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The Battle of LF Sith

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 Diego Varen
01-02-2007, 1:37 PM
Sion felt pleased that they had won a battle, but he knew the battle of the Sith wasn't over. It was the way of the Sith. Death. Sion retreated with Anakin and the rest of his army. Sion felt proud to be alongside Anakin at this time.
01-02-2007, 2:12 PM
Darth Quanon obeyed his Master . While waiting for the expected guest for his Lord , he installed the Ankarres Sapphire intoone of his Lightsabers .

Then he practised his duelling skill , flexing his muscles , to give the most warming welcom possible . Looking around the throne-room , Quanon wondered what would be the best hiding place to launch the attack . The grand throne itself was an ideal place . Darth Quanon took place upon the throne , wrapped a black mantel around him and a hood that covered most of his face in shadow .
This would be a true supprise !
 Darth Randus
01-02-2007, 6:45 PM
realizing that skywalker, was not as strong as he had thought, Darth Randus decided to abandon his new sith identity, and follow his old master, if he was willing of course. He decided that he was going to contact his old master and see if he was willing to teach him again...

Randus reached out with the force to find N'Dul with the force and said to him ::you were right about skywalker, i have found out much that you will like to hear, but i will only tell you will take me as your apprentice again.::
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 7:02 PM
((No more RP for me.... I am Jedi....... Sion.......... I do not care what you do, go to Grivis.... IMO there are only 2 Sith Factions left..... Grivis and InSidious, unless DL starts her own Faction))
01-02-2007, 7:07 PM
((Hmmph. I knew it. This thread is now pretty much pointless. And do try to write yourself out of this RP, please. Having you just disappear for no reason is even worse than having you suddenly redeem yourself. :xp: ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 7:13 PM
((Maybe I redeemed myself in the RP))
01-02-2007, 7:17 PM
((But you need to do it. :xp: So it actually happens... because right now you're yelling about blowing up Coruscant.))
01-02-2007, 7:24 PM
((Is it too late to join this RP? I'll edit in my char later if I can.))
01-02-2007, 7:25 PM
((No, it's not too late.))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 7:34 PM
((Very Well I am joining again..... but as A Jedi... so it'll be the original Sith vs. Jedi thing))
01-02-2007, 7:37 PM
((Well, do something with Anakin... so the story makes sense and he's not left yelling those words to his troops forever... And Anakin's history can't just be erased either. People are going to remember him as Emperor, so if you go all Jedi, I suggest another character. :xp: Dang, your habit of writing consecutive periods is starting to affect me.))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 7:49 PM
((Hehe.... but I can't use another character...... there is a reason Ani is going complete Jedi.... something of which I cannot say so I'll edit this post and put my Char sheet on it in a few))

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Age: 22
Species: Human
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Homeworld: Unknown... raised on Coruscant and Tatooine
Picture and/or Description: Look at my avy
Melee Weapon: Two Lightsabers
Color*: Blue and Green
Long-range weapon: The Force
Master(s): Obi-wan Kenobi....
Apprentice(s): none
Political Affiliation: The Republic/Jedi
Enemies: The Sith
Bio: Anakin Skywalker was once a young Jedi Padawan chosen by Jedi Knight Obi-wan Kenobi at the request of his deceased Master, Qui-Gon Jinn..
01-02-2007, 9:52 PM
Name: Kraahkan
Age: Unknown
Species: Unknown. The possibility of being human once, but his bio-mechanical body gives no sign of it.
Homeworld: Unknown
Picture and/or Description:
Melee Weapon: A long Cortosis Weave staff with two heavy Cortosis Weave blades attached at the end.
Long-range weapon: Blaster Turret which he can pick up and use like a rifle due to his size.
Political Affiliation: Anyone that can be corrupted.
Enemies: Anyone that attempts to stop him.
Bio: Born in the Unknown Regions, he overthrew his own planetary goverment sometime in his life, exact age unknown. After this, he began to take control of other systems in the Unknown Regions with the use of bribery, persuasion, proxy, and every other trick in the book. He did this until he had grown a substantual empire, and most of the planets didn't even realize they were apart of one. They didn't know, at least, until he declared it. Then things got interesting. Any planetary goverment to refuse annexation into the new empire were overthrown by rebels, which he had arranged, or military force. That wasn't very often though. He was able to crush any rebellions due to being prepared for it and having been a rebel himself before.

