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The Battle of LF Sith

Page: 5 of 5
 Darth InSidious
01-06-2007, 4:35 PM
N'Dul received a brief report from a lieutenant on the space battle, and within minutes was back aboard his Meditation Sphere.

Damnation! This could well prove a costly little battle. Concentrating hard, he pressed in on the minds of Quanon and his lieutenants. So small, so easily cowed, he thought. Within a few minutes, his fleets appeared to double in size. Thanks, Naga, he thought, grinning. It seems now I owe you one. Pity you won't be able to claim on it.

He calmed and bolstered his own fleet's morale. Act together. Think together. Be as one.

As he spread his will through his men, the giant fleet acted together, in near-perfect harmony with one another. As one was exposed, another countered. Beautiful.

He turned his attention to the opposing fleet.
Chaos, destruction, darkness and dread await you! Failure, loss, misery! All is woe! He spread the feelings through them, and felt the thoughts re-echoed, as the manoeuvres of Quanon's fleet became harried and desperate.

Pressing the advantage, N'Dul pulled two of his Sith Battleships ( into each side of Quanon's flagship, while distracting him with a wave after wave of the much newer fighters he had purchased from Hoesch-Kessel Drive.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 4:57 PM
The Death Star came out of Hyperspace.

:Fear, Destruction...: InSidious' voice echoed through his skull. Anakin sat down in a meditative position.

These Sith are going to destroy you! Anakin said to InSidious' troops. Back off and you will not die... Quanon is a Master, unlike InSidious.

Anakin started to turn to Quanon's fleet. You can defeat them... they are weak. Make them become one with the Force. Attack, move, counter, destroy... move as one lightsaber blade, against an opponent.
 Darth InSidious
01-06-2007, 6:24 PM
N'Dul felt Skywalker's feeble attempt at battle meditation and immediately bolstered his men.

Jedi lies! United, the enemy can be destroyed! Victory is within our grasp! The words echoed through his fleet, which continued to act as a single body.

Then he spread doubt once again over Quanon's armada:
"We've already lost the flagship! We're following a lunatic who'll slaughter us all in a fit of rage! We've got no hope against the enemy! There forces are too co-ordinated!"

Their fear blossomed and spread. N'Dul smiled, and finally turned the rest of his mind to Skywalker, using the Force to attack his mind.
Fool of a Jedi! Do you really think you can defeat one who taught Naga Sadow, teacher of Freedon Nadd? Begone from this battle!

Then, concentrating hard, he gave the signal, and the forest floor of Ziost shook with a mighty thundering - the sound of thousands of pairs of wings, as the beasts of darkness, made for Quanon's fleet...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 6:34 PM
((InSidious, I would prefer it if you didn't call me feeble.....))

You do not control me N'Dul... you will surrender or die... Anakin said through the Force. My men will give you one last time, before I personally go down there and destroy you myself.

Anakin once again turned his mind to the battle. Do not listen to N'Dul. He is just attempting to harm you, turn you against yourselves.... he is a fool. Anakin said to the fleet. Listen to me... you can win this battle, ignore N'Dul, he is trying to corrupt you.

Anakin turned his mind to N'Dul's fleet. Are you prepared to die? Quanon's army will destroy you, and then Quanon will eat your corpses. Do you wish to die?

Anakin caught the General leading the fleet via comlink....

"I can pay you for your services... perhaps you will help us, and destroy N'Dul. The Empire/ Republic pays it's mercenaries well. Think about it, and turn against your master."
 Darth InSidious
01-06-2007, 7:45 PM
((Anakin, I would prefer it if you didn't interfere in battles that are none of your concern, far behind enemy lines. Above the old Sith capital, and one of my fortresses, to be precise. This is a skirmish between Quanon and N'Dul. No-one else is involved aside from my close associates.

Also, Anakin is a Guardian, focussing on combat, hence the blue lightsabre. N'Dul is a Sith Lord and Alchemist, focussing on use of the Force...even if Anakin were the Chosen One, he focusses on combat - do you really think he's going to be that skilled with Battle Meditation?

Finally, if the grey one defeats the Sith, who do you think he's going to turn on next? 'Cuz the Baran Do won't be the next on the list...))

