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Strange things happening on tatooine

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10-14-2001, 6:30 PM
oonon looks to the sky to see who said those words and politely asks what shape is the comp in:)
10-14-2001, 7:44 PM
*Eets'chula looks over to the corner... Hmm, a computer... Perhaps it would be useful in hacking the droid's brain... Eet'schula wanders over to the computer to see what shape it is in.*
 Tie Guy
10-14-2001, 9:41 PM
"Hmm, i didn't even notice it over there before. If you guys can fix it i'm confident that i can use it." Walk over to the computer and stands beside Eet'schula. "What do you think?"
10-14-2001, 9:44 PM
Well, I'm pretty good at repairing and using a computer, so I think I should be able to get it running.
10-14-2001, 10:14 PM
"I think we should pick up the pace," I say, "We do not know if the Trade Federation knows of this apartment. And if they do, we should be expecting company soon."
 Tie Guy
10-14-2001, 10:35 PM
I nod. "Right, maybe we should have somone stand guard, or go out an see if he can pick up any evidence of Trade Federation presence in the city."
10-14-2001, 11:03 PM
:mon: "Agreed. I'll stand watch outside." *Walks outside*
10-15-2001, 2:22 PM
"Hmm, I've used computers before, but I'm not very good at them. . Perhaps I could offer moral support. . ."

*ponders. . . then hits himself on the head!* :thrawn2:

"Wait a sec! Did you guys say computer? I'm good at computers! Sorry, I was, uhhh, meditating. . . Hehe. I'm not too bad at computers. . . Let's have a look." I walk over to the computer in the corner, and begin to inspect it. . .

BTW My computer use is +7, what do you guys have?
10-16-2001, 8:37 AM
#109 *Eets'chula's head pounds on the datapad. That's it, I'm going to go watch guard with Gilgamoor. *walks outside**
 Tie Guy
10-16-2001, 3:40 PM
"Well, i', mpt quite as good as you, but i can still do something. Why don't we get to work?"

i on;y have a +3, but thats worth something right?
10-16-2001, 4:30 PM
oonon tells eets that if he and utinni hurry up and fix the brain the sooner we can hack:D

btw i have a +3 too
10-16-2001, 6:23 PM
 Wraith 5
10-17-2001, 10:16 PM
Uttinni, looking back at the brain in anger, all of a sudden sees the problem.

He puts one bolt back in to place and the brain stops trying to fall apart, he then works on trying to get the brain working again.

With the brain staying together, uttinni can now see that one little wire is not connected, after connecting this back up and pluging in a power supply the brain comes to life.
 Tie Guy
10-17-2001, 10:26 PM
"Yes, great job Uttinni!" Turns towards commppter.* "Ok, if i just put in this, and go here and click this, i should be able to display the memory of this droid on the holoprojector."

*does the sequence of events and waits to see what comes up*
10-18-2001, 6:47 PM
Finally this brain is working...okay guys you can keep working on that brain...I'm going to put this thing back together again (legs, arms, etc)
10-18-2001, 7:18 PM
I start working on the computer, first checking to see if the power supply is functioning, and then moving on to the internal circuits and diodes (it sounded cool ok?). :D Hmm. . . My assesment of this computer is. . .
 General Nilaar
10-18-2001, 10:35 PM
:boushh: Voushh leans casually against the wall, watching the repair efforts carefully. Always suspicious, he keeps his hand near his blaster just in case the Droids attack upon being reactivated.
10-19-2001, 10:15 AM
i listen waiting anciously for the assessment of the computer
10-19-2001, 3:08 PM
I keep working, a bit puzzled as to why it's taking me so long to get this thing working. . . :confused:
10-19-2001, 3:18 PM
I walk outside slowly, to check on the others guarding on the outside.
 Wraith 5
10-19-2001, 9:06 PM
Nashina'k and Aurawn not begin trained as in how to repair and upgrade computers see that the computer, is operational but, could get the upgrade he tryed on it to work.

Someone that has been trained on how to repair things will have to try to upgrade the computer.
10-19-2001, 9:08 PM
I wonder how long can it take to repair this droid to good condition?
 Tie Guy
10-19-2001, 10:11 PM
"Dang! I could have sworn that was how you did it! Does anyone else here know how to do it? Perhaps we could hire somone?" I start pacing, trying to think of what we can do now. Our situation seems helpless, i think to myself, and we are running out of time. We cannot hide from the Federation forever.
10-20-2001, 11:10 AM
A low, quiet voice at the doorway startles all but Boussh. The cloaked, hooded figure says "I am experienced in this line of work. I believe that I could repair it quickly. Do you wish to hire me?"
10-20-2001, 11:35 AM
"Sure, we'll accept any help offered. :) How much do you know about repair? If you can get this thing working, I'm certain that I could use it." I step back from the computer, waiting for him to answer.
 General Nilaar
10-20-2001, 7:35 PM
:boushh: Voushh seems unmoved by the strangers sudden appearance but his hand stays near his blaster and he seems even more alert than before. A low metalic whisper can be heard from beneath his breath mask: "Who are you and why would you help us?"

He then adds in an annoyed voice: "How did you get in here past our watchmen outside?"

