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Strange things happening on tatooine

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10-27-2001, 4:03 PM
When did we decide not to contact the council???
Just use the comp. over in the corner and contact them...
10-27-2001, 4:29 PM
Alright... *Eets'chula walks over to the computer and tries to make contact with the Jedi Council*
10-27-2001, 5:40 PM
I continue to COMPLETELY fix the droid while Eets goes about calling the Council...
10-27-2001, 9:00 PM
i stand anxiously in wait of the news
 Wraith 5
10-28-2001, 5:06 PM
Uttinni was able to use the metal pice and fix the whole in the droid, it looks like all that is left is for the droid to be turned on.

Eets is able to conncate the jedi conncile and it has been decided that the best cource of action will be for them to send you enogh credits to buy a ship to get everyone to Coruscant.

Gabree says that she as some credits that she can use to help. "I have a felling we are going to need some fire power on our way out. I know the jedi don't like weapons, so i will buy a few fighters the help escort us out of the planet. Do you have any good pilots that could fly these new ships?"

*gm looks at a few people: Voushh +6, Aaryik +6*

"and don't forget we are going to get my fighter back so i will be flying that back."
10-28-2001, 5:18 PM
looks at uttinni

10-28-2001, 6:07 PM
*Eets'chula turns toward the repaired droid with hand on lightsaber juusssssstt in case...*
 Tie Guy
10-28-2001, 6:38 PM
"Wait, you don't want to start hacking at him if he comes up hostile." *pulls out blaster and sets it on stun* "I'll disable him with this if he gets out of whack.....Wait, why doesn't Uttinni just prepare his stun gun instead?"
10-28-2001, 10:17 PM
*because I don't have a stun gun just a blaster pistol*

Utinni looks at the finished job. Looks som more...*suspence is killing you isn't it*
And turns it on *while jumping away as fast a he can just in case*
10-28-2001, 10:18 PM
*Eets'chula shifts his hand to his Jawa Ion Blaster*
 Wraith 5
10-28-2001, 11:07 PM
uttinni set the droid to on and jumps back quickly...

The droid's eyes come to life as it goes though its power on tests.

*looks like uttinni did a good job of putting the droid back together*

The droid is soon done with its boot up test, and looks like everything is working great!!!

But the problem is that the droid was repaired to well. Soon the droid starts to run the last program it had which is to kill Gabree.

Has the droid starts to walk toward Gabree, looking as if it means to choke her to death, it starts to jurk around a lot and falls to the groud, looking very much deactived again.

Standing behind the droid with his ion pistol still pointing at the droid is ests.

"Good thing we were ready for the worst." Gabree says.
10-29-2001, 12:04 AM
...and Gilgamoor is still standing outside guarding! :mon:
10-29-2001, 9:00 AM
*Eets'chula holsters his Ion Blaster and says: "Care to try again, Uttinni? This battle droid would be a useful ally."*
 Tie Guy
10-29-2001, 3:04 PM
"NO! Do you really think anything has changed. Just be patient, maybe we can find or at least buy a restraining bolt. We could use a few of the credits the council sent us, maybe. Our only other option would be to reprogram, and that doesn't seem likely, or practicle."
10-29-2001, 3:21 PM
I step over to where Utinni is working on the droid. "If you wanna hook him up to this computer, I'll rewrite him nice and neat. This computer's pretty old, but I should be able to do it. :)" Just drag 'im over here. . ." I wait for Utinni's assent. . .
10-29-2001, 4:05 PM
i look around for anything i can do
 Wraith 5
10-29-2001, 4:49 PM
"I would suggest that you hold off on working on the droid more right now...

Since Eets'chula connacted the jedi councle, I would guess that any other Trade Federation Battle Droids will likey know we are here, we should move out soon."
10-29-2001, 5:41 PM
I guess me an Aurawn can work on rewriting the programs etc. onboard the transport since we will be in space a while...

When do you think the transport will get here??? Are they going to contact us on the comp or what???
10-29-2001, 5:49 PM
We will be receiving credits, not a transport. I suggest we set about finding a ship dealer to see what our options are.
 Wraith 5
10-29-2001, 5:51 PM
*gm to players*

I don't know if i made this clear or not in the above post, but the jedi will not be sending you a transport you will need to find out to buy or rent if you want to. The jedi have sent you enough credits to buy a ship if you want. (I sorry i don't have the exacte amont, i have it writen down at home, and i am still at work right now.) Gabree also has some money and is willing to buy a few (1 or 2) fighters. So all you have to do now is find the ships.
10-29-2001, 5:52 PM

Well how about a few of us head out to find a transport and send a comm. call to the rest of us...because I can't exactly haul this droid all over creation...unless someone else has an idea...
10-29-2001, 5:55 PM
I beleive it would be best for us to move as a group. After all, when the battle droids come looking here, if we are all together looking for a ship, they will find nothing but an empty room.

I propose we go visit that junk dealer Gabree informed us of. Perhaps he would be kind to some natives of tatooine like ourselves, Uttinni.
10-29-2001, 6:03 PM
*Turns to the new mysterious member of our group*

I just had an idea... You're so good with computers, do you know where we could find a ship?
10-29-2001, 7:03 PM
"I don't know about our repair man here, but I can use computers pretty well. I'll check for ship dealers. . . unless of course you want to give it a go, Vulcanis. . ."
 Tie Guy
10-29-2001, 7:06 PM
"Guys, did the council send us Daectari? I've been around Tatooine enough to know that they don't accept those kind of credits here. Still, maybe we can find someone willing to accept them or exchange them."