N'Dul repulsed the latest attempt to rebuff his now deep Battle Meditation, and continuede to press hard against the morale of his enemies while bolstering that of his own forces.

Skywalker. This might prove tighter than previously I had anticipated...No matter.

Allowing a small flicker in his concentration while his ancient Sith Battleships crashed through their intended targets and his newer forces began to arrive behind the enemy, he gathered Force energy at the topmost spire of his Meditation Sphere, and, after a few moments, unleashed lightning upon the opposing ships for several seconds.

:: Defeat me, Skywalker? You cannot begin to match me!::
 Grey Master
01-06-2007, 8:06 PM
(First of all, I thought Anakin died when Randus defeated him on Yavin IV!!, and second, I will not turn on the Jedi or the Sith, I may serve them for a time, then when balance is restored, I will banish, until I'm needed again)

Draco exited from hyperspace, only to be greeted by a space battle.
"What is going on here?" he said, then he recieved a message from one of the cruisers.

"Incoming vessel, identify yourself or you will be destroyed" said an officer

"This is an associate of Lord N'Dul, I request that you inform him of my arrival, and if you will be so kind , let me land on your hangar bay, I could aid you in this battle."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 8:13 PM
All squadron's move in...... I want you to fire upon N'Dul. Anakin called through the Force to his own troops he had sent out there to help Quanon.

Anakin turned to Quanon's troops. Listen to me...... kill N'Dul.....

N'Dul... this is your last chance.... give up.... or be slain.... Anakin said to him.
 Darth InSidious
01-06-2007, 8:13 PM
((Well, you'd suppose that back on page 1/2 when during the Force Strip fiasco that Anakin lost his Force ability...))

N'Dul sensed the Grey One's approach.

::If you would be so kind as to distract Skywalker, perhaps we might talk later? I'd meet with you, but I am busy co-ordinating my fleets at the moment. Thank you.::

Sensing the approach of Skywalker's new attack group, N'Dul quickly worked aForce Storm (, dragging them away from the battlefield.

Typical, thought Gurzan, Nothing happens for 5,000 years, and then 3 crises at once!
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 8:26 PM
"That's it......" Anakin said, standing up. He walked the Death Star's super laser room.... "Fire on N'Dul..."

"B-b-but sir... he... is too powerful to be destroyed." Said the Imperial capitan.

"Just KILL HIM!" Anakin said, growing agitated. "All Super laser weapons online?"

"Yes, sir." The capitan said.

"Then allow me.... to fire upon him.... this is a Jedi's job.... this is my job, to bring balance back to the Force." Anakin said.

((InSidious.... btw.. your "meditative sphere" cannot resist Super lasers... nothing can..... not a planet, not even the Force itself.))
 Grey Master
01-06-2007, 8:27 PM
Uh thought Draco after receving N'Dul's message, very well I will do as he says ,and he turned away from the battle , and then changed his ship status to staelth mode.

He focused on N'Dul's troops, combining the techniques of Battle Meditation and Force Valor, Use your hate, your anger and fear, but also be calm, focus, resist the thoughts of the enemy, and you will win...
 Darth InSidious
01-06-2007, 8:32 PM
((BTW, Anakin, NOTHING is impossible to the Force, and your constant attempts to kill me and prove yourself t3h ubarz!!111!!!1oneone!!1 are getting a little tiresome. Also, I just swept your fleet away.))

N'Dul sensed the power build-up on the Death Star, and, with the use of another Force Storm, moved his Meditation Sphere from it's previous location. Then, gathering his rage, he flung the DeathStar into the asteroid field at the edge of the system with a powerful Force Push.

((BTW, you can't survive this move and your character dies no matter what you do ;)
"An eye for an eye..."))
 Aurora Starfire
01-06-2007, 8:33 PM
Aurora brought her ship, the Jedi Pheonix, out of hyperspace, and found herself in the midst of a space brawl. "What the--" she veered sharply upward to avoid an oncoming fighter. "Looks like someone stirred up a nest of Gundarks!" she remarked to herself. She expertly wove her way through the maze of laser fire as she reached out for the Rebuilder's awareness. :: Do not aid the Sith, or I will be forced to incapacitate you:: she warned him through the Force.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 8:38 PM
Anakin stopped the Death Star from going into the Astroid field, by planting it where it was in the Force.... he turned on the Death Star's Shadow Generator. "Now we will go unseen." Anakin said.

