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The Sith Lord

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08-15-2006, 9:56 AM
"That because you know you can't hurt me. How does it feel? Knowing that your one of the galaxies most powerfull people and your helpless to defeate a simple traveller like myself?"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 10:03 AM
"Sith Lords have no feelings, except anger which harnesses their power!" Malus shouted, "If we can't destroy you here, then I shall take my whole army done to the surface and kill the walking carpets myself! Until next time, John Ranger!"

Malus and his whole army retreated to Kashyyyk. He had no idea if John was following him.
08-15-2006, 10:09 AM
(( Why didn't you just ram a star destroyer against his ship, that'll do... ^^ ))
08-15-2006, 10:10 AM
"And I will stop you. Isis, activation communcation barrier between Malus and us!" John ordered and Isis did what John said "Follow them!"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 10:11 AM
(( Why didn't you just ram a star destroyer against his ship, that'll do... ^^ ))

(Off-Topic: Shields?)

Malus' comlink turned on.

"Ah, next time was quick," Malus said, "I see the lowlife has decided to die, along with the furballs."
08-15-2006, 11:36 AM
Jethro picked up his gear and said: "I doubt a captain such as yourself would have to worry about minor things like that."

He noticed that his sister was still asleep and he didn't bother waking her.
"Any sign of the imperial remnant or a place to land?"

"Yeah, there're a few good landing pads open. As for the Remnant..."
An alarm began to scream at a deafening pitch, and Sara whirled at the sound.
"That can't be good." she murmured, and jogged back to the cockpit. "Damn!" she hissed, sliding back into the pilot's chair, starting up the engines. A fight had broken out between the orbiting Remnant fleet and a lone ship. Even though it wasn't truely a large fight, it was enough to hide them from notice -- for now. Taking advantage of the situation, she pulled the Northstream to the side, quickly sliding around the fleet.
 Ryan Sл'vla
08-15-2006, 2:31 PM
Kyle, Jan and Ryan started walking along the backstreet. After some time they arrived 20.

"21....22...23...24...25!" Said Ryan " Now we only have to knock."

Ryan knocked three times, after a while two figures opened the door and emerged from inside the house.

"Are you the Korr family?" Asked Ryan.

"Yes, and who might you be?" Said Michaela.

"Jedi Padawan Ryan, Jedi Master Kyle has something important to tell you."

Suddenly all the attentions were drawn to Kyle.
08-15-2006, 2:33 PM
Officer Starkiller gathered his hand-picked platoons and supervised the boarding of the star destroyer. "Hurry up," he shouted out routinely. "Keep moving everybody!"

((How big do you want this army?))
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 2:35 PM
((How big do you want this army?))

(Off-Topic: About a hundred-fifty man army. Also Ryan, you knew Jaden's mother's name from my Fic.)
08-15-2006, 3:02 PM
"Yeah, there're a few good landing pads open. As for the Remnant..."
An alarm began to scream at a deafening pitch, and Sara whirled at the sound.
"That can't be good." she murmured, and jogged back to the cockpit. "Damn!" she hissed, sliding back into the pilot's chair, starting up the engines. A fight had broken out between the orbiting Remnant fleet and a lone ship. Even though it wasn't truely a large fight, it was enough to hide them from notice -- for now. Taking advantage of the situation, she pulled the Northstream to the side, quickly sliding around the fleet.

"It looks like the fight is over, let's get the ship down on a landing pad and try not to get their attention. I'll go wake Kyla."
Jethro left the cockpit and went to the starboard dormitories.
08-15-2006, 3:05 PM
(Off-Topic: About a hundred-fifty man army. Also Ryan, you knew Jaden's mother's name from my Fic.)

((Wowzers, that was what I was thinking! How about five thirty-man platoons?))
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 3:35 PM
((Wowzers, that was what I was thinking! How about five thirty-man platoons?))

