What will grievous797's Famous Last Words be?
Get off my lawn...
What is Lucas Forums?
^Where Anakin lives.
Why did CSI forget to change his avatar last night?
Becuase he was lazy.
What made me post in this thread when I have better things to do?
Because he prefers wrong words than correct words.
I pass.
Why is Ctrl_Alt_Del's sword Soul Edge?
Because it is. That's the real name of the sword, sister to Soul Calibur.
Why havent CSI awnsered me yet?
He don't get it.
Why has it taken Ctrl_Alt_Del 187 posts to get a Sig?
Because I was waiting for Carnaval.
What time is here on my place on the moment you write your awnser?
4:49 AM (HERE)
Why does CSI insist I live here? (Very Rarely will you ever find me on here anymore.)
^ Because you don't already.
Can I get electro-powers by cutting a livewire with an electricity-conducting-handled scissor?
Try it then tell me.
Will there be a future for mankind or are we gonna kill each other?
There will be a future for mankind, but it could be one where we kill each other.
I'll pass for asking a question this time.
Why does Topsite always capitalize 'sig', 'avatar', and whatnot? :P
They are important words in my opinion.
Why does Emperor Devon ask questions?
Because he wants some answers.
What's my chance of winning an OSCAR?
99,01254354842948756034 to 1.
Why is Emperor Devon "Jae Onasi's Nemesis"?
Because Jae Onasi is Emperor Devon's nemesis.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
What is a "Tootsie Pop"?
What's the brand of gun in DA's sig?
No idea, go ask her.
Will Ave get rid of her gun?
No. She is addicted to it.
Will us members get a life outside of the Forums?
I don't know about everyone else, but I already have. :D
Why is everyone all obsessed with Gordie's gun in my sig?
Because I love weapons of destruction.
Will we live through Global Warming?
Only if everyone on earth attends Live Earth, starts driving hybrids, and kill all cows.
Who let the dogs out?
who, who who who?
Will I ever become a LF God?
The future is impossible to see; therefore, you may or may not be a "LF God".
How many choir members does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
1...If he has an insurance. 10 if hasn't.
Why does Topsite open this thread?
Boredom. Sheer boredom
Why does everyone in my school have to be too stupid to understand TMBG?
Who will win if there was a war, McDonald or BK?
Because Jae Onasi is Emperor Devon's nemesis.
Partially due to various issues that arose in a gender thread.
Back to the topic...
Why do I hate the ads on the side of LucasForums?
For the very same reason I do.
What smells so funny?
Will Star Wars ever die?
It already has... No wait!
Are my questions stupid? What about your awnsers? And why I have asked 3 questions?
Because you want to talk to somebody.
Will TV become just a box, and will radio rule the world?
Who knows?
Who sold sea shells sea shells down by the sea shore?
Why do I see riddles outside the "Riddle Thread"?
Cause riddles stalk you.
Why is it beautiful that everyone dies frustrated and sad?
I don't know about you, but I like Lady Death.
no questions..........for now.
Cientifically, why is the sky blue?
because the grass is green, and the pigments of the sky are blue... ^_^
Who is Lady Deathstrike?
Not I, I swear!
I'll pass.
When the penis and vagina meet, do they shake hands?
^You may want to revise the question...As this is above the limitation of Teen. Therefore I refuse to answer this.
Why don't you want to play Counter-Strike: Source?
Because I don't.
FD GHFHHT FDHDG DJRGRK RTH - Is this question a bit too stupid?
Naw, actually it's very stupid.
How do you smoke seaweed?
by rolling it up, drying it, lighting one end and taking a long pull out of the other.
Yeah.... but there are tiny marshmellows everywhere so you can eat whenever your hungry
Actually that's one of the most intelligent Questions I've seen in a LONG time
What do Cows eat?