:InSidious,: Anakin spoke softly. :You will turn, or be killed.:

((how about an eye for a heart?))
 Darth InSidious
01-06-2007, 8:47 PM
N'Dul still felt the presence of the Death Star, the small energy wavers and the presence of Skywalker, and, with the Grey Master temporarily taking over in Battle Meditation, created a small destruction orb at the main crystal in the super-laser, exploding it and shattering the crystal, destroying the Death Star's main weapon.

:: A demonstration of your own weakness. I would advise you not to challenge me again. :: Sending this message, N'Dul decided it was time to seed a small thought bomb within Quanon's fleet.
 Grey Master
01-06-2007, 8:54 PM
(WTH is going on ?!?!, did the Jedi resurrected or what, I thought Randus killed you two, but now I see that he's a betrayer!!)

Draco recieved the message, but ignore it, and merely used the Force to protect himself in a bubble, that was able to resist any Force power. and contacted his current employer.

:Lord N'Dul, the patetic Jedi have arrived, do you want me to do anything about it?:
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 8:55 PM
((First off..... Sith..... you can't destroy anyone's weapon... secondly.... you can't kill someone with out asking for their permission... you can attempt to...... but you can't kill them until the person says so..))

Anakin stood at the end of the tunnel leading to the Death Star's super laser. He called upon the Force, and disintegrated one by one.... the Sith Fleet.... they were being destroyed at a speed at which there was only one possible way.... the Lightside of the Force. "There is no Emotion, there is Peace... There is no Ignorance, there is knowledge.... There is no Passion, there is Serenity... There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.... There is no Death, there is the Force." Anakin said to himself over and over, keeping the Darkside at bay.
 Aurora Starfire
01-06-2007, 9:13 PM
Aurora sighed. Somehow, she knew that it wasn't going to be that easy. She reached out with the Force and found the Rebuilder's consciousness. "There he is," she whispered, and fired off a quick succession of proton torpedoes. She watched as the stealth generator on his ship flickered out. "Now I have you!" she smiled.
 Grey Master
01-06-2007, 9:18 PM
"mmmm, she felled for the decoy" said Draco, at the sight that the Jedi had destroyed the Force illusion he had created in case he was detected, it never hurt to have a plan B.

"It's time that I go to see N'Dul, and talk about a few things" he then fired up his ship's engines to the max, and went for N'Dul's flag ship.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-06-2007, 9:22 PM
((N'Dul isn't on a ship.... from what I can tell, and how can it be a decoy if she was tracking you through the Force?))
 Grey Master
01-06-2007, 9:33 PM
((Obviously you don't know the Force illusion power, it allowS to project the entire person to another place, that is why is called FORCE ILLUSION :xp: ))

Draco, going full speed to N'Dul's ship, stopped instantly, because he recieved a message, from somebody he had know a long time ago....
You are needed back, said the voice, it is time you fullfiled your destiny, come back to us, Mando'ade

Kreia felt his apprentice hesitating, "What are you doing?? we need to go to N'Dul!!"

"No", replied Draco, "I must go back to where you found me, and become who I trully was destined to become" and with that said, he turned his ship around, punched some coordinates for the Unknown Regions, and went into hyperspace.
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 12:59 AM
Darth Randus told Darth Nihilus "Come, it is time to go put our plan into action! We must hurry." and then left for N'Dul's Meditation Sphere.

As Randus walked by the guards that were near him, he could sense all of their fear of him and how they releaved they were when he only walked by.
01-07-2007, 1:13 AM
"Yes, master!" Darth Nihilus replied.

"You," Darth Nihilus pointed to a guard and shouted, "Do you know the coordinates of Darth InSidious's Meditation Sphere?"

"No, milord." The guard answered, clearly sweating. Darth Nihilus can clearly hear his thought: "The coordinates are..."

