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[WIP] New Mandalorian Battle Armor for K1

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 Darth Payne
02-22-2008, 7:31 AM
This is a mod that adds new stats to the default Mandoan Battle Armor and also adds two new colors to the game.

The new armors are yellow and red like the other armors worn by the mandalorians in the game.

Stage 1 is complete. One set of armor is skinned and stats added, just need to fix my computer so i can test it in game. I'm also having some minor problems reskinning the second set of armors as well as figuring out what to rename the TGAs to.

Stage 2 is color and stat tweaking and final testing.

Stage 3 is posting the mod online.

Btw, does anybody have a script that adds the new armors to Adums inventory? Or on the Mandalorian body in the crystal cave?

Anyone that helps will be mentioned in the readme.

Edit: Here are the links to the screenies.
(Sorry for the delay, my connection was very slow)

There are two versions of each male and female armor.
One was done in PhotoElements and the other was done in Photoshop.



Here are the links to the current screenshots of the Yellow armor.

If the links don't work PM me and i'll send you .RAR with the pictures.
 Ferc Kast
02-22-2008, 7:41 AM
There's a Mandalorian body in the crystal cave? I'll take a look for it for you. Shouldn't be too hard to find. One question before I look for the Mandalorian body: Are you talking about K2 or K1?
02-22-2008, 7:44 AM
Btw, does anybody have a script that adds the new armors to Adums inventory? Or on the Mandalorian body in the crystal cave?

Anyone that helps will be mentioned in the readme.

You don't need a script for either. All you have to do for the merchant is edit his merchant file to include your armor. And the body in the cave, all you have to do is edit the placeable file to include your armor.
 Darth Payne
02-22-2008, 8:08 AM
Thanks guys.

And Ferc, its for K1.

I'll see what i can do, my own computer is giving me trouble at the moment so i doubt i can test this yet.
02-22-2008, 8:30 AM
If you need any help in reskinning,just ask.
 Darth Payne
02-22-2008, 8:32 AM
Thanks, i could use some help with one of the armor sets.

Edit: I think the best way to put these armors ingame would be the Mandoan body inside the crystal cave. The reason for this is that there are several mods that alter the content of merchants, therefor, if i use Adum Larp there will be some compatability issues. I can't however remember any mods altering the contents of crystal cave body.
 Ferc Kast
02-22-2008, 10:56 AM
If you told me the tags of the armors, I can add them on the Mandalorian's body for you. Otherwise, I have the .utc you would need to edit.
 Darth Payne
02-22-2008, 2:03 PM
Thanks Ferc.

If you could send me a PM with the .utc info i would appreciate it.

You have a place in the readme, as do all who have helped so far.

Edit: Decided to add a datapad explaining why the mandalorian is there as well as why he has the aditional armors. Also decided to add a couple of mandalorian items as well as som saber crystals, seeing as he's a mandoan in the crystal cave.

Edit2: I'm going to need a tester in the next day or two as the first version of this mod is finished.

The first version of the mod is bascally finished, i have however had som problems with getting the armor correctly into the .utc. As well as re-naming the new skins so they don't overrite the default armor.

Edit 3: Thanks to LordRevan999 the red armor is finished.

I'll be adding links to the screenshots i've taken of the armor in a few minutes.

At this point the red armor will be posted seperatly from the yellow one.

There are also new .uti's for each armor, be warned, they are powerfull.

Wish us luck.
 Darth Payne
04-04-2008, 6:44 PM
The links to the screen shots of the red armor has been added to the first post.

LordRevan999, would it be possible to release this armor and the new .uti of the blue armor together? I'll put together a new Readme if you agree.
04-06-2008, 9:49 AM
I will consider it when I am done with my school tests.I would not be available for 2 or 3 weeks.But after that I would continue making the yellow armor and if you think it is good to release red armor now its your own choice cause I only play a small part in this mod.But I would advise you to not to release red and blue now and wait until all armor colors are made.

