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Zombies Walk!

Page: 4 of 10
01-08-2009, 7:13 PM
( surprising how that everything I intended to happen to my character happens to everyone else. I intended to become a super intelligent zombie, but this works better, now im not an undead)
Sam didn't want to go near the Base Camp one, they'd be passing the Russians, and Sam knew that wouldn't be beneficial to either of their health. Then Sam saw the abnormally large horde assaulting the camp. Jim veered towards it, obviously holding the same thought he had. Sam opened the sunroof and pulled out his L96A1, firing as fast as he could at the crowd. Most of the shots were head shots but some went low.
Then Sam saw Atrianna, and sighted in on her, one round left in the magazine. Then he saw the Demon throwing its tongue out behind her, catching her leg. Her look was of surprise, Sam couldn't wait until she saw her savior. Sam fired at the Demon, imploding its face.
 Chevron 7 locke
01-08-2009, 7:29 PM
Atrianna pushed herself up from the ground as one of the undead fell right next to her

Just for good measure, she shot it again.

She looked up to see the solder who had nearly killed Yuri smirking at her.

Him again This time he won't be so lucky

He must have saved her from the undead.

She couldn't shoot him after that.

But luckily, she knew someone who might want to shoot him

"Hey Yuri!"

Yuri was busy trying to blast one of the undead that was trying to get in close.


"You interested in a bit of payback on the guy who threw you out of the helicoptor?"
01-08-2009, 7:47 PM
Yuri hesitated, "You know, I'm not much for vengeance. There's definately a way of things for those type of people. Eventually a person's past can catch up with them, and that will be a ton more efficient than a bullet to the head. Thanks for the offer, but I'm not going to take it now."

Yuri nodded at the last saying and Vlad patted his shoulder, "We understand, Comrade, but if he plans again on shooting you or one of my men, we'll feel free to shoot him, you feel free as well."

Yuri nodded again and smiled.

Vlad turned to Attriana, "Are you alright? Those tongue zombies are rather nasty."
 Chevron 7 locke
01-08-2009, 7:51 PM
Atrianna was about to respond when a single shot rang out

Atrianna felt a sharp pain arch through her chest.

That...idiot shot me in the chest

She scanned the area where the solder had been when she had last seen him.

He was nowhere to be seen


And then she fell down
01-08-2009, 8:04 PM
Vlad was taken by surprise when Attriana went down. He dropped as well, in instinct, and began searching for the sniper. The he gathered his senses.

"Doc! Get over here!"

The Medic ran over and began to examine the wound. Vlad stood again and began motioning for the Americans to send their medic.
01-08-2009, 8:26 PM
Smith saw the Russians had indeed broken out of their 'prison', he couldn't have said that he was too surprised about that. And, when the lead Russian, Major Vladimir, had offered his team's assistance Smith had simply nodded and turned back to killing more of the horde and waiting on the Air Force.

Then he showed up.

Smith saw Larson riding in a truck of some sort and let out a string of expletives that would've made even a sailor blush. Lining up his M-4 with Larson's head he depressed the trigger.


Grunting, Smith reached for another clip and reloaded the rifle and then had to fend off several zombies that had gotten too close.

CrackCrackCrack... Crack

He saw three zombies die and then the one creeping up on the other American died.

Maybe the kid could be taught...
01-11-2009, 2:43 PM
As the horde descended upon them, Aiden kept letting loose bullets from his pistol. Until he heard a click. He had run out of ammunition. This certainly wasn't the first time.

What was worse, looking ahead for any oncoming enemies, he saw something that he certainly did not expect. A zombie with a rifle. Using it. It wasn't very accurate, but accidents happened all of the time.


The Russian Major turned.

"The serum has gotten smarter!"

Vlad muttered something, looking confused. And then he appeared to be making connections.

Aiden had more speculations about the serum as well, but the biggest secret of all, of how to cure someone of the serum's effect, would have to wait. Besides, the antidote probably wouldn't work anyway. Aiden himself had destroyed the remains of Vlad's serum in the explosion. At least, that's what he thought.