Darth Nihilus smiled: "Don't even bother lying to me...I already knew. Thank you anyway."

Then he hurried to the shuttle and sat in the cockpit and inputted the coordinates.
01-07-2007, 1:35 AM
Sa'adow shook her head as she felt another shift in the Force. And Skywalker turns again... she thought, setting her course for Tatooine. That was where she needed to go. Someone would be there, someone the rest of them had apparently overlooked. She was looking forward to meeting him.

"Why so fickle, Skywalker?" she whispered to herself, leaning back in her chair and pondering one of the galaxy's greatest mysteries.


She stepped out of the shadows as the carnage ended, dropping the illusion she had used to cloak herself and examining the... creature, whatever it was, a few meters away, as it stood over the Hutt's body and laughed. Shaking her head, she looked up high, then down just a little above her own head, then up again, as the creature's image seemed to ripple and change from gigantic, to merely tall, then back again. Focusing, she murmured something under her breath, drawing on the Force and clearing her thoughts to dispel the illusion from her head.

"Interesting," she murmured, finally settling on looking up. "You... are one of the few people in the galaxy who can actually mess with my mind." And that was a compliment.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-07-2007, 1:43 AM
: Sith: Anakin called to Dark Lady. :InSidious is plotting to kill you, help me... and I shall help you.: Dark Power resonated in his words. :The true power of the Darkside calls to you.... you hunger to taste it.:

: CSI: Anakin whispered. :It is time... reveal the truth, you too Randus. Get him down to the Citadel, where I shall be awaiting him.:

: Darth Sion... return to me...: Anakin whispered to him. :I have a special job for you.:
01-07-2007, 1:49 AM
"One moment," Sa'adow said, holding up her index finger.

::Switched sides again, have we?:: she asked Anakin. ::Apparently redemption by Pazaak doesn't last long.:: She shook her head. ::And incidentally, we had a conversation about what I really wanted not so long ago. I distinctly recall the word was not power.::

Could the idiot remember nothing?
 Anakin Skywalker
01-07-2007, 1:51 AM
: Power, that is not what I am offering....: Anakin whispered. : My offer from earlier still stands... that is, if you will help me...:

Dark Jedi filled the corridor... Anakin simply used Force Lightning to kill them..
01-07-2007, 1:56 AM
::And how can I be sure that you will be of any help whatsoever?:: Sa'adow asked. ::In the little time I have known of you, you have switched sides at least three times. And why do you say InSidious is plotting to kill me? I would be surprised if he didn't just attempt it outright. I turned against him. He has no reason to hide his anger.::
 Anakin Skywalker
01-07-2007, 1:59 AM
: Because, I'm going to kill InSidious....: Anakin replied softly. :Perhaps I could convince you otherwise?:

"Grand Moff Tarkin..." Anakin said in the comlink. "I want you to bring the Destroyer Droids from Courscant."

"Yes, milord, it will be done." The Grand Moff said.
01-07-2007, 3:02 AM
Dark Ladyperson Ask me if I want to play lighty darky too!:D

Name: Urp: the indestructible little Corelian
Age: 34-22 astrochrons...Don't really remember
Species: Somewhat human
Eye color: Grey...and color of whatever is reflected
Hair color: RED
Homeworld: Woke up on asteroid near Corelia
Picture and or description: 6' 240lbs... Red short beard and hair... aggressive/cute face... body, muscular but cuddly...
Melee weapon: Hands and associated unorthodox force powers
Occupation: Drifter...Incompetent Philosopher
Enemies: None... Only fights enemies of friends
Bio: Force sensitive individual found in wrecked cargo ship on an asteroid by passing traders. Wandering the galaxy in search of random ideas and stuff. Randomly bumps into things. Secret sidekick of Dark Lady.
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 3:11 AM
Darth Randus had finally found his master's meditation sphere. He entered even though his master was currently meditating.