Now his eyes fall upon the Empire. It is quite a bit larger than his own, but it would actually be very easy to control, should he gain control over the officers running it. The only problem is all those Sith running about. They would just hamper things as they are quite ambitous. He would offer them to join them, but he knows that they aren't as controllable as others. So he has decided to do it the old fashion way. Kill them off, whether it be through pawns or just letting them kill each other off, then striking. He is doing the latter, but to keep himself busy has decided to work on some of the Outer Rim territories, beginning with Tatooine since it has a high number of crime bosses who control many things like illegal trade and spice.

Kraahkan is a master mind of sorts. He has plans, plans to fix those plans should they fail, and plans to take advantage of other plans should they succeed or fail. He does not consider himself a Sith, and is not a stranger to the Dark Side although he uses it to control the shadows, whether of the mind or literally, rather then to claim power outright. His entre body is bio-mechanical, although it looks more machine than flesh. He can use the force to change his appearance also, although it is a bit limited. He mostly uses it to make himself around 6 to 7 ft. tall. He is 13ft tall, after all. He loves to play games of deception and people running around to figure out what's happening also.
 Darth Randus
01-03-2007, 12:32 AM
Darth Randus felt that the force was telling him something important was on Yavin IV while he was waiting for Insidious' responce, and decided to follow that impuse he had gotten and decided to check it out. He set the cornidates into the navacomputer and once again waited to arrive. While he was en route, he resumed his meditations.
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 1:58 AM
Sion sensed Anakin returning to the light side. His master had let him down again. Sion decided to leave the battle, since the battle of the Sith wasn't for him.
01-03-2007, 2:28 AM
I'm in. For name of Republic...For name of Jedi Order...And this battle is grabbing Jedi's attention..

Name: CSI
Species: Near Human
Eye Colour: N/A
Hair Colour: N/A
Favourite Weapon(s): His Katana, which is his Lightsabers' sealed form.
Lightsaber Colour(s): Silver
Long Range Weapons: His Katana's final release, an energy bow, and the Force.
Favourite Ship(s): No preferences, because he thinks "Flying is for Droids".
Favourite Force Power(s): Dimension Shift(Force Teleport), Force Sight, and Telekinesis.
Master(s): Darth Traya
Apprentice(s): Visas Marr, Former Apprentice, redeemed by the Exile.
Homeworld: N/A
Political Affiliation: Old Repulic, Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Master
Allies: Old Republic, Jedi Order
Enemies: Sith Order
Bio: Darth Nihilus didn't die on Ravenger. He was redeemed by the Exile, and changed his identities and name into CSI. Now he's back into action, standing with Anakin Skywalker to fight Sith Order. As he's a former Sith Lord, Darth Nihilus, he is too fimiliar with Dark Side. His lightsabers are always in sealed form--like a normal Katana with a matching cover. As a Jedi Master, he know tons of powerful Force Powers, along with many his newly created Force powers.

Name: Vergil, Darth Nihilus
Species: Near Human
Eye Colour: N/A
Hair Colour: N/A
Favourite Weapon(s): His Katana, which is his Lightsabers' sealed form.
Lightsaber Colour(s): Red
Long Range Weapons: His Katana's final release and the Force.
Favourite Ship(s): No preference
Favourite Force Power(s): Dimension Shift (Force Teleport), Force Sight, and Telekinesis.
Master(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A
Homeworld: N/A
Political Affiliation: Sith Order
Occupation: Sith Lord
Allies: Himself
Enemies: Her Brother, CSI
Bio: CSI's younger sister, when CSI was Darth Nihilus, her title was Darth Demonus. When CSI was redeemed, she inherented this title from her older brother. Because she's CSI's sister, so she knows many powerful Force Powers, and almost all of them are identical to her Lightside counterpart, CSI.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 2:39 AM
((One characters are not in the RP yet..... but I have asked her, and she said she will be in it...))