Perhaps they had missed a hotspot...God knows where a copy of the serum could have gotten to.

Vlad shot the one with the rifle, just in time to see a few more running with them.

This is going to be a very long day.
01-12-2009, 2:47 PM
Vlad cursed repeatedly in Russian. He didn't think that they'd become so smart in such a short period. He looked at Coryn and tossed him the last clips in his pocket. They'd have to conserve more ammo as the zombies got smarter.

Vlad unloaded another mag into a group of zombies. They were becoming faster and harder to beat with each wave.

He looked back at Attriana who was wounded," We're going to need you in this fight, can you stand?"

Vlad pumped another couple of rounds into a zombie.
 Chevron 7 locke
01-12-2009, 2:56 PM
Atrianna nodded and tried to stand but she fell back down

Get up Get up Get Up!

Atrianna rose shakily to her feet and leaned against the wall while loading her shotgun

Atrianna blasted one of the undead right in the head

I really wish this bazooka wasn't on my back

"Vlad, next time you see that solder who shot me, I want you to let me know when you see him, He and I have a score to settle."
01-12-2009, 3:04 PM
Vlad nodded an affirmative, he would definately find this man.

"You know, that bazooka and extra equipment probably weigh more than you do, removing the bazooka may help you stand," Vlad joked.

Yuri chuckled and tossed a bio-chem grenade into a group of the undead. They were still moving slowly toward their position, but not making much progress.
01-12-2009, 3:21 PM
As a batch of a few Americans showed up and Vlad tossed a grenade, it seemed that they would win this fight.

But before that decisive victory, the undead all slowly started to turn, and began fleeing away from the base.

It was a sight to see for sore eyes.

Of course, that didn't stop the Americans and Russians from shooting. Only a few dozen of the undead made it out alive. Or did they make it out dead? Aiden didn't really care.

Already in the battle it had seemed the zombies had become incredibly smarter, if not a long ways from being able to actually use the weapons they had brought.

As for why, Aiden had a theory.
01-12-2009, 3:31 PM
Vlad chuckled as the zombies fled.

"I guess they are smart enough to know when to run."

The Russians laughed aloud and began cleaning and rearming their weapons.

Vlad turned to the Americans.

"So, you two seem to be turning out very well. You alright?"
01-12-2009, 3:35 PM
Aiden did not reply. Come to think of it, it was definitely not a good thing that the undead were getting smarter.

They were learning, copying tactics. And it would only get worse. And the way to stop them all, Aiden thought, would be an impossible task if there was no known serum left.

"Vlad, I have to speak to you immediately."
01-12-2009, 3:43 PM
Vlad nodded," Yuri, you're in charge for right now, I'll be back quickly."

The Major walked to Coryn's position.

He was hoping that the man might have some information on the zombie horde. He didn't show it, but he was quite afraid of the fact that the zombies were learning.
 Chevron 7 locke
01-12-2009, 3:47 PM
Atrianna slumped the ground when the pain became unbearable.

Standing and shooting while having to deal with a gunshot wound to the stomach was never a good idea.

"Next time I see that solder, he is so dead."

Atrianna could see that Vlad was talking to Aiden about something but she couldn't really hear anything.

Huh, I guess that bullet did a bit more damage then I thought
01-12-2009, 3:53 PM
"Major Vladimir, you're the commando that infiltrated the test facility #49387. I assume you remember me.

"First of all, your serum worked. Well, the prototype did, anyway. We used it. Maybe I can tell you about my team later, but right now the important thing is that somehow the Russians made it unuseable.

"That test facility was the last one on our records and from what our spies were able to gather. Which means that there is no more of the new serum as far as my intelligence knows. Well, knew--I'm retired from the military. I believe that mixing the prototype with the new type might have been what "cured" me. And somehow the effects of it are still there in a small quantity.