He kneeled down and said "Master, i sense that Skywalker is on the acadmey on Ziost, we should go there and defeat him!"
01-07-2007, 7:41 AM
Kraahkan chuckled as he made no attempt to hide the fact the he could hear their force conversation. From where each one was broadcasting, and the fact that there was no interferance from any of the now dead partons of this once alive palace, it was like watching them shout at each other, only not as loud. From what he had already heard, this Skywalker was a complete idiot when it came to choosing sides and trying to convince people of people of doing anything. A person who thought he clever but he really wasn't. At least this woman had some common sense. And her illusion technique was very impressive.
01-07-2007, 7:57 AM
(( Man , I don't look one night at thread and it goes crazy :D :lol: .
I'll try to fit in my piece ! ANd how the hell did the Jedi get here , really you need to explain this people ... it doesn't make any sense at all ! ))

Darth Quanon fighter squadron fired at the platform , just in time Darth Randus jumped away , Nihilus dissapeard ... the bridge was destroyed ....

" AGFFHrh , he must have known ! " : thought Quanon as his old Master N'Dul awakened the rest of his forces .

Then battle erupted truely , the slight advantage of suprise melted a snow in the sun ... N'Dul used the Force to guide his fleet ...

Quanon could do nothing as he captured in battle , dodging other fighters ...

Then out of nowhere "Republic" ships joined in the fight .

" Him ... again !!! " : thought Quanon as he sensed the Grey ones presence .

But to disstracted by fighting Darth Quanon could not find him in the chaos .

" Milord .... we .... ktrhhgghghhg ..."

" R4-AA , what ? Answer me ! " : Yelled Quanon frustrated , he turned his fighter and saw his ship explode .

" That's it , all ship set course for the surface ... activate self destruct , launch all pods ... We will win this fight on the surface . "

Darth Quanon then started to descent , many new Sith Fighters appeared .
Half of his following platoon got destroyed , Quanon fought back and killed three of the buggers .

He then opened his cockpit , leaped through the air , landed on an enemy fighet , smashed his cockpit open , crushed the fools neck ...

THe fighter started to fall , Darth Quanon threw out the dead body and took place in the enemy fighter .

Ready to attack again , he sensed a new Jedi entering the battle ...
"She ... I'll meet you later ... "

The chaos surrounding him became to much , the bloodlust and rage where growing ...

"Time to find N'Dul in his sphere ." : thought Darth Quanon .

Reaching out once again , focussing hard he reached out to Darth Randus .

:: Listen , let me join you in the fight against N'Dul , his throne is yours ... I'm not interested in his Empire ... I want him to die !!! ::

Darth Quanon dived again , leaving the battle high above him . Waiting for Darth Randus anwser ...
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 9:11 AM
Darth Randus sensed he was being contacted once again by Darth Quanon through the force requesting to let him join in the fight against N'Dul. He was careful to respond through the force since he was still in the presence of his master, waiting for im to respond to his idea of attacking Skywalker, but also afraid of if he would be punished for interupting N'Dul's meditations.

::Come, you will help me:: Randus carefully replied, attempting to hide the responce from his master.
 Darth InSidious
01-07-2007, 9:33 AM
((The Meditation Sphere is a ship...@Anakin: Of course you can destroy enemy weapons...What's the point of the battle if it's stalemate or if you are the only one allowed to keep pulling the God Tricks? ))

N'Dul felt the presence of the Light Side, and sneered. Meanwhile, the battle raged on the surface...Using the Force, a thousand cages were undone, and an army of huge, hideous creatures marched towards the land forces...
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 9:50 AM

Randus reached out with the force and once again asked N'Dul

::Master, we should go and get rid of skywalker once and for all while he is still on Ziost, we may miss our chance!::
 Darth InSidious
01-07-2007, 10:32 AM
::Agreed, but we cannot abandon the battle here...We will return to the surface once we have successfully routed the enemy fleet.::

N'Dul stepped up the intensity of his mental assault upon the enemy, and watched with satisfaction as their ships backed away, slowly at first, but accelerating with alarm.

::*Now* we will deal with Skywalker.::
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 10:39 AM
::Very well, master. I look forward to it, again. I will prepare a shuttle for us to return to the surface of Ziost:: Randus replied through the force.
 Darth InSidious
01-07-2007, 10:46 AM
::Good. I suggest you also activate the orbital mirror platforms.::

N'Dul stepped onto the shuttle, and soon they had returned to the surface.

