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Let's make a story

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 Tie Guy
08-03-2001, 2:54 PM
and cut off his other arm and took it to the man who...
08-03-2001, 2:56 PM
...sowed them back onto Jar Jar.. :D
 Boba Rhett
08-03-2001, 4:29 PM
but then he pulled out a knife and jabbed it into....
08-03-2001, 7:59 PM
Rick McCallum!!! So the story was threatened to end, because he IS the producer. But the story was saved by...
 Tie Guy
08-03-2001, 10:51 PM
the hand of God who saved Rick and then left. So, Jar-Jar...
 Boba Rhett
08-04-2001, 12:43 AM
was missing his arm so he found a tree branch and shoved it into the stump he had left and then shouted...
 Tie Guy
08-04-2001, 11:11 AM
..."THESA NO WORKIN." So he took out the stick and replaced it with a.........
 Boba Rhett
08-04-2001, 3:39 PM
Huge stinky, discusting piece of his own...
 Tie Guy
08-04-2001, 8:08 PM
...tongue, which dind't exactly work, so he fell down into a.....
 Boba Rhett
08-05-2001, 2:20 AM
toilet bowl and got stuck!! So he had to...
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 2:14 PM
.....break open the toilet bowl which caused the bowl to....
 Boba Rhett
08-05-2001, 4:27 PM
Spurt toilet water onto Jar Jar. That freaked him out so he ran and acccidentally jumped into a huge....
08-05-2001, 9:26 PM
canyon, but when he was preparing to die by the collision against the floor, Luke Skywalker saved him in his Skyhopper, he was chasing womp rats at the moment so...
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 9:44 PM
...he fired JarJar at the womprats. When JarJar hit the womprts they....
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 9:45 PM
...he fired JarJar at the womprats. When JarJar hit the womprats they....
 Boba Rhett
08-06-2001, 8:52 AM
Started biting him on the...
 Tie Guy
08-06-2001, 8:17 PM
...ear, and when his ear was totally gone, they moved on to his....
 Boba Rhett
08-06-2001, 8:22 PM
other ear. And all this time, everyone is standing there laughing and pointing. All of a sudden, Jar Jar lets out a hidious and blood curdling scream and ...
 Tie Guy
08-06-2001, 8:45 PM
..dies. Then the earth opens up and swallows him. All of nature rejoices by....
 Boba Rhett
08-06-2001, 9:01 PM
Joining hands and singing but then George Lucas drops a bomb on everyone by naming their next adventure, "Attack of the Clones" and everyone start crying and building bombs so they can send them to...
 Tie Guy
08-06-2001, 10:04 PM
...George Lucas in the mail. But the United States Postal Service accidentally delivers them to......
08-06-2001, 11:13 PM
Steven Spilberg who e-mailed Lucas a bomb program with an amazing A.I. So all this became a...
 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 9:57 AM
..a nuclear smart bomb that went off in the middle of downtown...
 xwing guy
08-07-2001, 12:44 PM
but jar jars clumneziness disabled the bomb. By the way im new here.
08-07-2001, 2:31 PM
....and yu immediately finished the story... :D
welcome xwing guy.


Lucas felt remorse over the title and wanted to thank Jar Jar at the same time, so...
 Boba Rhett
08-07-2001, 2:42 PM
He changed the name of Episode II to, "Jar Jar Saves The Day" and then spent 200 million dollors having the movie changed so Jar Jar would be the hero. And that caused Ewan Mcgregor(sp?) to....
 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 2:46 PM
#227 absolutely nothing. But Natalie Portman, she went inot an outrage and....
08-07-2001, 2:52 PM
...contacted LEON, the hitman she played alongside to in the movie with the same name.. :D :D :D :D . Leon quickly...
 Boba Rhett
08-07-2001, 3:03 PM
grabbed his throwing stars and headed off to
 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 3:09 PM
..kill himslef in the woods :D. But before he could do that.....
08-12-2001, 8:16 PM
a giant rancor leap out of a tree and started cahsing him towards . . .
08-12-2001, 11:15 PM
The Salaac pit in the middle of...
 Tie Guy
08-12-2001, 11:21 PM
Hoth! Yes, Hoth, it's a unique species of sarlac. Anyway, the sarlac almost ate him but.....
08-12-2001, 11:29 PM
an mtt crashed into the hoth and he escaped on a . . .
08-12-2001, 11:34 PM
mutated ronto, but suddenly a herd of Krayt dragons...
 Tie Guy
08-12-2001, 11:36 PM
had nothing to do with this story. :D The Ronto accidentlly tripped on a giant.....
08-12-2001, 11:37 PM
bongo and suddenly a dark jedi leaped out of a bottomless pit with boba fett riding large flying creatures that looked like a . . .
 Boba Rhett
08-13-2001, 12:27 AM
Our story!! Our beautiful story!! What have they done to you. *weeps*

ham sandwich with wings. Everyone was wondering why Boba Fett was after them so they got out a blow horm and asked fett and he said it was because.....
08-13-2001, 12:30 AM
Lucas had posted a bounty on Leon's Head...
 Boba Rhett
08-13-2001, 12:38 AM
so big that every bounty hunter in the galaxy would be flying around on ham sandwich creatures looking for them. This worried Han so he pulled out his blaster and shot Fett in the face and then they all fled to....
08-13-2001, 12:40 AM
Degobah under the protection of Yoda they would be safe...or so they thought because...
 Boba Rhett
08-13-2001, 12:47 AM
then they realized that Yoda was dead so they all climbed aboard the Falcon and headed to....
08-13-2001, 12:49 AM
Tatoine where they would look for Obi-One Kenobi...and fly PODRACERS down the tracks of the Bonta Eve...
 Boba Rhett
08-13-2001, 2:04 AM
Speedway but it cost to much to rent the pod so they just stood around and whatched the.....
08-13-2001, 9:21 AM
the indeginous life in the nearest obsevatory, The Cantina, but then...
 xwing guy
08-13-2001, 10:40 AM
the bounty hunter jumped out wanted to kill Han so they ran back to the Falcon and left.
08-13-2001, 10:45 AM
On their way from Tatooine the gang came across one of those vintage Star Wars elements; an asteroid belt...
08-13-2001, 10:55 AM
made of cheese and meatballs, causing.....
08-13-2001, 11:18 AM
a massive digestive problem across the Astrid field. C3po Shouts the odds of sucessfuly eating this astroid belt is 3,000,375 to one!!!
08-13-2001, 11:34 AM
by then han had had just about enough of c-3pos babbling and he put huge dent in 3po's head with his blaster, but the blaster bolt reflected off into. . .
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