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Zombies Walk!

Page: 9 of 10
03-29-2009, 9:40 PM
Vlad looked at Sam and squinted, "Why would I have your Desert Eagle? You know by now I like rifles!"

Yuri chuckled and handed Sam the Desert Eagle and patted him on the back.

"Sorry, you dropped it back there, it was just too tempting, I had to take it..."

Vlad chuckled, "Good old Yuri...."

He then continued running.
03-30-2009, 4:36 PM
Sam smiled at Yuri " I am sorry about before, if theres anyway I can make it up to you... just let me know." Sam said as he caught up with the rest of the gang. Eventually, they made it to the Station.
" Okay guys... Now what do we do?" Sam said, his voice echoing off the walls.
 Chevron 7 locke
03-30-2009, 5:11 PM
"I'm going to guess that we pray that there aren't any undead in here. We have to running low on Ammo by now."

Atrianna turned to Vlad and gave him a nasty look.

"Thanks to Vlad here, I'm out of guns. I'm down to my Knife and one Ammo belt."
03-30-2009, 5:19 PM
"Now we die," Aiden said drolly. He struggled a bit, and Smith awkwardly put him down.

"I've always wondered what that was like." He strolled over to Vlad and put his arm around his shoulder. Pointing in his face, he exclaimed, "You look like a Russian!"

Walking over to the wall, he said, "Hey, wall, how are you? I bet you don't care that you're about to be killed by the Russian Prime Minister!" He smiled. "I just love this place!"

Laughing, he exclaimed, "Does laughing like that make me sound crazy?" Pulling out his gun from his holster, he cocked it and started to aim at who knows what....
03-30-2009, 6:11 PM
Vlad chuckled at Attriana, "It was either that or you died. Which would you rather have?"

He then looked at Aiden pecularily, wondering why he was acting so strangely.

"Ummmm, yes, I'm Russian, and we don't have a Prime Minister, it's a Premier."

He squinted his eyes and continued walking.
03-30-2009, 6:17 PM
With a manic smile, Aiden approached Vlad, "I am sorry, man, it's called a Premier?" He blocked Vlad's path as well and embraced him by the shoulders.

"I just love the guy! You see, he's got this great green stuff he drinks, and he is big and scary and loves Central Station! I've been there a lot! We...we...get in big things that move and they're under the ground! They're like swiss cheese!"

Swiss cheese, however, in Aiden's strong opinion, did not taste very good.

"I'll introduce you, he's way over there, somewhere." Aiden pointed, manically smiling once more. "But first you have to introduce me to this great gun!"

He walked up to Atrianna. "I just love this thing!" With that he ran forward out in front of Vlad once more and began what almost looked like a ritual dance, ecstatically laughing.
03-30-2009, 6:29 PM
Vlad shook his head, confused.

"Must be some sort of hallucination..."

He looked to Yuri and Boris.

"Go over and cuff him, keep him safe, from both the zombies and himself. When he stops acting like this, let him go, but if he resists, knock him out, he could kill himself and us all in that condition."

He shook his head and Yuri and Boris moved to restrain Aiden.

Vlad looked to Attriana and took out his treasured Tokarev pistol.

"I'm sorry about the other weapon, I hope this makes you feel a little better about the situation."

He handed her the pistol.
03-30-2009, 6:37 PM
"I think someone has an anger management issue!" Aiden struggled to get free of the cuffs. "Dude, I love these things, they make my hands go in positions that I wouldn't normally make them go in! That's fun!" He laughed again.

Something made him suddenly freeze with fear. "I...I..." He looked at Vlad. "I think I need to snap out of it!" He grinned and then stopped grinning. Then he glanced farther down the tunnel. Suddenly, breaking free of the hands about to restrain him, he ran, bolting for up the subway.

He was, of course, promptly beat in the back, but he struggled from the ground to get up.

A wild, eery call came down the subway, as if from miles away.

Fishing something out of his pocket, Aiden quickly slipped the bottle of serum into the pocket in front of his shirt. No one noticed this action. He simply stood there and waited for them to hand cuff him. Surely they would believe him now.

"I think I need a smack to the head, Major."
 Chevron 7 locke
03-30-2009, 6:37 PM
Atrianna grabbed the pistol and smiled.

"Thank you Vlad, I'll return this as soon as I get back to the safehouse and you might not be getting it back for awhile. But seriously, Before we go rushing in, we should check our ammunition."