"However, I don't think it's a disease at all....rather, it's not a virus, or a bacteria. It's something else. That may have something to do with their growing capabilities to think.

"To this date, the prototype is locked away in a well-guarded facility taken over by the Russians, and then was presumably attacked by a horde.

"I think if we have any chance at all of stopping them, we should start there.

"And, Major...I don't blame you, and I hope you understand. We couldn't let you get the serum out there...and now look at the destruction it's caused."
01-12-2009, 4:10 PM
Vlad listened carefully, and now he could put a name to Coryn's face. He remembered briefing before that fateful mission at Facility #49387. He remembered every bit of it. Coryn, no, Aiden, had in fact been a member of a Special Group designed to somehow stop the virus spread. But Vlad also remembered why he was there, and what he'd ordered. That, he would never forget, if his mentality would allow him.

"Ahh, yes...I remember now. Aiden, wasn't it?"

Vlad thought for a moment," Well, I'm glad the prototype worked, but I only have a few vials remaining, even those have changed in several years. The way I created it is for me alone...until the right moment comes."

"And you're right, it is no longer a virus. I had conducted several experiments on this 'thing.' I had devised a theory, a theory on what it could be: A Hive mind mentality. I had told my fellow bio-chem scientists of this, but they would not listen, dismissing it for madness. But survived an infection. You know."

"I do not think that the undead have the serum in my Motherland. We managed to handle that problem, with the last Nukes we had. I still have my original plans for the serum, but I doubt that would've survived the blasts of the things dropped on that 'secret' facility. I still remember though. I can create another, countermeasure for this zombie 'plague."

"I'm glad that someone knew that my virus needed stopping. It feels good that there was still some good in the Soviet Union, as opposed to the stupidity of my superiors. I see the destruction of it."

Vlad turned away for minute. Everything kept flooding back into his mind. Everything that he had done, everything that could've been prevented, everything. And it started with his simple idea of a 'super soldier.' It worked, but the Tale of Frankenstein had come back like it did in Winter of '88.'
01-12-2009, 4:15 PM
Aiden blinked a few times. His suspicions had been mostly correct, but there was one thing that didn't add up.

"Couldn't you have made this 'countermeasure' a long time ago? Or do your superiors plan on making a grand show of saving the country? There has to be catch. And if you knew the effects of the prototype we stole, then why did you create a new serum?"
01-12-2009, 4:21 PM
This caught Vlad off guard," I did create a long time ago. But countermeasures take time to create, something that my superiors didn't want me to have. You could say that my superiors want a 'big show,' but all in the name of Russian enterprise. The end of the Soviet Union brought a bad economic problem on the Russian people. My superiors want that money to bring my country out of the dust and into its formal glory, so we...instigated a problem."

Vlad looked back at Aiden," I created a new serum, slightly as cure, but it was also a bit like the old one. It fit its purpose more than the first, but in the end, the test subjects went a bad direction. I created it to counter the serum you stole."
01-12-2009, 4:29 PM
"So, then, in the end it was both sides' faults. But how do you know that Russia won't ultimately pay the price for all of this? What then? Will it just destroy another country for its causes?

"I'll follow you because you serve your country and I want these undead gone, but--"

A flood of zombies stopped him mid-sentence. There were over twice as many as the first attack, more than enough to overwhelm their own forces.

"It appears, Vlad, that you have engineered their hive-mind only too well."
01-14-2009, 2:45 PM
Vlad cussed aloud and fired off a few rounds. Some of the zombies fell, but they were moving in a zig-zag formation, not a good thing.

Then, quite coldly, he spoke to Aiden," If my country needs to decimate other countries to survive."

He hesitated on the last part, knowing how hard it would be in real-life,"So be it."

Vlad bit back any pain at the saying and opened fire on a zombie that had managed to get inside the perimeter.
01-14-2009, 3:24 PM
Vlad took one last glance at Aiden and then walked away, presumably to give orders. After all, they would definitely need a new strategy for the growing minds of the undead. However, even in their formation, only a few of them had weapons, and it still didn't look they knew how to use them.

