hffgxdssdxvfbg lol, no difference at all!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Band Name Game
02-22-2009, 7:53 PM
Apples in Stereo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Band Name Game
02-22-2009, 2:45 AM
Eiffel Sixty-Five...  [Read More]
Posted in: Opposites
02-22-2009, 7:50 PM
Patriot...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Excuse Game
02-23-2009, 6:57 PM
I would but I'm too lazy Help me out....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Excuse Game
02-23-2009, 3:19 PM
No, I don't need to be noticed to be a superstar. Go win an Oscar....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Excuse Game
02-23-2009, 9:18 AM
I did once, it wasn't fun, so I won't do it again... Bite a rattlesnake....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Excuse Game
02-22-2009, 7:51 PM
I can't because I'm not british Go become a PC (I'm a PC)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Excuse Game
02-21-2009, 1:35 AM
Wish I could...if I knew who the Daleks were... Go run the 40 meter dash....  [Read More]
Posted in: FT2 Trailer Music
11-15-2008, 10:03 PM
^Thanks for that totally unrelated comment......  [Read More]
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