...Jus' like in 'Nam. ...
...But luckily Joey was...
... able to grow a...
...bionic head with radioactive...
...Tentacles in his ears...
..., proton launchers in the...
...forehead, and a can-opener...
... in his mouth. This...
...development caused his mother...
...to fly aeroplanes into...
...hangars in Martha's Vineyard...
...that Martha had the...
...had the audacity to...
...kidnap Death's daughter Ysabell...
..., an event straight from...
...Terry Pratchets Mort, but...
...there was no telling...
...fired the previous writer...
...from the critically acclaimed...
...book entitled "How to...
.. write *coughcrappilycough* like Brent Spiner"..
(Hey, that wasn't a word, it was a bodily function that just sounded like a word!)
...(the Kryten rip-off actor)...
rip-off=1 word. honest
... Upon reading this novel...
...Martin Bashir decided to...
...interview a certain mysterious...
...dentist who was called...
...Doctor Oral by kids...
...but Captain Spanky by...
...the local crack whores...
...you liked to gather...
...on Captain Spanky when...
... my head suddenly imploded...
...after a sudden influx...
...of radiation emitted by...
...Cherie Blair's tooth bleach...
...on a summer afternoon...
...with the sun blazing overhead...
... Fred Dineage greased up...
...grammatically and arithmetically challenged...
...saint mary statuettes from...
...none other than The...
...Arrogant Worms. Joey laughed...
...pocket knife expand into...