Anakin Skywalker, Aurora Starfire, and CSI: Nihilus all stood upon Yavin's surface, looking for a place to build the new Jedi Temple...... after searching Kataar, Onderon, Taris... all places touched by the Revan, the Jedi Exile, and her servants, they still couldn't find a place... Anakin who had not destroyed Courscant moved forward.

"Perhaps we should rebuild the Temple at Courscant." Anakin said. "I sense the Darkside is strong here."

Anakin felt a familiar presence coming closer.... the Darkside was growing stronger. Darth Yeshnaal was getting closer.... or now he was Darth Randus.

"We must escape," Anakin said. "The Darkside is growing stronger.... a former apprentice is returning, he is here in search of me. But we musn't go anywhere until we can discover a new place to search, otherwise we will be roaming around in space."
01-03-2007, 9:30 AM
Darth Quanon kept waiting , he started to wonder if Lord N'dul was testing his patience . The urge to fight grew stronger , if this "guest" did not appear soon ...
Calm , patience ... focus on the fights to come ...

" Where was N'Dul , what was he doing that I my not see ... " :thought Darth Quanon , getting more frustrated and paranoia was taking over his mind .
 Grey Master
01-03-2007, 9:44 AM
"Well, we have landed in one piece, other than that, no sign of settlements" said Draco
"At least you fly better than that fool Atton" said holocron Traya.
"Care to explain who he was?" asked the apprentice to his Master
"One of the Exile's companions, and that is all you need to know" replied the holocron "So, your schematics show no settlements?, that's strange, Madalorian ships should have intercepted you when you entered the atmosphere"
"I know, but I detect nothing with this jungle all around" replied Draco
"Jungle?" asked Kreia, "But Mandalore is a planet of forests and green plains, NOT jungles, let me check...... as I suspected, this isn't Mandalore, apprentice, it's Yavin 4"
"What?! Yavin 4?! How can that even be possible! We were headed to the Outer Rim, to meet N'Dul, how did we end up here?"
"Did you checked any of the ship's systems when we leaved the Death Star?"
"No, only ......... I knew it!, the astronavigation computer has been tampered with, no doubt by one of Anakin's troopers" replied Draco
"What are your plans now?" asked his Master
"Well we need to find another ship, or try to make some parts for the hyperdrive, so I think we should get out and explore the place, maybe there is some sort of secret settlement or something"
 Aurora Starfire
01-03-2007, 9:45 AM
And I also....

Name: Aurora Starfire
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Golden Blonde
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Silver
Long Range Weapons: the Force
Political Affiliation: Old Republic, Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Watchman
Allies: Old Republic, Jedi Order
Enemies: Sith Order
Bio: Aurora Starfire is one of the youngest Knights to achieve the rank of Master. The twin sister of Arion Starfire, her attention to details, coupled with her extensive studies in the Jedi Archives, give her a unique edge.


Name: Arion Starfire
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Golden Blonde
Favourite Weapon(s): Saber staff
Lightsaber Colour(s): Silver
Long Range Weapons: the Force
Political Affiliation: Old Republic, Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Weapon Master
Allies: Old Republic, Jedi Order
Enemies: Sith Order
Bio: Arion Starfire is one of the youngest Knights to achieve the rank of Master. The twin brother of Aurora Starfire, Arion has mastered battle techniques, and, somewhat ironically, is also a gifted healer.
01-03-2007, 10:39 AM
Not seeing any action at all , Darth Quanon left the throne room of N'Dul .
Walking in his mighty ship , amazed at old architecture and details crafted , Quanon took out his comunicator .

" Milord ?" : a metallic voice responted .

" R4-AA , activate my troops , get the ships ready , and let them set course to these coordinates . I'll be there shortly ... if ... no thats all . "

Darth Quanon ended his transmition , soon his droid army , found remains of the old CIS faction would rise again . Joined with the forces of N'Dul his army would be an unstoppable Force .