"We should head to the temple here, my apprentice. It's power shall weigh the odds more heavily in our favour."

And allow us to prepare the necessary traps..., thought N'Dul.

When they reached the inner chambre of the temple, he sat down to meditate, and, without looking up, said to Randus,

"Go. Bring Skywalker to me. Do not kill him right away. We shall deal with him. Slowly."
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 11:22 AM
"Yes, master. I will lead him to you and make sure quanon does not disturb us." Randus replied.

He left to go find Skywalker in the Academy. "Greetings, my former master, i sense you have fallen... again. My master wishes to... see you." he told Skywalker, while igniting his one of his blood-red lightsabers incase he was unwilling come with him.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-07-2007, 12:01 PM
What's the point of the battle if it's stalemate or if you are the only one allowed to keep pulling the God Tricks?

((I am not pulling God Tricks..... I just never died.... and you can't kill someone with out their permission.... I've been trying to even out the playing field because YOUR the one that's pulling all of the God Tricks.....))

Anakin stood up.... "Very well... I will go with you."

Anakin walked out and followed Randus to the Temple.

"Oh.... N'Dul..... Randus isn't a Sith.... he's my Jedi Padawan.... " Anakin said. "Oh, by the way..... I'm not Sith either.... I've been playing you... you will be redeemed or killed."
01-07-2007, 1:34 PM
((NO Godding Guys))
 Grey Master
01-07-2007, 2:00 PM
(Don't waste your words D. Saruman, they fall on DEAF ears)

The stars looked like lines when you were in hyperspace, and Draco's mind was lost looking at them, meditating about the message he had recieved" Come back to us, Mando'ade"

It was the voice of his late teacher, Master Nowu, anex-Jedi, who, like Kreia, had fallen to the dark side. He was a Nikto, and had teached him about the Force and about both sides. He had been killed by a Dark Jedi, and Draco, seeing his Master slayed, confronted the assassin, and killed him.

The murderer has a holocron on him, a Sith holocron, and when he opened it, his life changed forever, he found Kreia or Darth Traya, Dark Lady of the Sith, who offered to train him, and he followed her advise ever since,even when he feeled in darkness, until this day.

"Tell me again, why are we going back?" asked the holocron

"Because my late Master contacted me throught the Force" explained Draco, "and said that he will reveal my destiny once I returned", he left out the part on which his late Master mentioned "come back to us" , he wondered what he had meant by that.

"Well, I think this is foolish, I train you to be better than this" replied Kreia "think!!. this is surelly to be a trap"

"And traps work both ways" replied Draco, repeating what Kreia had teached him a long time ago "also, I want to know who has been tracking me, it could be an enemy or an ally"

"Very well, if you continue with this, at least tell me your plan when we arrive?" asked the holocron.

"Don't worry, Master, I will" and Draco continued to meditate, looking at the stars.....
 Darth InSidious
01-07-2007, 2:37 PM
((I am not pulling God Tricks..... I just never died.... and you can't kill someone with out their permission.... I've been trying to even out the playing field because YOUR the one that's pulling all of the God Tricks.....))

((You're the one who thinks that a Jedi Guardian can out-Force a Sith Lord/Consular. I haven't killed you yet, and in fact I don't intend to. I never even tried to. Incapacitate the Death Star, yes. If you recall YOU are the one who fired on MY ship, and then told me I couldn't get out of the way in time. I did, and legitimately, using only abilities within the canon.

@GM: Indeed.))

"It is of no consequence. Randus is a mere apprentice. And a schizophrenic Jedi and his padawan are no match for me."

He turned, and appeared to study the high, vaulted ceiling.

"Would you believe that this temple is 10,000 years old? And yet, despite the notorious corrupting ability of the Dark Side, here it stands, as sturdy as the day it was constructed. Come." He beckoned to Skywalker. "No doubt there is much you wish to talk to me of. The usual prattle about the Light Side and being redeemed, I'm sure."