Atrianna turned around to look at the now restrained Aiden.

"What do you think happend to him?"
03-30-2009, 6:44 PM
Vlad stepped closer to Aiden, he turned back to Attriana.

"Well, we've all been under alot of stress lately, he probably jsut cracked. That or the serum is acting, but I'm thinking it's stress."

He looked back at Aiden and sighed, "I'm sorry, Aiden, but this is for your own good."

He raised his boot and slammed it down on the back of Aiden's head, probably effectively knocking him out. It would give him some much needed sleep, he'd probably do better after a few minutes.

Vlad reloaded his AK, "Let's reload. Yuri, keep an eye on Aiden, keep 'em safe. We'll move in 5 minutes."
03-30-2009, 7:16 PM
Aiden effectively "snapped into it" with the blow to his head, but of course in the half-second did not have any time to rejoice in this wonderful fact of life. He did not hear the the call come down the subway once more, still miles away.

The powerful figure froze. He was standing at a very dark open crossways, and the zombie next to him called out again.

"Will you shut up?"

The zombie grunted. Silently cursing, he wished that the serum made the zombies more civilized.

"He might be able to hear us. Not that it really matters in the long run. Oh, my Vladimir, if only you knew what you were getting into." He smiled to himself, obvious delusions of grandeur in his mind. "But there was no way we could let you run around serving your country, was there? Not good publicity."

The zombie howled again, not nearly as loudly.

"Idiot!" He turned to the others. "Kill him." The brutes did so.

"I would like to complete this mission without your talking." He muttered something in Russian.

The image faded, and kept sputtering back into view.

"I can't lose you...."

Something made Aiden wake up again. Obviously, some serious time had passed, as they were in a much darker area of the subway. Not as dark as the one in his visions, of course, but getting there. There was little talking.

Aiden simply grunted that he was awake. Obviously, Vlad wasn't going to pay attention to his warnings about....about what? Some vague image was in his mind, but he could barely remember it.

I can't lose you....
03-30-2009, 9:16 PM
Sam looked at Aiden, He was going crazy... He couldn't blame him, all the stress, after all, he was half zombie, probably had no parents... A pang of anger and sadness went through him. His brother had died protecting his mother and sister, and his father was off with the government.
Sam could understand how Aiden might have gone mad, but that made him wonder if he hadn't.
I actually have, I just haven't done anything stupid yet, Except for all the times I tried to off my self. Sam thought. How many times had he tried to kill himself. Two maybe four times?
 Chevron 7 locke
03-31-2009, 5:08 PM
"I just love the guy! You see, he's got this great green stuff he drinks, and he is big and scary and loves Central Station! I've been there a lot! We...we...get in big things that move and they're under the ground! They're like swiss cheese!"

Hmmm...when he said that I got chills down my back for some reason...Is he trying to warn us about something?

"Hey Vlad...Remember what Aiden said about "The guy who drinks the green stuff and he's apparently big and scary? Didn't Aiden say something about Central station?"

Atrianna squinted her eyes and tried to look further into the tunnel.

"I have a bad feeling about this."
03-31-2009, 5:42 PM
"Ahem! I have a bad feeling too." Aiden was trying desperately to calm down. Some force seemed to soothe him, however, but it kept fluctuating in and out. Sometimes the force was there, then it was gone. He didn't understand any of this. When the force came, it also reminded him of what he had said only half an hour ago.

People turned to him, probably expecting him to do something stupid.

"I'm feeling better, now, Vlad."
03-31-2009, 6:16 PM
Vlad nodded, he hoped that Aiden was telling the truth.

"Let him go. Keep an eye on yourself, Aiden, make sure you're alright."

He then looked to Attriana.

"We can't be entirely sure what's at the Central Station, but we've got to get there. And soon....a battalion of Russian troops will be arriving once we get there."
03-31-2009, 6:23 PM
Sam stepped forward, " If your not going in, than I am" then he stepped into the tunnel, turning on the flashlight on the side of his AKM.
" Its clear!" Sam yelled, the only response for the first few seconds being his own voice echoing.
" Alright, were going in!" Vlad yelled back to him.
03-31-2009, 6:25 PM
Aiden smiled and walked forward over to Sam.

"Don't worry, we another few miles to go yet."