Soon Quanon would have his revenge at the galaxy .
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:45 AM
"Ah......... the Darkside is getting stronger......... where exactly are the Clone Troopers?" Anakin asked. "The old CIS army is being re-made. They are going to be aiding the Sith, perhaps we should make a plan...."
01-03-2007, 12:17 PM
Darth Quanon gazed out the window , the hours had passed slowly . N'Dul had not shown himself . Small squadrons of Sith Fighters past , the Sith fleet gathered here was gigantic . The tattered Republic had no chance , allthough the news of Emporer Anakins return to the Light Side , slightly balanced the odds .

A beep sounded out of Quanons comunicator .

" Milord , the fleet has arrived , awaiting further instructions ." : R4-AA said.

" Good , prepare to attack and conquer Naboo . If they give to much resistance launch the Theta-Virus bombs ... I want the Republic to be occupied with this crisis . " : replied Quanon , smiling with a grin . He wiched he could see the faces of the people , again attacked by those dreaded droids .
 Darth InSidious
01-03-2007, 3:17 PM
The Grey One was delayed...This was...unexpected.

N'Dul called Quanon's flagship.

"Lord Quanon, I hope I didn not delay you too much...It seems my visitor has been...delayed. I do apologise."
01-03-2007, 4:09 PM
"Aahh," Kraahkan crowed to himself as he observed the events happening as they unfolded on his holomap. Although his agents hadn't brought him all the nitpicked details yet, he could generally see what was going on just from looking at his map. The Sith were rampaging about again, destroying everything around them as ussual. From the looks of it, there had been a few betrayals along with the razing of Coruscant.

Fools, he thought to himself. Coruscant was the center of their goverment. If they left it intact and took it later without the use of force they would control all of their known galaxy. He folded and unfolded his wings as he paced around the bridge of The Truth Maker, which had a bridge of similar size to that of the Ravanger due to his own size.

He turned to one of his leitenants and said "Prepare my ship for departure." The leitenant snapped a salute and walked off. Kraahkan then turned to the holomap and tapped on a particular planet. It enlarge to reveal the planet of Tatooine. This would be a nice target to take over first. It would get rid of a load of crime bosses he would have to deal with soonner or later. Of course, it would be fun to deal with them, because they actually thought they were clever. They were actually going to help him though, were they knew it or not.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 4:15 PM
((I didn't destroy Courscant.... and I am no longer Sith))
01-03-2007, 4:45 PM
Darth Quanon left his lord on his ship , took his fighter and punched in the coordinates for Naboo . He already planned to ravage the whole world , creating the greatest plane of pure agony everseen before in the galaxy , Naboo would change to a living hell .

"R4-AA prepare my ship 'Harvester of Sorrow' , prepare the full weapon system , I'll arrive shortly ."

A short hyper-space travel later and Quanon united with his fleet . R4-AA his First Admiral awaited him .

" Sir , everything is in position , some Naboo fighters tried to attack , but where succesfuly killed . "

" Good , let the other Cruisers and dreadnoughts take these positions , set the count down to 4 hours ... First I'll have some fun on the surface . "

As quickly as Darth Quanon landed he departed for the surface of Naboo where his troops where waiting .
01-03-2007, 4:52 PM
((I said raze. There's a differance between complete destruction and razing. And I never said anything about your guy still being a Sith.))
01-04-2007, 12:30 AM
"Anakin, where do you think the best place of our future Jedi Academy be?" CSI stood up and put his hands on his waist, "Here?" He kicked up a little dirt and it flew to sky, then he tilted his head toward Anakin
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 12:35 AM
"No.... the Darkside is too strong here, I fear the padawans may fall if we put an academy here...... perhaps Dantooine? Or maybe back on Courscant." Anakin said. "The Gray One is near... I sense him... we should stay here and try to capture him.... he can get us in to see InSidious."
01-04-2007, 1:03 AM
"Coruscant?" CSI scratched his chin, and thought a loud, "Right...Coruscant. To where Jedi Order is originated from...Wait...The Gray One is here? At Yavin IV? What does he plan to do here?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 1:07 AM
"His shuttle probably failed and he got stuck here...... he was on his way to InSidious' Palace... which isn't far from here....." Anakin responded. "We best be on our guard."
01-04-2007, 1:52 AM
CSI sat down and meditated: "Why worry about him? He stucked here, that means he had to stay here...So why don't we meditate first?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 1:55 AM
"You go ahead, meditate, but I will make a shield generator and put it about ten yards from where we are stationed, I think I have some in the Cruiser." Anakin said pointing to the Imperial Crusier they had come in.
01-04-2007, 2:23 AM
"Eh...Why do we need a shield generator? There is no predator nearby..." CSI asked with his eye closed.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 2:33 AM
That's what you think.... Anakin thought to himself.