N'Dul led his guests into the temple.
 Darth Randus
01-07-2007, 2:56 PM
"Darth Randus" followed a great distance behind them... listening to their conversation with great intrest, and also to keep others away. He made sure they were just at the edge of his sight, hiding in the shadows as he went. The further he went into the temple, the more powerful the darkside seemed to be around him, and it was getting stronger.
 Aurora Starfire
01-07-2007, 3:27 PM
Aurora sensed that things were coming to a head on the surface....... she reached out and found her friend CSI's presence on the planet below. Using that as her homing beacon, she guided the Jedi Pheonix down and landed near an old temple. She set a security force field and a cloaking device around the ship and turned towards the entrance to the temple. "CSI?" she called.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-07-2007, 3:34 PM
"Milord..." Grand Moff Tarkin came on the comlink. "The Super Battle Droids, Destroyer Droids, and Battle Droids are on their way."

"Good," Anakin said silently as to make it appear he was listening to N'Dul.

Blah, blah, blah, doesn't this guy ever shut up? Anakin thought to himself.

"N'Dul.... unless you wish to be redeemed, then draw your lightsaber, it is time to finish this.... the Sith will go extinct." Anakin said.
01-07-2007, 6:13 PM
Following Darth Randus his signature in the Force , Darth Quanon noticed it was leadign him to that big Dark Temple .

Carefully he landed the battered fighter close to one of its entrances .

Leaving all clothes and gears and only keeping his lightsaber he scouted the around the temple .

To his suprise he looked up ...

" A Jedi ship , here at the temple ? "

Quanon was amazed , what are the Jedi doing here ...
He followed the ship untill it landed , hiding himself he looked as this female set up a device ...

" HER !" ; thought Quanon , trying to calm his nerves , he said :

" You there , wait ... don't go ... I know a better way then to face all those guards ."
 Darth InSidious
01-07-2007, 6:41 PM
"Patience, Skywalker. Is that not the Jedi way? I will speak of redemption in time. But first, you should come and see this."

N'Dul walked for what seemed to be miles, until finally they reached a tall, circular chamber. In the centre stood a rough-hewn, circular stone table, with equally rough chairs around it. At one end, one chair was slightly taller than the rest.

"This was where the warlords of the old Sith Empire met, and before that, where Ajunta Pall himself first came to prominence as Dark Lord of the Sith. I realise you are probably bored by such... seemingly irrelevant information, but it is interesting to note that originally, Ziost was no more strong with the Dark Side than most other planets, yet the passing of so many Sith Lords as it were, left an impression.

Again, seemingly irrelevant, I'm sure. But take this crystal," at this, he brandished a thin, regular-shaped crystal that must have been hidden in his robes. "There are techniques which can imbue such a crystal with a Force signature. For example," he stopped and glared at the crystal, watching as it turned black, and seemed to harden. "Like so. Would you like to try?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-07-2007, 6:48 PM
Anakin stared at him.... then took the crystal. He didn't even look at it.... it started growing grey, then turned to white, and finally it shone like the hearts of a thousand suns... it grew as hard as as the Death Star itself.

"See N'Dul... you claim to have power," Anakin said flatly. "But look at what the Lightside has done to this crystal. It has transformed it... made it stronger than that of the Darkside. Which proves that the Lightside will always win."
 Darth InSidious
01-07-2007, 7:11 PM
N'Dul looked at Skywalker.

"You have affected it for a moment, yes. But look, even a Jedi Master's power,", he paused, showing Anakin how quickly the crystal turned straight back to black again, "is only temporary. To defeat the Dark Side one would have to defeat the Force...And I am unsure that such a thing is possible. The light may blaze brightly, but as you have seen, when it loosens the pressure, when it is distracted, or no longer so watchful, the darkness returns again. To defeat me would require you to defeat all darkness, including that inside yourself."

He paused, toying with the crystal for a moment.

"Let me give you another example."

He thrust the crystal into the centre of Anakin's heart, curiously not puncturing his body, or the organ itself.

"I am sure you can survive this wound - indeed, it would be a poor Jedi indeed who could not, but at what cost? The darkness has already begun to spread through your body...either you can give in to the Dark Side, or you must risk everything on the desperate gamble that you can extricate the crystal, heal yourself, and purge the darkness from you all in one. Not an easy prospect, even for the so-called Chosen One of prophecy."
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