He turned back to Vlad. "Vlad, my friend, if you would recall my earlier question....were you aware of the Russian executive branch missing?"
03-31-2009, 6:27 PM
Vlad raised an eyebrow.

"I probably shouldn't tell you, but it doesn't matter much now. Yes, we did notice quite a few disappearances. We had a feeling foul play was involved but investigators didn't agree, they though it was probably defection. But I don't know. Why do you ask?"
03-31-2009, 6:31 PM
"Something tells me that the Russian president isn't in his right mind." He stared at Vlad, quite seriously in fact.

"Let's just keep moving."

He glanced down at the serum in his pocket.
04-02-2009, 8:40 PM
Vlad sighed, Aiden wasn't making much sense, but there were things that needed to be done, right now. At least Aiden was no longer acting as if he were raised in an Insane Asylum.

Vlad broke into a run, his troops following behind.

They needed to be extra careful in these places....
04-04-2009, 8:35 PM
Sam followed after Vlad, the darkness of the tunnel only being alleviated by the flashlights on the guns everyone carried. Well, except for Aiden and Attrianna.
Sam moved closer to Attrianna. " Listen, I got an Uzi, I'm not using it, so if you want it, you can have it." Sam said.
 Chevron 7 locke
04-09-2009, 6:33 PM
"No, thanks for the offer though. I don't like using Uzi's. They don't have enough firepower for my taste."

Atrianna was bored.

"Are we there yet?"
04-10-2009, 1:10 PM
"I highly doubt it, that would make things easy, and God knows that would be fair." Sam said.
So they continued on, the darkness enveloping them as Sam's flashlight started to die.
" Not to worry, american, We have some spare batteries back at the base" Vlad said as he turned on his flashlight.
" Yeah, but what good will they do us there?" Sam mumbled.
04-10-2009, 1:14 PM
Aiden slowed down his pace slightly and walked next to Atrianna. She was obviously bored, or stressed. He understood this only too well.

"So, how are you holding up? I suppose I shouldn't be talking, but...."
 Chevron 7 locke
04-10-2009, 4:08 PM
"I'm doing fine...I'm a bit worried but I'm fine."

Atrianna gave Sam another glare.

"I really don't see how you can trust him. He shot me. I just can't let that go."
04-10-2009, 5:16 PM
"Well, we have a connection through the military. He seems like a nice guy when you get to know him. He carried those kids too. You trust Vlad. He captured us in a Humvee. Although he didn't shoot me." Aiden chuckled.

"Maybe you should just talk to him."
 Chevron 7 locke
04-10-2009, 5:36 PM
"I trust Vlad because he actually seems worthy of being tusted. Your "Friend" reminds me of people I've been hired to kill in the past. Believe me, I'm not going to be trusting him anytime soon."

Atrianna paused with a thought.

"In fact... I think the only reason he was carrying those kids was because he was trying to get on everyone's good side to be honest."
04-10-2009, 6:59 PM
Sam walked along. He had heard everything Atrriana had said. He felt like saying something, like how he hadn't shot her at all. Yeah, she'd been shot, and yeah, he may have wanted to do that, but he never, ever would have actually followed through on it.
He also felt like trying to off himself again. Yeah, he may have saved the kid, partially to get on Smith's good side, but he wasn't looking for justification in anyone's eyes but his. He didn't know why, maybe because he reminded him of his dad a little.
Sam picked up his pace, he had no need to be around the she-merc. He checked the rounds for his AKM magazine, then his Uzi, then his Desert Eagle's. All good, not a problem to be seen.
Sam stopped, tears came to his eyes. Dang it, not here! he thought.
"Screw it!" Sam said. He turned around and headed back for the base, Alexis would probably need help anyway.
04-10-2009, 7:08 PM
Sam shot away from the group. Aiden heard a whisper from Sam.


"Sam!" Aiden didn't know what to say. He just turned back around. "Obviously he has different priorities. I can understand that. I mean, I'm not sure we'll be coming back anyway." He glanced at the serum in his pocket and then quickly slipped it back into his jeans.
04-10-2009, 7:25 PM
Vlad looked back, seeing Sam jetting off in the opposite direction.

"SAM! What are doing?! You don't want to go that way!"

There was no stopping Sam, at least as Vlad could see.

Vlad cussed to himself.

"Yuri, Vassili....follow him, keep an eye on him. He may need help. We'll meet you at the central station."

Yuri and Vassili saluted and ran off after Sam.