"There are cannoks all over this blasted rock," Anakin yelled instead. "The shield won't take that long... plus it'll keep the Gray One out."
01-04-2007, 2:42 AM
Well...Why worry?CSI thought back, OK. Don't worry, just come back as soon as possible...
 Rogue Nine
01-04-2007, 3:52 AM
Uh, guys. We're falling back to one-liners again. That's a no-no.

Do try to be a bit more substantial with your posts, please.
 Darth Randus
01-04-2007, 5:22 AM
Darth Randus finally landed on Yavin IV near where he senced the three jedi. Once he landed he sent another message to Insidious through the force, ::Milord, i have found where Skywalker and two other jedi are located... I will capture them and bring them to you to do with as you please, i sense they could become powerful allies.::

Randus then decided to move in for a closer look. He deffinately saw Anakin, he sensed that the other was called CSI, but was unable to make out who the third one was.
 Grey Master
01-04-2007, 9:08 AM
" appears that the Sith and Jedi are here" said Draco, observing Darth Randus from a distance.

"Why will the Jedi come here?, the Sith are obviously following them, so you better be on your guard apprentice" said holocron Kreia.

"I will, misstress" replied Draco to the pouch in his belt which contained the piramidal holocron of Kreia "and probably Skywalker is searching for an appropiate place to stablish his academy, but this place is tainted with the dark side"

"Jedi academy?, why would he built a Jedi academy if he is a Sith?" asked the holocron.
"He was redeem again, misstress, he changed sides again."

"Ahh.....another betrayer, he can't refuse the power of the dark side, yet he's afraid of being totally corrupted by it, so he must return to the Jedi for a proper mesure of balance" replied Traya at the revelation "watch him closely, he may yet chance sides again..."

"With all due respect misstress, I don't believe......"

"That he will not fall again?....eveyone that has tasted the dark side always return for more, it is inevitable, maybe he will not turn inmediatetly, but patience is very important apprentice, and you must learn to use it for your goals......"

"Yes misstress, I will try to be patient, what do you suggest I do?" asked the gray master.

"Go back to your ship, we will be discovered in due time, if not, then we will go to explore one of the Massassi Temples that are in the area, much of the dark side is hidden there, and we must awaken it to reach our objective....."
01-04-2007, 9:17 AM
Darth Quanon looked over the battle field , lasers where blazing the smell of burned flesh and metal was sickening . The people of Naboo had certainly learned from their first encounter with the CIS . As soon Quanon had landed he was attacked by a Gungans .

But despite their struggling , the Naboo where losing the fight . All that remained was their capital . Darth Quanon looked into the distance , the mighty domes of the theed palace where in sight .

The fighting went on all day long and late into the night , Quanon finannly found what he was looking for : the wife of Anakin Skywalker .

After long torture , killing many of her loyal friends , she anwsered his question .
Darth Quanon left Naboo , ordered the bombardment to start . Slowly the surface of Naboo was clouded by green corrosive fog , eating and burning everything in his path , turning it to nothing more then slime .

Quanon looked satisfied ... the Jedi could not escape him this time , allthough the echo through the Force would tell them of this massacre ... the perfect camouflage , their minds occupied , they would not sense his arrival .

"R4-AA , take the rest of the fleet to coruscant , I want a full inspection , there might be traces to what Skywalker is planning ."

