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[WIP] New Mandalorian Battle Armor for K1

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06-21-2008, 4:12 PM
I didn't tried the ever before visiting module part before will do now but why do I have to do it?(Asking for knowledge sake).

EDIT:It worked but now there is another problem when I get the items from the placeable the datapad goes into the inventory but it doesn't pop up a screen which show what is written in it.

For your knowledge:

When the game loads a module for the first time, it uses any template files it needs to spawn the contents of the module and then commit it to memory. If you override a template file (such as the *.utp for your placeable) then the game needs to see those changes before it creates the module. If you do it afterwards, the template will be changed but the placeable that was already spawned will not be changed.

Hope that helped. :D

06-22-2008, 5:27 PM
Done,just waiting for beta testing result.Oh and DarthPayne I forgot to add female versions in the file I sent you so just remove M and add F there.Oh,and here is the finished armors screenshot.I didn't change blue one only properties were changed.
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