(Off-Topic: Niner, you're the perfect Battle descriptor. This should be great for you. Just do a large battle with Wookiees or something. Maybe you have to see connor's Character first though. PM him just to make sure.)
08-15-2006, 3:54 PM
"Unfortunately, that fight was the least of our problems, judging by this fleet." she murmured half to herself as she guided the Northstream to the edge of the atmosphere. If her instincts served her right, there wasn't going to be a very warm welcome for them on the planet's surface...
08-15-2006, 4:25 PM
When Jethro got to the dormitories, he saw that Kyla was already awake and was waiting for him. " Well sis, it seems you're finally going to be able to test those combat skills of yours. We've arrived but so has the sith remnant. They're already planetside and we're about to land, so get your stuff and let's go."

"Well it's about time we did, I was getting so bored that meditating suddenly didn't seem such a bad idea anymore."

"Really? I'll remember that when we get back at the academy. Master Katarn would be pleased to hear that you finally stop seeing meditation as a boring way of spending your time."

They both went back to the cockpit as the ship prepared for landing.
08-15-2006, 4:53 PM
"I suggest taking a seat." Sara said, motioning to the two other chairs in the cockpit, "The Northstream may not be the oldest ship out there, but this re-entrance may get a bit bumpy."
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 5:02 PM
Malus soon landed on Kashyyyk. Thousands of Wookiees were being killed or enslaved by the Imperials. Not many Imperials had been killed, but if anymore were killed, Officer Starkiller would send reinforcements. Malus waited until he was ready.
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 5:21 PM
They followed Michaela inside. They sat down and Kyle sighed. Michaela was with a man, probably Jaden's father.

"I am Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, this is my Padawan Ryan Lightbringer and she is my companion Jan Ors." Kyle said, taking a deep breath. " I was your son's master."

"Jaden? What with him? Oh and, i'm Lordo." Lordo said. Kyle sighed again and Jan patted him on his shoulders.

"I have news about your son." Kyle said. "He has turned to the Dark Side."
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 5:24 PM
(Off-Topic: Hey Jason, shall I play Jaden's parents now, or shall I just let everyone control them?)
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 5:27 PM
(You play them, you made the fic.)
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 5:42 PM
(Off-Topic: Okay, Thread Leaders do whatever they want. It never matters to say if they're being unfair.)

"That's... not... true." Michaela stammered.

Close to tears himself, Lordo comforted Michaela.

"You best come on in," Lordo told the two Jedi and their companion, "There is something I must show you all."
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 5:46 PM
"I don't see why not." Jan said.

"Very well then." Kyle said as they followed Lordo.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 5:50 PM
Lordo and Michaela entered into the living room and their guests sat down. A Protocol Droid and an Astromech Droid entered the room.

“Hello there.” The Protocol Droid told Kyle and Jan, “My name is JK-47 and this is my counterpart, RC-62.”

RC-62 beeped out loudly.

“Don’t be rude to our guests RC.” JK told him, "Now is there anything you'd like to drink?"
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 6:00 PM
"Ah, no, thank you," Kyle said, "So, what did you want so show us?
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:17 PM
In answer to Kyle's question, Lordo went to his desk and grabbed three journals. He handed them to Kyle.

"These are journals of Jaden's past life," Lordo told them, "Feel free to keep them if you want. It may help you on your journey."

"Please stay for awhile," Michaela told Kyle, "We haven't had anyone round for awhile and we gotten tired of sharing our company with Droids all the time."

"I just don't understand Humans!" JK shouted from the kitchen.

RC beeped his opinion.
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 6:21 PM
"Sure, we don't mind." Said Kyle as he grabbed the three journals. He then started reading the first one, written when Jaden was a nine-year old.

The Galactic Empire has kept us inside our apartment. It is like we are being guarded all the time. I need to be out. Being kept inside is harsh to all the people on Coruscant. The Emperor has some harsh rules. I hope that the Empire disbands and the Republic returns to power.