Why would they when they're dangerous enough as it is?

As the horde suddenly broke out into another formation, it seemed like things were about to get real rough around the base.

And, suddenly, like a brigade of cavalry attacking an enemy line, American helicopters stormed over the base, launching missiles and gunfire at the oncoming horde.

Reinforcements, it seemed, had arrived.
01-14-2009, 6:47 PM
Vlad looked up at the airborne cavalry as they flew over. This wasn't a good sign. Russians weren't on the highest welcome with the Americans. He walked over to his troops where they had gathered.

He began to loudly speak in Russian and Yuri motioned for the troops to move back into the silent city behind the lines.

Vlad looked at the two Americans blasting away at the remaining zombies. He bit his lip and followed Yuri.

Where Vlad was going, his American friends could not follow.
 Chevron 7 locke
01-14-2009, 6:52 PM
Atrianna watched through half closed eyes as Vlad and the remaining Russians left

I must be hallucinating

Vlad and his men wouldn't run from a fight

"Vlad! Yuri! where're you going?"

What's going on?
01-14-2009, 7:06 PM
Vlad looked back, but didn't answer. They had to reach the base, American forces would have no mercy on the Russians after the plague.

They needed to link up with fellow Russians at Base Camp One. They were going to accomplish their mission.
01-14-2009, 9:38 PM
( I hope that the soldier that shot Chev wasn't me... or else I'm royally screwed)
Sam had been watching from the shadows, the horde thinning, only to return, and he heard the conversation between Vlad and Co- no, Aiden. His Father, whenever he talked about his missions in the Special Forces, alwys had a good thing to say about Aiden. His superior officer, Aiden was taken off the field on a stretcher, which wasn't like him apparently. And Sam knew that, he'd met Cor- err, Aiden several times, his father dragging him to dinners and parties where Aiden was.
Sam saw the second horde, and thought about helping, he knew they'd really want to knock his skull in, but if he happened to save their butts they'd be grateful, or atleast less inclined to crush him. Sam left his uncle to snipe the horde, and he ran forward, firing his AKM ( Sam figured out its designation later) into the oncoming horde. The group stopped for a second, staring at him.
Am I really this crazy... Yep, you betcha! Sam thought as he continued to fire into the evergrowing horde.
01-15-2009, 3:41 PM
Aiden turned to find Vlad...and he was running away. He watched as the Major fled with his team. And he obviously couldn't follow. The Major was doing his duty as a Russian.

Perhaps they would meet again.

But, hopefully, it wouldn't be in battle....

Aiden watched as the horde died off slowly and then began to flee. The helicopters wiped out the stragglers. And it was over.

He turned towards the older woman, Atrianna. "Vlad's just doing his job," he stated.

But deep down, he knew that this was not a good thing for the Americans at all. A war with Russia seemed inevitable....

Looking around, he glanced at someone who looked familiar. It appeared to be the one shooting at Atrianna earlier. Then he remembered. His father was an American that had been put into Aiden's squad. But he couldn't remember whether the man had died on Aiden's last mission or not.

It might be best to let him approach you, then.
01-15-2009, 7:27 PM
The horde pithered and died away, and Sam walked over to Aiden.
"Last time I saw you, you where in the hospital, waiting to be debriefed. or so my dad had told me. after your one mission, the one noone's supposed to know about? my dad drank a little to much." Sam said, then Smith came over and pointed his M9 in Sam's face. Things always go down hill for me, dont they? Sam looked at Atrianna, she was doing better, and then he looked at Aiden, pleadingly, hoping he could stop Smith. Or else Sam's uncle would take drastic measures.
01-16-2009, 6:18 PM
(Jedi_Man, I wasn't in the hospital before that mission, I was at the base...and if your dad was a part of that mission, then he would be dead from the nuke they launched.)