**haven't you guys seen the movie**
10-29-2001, 7:25 PM
I know, Nasinak. I specifically told them we needed credits that would work here.
10-29-2001, 7:50 PM
"As a matter of fact, Eets'chula, is it not?, I might in fact know of a place where you could a few ships. I have worked in Mos Espa for quite a while, and a fellow by the name of Watto has been bragging these last few days about the new ships that he has. I should think that they would be in working order, since he is bragging about them so. If you are interested, it's not too far from here. It's a few blocks west from this building, 5 blocks to be exact, and on the left side of the street. It should be easy to find. Do you wish to go there?
 Tie Guy
10-29-2001, 7:54 PM
"Well, i'll go with you. This Watto guy seems familiar, but i can't remember where i've heard his name before...Oh well, if anyone else wants to go, i suggest we leave soon. Do we have the credits yet? Who's account are they in?"
10-29-2001, 7:59 PM
Agreed. Let's go to Watto's place. Perhaps we may find a good ship!
10-30-2001, 4:08 PM
I lead the others out of gabree's room

*with my hand on my left hip where my money is stored to buy the parts i need for my lightsaber :D*
10-30-2001, 9:32 PM
I quickly gather up the Battle Droid and place it in a hover hauler (please there has to be one in the room for luggage) and follow behind the others...
 Wraith 5
10-31-2001, 11:06 AM
The Group leaves the room, to had toward Watto's junk yard.

Gilgamoor having stood gaurd most of the time, has made sure that the road look clear.

Has the group heads back toward the bar (the junk yard is just past the bar) they notices that there are no signs of battle left outside the bar. (There most be some major cleaning crews it mos espa or maybe it was something else.)

You walk past the bar which is on the rightside of the street, and an abanded looking building on the left.

Past these two buildings you find a large lot with a fence around it. A little farther up the road and you find a building built into the fence with a sign above the door. It reads

"Watto's Junk Yard.
The best junk in mos espa!!!"

The group walks in and there is a fat short blue flying alien behind the counter.

"What do you want!? I've got nother left to gamble!"
10-31-2001, 11:37 AM
We are not here to gamble with you, my friend. We are here to see if you have any ships available for purchase.
 Tie Guy
10-31-2001, 3:18 PM
"Yes, something in the way of a light freighter." I say, walking up from the back of the group. I doubt that he has any fighters so i keep my mouth shut about the issue.
10-31-2001, 4:11 PM
I stay towards the back because *to tell you the truth* I am afraid he will want my partially repaired droid...

I wisper to Eets, "Hey do you think we could find a droid brain or do you think we can reprogram this hunk of junk???"
10-31-2001, 4:25 PM
*Eets'chula whispers back* Keep your eyes open, there might be one laying around. If all else fails, we can try reprograming it and giving it a shiny new paint job! Dewanna wantana! hehehe
10-31-2001, 4:37 PM
Desabana (okay):D

*Utinni now becomes very alert looking for an extra Droi brain*

*looks at Eets and says "empty your pm box"*
 Tie Guy
10-31-2001, 11:31 PM
Obviously the two little jawas don't realize that everyone in the room can hear them. :rolleyes:

*turning towards them* "Perhaps we can purchase a restraining bolt? Why don't you ask Watto if he has any for sale?"
11-01-2001, 8:04 AM
*looks Tie Guy's charater name...anyway looks at him and says* "do we have the money???" *then looks up to see if he can here that mythical voice in the sky...*
11-01-2001, 9:43 AM
*The Jedi Council has given us enough credits to buy what ships we need. We probably have enough credits among ourselves to buy a restraining bolt or a droid brain... I for one, have 1,000 credits.*
 Wraith 5
11-01-2001, 10:16 AM
*gm to players*

Are any of you going to talk to watto???
11-01-2001, 10:31 AM
I say AGAIN:

" We are not here to gamble with you, my friend. We are here to see if you have any ships available for purchase."
 Wraith 5
11-01-2001, 1:00 PM
*opps sorry i missed that....:( sorry....*

"Oh you are looking for ships i have lots of thouse!!! Some of them may need a lot of work though.

Me thinks you be looking for fulling operatoinal ship eh?? You's in luck I just 3 new ships, One Light frieghter and 2 starfighters. You looking to buy a frieghter, you sure you don't want the starfighters as well, you mite be needing them to get out of this system with your cargo me this.

Any thing sounds to your liking or would you like me to taka ya out back?"
11-01-2001, 1:26 PM
i follow the leader ;)
11-01-2001, 1:38 PM
What sort of discount would you give us for the fighters if we choose to purchase the freighter?
 Tie Guy
11-01-2001, 3:59 PM
"Geez Ets, at least let him set a price before we haggle with him" i say with a grin.

"So, we'll take all three ships. How much?"
11-01-2001, 4:43 PM
"Yes, lets hear a, ahem, reasonable price, Watto." I then turn to Utinni and whisper, "I can reprogram that droid brain you know! I just need a bit of time and a decent computer!" :)
11-01-2001, 5:20 PM
*wispers to Aurawn* Do we have a decent computer in this star system???;)
11-02-2001, 10:59 PM
i politely wait for wattos answer.
 Wraith 5
11-03-2001, 11:26 PM
Watto looks around a little taken back by these people asking for a deal.

"Well, the ship it's self is only 30,000... I am asking the same for each fighter!!! But since you seem like gambleing type fewllows, we will let fate decied what Happens."

He pulls out a 6 sided cube. On 3 of the sides is a blue dot, and on the other 3 sides is a red dot.

"If this comes up red i will let you have the freighter for 30,000 and both of the fighters for 30,000. Deal?"
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