Here's one to try if you like ;) Come up with a totally fake/ridiculous quote or phrase, feel free to make up its author and source too. Or it could even be something you actually have said
Reach for greatness!
I'll go first:
"Let he who is without stones, cast the first stone" -Timmy of Nazareth 23AD
This is actually something I've really said, but here goes.
"When life gives you lemons, eat them." - Me, 2008
yep. you can indeed quote yourself. *edits 'rules'*
* * *
''Meesa Horny Ani" - Jar Jar Binks. Deleted Scene. The Phantom Menace
Alkonium, not to copy you, but I actually did say this just the other day.
"When life's got you down, make lemonade." :( I'm
How I think a certain scene from LOST should have played out
John Locke: Why do find it so hard to believe?
Jack Shephard: Blind faith is for idiots!
John: I'm not an idiot!
Jack: Yeah, you are.
"Badger Badger Badger Badger A Snake A Snake A Snake Badger Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Mushroom"
--Darktears, Aardwolf
February 21, 2009
"And God gave unto Student a great gift, the gift of napping. God said to him, "You shall spend half your day napping. You shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend’s room. And God said, if you don’t nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking." And Student said, "Nap I shall", and it was good."
--The Book of Genesis
"Sneak up on your enemy, face backside towards him, unleash destruction"
-The Art of Fart by Sun Tzu
-Me, last week
-Leonidas. My Mechanic diagnosing my car troubles last week
When Life gets you down...who the (Bleep) wants Lemons?! Have some cookies man! -Me (2008/2009)
"Sneak up on your enemy, face backside towards him, unleash destruction"
-The Art of Fart by Sun Tzu
Shouldn't that be The Fart of War?
"Behind this mask there is more than just flesh Mr. Creedy. There my skull, and my brain." - V, V for Vendetta.
Shouldn't that be The Fart of War?
Yes, that sounds better :D
* * *
"You can throw a horse into water, but you can make it sink" -Anonymous, 245AD
"America, I have not been entirely honest with you. I did gagoogity that girl. I gashmoigatied her gaflaygitty with my googus, and I am sorry.
--Bill Clinton
I can has rainbow!
If you've been around Ahto long enough you'd get it.
"Reality pays no attention to Opinion."
"If fighting is sure to result in victory, then we must fight."
~ Sun Tzu
''And thence came The Three Chipmunks of The Apocalypse- Alvin, Simon, Theodore..." -Book of Revelation
"If fifty million people say a foolish thing, maybe it's not so foolish."
I can has rainbow!
If you've been around Ahto long enough you'd get it.
I've apparently been around long enough :xp:
"Anyone who quotes me again is going to be in BIG trouble" -Anon.1927
Though still a good quote, it's some thing I came up with myself.
"Contrary to popular belief, the majority can be wrong." - Me, 2009.
And Student asked of his bathroom habit and God told him, "Student, you shall eat in the Cafeteria and you shall poop a lot. And it will not be good poop, it will be the poop of the devil for your ass shall burn for hours. Your school shall put laxatives in their food and you shall feel their pain." And Student began to weep, and God said unto him, "Student, fear not the poop, for all your fellow students will be experiencing the same." And Student dried his eyes and thanked God and God told him to use Wet Ones to ease the pain.
"Luke, This is your fathers frilly pink ballet dress....... Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldnt allow elegant dress for a man, from a more civilised age" Obi Wan Kenobi. Early draft. Star Wars A New Hope.
'And so, my bretheren we must march to glory, amidst the gangly wobblebottom forests of pingpongpoo!'
--Cecil Fartleberry - Just now...
"One thing you can't do, is hold your liquor." - The Doctor to The Master, Doctor Who, Last of the Time Lords, 2007
"A RONG RIME ARO, IN A RARAXY FA FA ARAY" -Excerpt from Engrish ( novelisation of Star Wars: ANH
"My name is Oobedoob Kenoobi."
"What's your middle name?"
"One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, I really don't care what the hell you do." - The Doctor, Doctor Who, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, 1964.
Confucius Say "Angry Monkey always have powerful arms, much poop"
"Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: 'I have to pee.'"
John Yellowgrass Cleverier.
"I used to bullseye sewer rats after using my Toilet back home, theyre not much bigger than .32 metres!"
"If at first you don't succeed, you fail." - GLaDOS
''It's not the destination that matters, it's having enough batteries in your GPS"
'It was as though a million pigeons suddenly cried out in terror'
-Obi Wanker Nobi (<-:lol:)
"I'll be back...with a new pipe."
Randy the repairman, from The Radiator.
"You'll find that most of the truths we cling to are wrong." - Obi-Wan Kenobi
''Pleesa helpa meesa commit painful suicide Ani!" -Phantom Menace Fanscript
'The Fork will be with you... Always... And so will the knife, spatula and the spoon!'
--Ben Kenobi
Once in a great while...A certain pair of pants are found...pants that represent greatness and truth of spirit
- Me
"I came, I saw, I spent many hours on the can later on." Julio Cesario, Taco conossioeur
This is a real quote, but still
"Ok Freeman, be adequate!" Sheckley, Half-Life 2: Episode Two
-"Look Sir, Droids!"
-''What makes you say that?"
-"Isn't this a restraining bolt or something?"
-"Ugh, you're such geek."
-"You're so mean!" *runs away crying* -ANH. Deleted Dialogue
Private Caboose/O'Mally
Ohh..this looks fun..
Obi-Wan: Padme, Yoda knows about you and Anakin.
Padme: Oh no...
Obi-Wan: And I must say, Yoda is fiercely jealous...
Deleted Scene from "Revenge of the Sith" :D
''when I was a youngling, play with myself I did. Stunt my growth it has. . . '' -Yoda
They always made fun of the bald guy back in my younger days, Anakin. Then I decided that the bald guy could beat the force out of them. This lesson, Anakin, don't make fun of bald guys.
-Mace Windu, shortly before being electrocuted and thrown out the window
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, some guys in plastic got mad at some hobos and shot them apart, but ended up getting their dumb little space station blow'd up."
-Anonymous Star Wars-hater
"I find your lack of plaits disturbing!" -Vader giving an inspirational speech to Girl Guides
"Oh no, you didn't!! *snaps fingers* "
-Darth Vader, after watching the Death Star explode
"Luke's not gay, he's just a little bi-curious."
-Dann Boeing, Battle of the Titans