"Sir." Aiden reached into his left pocket and pulled out an inconspicuous card. On it was his identification for the Bulgarian team he had led. And nearly died for. He handed it to the American.

"This identification checks out, but that leaves the question of why you were with the Russians," Smith said.

"We were captured sir, by force." Aiden winked at Atrianna as Smith turned to Sam again.

"Sir, I knew this man's father. He was a part of my team once. I still don't know what became of him."

Smith lowered his pistol and ordered his men to bring Sam back to the base. "Aiden Valko."


"Don't call me sir. You are no longer a part of the military, and, for the time being, you and this woman here will be under my hospitality. You are to follow my orders without question. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." Smith walked away.
01-16-2009, 6:24 PM
Vlad watched the situation unfold with Aiden and Attriana through his red scope. He saw no hostility, though possibly a little from Aiden. But now he was confident they would be safe.

He looked to Yuri and whispered, "Let's make for the subway."

"Comrade, the area is probably overrun."

"Not where base camp 1 is, those guys could fight their own war for decades and not die, I know them too well."

Vlad motioned for the group tp follow him into a dark subway entrance.

Into the unknown.
01-16-2009, 8:35 PM
( Oh, sorry about that, I just assumed thats what happened to you after your near changing. also, my Dad wasn't with you all the way, he was a ways back, with the group you fell back to then was knocked out by.)
Sam sighed, but this could present a whole new set of problems... Nah, He could trust Aiden with his life. His father had. Sam had no intention of getting into any more skirmishes with Attrianna, and hopefully not with any military force. Sam's uncle came out of the foliage, holding his sniper rifle high.
01-17-2009, 9:36 AM
Smith let out a sigh as the Helos showed up and started pounding the ground with their missiles and and minigun rounds. The zombie horde that had appeared was quickly crushed under the onslaught and Smith was allowed to turn his attention to less pressing matters.

"Lieutenant, no, Specialist Larson." He called. "Front and center."

Guessing he had a few minutes before Larson would show his face, Smith opened up a radio channel to the helos above. "So, you finally show your collective faces." He drawled into the radio. "This is Lieutenant Colonel Smith, United States Army, whose the ranking officer aboard?"

"Sir! Lieutenant Commander Charleston, sir!"

"Charleston, there's a Russian base about a half-click from here. Think we could drop a Daisy Cutter on it?"

Receiving a double click in lieu of a positive response, Smith settled back into the frame of the overturned HMMWV and waited for the sound of whatever would drop the massive bomb.
01-17-2009, 2:11 PM
(Hey, ForeverNight, sorry for giving you dialogue, thought maybe you'd left or something.)

Aiden turned to the (older?) man whose father had served under him. "I'm sorry, but could you remind me of your name?"

Atrianna walked away in silence, and another man holding a sniper rifle came out from among the trees, and nodded at Aiden.
 Chevron 7 locke
01-17-2009, 6:18 PM
Atrianna was already planning her escape before she heard the planned bombing of the Russian base camp

Atrianna and the American Military were not on the best of terms

After all, the Military hated deserters, even when they were justified in leaving

She had to warn the russians before they dropped the bomb

Or did she?

Look what they did to America!

That wasn't Vlad's fault, He's here to help us!

He's taking orders from the same people who sold the bomb to the terrorists in the first place!

He feels guilty about what his country has should forgive him and warn him and his men

"That settles it, I have to warn him"

Atrianna quickly ran off in pursuit of Vlad and his men
01-17-2009, 6:41 PM
((No problem, Ataris, I was just really busy. Getting home from school, doing homework, going to sleep and repeating it again.))

Smith saw the girl rush off to warn 'Vlad'. He brought up his M-4 and gauged the distance before giving it up as a bad show and shaking his head slightly. He wished that he could bring himself to hate Vlad, to hate anybody who helped him, but he couldn't, the brief conversation he'd had with the Russian Major had left a favorable impression on him and he almost liked the Russian.

