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Strange things happening on tatooine

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11-03-2001, 11:31 PM
I look back at the group before making a decision
11-03-2001, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Wraith 5
Watto looks around a little taken back by these people asking for a deal.

"Well, the ship it's self is only 30,000... I am asking the same for each fighter!!! But since you seem like gambleing type fewllows, we will let fate decied what Happens."

He pulls out a 6 sided cube. On 3 of the sides is a blue dot, and on the other 3 sides is a red dot.

"If this comes up red i will let you have the freighter for 30,000 and both of the fighters for 30,000. Deal?"

I nod my head in affermation...and wait for others in the group to do likewise...
11-04-2001, 8:11 AM
seeing the quick agreeing uttinni i also nod my head in aggreement
11-04-2001, 8:41 AM

*Eets'chula now wishes he had the "Force Move" skill...*
 Tie Guy
11-04-2001, 1:14 PM
I nod and silently cross my fingers ;)
11-04-2001, 3:10 PM
I wait patiently for Watto to figure out how to drop a dice. . .
 Wraith 5
11-04-2001, 3:46 PM
Watto throws the dice onto the floor...

It rolls across the whole floor before it stops with a blue dot faceing up, watto starts to jump thinking that he won the toss (one of the first in a long time)

But that the dice rolls once more time on to a red dot.

"Durn it, you may have won the toss but it will still cost you 60,000 for the the ships."

The councile has sent you 35,000 and Gabree has the rest of the money need to buy the fighters. But the choose is up to you. Do you buy them, look at them first, see if he has anything else, or walk away and see if there is anyone else that mite have a ship.
11-04-2001, 3:48 PM
"I'd like to see the ships before we choose to spend all of our credits. Where are they, Watto?"
11-04-2001, 6:09 PM
Yes, we will not be buying anything until we have a look at it.
11-05-2001, 3:14 PM
"Umm, Watto? I think your backdoor is that way. . ." I snicker to myself as Watto fumbles around with his datapad. . .
 Wraith 5
11-05-2001, 3:54 PM

grublems to himself...

"what back door i lost that gamabling too... grrrr, i never should have taken that bet of the boy..."

"Right this way, first you can see the 2 fighters i have, both are stock Z-95 headhunters, but with one minor modiftion, they have hyper drives."
11-05-2001, 4:34 PM
"*sigh* and what will the modifications cost us? If you keep giving us extreme prices we may have to take our business elsewhere..."
11-05-2001, 5:36 PM
he said they cost 30,000 for the fighters Eets...the modifications are obviously part of the package...or shall we gamble for that too *glares a Watto*
 Tie Guy
11-05-2001, 11:38 PM
*turns to Uttinni* "Don't give him any ideas!!! Let's just take this deal and run...or rather fly." ;)
 Wraith 5
11-06-2001, 10:21 AM
No the deal was for the fighters as is....

Would you like to see your ship now???

Here it is, A YT-1760
 Tie Guy
11-06-2001, 12:31 PM
*Turns to look towards everyone and see's their agreement then turns back to Watto*

"Ok, we'll take them all."

*looks back at the group.*

"So, who's got the money?"
11-06-2001, 3:02 PM
*Eet'shula brings forth the 35,000 credits that the council provided*

"How much will the adjustments cost, Watto?"
11-06-2001, 3:41 PM
i look back to gabree waiting for her to bring her credits forward.
11-06-2001, 5:58 PM
Originally posted by Eets'chula
*Eet'shula brings forth the 35,000 credits that the council provided*

"How much will the adjustments cost, Watto?"

"Uh, he said that the deal for the fighters is exactly how he said it would be. . ."
I go over to Watto. "Before we buy this freighter, I want to see the onboard computer and make sure that it works. . ."
11-06-2001, 6:20 PM
Also show us the fighters...the freghter is okay, but what about the fighters you promised???
 Wraith 5
11-07-2001, 11:15 AM
Well i did just show them to you but if you most see them again. They are just over there...

Points back towred the enterence and 2 Z-95 Headhunters.

If you would like to look them over go head, i am going to let your other compion into the freighter to prof to him that everything is ok.

*I don't have any pics of a Z-95 right now...*
11-07-2001, 5:26 PM

fine then...lets take a look at the inside of that frieghter...hopefully the comp in that thing isn't in too bad a shape...
 Tie Guy
11-08-2001, 9:34 AM
"Well, you guys go ahead, i'm gonna go check out those fighters."

*walks over to the fighter and start to look over them*
11-09-2001, 5:53 PM
walks toward the freighter and takes a look
11-09-2001, 6:48 PM
*Looks inside ship to see if it has a good comp...sees a comp...and wonders if it is good...I wonder if that voice in the back of my head can give me some insight to this...*
 Wraith 5
11-09-2001, 10:31 PM
Nashina'k looks at the computers in both of the fighters and doesn't find anything wrong, everything looks to be in working order.

Oonon, looks around the freighter, not seeing any phyiscal problems.

Uttinni takes a look at the computer and finds that everything looks to be in order there as well.

Watto seeing that the 3 men don't find anything wrong asks "Well are you ready to buy the ships?"
11-09-2001, 10:33 PM
Yes. *Eets'chula hands Watto the council's share of the credits*

"Where can we get those adjustments made to the fighters?"
11-09-2001, 10:41 PM
"For the last time...they are already on there..."

"So Gabree...are you going to give our esteemed junk dealer his credits?"
 Wraith 5
11-09-2001, 10:49 PM
Gabree hands over the rest of the credits and watto gives the group the activation codes that will let them not only start the ships, but also change the codes so others (watto) can't get in.

"Now all we need is a place to keep them while we go after my fighter"
11-09-2001, 10:51 PM
"I shall go and escort Gabree to her fighter, while you get the ships ready."
 Wraith 5
11-09-2001, 10:56 PM
There is a beep coming from Vulcanis hip....

It is his comlink.

"Vulcanis we need you quick, we have a computer on the fits over here at the police station, get over here quick!!!"
 Tie Guy
11-09-2001, 11:37 PM
"I'm going with you Ets, i'm no good with piloting, and you could use a hand in case of a fight."
11-10-2001, 9:39 PM
"Goodbye, my friends! I'm off to save another helpless yokel from the scourge that is computer failure!"
11-10-2001, 9:54 PM
Good bye Vulcanis, See you sometime in another thread of life...;)
11-11-2001, 11:08 PM
bidding goodby to vulcanic hoping to meet up with him in another thread of life

*masta to the outside world*
hillarious guys
 Tie Guy
11-11-2001, 11:11 PM
*sees Vulcanis running by towards the exit and looks back at the guys near the freighter*

"Where's he going?" I shout.
 General Nilaar
11-12-2001, 1:57 PM
OOC: I started a new thread for this adventure, this one was getting too unwieldy!

So go click on Strange happenings on Tatooine II.....
 Wraith 5
11-12-2001, 3:14 PM
General that is a great idea!!!

New thread link Strange Things Happening on Tatooine II (

Mods have been contacted and one should be closeing this shortly.

To the mods...

When you close this, please to not delete it, I just don't want anyone posting in this anymore.
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