Vlad motioned for everyone to keep moving. He had checked his gear, he was surprised at the ease of their advance. So much so, his focus was completely on getting to the station before resistance came.
04-11-2009, 11:49 AM
Sam finally made it outside, everything smelled more clear than in the subway. It was a good way to get his brain working.
" All right, now which way to the base?" Sam thought aloud as he walked away from the entrance.
04-11-2009, 12:37 PM
"Damn." Smith said as he watched Sam slide away. The boy had had potential, but the second Lieutenant was far too impulsive to survive in the Service for much longer. "I would've liked that Uzi too." He muttered before patting Vlad's old uniform he was wearing, trying to find any old weapons.

Sadly he only found his Colt 1911, the pistol that Atrianna had given him and an old Marakov. Three pistols, he wasn't going to be any real help any time soon if any Zombies attacked them.

"Vlad, I..." Smith let his voice die. Even though the boy wasn't going to survive in the service he wasn't going to suggest that he be abandoned. "Forget it." He said to Vlad's questioning glance.

"Damn right the boy has different priorities." Smith said as he fell back until he was walking next to Aiden and Atrianna. "I will say this, if the boy lives he's either going to get himself a medal or a full court martial... and I really couldn't care less either way."
04-14-2009, 7:25 PM
Inwardly, Aiden was a little annoyed that Smith had overheard him and had interjected. He did his best not to look that way.

"Something tells me we'll be seeing him again."

Something tells me he's going to save our butts.

Just then Aiden heard something. It sounded vaguely like footsteps. This far away, however, and with all the noise they were making, he couldn't be sure.

But a steady noise was definitely not a good thing in this tunnel.
04-15-2009, 7:33 PM
Sam finally made it to the base. His head was cleared, and everything seemed more focused now. Sam could see his uncle on the top of the base, his barrel poking out of the winow. Sam looked to his left, there was a hole, right were the subway would be. A hand was sticking out. Sam walked out, pulling out his Desert Eagle to finish the job the collapsed tunnel started. Then he noticed the hand was moving, and was actually bleeding.
It's alive!]
Sam grabbed the hand, and pulled the person out. He was missing a leg, and had a bite mark on his arm.
Awww Sh*t!
" Please! Kill me!" The man said. Sam picked him up and set him upright next to some rubble. His leg had been put in a tourniquet, so that was all right, but his arm might be trouble. Sam noticed a slight glint of metal from teh darkness below. He reached for it, all the while his mind was screaming to ignore it.
It was heavy, but definitely metal. He grabbed the handle with one hand and cleared away the rubble with another. Suddenly, it was free, and Sam fell on his butt. He looked at it.
Attriannas mini!
One of the barrels was bent though, and the ammo canister was gone. Sam held it by the forward handle and dragged the man along with his other hand. When they got back to the base, sam set the Minigun down carefully, and he pulled the man inside.
"Jim, Is Alexis awake?" Sam called.
" Yeah, she's brewing up something good." Jim said. Sam smelled the air, it was thick with spices.
He walked into the kitchen-ish area. " Alexis, I need a cure, a man who's been bitten is outside!' Sam said hurriedly. Alexis looked at sam with a look of almost horror. She reached into her purse and pulled out a vial.
" Here you go" She said and then she explained how it worked.
Sam went back to the man and stuck the needle in his arm and pushed the plunger thing down.
04-15-2009, 7:44 PM
( Sorry, I need to make two posts, since last time I made a really long post, It all deleted on me.)
The man sighed. " Wow, I feel better!" he said. Alexis came running over. She started working on his leg, applying whatever she could to try and fix the wound. Sam stepped back outside and picked up the Minigun. The barrel wasn't bent that bad, a hammer and some duct tape could fix it. Sam laughed to himself, life wasn't like that.
He stepped inside and looked around. The base had to have something that could work to replace the barrel.
" Whoa! That's a messed up barrel!" The man said. Sam looked at him.
" Can you fix it?" Sam inquired.
" Heck yeah! I was the weapons inspector and armorer for my unit back in 'Nam!" the man said.
Thank God! Sam thought. " Here you go, once your patched up can you get working on it?" Sam asked.
" Yeah, for saving my old butt! its the least I could do." The man replied.
Thirty Minutes later.
" Hey, kid, I'm done! Would you believe that! I usually would have to order a new set of barrels and wait for weeks on end for it to get here!" the man said. Sam bounded over to the man.
Sure enough, the barrel was fixed, and there were three whole ammop canister waiting there.
" Would you believe the people who won this base had that stuff?" the man asked.
" Wouldn't surprise me Tim." Sam said. Sam picked up the minigun, loading one of the canisters. He stepped outside and fired a few shots. It worked like a charm.
" Hey, Alexis! I'm heading out! Save me some grub!" Sam called out as he slowly walked towards the subway.
 Chevron 7 locke
04-15-2009, 7:58 PM
Atrianna raised one of her eyebrows in confusion as the cell-phone in her pocket went off on vibrate.