Though it is difficult to tell with his face covered in a mask, his annoyance seems more directed at his partners outside than at you.....
10-20-2001, 7:57 PM
*Eets'chula appears suddenly out of the darkness and grabs the stranger by the neck. With the business end of his un-lit lightsaber facing the stranger's head, he says: "What is your business here?"*
10-20-2001, 8:50 PM
Looks over his sholder...and Laughs...shakes his head and gets back to work on the droid...
 Tie Guy
10-20-2001, 9:52 PM
"Whoa! Calm down Eets, let him go.

*faces stranger*

"So, what are you doing here? And who the heck are you?"
10-20-2001, 10:46 PM
The character replies,"My name is Vulcanis, and do not worry, I wish you no harm. I am a repairman of sorts, and I have worked on many complicated computers in my lifetime. Since I see that you do not trust me, and I am intrigued at your honour and valour in battle, I will remove my weapon and do the work without a fee, if you wish." Vulcanis takes his Force Pike from under his cloak and places it on a table. "So, may I help you?" he says.
10-20-2001, 11:16 PM
*oonon looks at the character trying to feel his thoughts so he dosent decieve us and cause us huge problems later on*
10-21-2001, 1:13 AM
Utinni just looks over his sholder again first to the Force pike and then to Vulcanis...lets out a snort of laughter at everybody's alertness and gets back to work...
 Tie Guy
10-21-2001, 11:54 AM
"How was he hiding an entire force pike under his cloak?" i think to myself.

"Alright, i trust you, let's see what you can do."
10-21-2001, 10:28 PM
I wonder to myself...when am I going to finish totally fixing this droid???
10-21-2001, 11:51 PM
"Very well", Vulcanis replies, and, taking out a few tools, begins helping with the computer.
10-22-2001, 10:18 AM
*Eets'chula returns to his post outside, after seeing that things are Ok.*
10-22-2001, 10:21 AM
I Turn around and yell at Eets "COME BACK OVER HERE AND HELP!! IT TAKES TWO TO FIX A DROID!!!"

*that is...if the droid isn't totally fixed already...and no answer comes out of the depths*
10-22-2001, 6:48 PM
"Alright, Vulcanis. If you can fix it, I can use it. It's pretty bad though. . ." I watch over his shoulder seeing what it was that I couldn't fix. :)
 Wraith 5
10-24-2001, 9:14 PM
Vulcanis starts right to work on the computer. He seems to be really good at what he does, he rips out burnt out parts and puts in new one.

After he is sure he has it working in perfice condition, he starts to upgrade it so that it will work better with the droid and help in hacking into it.

At the end he has the computer working great, and the holoprojecter working as well, so that everyone can see what is in the brain.

Also after hours of work uttinni has got the droid back together, has much as he can, but he needs some metal to fix the big hole in the middle in it.
 Thrawn's Clone
10-24-2001, 10:12 PM
"Alright, lets see what I can do with this computer!" I flip the power switch, praying that Vulcanis did a good job. . .
10-25-2001, 7:22 AM
I look around for some metal...all of my attention goes to my scavanging metal...
10-25-2001, 7:31 AM
*Eets'chula hears Uttinni looking for metal and begins to search for scrap metal outside of the room on the ground, on the walls, anywhere.*
10-25-2001, 1:03 PM
Vulcanis begins looking and smelling around the room. (Vulcanis is a Sakiyan, who have enhanced smelling abilities).
 Tie Guy
10-25-2001, 4:59 PM
"I've got a bad feeling about this." I say with a hint a worry in my voice. "I'm not so sure i want to know whats on that tape." Still, i wait to see just what it is that we have woked so hard to retrieve.
 Wraith 5
10-26-2001, 11:11 AM
uttinni, esty and vulcanis find some metal that will work for to repair the droids body.

On the other side of the room Aurawn has hacked into the droid brain and found the command logs...

"Ship arrived and Naboo system 100 days after reciving orders for Command. On arrival new message was recived stating that the trade Federation had lost a battle the battle for Naboo and was dispaned and all equipment was being conficated by the Republic. Commander of ship stated that they most try treaty approce on Naboo again, hopeing that if he could get the Queen to sign the treaty that the trade federation would be cleared of all charges. The battle droids were sent to after a rouge pilot that cleared the fighter screen, to stop her from telling the senat what was happening on Naboo. Bounty has been set on the head of one ."

vulcanis knowing about the tatics and droids the trade federation uses tells the group that the droid brain is a fulling idependent unit, it does not need a centeral computer to get orders from. He also tells the group that the trade federation would never put a brain like that into one of there standed battle droids. Even the commander droids can work with out the main computer for about 5 minutes. He fells something is not right. And tells the group to be carefull about what they take as truth from the memory.
10-26-2001, 11:57 AM
*Eets'chula brings the metal to Utinni, after which he says: "What do you say we go and visit that junk dealer after Utinni is finished repairing the droid?"*
10-26-2001, 7:27 PM
Utinni grabs the metal greedly and works on fixing it...
"hey anyone know where we can find a spare brain that does listen to our commands then???
10-27-2001, 1:38 AM
"Sorry, I'm fresh out of submisive droid brains." :D
"Eets, why do we want to go to a junk dealer?" :confused:
10-27-2001, 8:56 AM
"Well, we need to find some way to get this girl to coruscant, and since everyone decided not to contact the council, the only other alternative is to see this junk dealer to find out if he has any ships we could use."
10-27-2001, 9:18 AM
*wonders to self* can we reprogram a brain??? (if it can work without a central computer we should b able to reprogram it)
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