Edit after seeing the images of red armor:Wow!Did I really made these I can't believe myself.As I didn't checked them in game.But again the colors are great.
And please people tell us that is the red armor made using photoelements is good or is the armor made form photoshop better.
 Darth Payne
04-06-2008, 11:45 AM
I have to agree with you LordRevan999.

I've thought about it and it would be best to wait for the finished yellow armor.

Btw, LordRevan wouldn't it be possible to give the yellow armor the golden color you use on your Bendak re-skin and then tone it down.

Edit: Ferc Kast, are you sure that was the correct .utc? I tried a modded version of it (without the new armor), and the loot on said mandalorian was the same as ever. Do i need to start a new game to get it to work?

Edit2: LordRevan999, we could always put both skins in the mod. We only have to use seperate folders, this is done on a lot of mods.
04-06-2008, 11:58 AM
Yes,Danyael27 it can be done but it would take time and as soon as I am free from school I will do it.But I think it would be better if we aim on getting in-game yellow armor color rather than making double effort using golden color.
 Darth Payne
04-06-2008, 12:05 PM
Yeah, thats ok.

It's still an idea if the actuall yellow color proves a bit elusive though.
04-06-2008, 12:08 PM
Yes,but using photoshop we can achieve that without elusive.
And yes your ideas is good to put both tga and let people choose
 Darth Payne
04-06-2008, 12:15 PM
Well, i can't thank you enough for your help.

Without you i would be stuck with the pink armor.
 Darth Xander
04-06-2008, 12:19 PM
There's a Mandalorian body in the crystal cave? I'll take a look for it for you. Shouldn't be too hard to find. One question before I look for the Mandalorian body: Are you talking about K2 or K1?Theres a Mandalorian body in both games, ;)
 Darth Payne
04-06-2008, 1:05 PM
I know, and i suspect the utc Ferc Kast sendt me is actually the one for TSL.
04-07-2008, 5:39 PM
We need someone to help us with a problem.We need the .utc file of the dead mandlorian in the crystal cave on dantooine its for K1.Does anyone know what is the name of the utc and where we can find please tell us as we are getting problem in finding it.
04-07-2008, 5:40 PM
IIRC it would be a *.utp, not a *.utc. Can anyone confirm this?
 Ferc Kast
04-07-2008, 6:06 PM
IIRC it would be a *.utp, not a *.utc. Can anyone confirm this?

Actually, it is dan14_deadman.utc (

I know, and i suspect the utc Ferc Kast sent me is actually the one for TSL.

Hmm; I've edited it a few times myself to find out that it is the dead Mandalorian from the K1 Dantooine Crystal Cave.

Very well Ferc.

I'll give it another shot.

Btw, using KT i found 3 different dan14_deadman files.

@Below: Looking into it, I just found that it's only used in the Grove (the dead Mandalorian body near Juhani) and the Crystal Cave. (The third one was separate .utc from the other two. It was labeled dan14_deadman2.utc; Therefore, it should remain unchanged by changes to the other.) So, whatever you add to it would be added to both dead Mandalorian bodies.
 Darth Payne
04-07-2008, 6:10 PM
Very well Ferc.

I'll give it another shot.

Btw, using KT i found 3 different dan14_deadman files.
04-07-2008, 6:11 PM
That means if you change the file and place it in your override folder, it should affect all of them.
 Darth Payne
04-11-2008, 10:12 AM
Well, Ferc.

The Utc for one reason or another still won't work.

And i have no idea why.

Hopefully, this mod will be complete and posted online in 2-3 weeks.

If the Mandalorian Crystal Cave Body can't be used by the time of release, chances are another location will be selected.

Edit: Me and LordRevan are now thinking of doing a combination of the the start of the Genoharadan quest and what RedHawke did in his Ord Mandell mod. Basically a twi'lek would approach you either before you meet the council for the first time, or he/she would be waiting on/near the bridge in the courtyard.