Kyle took a look at the next journal.

For me, today is a great day in my life. The Empire has been defeated by the Rebel Alliance and rumours are that the Rebel Alliance shall become the New Republic and that the Jedi shall return. My new dream is to become a Jedi Knight like the Jedi before my time. For now, I’ve built a Protocol Droid and an Astromech Droid to help my parents out. They are JK-47 and RC-62.

Kyle took a look at the final journal.

I’m leaving for the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV to become a Jedi Knight. I hope to do some good to the Galaxy. I hope to get rid of the remnants of the Empire and bring peace to the Galaxy. I shall miss my parents and my Droids, but I know they shall be fine.

After reading them, Kyle sobbed and burst a tear or two. Kyle thought the last journal was the saddest. Jaden’s dream was to become a Jedi and get rid of the Imperial Remnant. Now Kyle knew that Jaden would never complete his dream. He then cleaned his tears.
08-15-2006, 6:30 PM
The 2 of them sat down as they approached the atmosphere.
"I don't know what's worse. The fact that we'll probably have an army of troops waiting for us down there, or that the wookies might think of us as imperials and will most likely try to rip our limbs off before asking any questions at all."

"Sure beats sitting out here doing nothing though." Kyla responded

Jethro couldn't help but worry about Kyla. She is a good fighter but she lacks experience in real combat. "I can't risk losing her again." Jethro thought, while looking a bit worried at Kyla.

Kyla noticed Jethro looking at her and asked: "Is something wrong?"

"No..I was just thinking."

"About what? Don't you think I'm ready for this yet?"

"Well actually I..."

"Damnit Jethro, I'm not your little sister anymore. I can handle myself now"

Jethro didn't know what to say. "Nice move" he thought to himself. "Might as well hang a sign saying 'Im worried sick about you' around my neck."

((Would you mind describing the landing and all that ForceFight? You are controlling the captain and all that ^^ ))
08-15-2006, 6:30 PM
Ralmum aware of the battle sepped in front of the Wookie's he presayed about a hundered to join him and the imperials and set out to find the sith lord.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:37 PM
My old master is looking at my old journals, Malus thought, I shall not let it bother me.

Malus could sense a Force Sensitive Wookiee near him.

"Come on out Force Sensitive Wookiee!" Malus shouted, "Before I kill you along with the others!"
08-15-2006, 6:55 PM
Ralmun Spotted Malus and swung on a branch landing in front of him. Hello he grunted.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:59 PM
(Off-Topic: connor can your Wookiee speak Galactic Basic or are you just saying that, so I can understand?)

"Beast, you are strong," Malus told him, "I can feel your anger inside you, burning away. You aren't like most Wookiees. Join me and together we can take over Kashyyyk and I shall promise you power. What do you say?"
08-15-2006, 7:09 PM
(no i forgot about that)

Ralmun grunted yes as his anwser as the rest of his group swung behind him. Then he roared to Malus that his friends would also join him.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 7:14 PM
"Wise choice furball, whatever your name is" Malus told the Wookiee, "No Wookiees shall be slain now. Only kill them if they resist. Enslave them. Enslave them all. You furball shall join me on my personal ship, the Echo."

Malus led the Wookiee to his Tie Fighter and they left Kashyyyk.
08-15-2006, 7:25 PM
Ralmun grunted his name to Malus then told his fellow Wookiees to go with the imperials.
08-15-2006, 11:07 PM
The ship jolted slightly as the landing gears engaged, and the Northwind touched down.
"C'mon," Sara said, glancing at the viewscreen, she jabbed a thumb to draw their attention outside, "It looks like the party's already started."
08-15-2006, 11:17 PM
When they looked at the view screens, they saw a number of things. There were stormtroopers everywhere, shooting wookies and killing them brutally. Although wookies are known to be strong and extremely capable, a blaster rifle is all it takes to take one down. Some of the wookies were surrendering whilst others were still fighting the invaders.