Darth Quanon once again went his own way , his fighter jumped into hyper-space ...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 9:23 AM
The Force Field was finally done, Anakin sat down in the ship, in his meditation chambers, and Anakin sat down and began meditating. It wasn't long before he zoned out and was a sleep... he had a long night, flying the ship, building the shield generator.

Anakin was fast asleep, but then started having strange visions.... visions of three people fighting against him and Auroura... and one of them looked like CSI.

Anakin woke up and noticed the shield generator was down.... he slowly walked out of the ship and noticed two other beings slightly far out... thinking they were concelled by the shadows of the Massassi Temples.
 Darth Randus
01-04-2007, 9:33 AM
Now that the force field was down, Randus decided that this was his time to strike. He moved into the compound and ignited both of his blood red lightsabers and assumed a Ataru stance. He saw Anakin and started to glare at him, waiting for him to make the first move...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 9:46 AM
Anakin activated both his lightsabers... Anakin went into a Makashi style... enabling him to pretty much block whatever Force moves that the Sith could muster.

The green blade in his hand would deflecte, whilst the blue one would parry attacks... perhaps he could catch the Sith off-guard, he thought as he observed.....
01-04-2007, 9:50 AM
Yavin IV , appeared in sight , Darth Quanon made slow decent towards it surface . Centering himself , he tried to find the location of the Jedi .

To his suprise , he noticed other users of the Force ... a Sith ... compition or friend ... then this other one , he was a special case ... not Dark Sided , nor was at Light Side ... strange indeed .

To the best of his skill Darth Quanon landed to what he thougth was close to the Jedi where'abouts .

In the thick jungle Quanon started to search his way ...
 Grey Master
01-04-2007, 9:57 AM
Draco awoke from his meditation, he felt something dark in the jungle.......

"You feel the dark side nearby, right? they are force ghosts, strong in the dark side, they have come here to do what we were about to do, release the dark side power, and by doing so, they will regain their mortal bodies....."

"Master, how can that even be possible?"

"Anything is possible with the Force, and when something as big as this dark side enery is released, it can do anything........." said Traya

"Then we must stop them, for they will ruin our plans and alert the Jedi, and bring the Sith here too" replied the gray master.

"The Jedi are already aware of it, so be prepared"

"I'm always ready, Master" and with that said, he grabbed Kreia's holocron and stepped out into the jungle...
01-04-2007, 10:18 AM
Darth Quanon waded throught the green , in small open field he noticed a person walking towards an old temple . It was that ... tricky one ... nor shadow , nor light ... who was this man ?

" Hey , you there , stop ! " : Darth Quanon shouted .
 Grey Master
01-04-2007, 10:37 AM
Draco heard somebody yell at him, and he turned to look at the direction of the voice.

A Sith, he thought only one was on the planet, they are coming...

"Then you must get in to the temple and shut yourself inside, they must not be allowed to get in" responded the holocron.

And as she finished that statement, Draco used the Force to speed up his movements and got inside the temple.

"There is nothing to shut the door, not a lever or nothing" responded Draco.

"Then use the Force to shut it down"

Draco inmediatetly concentrated and used the force to shut the heavy door of the temple, that will slow them down, he thought, and started walking the corridors of the building, in search for his objective, the main burial chamber.
01-04-2007, 10:44 AM
Darth Quanon raced towards the closing door , but it was to late . He looked for a swith or lever , hidden clues how to open the temple entrance .

Quanon hissed , he walked back to his fighter , started the engines ... plotted a course to the temple door . Acitvated the auto-pilot and jumped out .

The fighter wend to full speed and slammed into the entrance .
The temple shook under the impact , the explosion must be heard ....

Quanon did not loos time , he dug a small tunnel throw the dirt and rubble .

It was Dark inside ...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 10:49 AM
Anakin, CSI, and Aurora were all standing side by side...

"Perhaps we should take him together, and if we don't succed, we will escape to my flagship... the Eclipse." Anakin said.

Anakin sensed another Dark presence....

"We best be on our guard... there is another Sith here on Yavin." Anakin said.
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