To do this it seems we are going to need a bit more help.
05-04-2008, 11:10 AM
Please note that we need someone who has most of scripting knowledge and is willing to make a side-quest for me and danyeal27 as mentioned in the above post.If some one is willing to do it he/she should pm me or danyeal27.
05-04-2008, 11:41 AM
Well, Ferc.

The Utc for one reason or another still won't work.

And i have no idea why.

Make sure you have to re-enter the cave from the plains.

If you use a save game from within the cave the game might keep using the old info from the utp/utc thingy.

So make sure your on the plains of Dantooine and then enter the crystal cave.

I"ve had that kind of nonsense before, it can quite frustrating at times, cause your so damn sure your Files are correct. :p
 Darth Payne
05-12-2008, 4:30 PM
Thanks for the tip Quanon, i'll keep that in mind.

Anyway, LordRevan999 recently sent me the screenshots of the Yellow skin for the armor.

They will be added to the first post as soon as i can.

Edit: This mod has been handed over to LordRevan999. Hopefully i will regain my full interest in the Kotor games when some of the mods being worked on are released.
06-15-2008, 12:35 PM
Sorry for asking this very late.If you see the yellow mandalorian pic's on the first message you can see the difference.In one pic its yellowish and in other more to greenish.I checked the tga of yellow mandalorian armor and I confirm it is the yellow pic which is the original but the problem is in game at certain place (maybe due to light) the color of the armor changes.Can anyone tell me what is the problem and how can I fix it.

Second,I need a scripter who can make a new chest or dead body or even use a locker or mandalorian dead body in the dantooine cave.I need the scripter to put any item in the thing which he/she uses so that I can use my own file of item(armors) in the chest,locker or dead body.If is willing to help me he/she should pm me.Please help me I need to finish this mod.
 Mandalore The Shadow
06-16-2008, 7:21 PM
you could check out my thread i am doing a pack if you want new armor
06-17-2008, 7:53 AM
I didn't meant I need armors,I have made armors(including skins and uti's)the only problem is I am not a scripter and no matter what I do I can't place these armors at any place on dantooine.So can you help me with the placing?
 Mandalore The Shadow
06-17-2008, 8:01 AM
i could try have u got kotor tool(i know stupid question but just checking)
06-17-2008, 8:09 AM
Yes,I got Kotor Tool(How do you suppose I am modding without it?).
 Mandalore The Shadow
06-17-2008, 8:18 AM
(i know stupid question but just checking)

ok go to RIMs then modules then Placables then select the contaner you want and double click and that opens up a new window click on invwntory at the botom and select the item and drag it into the column
06-17-2008, 9:59 AM
Don't put it in a placeable. If it's not a unique placeable (it exists in other places in the game) you'll get your item appearing all over instead of in just one spot.

06-18-2008, 6:24 AM
So which placeables are unique only for dantooine?

EDIT:Just found one.I opened the placeable and clicked on inventory button a Inventory editor shows up.Now the problem I am getting is to place the custom made uti's.I opened the Custom Items tab.But it is empty does anyone know how can I make my uti files appear there.
06-18-2008, 2:38 PM
Well, I don't know how to make your UTI's appear there, but I do know how to add custom UTI's another, non-script, way.

If you drag an item into the inventory of the Placeable, you can then edit the resref of it. If you change the ResRef to your item, click away, and it holds, then the game will search for that ResRef to place the item in there.

Hope that helps!
 Darth InSidious
06-18-2008, 5:37 PM
On the crystal cave, the way corpses work may be of interest. I learnt this while doing the first version of Azgath's Tomb, but it's not come up before now.

As far as I am aware, there are only a very few corpse placeables- the chewed Twi'lek and human, and the dessicated half a body, if I recall.