“Looks like our wookie friends could use some help.” Jethro said, when he noticed a group of stormtroopers approaching the landing pad.
“We’ve got company.”

They ran to the loading ramp and hid their lightsabers underneath their robes.

((warning, extreme gore might be implemented in the following scenes, if you have a weak constitution, please stop reading the next 5 posts )) (just kidding) :xp:
08-15-2006, 11:24 PM
Sara was pulling on her combat gloves as the loading ramp lowered to the ground. She grabbed the vibrosword that sat next to her, leaning against the wall.
"Slow pokes!" she called as they came around the corner.
08-15-2006, 11:32 PM
"Is that a challange?" Jethro asked while he and his sister ignited their lightsabers. He didn't really give any time for an answer since he bursted out of the ship and stormed the stormtroopers. They were caught by surprise and started shooting the jedi as they were walking backwards. The jedi reflected the lasers with ease since they've been practising on that not too long ago. Kyla struck down the first stormtrooper with her lightsaber and noticed that a group of stormtroopers were regrouping. They started shooting all of their lasers at Kyla, and she was having difficulty blocking them. Jethro saw what was happening and struck down another stormtrooper, he then lifted the stormtroopers' corpse up with force pull and kick it towards the group of stormtroopers, knocking them down. This gave Kyla the chance to close in on them and finish them off.

(( :dev9: your turn ))
08-15-2006, 11:45 PM
Sara bobbed and weaved as she slid up to the Stormtroopers. Hacking away at the enemy, the barrel of a blaster fell to the ground with a faint chink, its owner following soon after as a foot kicked his helmet off, the vibroblade cutting clean across his neck.
"It's's a chick!" she heard the voice of one of them say. Turning to him, her eyes flashed dangerously. Taking a running start, she jumped into the air, her left foot pulling in, her right leg out. She landed heavily, the blow to the Trooper's face shattering the covered eyesockets of his helmet. She balanced on the man's chest as he fell to the ground, and glared hard at him.
"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" she growled, her words followed up by a sharp, jabbing paiin in the man's chest.
08-16-2006, 12:11 AM
"It's's a chick!" "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" she growled, her words followed up by a sharp, jabbing paiin in the man's chest.

(( :lol: ))
Jethro was watching Sara's moves and found the last one quite amusing "Hmm, not bad." He thought.
Suddenly more stormtroopers arrived at the scene and the two jedi found themselves surrounded by ~20 stormtroopers.

"Well this ought to be interesting" Jethro joked.

"There are too many of them!" Kyla didn't know what to do, if she charged at them openly, she would simply be shot in the back.

"Just keep deflecting lasers and let them do all the work or push them off the platform." Jethro answered.

Kyla kept deflecting lasers and tried to see what Jethro was doing. The stormtroopers started shooting altogether and Jethro managed to deflect a few lasers, but he seemed to be purposely dodging them. After a few shots, some of the lasers started hitting stormtroopers on the other side of the circle. The stormtroopers panicked, because now they didn't only have to aim for the jedi, but dodge the incoming lasers from their own troops as well. When about 10 troopers died, Jethro decided to stop playing around and pushed a group of 5 troopers away using force push, killing them as they fall down from the 20 meter high landing platform. Kyla starting running at the last five troopers and they started to turn around and run, only to see that Sara was waiting for them there
08-16-2006, 12:32 AM
"'Ello, poppet." Sara said, immitating one of her favorite movie lines with a wicked grin, blood dripping from the edge of her blade. Damn, I've always wanted to say that...
A battle cry sounding from her lips, she dashed forward, her blade slicing through the thin mesh around a trooper's middle, knocking him to the ground. Allowing her momementum from the attack carry her, she spun round and cut the back of a second trooper. As the final three turned to face her, they formed up into a triangle.
Bad move, boys.
Jumping into the air again, she knocked the three over like bowling pins, one cracking his head hard against the steel dock, the other two landing with blood leaking staining their white armor.
08-16-2006, 5:55 AM
John had landed his Death Glider amongs the tree. He got out and began searching the area for enemy storm troopers or even Malus himself.
 Ryan Sл'vla
08-16-2006, 9:23 AM
Ryan looked at Kyle and said.