"Charleston, how long on that Daisy Cutter?" He asked quietly over his radio.

"One Five minutes, sir." Charleston's voice replied. "The BUFF had to be warmed up prior to launch."

"Roger, out."

Fifteen minutes.

"Larson!" He called out, where was that kid?
01-17-2009, 8:43 PM
Vlad moved carefully as he activated a flare and tossed it into the hall in the subway. A bright red light temporarily blinded everyone, revealing nothing but an empty corridor. It was the quiet places, like this, that were the most dangerous.

Vlad slowed his breathing and moved carefully forward, AK-47 at the ready.

They continued down numerous stairs until reaching the main station, so far, without resistance.

Vlad gulped and moved to cover near one of the ticket booths. His men relaxed for a second.

"Let's take five here. Then we'll move down the tunnel. You up for it, comrades?"

Yuri and Vassili nodded, but Boris put on a smile, and slowly said, "Yes, Comrade Major, we're up to it."

Vlad smiled and reloaded his weapon. He relaxed, but he had also forgotten to check the ticket booth that he was resting in.

He heard a scream and looked behind him.

Right in time for a zombie to tackle him.
 Chevron 7 locke
01-17-2009, 9:06 PM
Atrianna caught up with Vlad just in time to see him get tacked by one of the undead

The undead just seem to adore this guy

Atrianna fired her shotgun and blasted the creature right in the head

"Vlad Vlad Vlad...what would you do without me?"

Atrianna put on her serious face and told Vlad what she knew

"Listen to me, The Military is planning to bomb your base camp...I don't know how much time you have before they hit it."
01-17-2009, 9:15 PM
Vlad smiled when he saw Attriana gun down the zombie.

But that soon changed as he learned the American force's plan.

He nodded, "Thanks for the info...Attriana."

Boris brought the radio to Vlad, "Lieutenant Borodin wishes to speak with you."

Vlad took the radio, "Yah Borodin?"

"Comrade Major! We were wondering what happened to you! It is good to hear your voice! What are your orders, Comrade?"

Vlad changed his tone of voice, "Evacuate to the tunnels. We'll meet you there. The American troops are not liking our presence."

The other side of the radio was quiet for a second.

"War, Comrade?"

"I don't know that, Borodin. Get out of there, now."

"We'll see you in the tunnels. Good luck, Comrade Major."

Vlad shut off the radio, and then looked to Attriana.

"So, do you want to join the 'Special Forces?"
 Chevron 7 locke
01-17-2009, 9:39 PM
Atrianna considered the offer for a moment

Hmmm...I could join the military again...I could have a fresh start in the Russian army, Plus I'd be able to annoy Vlad whenever I wanted. Not a bad offer

"I need some time to think about that...I am considering the offer though."

"Listen Vlad, I have a safehouse in the area, do you want to head over there to stock up a bit on ammo and supplies?"
01-19-2009, 5:23 PM
(Like I said before, My comp is on the Fritz, no internet for me, I have to use the internet cafe's to acces teh forum. and ataris, my guy is younger. and FOrever, sorry about controlling you too, thought it would make sense... sorry)
Sam was chatting it up with his uncle, trying to relive some old times back when they'd play COD:4 for hours on end. Then he heard Smith calling him, " SIR YES SIR!!" He belted out, and ran up to him, standing at attention, then Sam realized, his AKM was still held in his hands. He put it at his side, and listened to what Smith had to say... inwardly thinking " I hope this ends well..."
01-20-2009, 6:33 PM
Vlad's winced slightly in surprise.

"A safehouse? I didn't realize anything could be kept safe at all during these times. Anyway, yes, that would be most helpful, but I still need to rendenzvous with the rest of my company."

Vlad looked cautiously around the area again.
01-21-2009, 4:18 PM
"Larson, care to explain what you're doing not in a hospital?" Smith said to Larson after he stood to attention. Not even bothering to return the salute of the Lieutenant. "After that, care to explain what you're doing AWOL?"