What is generally used is a corpse for a character that is 'unconscious', and an invisible placeable for the inventory, IIRC.
06-19-2008, 5:31 AM
It worked thanks forevernight now just few checks and I will upload the mod.Btw I was thinking of placing a datapad too which I will edit and make some info about where the corpse got the armor.But how can I make a custom datapad?
And Darth InSidious I used the invisible placeable in the crystal cave before you told me and it worked and i am using it in mod but I need to know if the placeable is unique or not.
 Darth InSidious
06-19-2008, 6:29 AM
That depends on what the filename, tag and templateresref are. If they contain the number for the module, the chances are that it's unique. The best way to check would be using tk102's FindRefs utility, IMO.

Hope that helps. :)
06-19-2008, 11:23 AM
Oh yes, the FindRefs utility, that thing is so handy!

A way you can avoid the problems with the unique Placeables, is to pack it all into a MOD file... but I know a lot of people have problems with that, don't know why...

If you need Stoffe's ERF/RIM/MOD/SAV/HAK Packer/Unpacker utility, click Here ( Scroll down to General Modding Tools, and it is the ERF Editor. Hope that helps!

Also, for a custom datapad, just do it like you would any other custom item. Chose baseitem as a Datapad and then edit the description so it says what you want it to say.
 Darth InSidious
06-19-2008, 11:37 AM
You can also script items to spawn into a placeable in a particular module, which can save you problems with non-unique .utp files.
06-19-2008, 11:39 AM
^^^^ But, he's already done with most everything. So, that just takes a whole lotta time and energy to do what he's already done.
 Darth InSidious
06-19-2008, 11:46 AM
And that is the essence of about 60% of modding, in my experience.
06-19-2008, 12:22 PM
True. Though I think just packaging it as a MOD works better... but that's just me.
06-19-2008, 12:24 PM
True. Though I think just packaging it as a MOD works better... but that's just me.

Works better? They both work the same.
But editing mod files can cause problems later if the end user doesn't make backups and then they go to uninstall your mod.

Even if you _do_ use stoffe's patcher. Although it's possible she has it set up to make a backup? Not sure.

06-21-2008, 8:33 AM
I like the idea and I will think on it but I am currently having a problem.I use a custom datapad named g_i_datapad002.uti.Please tell me what I did was right or wrong when I edited the uti.Here is what I did I changed the template resref to g_i_datapad002 and I changed Tag to G_I_DATAPAD002.Now the only thing I was confused about model variation do I have to change it to 2 as I did.And I added it in placeable and save and when I opened the placeable in game there was no datapad but other things where there.Then I checked the placeable with Kotor Tool and I found the datapad reref was in the inventory of the placeable.I then even tired using the original game datapad uti but it didn't appear in game too.Please can someone tell me what is the problem and before any one says try scripting I will tell you I don't know how to do it no matter what I do.And due to constant internet connection problems I might not be available for few days.
06-21-2008, 9:43 AM
Well, not sure why your stock datapad isn't showing up, but you do not have to change the modelvar of your custom datapad. That's one.

Did you save the placeable in override? And did you make sure that you didn't enter that module ever before? That's two and three.

Try those and then we'll see if we can't get it working :D

06-21-2008, 9:47 AM
I didn't tried the ever before visiting module part before will do now but why do I have to do it?(Asking for knowledge sake).

EDIT:It worked but now there is another problem when I get the items from the placeable the datapad goes into the inventory but it doesn't pop up a screen which show what is written in it.
 Darth Payne
06-21-2008, 4:03 PM
As far as i know the datapad pop up is only in TSL.

I think you can only read the 'pads in your inventory screen in K1.

I could be wrong though.
06-21-2008, 4:07 PM
Your right Darth Payne,Ferc told me that too.So I guess the mods almost complete.Darth Payne would you beta test it.
 Darth Payne
06-21-2008, 4:10 PM
Sure, i'll test it.

Just send it to my email and i'll get back to you as soon as i can.
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