"That's why we need to find Jaden isn't it? To bring him back to the light?"
 Jason Skywalker
08-16-2006, 9:28 AM
"Yes," Kyle answered, "But if that does not work, we will only have one choice." He said, whispering so his parents wouldn't listen.
08-16-2006, 1:09 PM
And yes, I can do combat - I'm not the hopless romantic everyone thinks I am (( So it seems :D ))

When the last stormtroopers lay dead on the ground, the two siblings turned off their lightsabers. "So much for the welcoming committee."

"I thought stormtroopers were supposed to be tough." Kyla said.

"The imperials aren't what they used to be. Be thankful for that."

Kyla walked to the side of the landing path and noticed a couple of imperial shuttles up ahead. "Hey I can see stormtroopers loading up wookie slaves into their shuttles out there." she said, while pointing out the direction.

"Well let's make sure those shuttles don't take off then. Oh and ehm, Sara, nice work with those stormtroopers, truly original." He said as he started walking down the platform.
 Ryan Sл'vla
08-16-2006, 4:07 PM
"Well Kyle, I think I would have a better chance against Jaden if I were a Knight..." He whispered to Kyle.
 Jason Skywalker
08-16-2006, 4:24 PM
"Hmm, i have an idea," Kyle whispered, getting up, "Excuse me and my apprentice, we are just going behind the house to discuss personal matters." He said, getting out being followed by Ryan.

After getting behind the house, Kyle ignited his lightsaber and took a battle stance.

"Ignite your lightsaber! We will spar and if you beat me in duel, you will prove yourself worthy of being a Jedi Knight. Just let me warn you, i'm not easily defeated." Kyle said.
08-16-2006, 9:02 PM
((OOC: Ah, you saw that XD))


"What? Oh, thanks." Sara answered as she followed them, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. Her face contorted, as if she had a bad taste in her mouth. "Me and the Stormies go way back."
08-16-2006, 9:43 PM
(( Sort of ran into that thread out of curiosity :roleyess: ))

"Well luckily for them, they aren't the ones responsible for burning down my home and killing my parents or else this fight would have been more of an execution." he muttered.

They descended down to Kashyyyk's forest floor and went into the direction of the imperial shuttles. After walking about a hundred meters, they saw captured wookies guarded by stormtroopers.

"Looks like they're heading for the shuttles, let's try to follow them undetected. " Kyla suggested .

"Good idea, but I think we'd better stay on our guard. Those wookies aren't the only creatures on this planet."

(( how about we encounter a terentatek or something ?? ))
08-16-2006, 9:48 PM
((OOC: Terantek may be too big...What about those other things? The buggy thing-a-majig...I forget the name -.-'))


"'Other things'?" Sara asked, her eyes widening, "What sort of 'other things'?"
08-16-2006, 10:16 PM
((OOC: Terantek may be too big...What about those other things? The buggy thing-a-majig...I forget the name -.-'))


"'Other things'?" Sara asked, her eyes widening, "What sort of 'other things'?"

(( OOC: Too big? O.o are you sure you've played kotor before? Go to the star wars databank and pick another creature then, I need to know what to describe before I can answer Sara's question^^

SW: Databank: -Prowling the mighty boles are such predators as the horned katarn, and the five-limbed kkekkrrg rro. Lurking in the shadows are such creepy terrors as the arachnid webweaver and netcaster, the incendiary flame beetle, and the loathsome gorryl slug. ))

-And yes, I can do combat - I'm not the hopless romantic everyone thinks I am. ----> chickening out already?
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