Alright...I'm not even gonna wonder how someone got my number.

Atrianna pulled the phone out of her pocket and held it up to her ear.




"Mom...there are people here...I-I think they killed Lee and Leen."

"WHAT?! Who are they? What do they look like?!"

"I think they're military officers...but they look different somehow. Mom, I'm really scared."

"Just...Just calm down sweetie. Listen to me...Did they say anything?"

"They said something about dealing with a Woman who was messing with some plan...They said something about her traveling with Russians."

Aw hell...They know about me...

"Listen to me...are you in the house right now? And where are these men?"

"N-No, I'm outside, I was coming back from the store and I saw them go in and then I heard gunshots. Mom, I don't know what to do!"

"Listen to me very closely. You remember that key I gave you? The one your supposed to use in case of emergencies?
Use it. First of all, make sure no one is following you. Go to fifth street. There's an old house with a peace sign on the side of it. Now the key works with that house. I want you to go inside and after your in, lock the door. Now, there's a room in the back with some guns. Grab one and keep it with you at all times. Don't leave the house, Don't answer the door, just stay quiet and stay safe. I'll be back int he country as soon as I can."

"Okay Mom."

Atrianna's heart was breaking, her daughter was in trouble and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

"Alright Shayla. I'll be back as soon as possible. I love you hon."

"Love you too mom."

Her heart nearly broke in two as the connection was severed.

Atrianna ran up and grabbed Vlad by the shoulders.

"Vlad...They know who I am. They're going after my daughter! Listen to me, do you have any friends in Japan? Any military connections at all?"

Atrianna was on the verge of tears.
04-15-2009, 8:10 PM
Vlad was completely surprised by Attriana's predicament.

He took a breath, "Hey, take it easy alright. Tell me what happened calmly....why do you need my friends in Japan?"

This was all taking him by surprise, he couldn't read Attriana's mind, though she really seemed to be in trouble.
 Chevron 7 locke
04-15-2009, 8:20 PM
Atrianna wiped her face to prevent the tears from showing with little sucess.

"Alright...I-I have a daughter in Japan and her name is Shayla. I took her to Japan a few years ago because I thought it would be safer, but she just called me on my cell phone and said that she was on her way back to Lee and Leen's but she saw people in military uniforms break into the house and she heard gunshots, I told her to run to a safehouse."

Atrianna gave up the fight and let the tears come.

"T-The safehouse is in Kyoto and...Vlad she's only sixteen years old! She doesn't even know how to handle a gun! Please, if you have any military friends in japan...just...Please!"

Atrianna buried her head in her hands and kept crying.

"I know those military people she saw are connected to the undead somehow! her!"
04-15-2009, 8:25 PM
Vlad nodded, at the same time as going through his memory of the Russian Operatives in Japan.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "I have a few friends. If you have a phone, I'll contact them. They will do what they can."

Another, more disturbing question came to Vlad's mind, "What makes you think these armed soldiers are connected to my superiors?"
 Chevron 7 locke
04-15-2009, 8:41 PM
Atrianna nodded furiously.

" them as fast as you can. Tell them to go to Fith street in Kyoto and look for an old house with a peace sign on the side of it. Tell them that there's a key hidden behind a false brick on the bottom-left most side. Tell them to watch out, I told her to grab a gun and lock the door as soon as she got there."

"What makes you think these armed soldiers are connected to my superiors?"

"S-Shayla said that there was something wrong with them...that they didn't look right. She said that she overheard them talking about a woman who was traveling with russian solders, threatning to ruin the plan. I think that description applies to me quite nicely."

Atrianna pulled out her cell-phone and quickly dialed her daughter's number.