Smith allowed himself a small grin of vindictive pleasure, there were few things in life he enjoyed as much as cutting new lieutenants who never went through college and were never sergeants down to size.

"It's not that I'm trying to come down on you like a ton of bricks," Smith said at Larson's uncomfortable face. "But you've got to learn one thing about the Army, kid, you follow orders. Even if your orders say that you've got to shoot yourself in the head, repeatedly, it's what you do."

"Charleston, Smith. What's the ETA on the BUFF again?"

"About one-zero minutes."

Vlad, I'd hate to blow you to hell, but this is war. Smith thought to himself as his mental countdown began.
01-23-2009, 3:32 PM
(Hah, the I am sick for a week...)
((Anyone mind if I alter the age of my character to like, 21? We all seem to be like 25+.))

Aiden was taken by surprise as Atrianna bolted towards Vlad. He saw the American officer take aim, but it looked flawed to him. It seemed he was unnoticed at the moment.

Maybe the best thing we can all do is just run...

He walked over to the talkative Sam and his uncle, and whispered into Sam's ear.

"I think we had better leave now."

Luckily Aiden still might have some influence over Sam, having led his father in combat. Unfortunately, in this case, it seemed to him that it wouldn't be a good idea to become a "guest" of the Americans.
01-26-2009, 3:57 PM
Sam nodded at Smith, then looked at Aiden... " Yeah, lets get out of here, but I think we should help Attrianna and Vlad." Sam said. He still felt guilty about everything and wouldn't feel right until he atleast made an attempt to help them, but it was up to AIden in the end.
01-26-2009, 4:01 PM
Completely unaware of who had been listening, Smith kept on waiting for the bomb he had just ordered to drop.

"Well, we can't help Vlad now. Maybe it would be better to go out on our own anyway. I'm sure we'll find him later. Now let's run!"

As they ran into the bushes, several gunshots were heard, and it looked as if they were being followed. Suddenly, Aiden felt a burning pain in his leg, but he didn't stop moving.

He could already feel the wound slowly start to feel better, even though he knew that his body couldn't possibly heal that fast...or could it?
01-26-2009, 4:04 PM
Vlad's head snapped back towards the direction of the gunfire he heard. He looked closely in that direction, but quickly dismissed it.

"So, where's safe nowadays? We must find that safehouse. There is little time left."
 Chevron 7 locke
01-26-2009, 4:36 PM
"Trust me Vlad, the safehouse is safe. The door is solid steel and can only be opend with a key that I carry with me at all times."

Atrianna looked down at her shotgun and realized that she only had four shots left to it

"As soon as we get there, I'm swapping this thing out for my Mini-gun, at least I won't have to worry about lacking any firepower."

"Oh right, the safehouse should be on south steet. we should be close to it, when we get there, you and your men can take a rest, grab some chow...plan your next move."
01-26-2009, 4:45 PM
Vlad nodded and motioned for the troops to follow him.

He loaded another mag into his AK.

"Lead the way, a good rest may be what my men need."
 Chevron 7 locke
01-26-2009, 7:22 PM
Atrianna motioned for Vlad and his men to follow her out of the subway

Knowing my luck, the safehouse will most likely have undead around it

Atrianna peeked out of the subway entrance and saw one of the undead walking down the opposite side of the road away from them

Finally, some good luck

"Stay quiet...I really don't want any of our undead friends following us and finding the safehouse."

Huh, we must have come out close to the safehouse then I thought, It's only one block from here.

"Listen, when we get to the safehouse, you and your men need to follow the exact path that I take to get in. I..left a few suprises buried under the lawn when I last I was there, Explosve suprises."
01-26-2009, 8:15 PM
Vlad nodded and smiled,"We understand, not a step different. No mistakes."

Vlad looked to Yuri behind him, who nodded in agreement.

Vlad turned back to Attriana and gestured with his head that they should get moving. Vlad's ears and eyes were becoming sharper to the sounds and sights of the undead.
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