My Avatar/Signature Above You ( Thread is doing quite well and I've come up with another Game for us Forumites to play. Basically, we do what the Thread Title says. It can be Star Wars related or not. So I'll ask a question and someone can answer it, before asking their own question. However, please don't ask or answer anything too rude, but other than that fine. Enjoy.
Why did I join LucasForums?
Why do people join LF?
(Off-Topic: Remember you can ask your own stupid question after answering one, or wait for someone else to ask one.)
Because they crave social interaction and don't get any from their normally pathetic lives.
Why is the sky blue?
Because it was the first colour that came into the world's mind.
How do you come up with these games?
By using my noodle, I mean brain.
Why are there no indigo circles under your post count?
Because I'm special (I know why really though).
How much time do you give this game before it dies?
When earth dies, this game will die.
Do you think this game will be famous?
^ No not really.
Why is Jabba Fat?
^Because he's a HUTT. He's Emperor Devon's Favorite.
I pass.
Why does CSI always have different Avatars?
Because he is a Lazy, Gluttonous, Gangster, who started his life as a Role-Playing gamer and advanced to computer programming, and then progressed to being a gangster.
What is the best way to explore the galaxy?
^ The M-Falcon
Who the biggest geek in Star Wars?
George Lucas.
What is the Internet?
^ Unable to answer.
Why is Topsite avatar lovely?
Whats wrong with the Second Death Star?
Sent into oblivion.
What happened with Vaderrocks's nose?
vaderdoesnotrock blew into it and it got all fat and puffy.
How did Savior, conqueror, hero, villain...You're all those things...--Emperor Skywalker to CSI, redeemed Darth Nihilus get on CSI's sig?
By a Virus on LF.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
to get to the other side!
^Why does he has Anakin Skywalker as his avatar?
because it got lost and settled in the box under my name.
Why are we on this thread?
^Because I don't have anything else to do.
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Who is Rogue Nine?
Some guy/gal.
Do we like this Thread?
Why does Anakin Skywalker need to advertise that he is a "Retired Kotor Modder" after very few mods ever released?
Because he did what he could before retiring.
Which Thread is better? Avatar/Sig Above You or Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer?
Avatar/sig because I haven't posted there yet.
Why do dogs bark?
They can't speak.
What is LucasForums?
I dunno.
Where is Lucasforums?
On the internet.
Will she return for me?
^ *crying
Who's the most powerful Sith Lord of all time?
^Anakin Skywalker.
Darth Moeller.
Do you like Stoffe's avatar?
No, it looks like my aunt photo.
This is for you, CSI:
Ashenvale got that name cause it was burned?
No...I'm not sure. Let me do a research, then I'll get back to you.
Why is Ctrl_Alt_Del's sword Soul Edge?
He likes Soul Edge.
What are we doing?
Getting bored stiff.
Why don't we all get some fresh air? ;)
Because I farted.
Where did all the sickly bananas go?
Because a monkey won't eat them
Why does Anakin Skywalker need to advertise that he is a "Retired Kotor Modder" after very few mods ever released?
Because I don't want people buggin me, ya know?
No I don't.
Does God use Windows Vista?
No, he uses a mac
Where am I?
At home.
What time will it be in so many hours time?
For all dogs to be dead arent you glad your a puppy.