"Shayla I don't have alot of time sweetie, so I'm gonna be quick. I have a friend with me who's going to be sending friends of his to help you. Until they show up...hide in the safehouse until they show up."

"How will I know who they are?"

"I-I don't know sweetie. I'll call you back in a minute."

Atrianna quickly hung up and handed the phone to Vlad.

"Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!"
04-15-2009, 9:15 PM
Vlad took the phone and dialed a quick number.

It rang for a few seconds.

Someone with a deep, rather intimidating voice, answered.

"Ja? Pyotr speaking."

"PYOTR!! You don't recognize me? Remember, Vlad from the Berlin Operation!"

"VLAD! So good to hear from you!! I still owe you that drink here in Kyoto! What'll it be?"

"Well, Pyotr, it isn't so much a drink that I'll be needing...rather, could you do something for me?"

"Anything for an old comrade."

"Well, I am currently traveling in America, and one of my companions has a daughter who is currently in danger.....I need you to take a team, and make sure she is safe."

"Sounds good, what's the girl's name?"

"Shayla....that's all I have to work with right are some specific directions..."

Vlad gave them, and Pyotr took them without question. He then hung up, letting Vlad know that Shayla would be safe.

Vlad looked to Attriana.

"Pyotr's a good friend. Your daughter will be safe...."

Another question came to mind.

"You never really elaborated on your family, or yourself....would it be alright if you told us? We're in this together, so might as well..."

Vlad hoped he wasn't pressing on a sensitive subject, but you wouldn't know unless you tried.
 Chevron 7 locke
04-15-2009, 9:36 PM
"N-No...I don't mind telling you. I guess I haven't told you enough about me."

Atrianna took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Safe...She'll be safe...Vlad's a good man.

"I grew up on the streets...I don't really know who my mother and father were. I can't say my childhood, but it did teach me some valuable lessons that I found useful later in life. I joined the army, got kicked out a few months later when my commanding officer got drunk and decided to get a bit frisky with me, so I decked him."

Atrianna laughed nervously.

"After the army, I tried my hand at being a mercenary and it worked out well for me...until I...decided to get drunk in a bar one night...and nine months later, Shayla was born."

Atrianna's voice trembled slightly.

"Her father...was a good man from what I found out later, He was a military officer who got drunk that same night. But, he was killed in action shortly after that night at the bar. So...for sixteen years I raised Shayla as best I could."

"A few years ago I got tired of all the murders, and drug dealers and the corruption, so I took Shayla and left America behind me. Moved to Kyoto, bought a house, got my little girl an education so she wouldn't have to grow up to be like me. I still needed money though, So I was hired to get some politicans who got themselves in hot water wanted to get out so I traveled back to the states to try and get them out. Then the undead plauge broke out and I couldn't get to them, so I set up shop in Milwaukee and then I met up with you and your men. That's about it."

Atrianna looked to the ground.

"I can't help but feel bad for Lee and Leen...they were good people, they would always look after my little girl when I needed to do a job. Now they're dead. I-I'll tell you about my little girl later. Right now, I'm just so worried about her."
04-18-2009, 4:05 PM
Standing there, listening to her story, Aiden felt a deep sense of longing for his parents. He really couldn't explain it. Tears came to his eyes, but then he stopped them. Regaining control of himself, he turned to Atrianna.

"It's going to be all right." But somehow, he wasn't entirely sure. He turned to Vlad.

A sudden unfortunate realization hit him.

"They're coming after all of us. It's their plan. They think that if they break us down emotionally, they can stop us. Vlad, I think you have serious explaining to do. You have to tell us your mission. Because we're going with you whether you like it or not."

The sounds in the subway, he realized, had suddenly stopped. Then they continued, at a slower pace, although they were still from very far away.
04-19-2009, 2:29 AM
Vlad but his lip and shook his head. He knew Aiden was right, but Vlad's instinct and sense of duty were still prying at him not to tell.

But he had to.

He took a breath, "After the initial Nuclear Launches, I was sent here to clean up the mess my comrades created. No one really knew that Russia launched the missiles, in fact, not even Russia knew, but my superiors knew that we could use that to our advantage. This had two possiblites, we could handle the problem, and gain respect, or fail, and the world fear our weaponry, and give us respect. That was the initial plan."

There was more, though.

"I've always known about the hive-mind. I created it. I also always knew how to destroy it, and to locate it's main source. I engineered it."

He took out a small blinking button in his pocket.

"This is a detonator for a Nuclear Device capable of destroying the entire city. The Hive-mind would be decimated in a single blow, and would destroy itself, seeing as it could no longer maintain control. From there, humans would be able to reinhabit the area."

The rest of the plan came to mind.

'The Center Station is also the center of the city. I place the bomb there, get you guys out. Then detonate it. Saving many, and finally redeeming my crimes. That's the way it is. That's why you all must survive. To help in the coming days after the destruction of the Hive-mind. For me, it is a different story. Survival was never apart of the plan."
 Chevron 7 locke
04-19-2009, 3:34 AM
"That's why you all must survive. To help in the coming days after the destruction of the Hive-mind. For me, it is a different story. Survival was never apart of the plan."

Atrianna turned and gave Vlad a look filled with disbelief.

"...You expect let you detonate a nuke with virtually no chance of survival for you? Sorry Vlad...but I for one am not going to let that happen. I'd rather die then let that happen."

Atrianna laughed a very unplesant laugh.

"You know what Vlad, I'll admit it. You screwed up. You screwed up bad when you created the hive, but if you think for one second that I'm gonna let you die out of some misguided sense of having to redeem yourself...then your an idiot."

Atrianna grabbed Vlad by the front of his shirt and flashed him her best "I'm crazy" smile.

"When this is over...people like you...people like me...are going to be needed. People need to know that something like this can never happen again, the world needs more people like you Vlad, like you and your men."
04-19-2009, 2:43 PM
Knowing that he would be essentially interrupting Atrianna again, Aiden still said what was on his mind, while placing a hand on both her and Vlad's shoulders, and then taking out the serum from his pocket.

"I think there is a way that we can escape the subway in time."

As if on cue, and likely it was on cue, the footsteps in the subway became rampant and quick, and groans were followed by shouting. Finally, the shouting stopped. But it was obvious that whatever it was no longer was trying to be discreet.

Aiden put the serum away and looked to Vlad as if he knew what to do.
04-20-2009, 1:45 AM
It seemed Attriana and Aiden were being as stubborn as always. They were now good comrades, it would be hard to part with them, but it was inevitable.

He looked down the tunnel and looked at his watch.

"My Demolition Unit will arrive at the Center Station in 30 minutes with the Nuclear Weapon. We have to be there to secure it."

Vlad armed his AK and motioned for the others to follow. He sprayed some rounds into the hordes of undead charging forward. He yelled, charging forward into the oncoming zombies.
04-20-2009, 6:45 PM
Sam stepped back into the subway. Yuri and Boris, the ones Vlad had ordered to follow him, were staying close behind him. They had their AK's trained forward. Sam moved slowly forward, the minigun was not his forte of weaponry. The moan of the undead was unbearably loud, and it seemed that they were in the tunnel.
The one the guys, and Attrianna, went down.
Sam moved forward faster. His legs pumped, the russians moved after him, they kept up better than him.
Two minutes later.....
Sam arrived at the horde. Everyone was yelling and shooting. He plowed through, he finally made it to the crew.
"Hey, Attrianna! Take this!!" Sam yelled, tossing her the mini.
 Chevron 7 locke
04-20-2009, 8:12 PM
"Hey, Attrianna! Take this!"

Aw he gonna shoot me again?

Atrianna's eyes then locked onto the Mini-gun that was sailing toward her over the heads of the attacking horde.

Maybe he isn't so bad...Doesn't mean I'm gonna start trusting him though.

Atrianna deflty caught the weapon and aimed it into the attacking horde.

"Suck On This!"

Atrianna fired a barrage of lead into the horde and then stared as the weapon went dead in her hands.

Out of much ammunition did that idiot use?!

"Vlad...other guy, who's name escapes me at the moment! Give me some cover while I reload!"

Atrianna pulled the last remaining ammo strap off her chest and began to load the powerful weapon.

I'm gonna need to reload soon.
04-20-2009, 8:25 PM
Sam unloaded a magazine of his Uzi into the crowd. Attrianna was looking for some more ammo for her MiniGun.
"Hey, Attrianna, Catch again." He said as he threw another loading canister at her, noticing she already was loading one.
Whoops! Well, at least she has more ammo.
Sam reloaded his Uzi, then he noticed Smith, firing like crazy with his pistols.
Dang! He's really good at this! " Hey, Smith. Need more firepower?" Sam asked
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