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The Sith Lord

Page: 3 of 5
08-14-2006, 8:15 PM
Sara patted the wall thoughtfully as she showed her new passengers around the ship.
"The Northstream's my baby. She isn't exactly a luxury liner, but she's one of the best ships you'll find this side of Courescant. Anyway, you can drop your things off in the starboard dorms. If you need anything, the crew's quarters are on the port side. There's only three of us -- me, Quarrel, and Skeeter. Quarrel repairs and helps upkeep the ship, and Skeeter...we're not quite sure what he does. He just kinda floats around, doing odd jobs. You won't see much of the other two, they're rather shy. I suppose you can use the empty room in the cargo hold to train..."
08-14-2006, 8:40 PM
((Not much activity going on with the sith. It seems we might just get there before they post :xp: ))

"Thanks, I guess we'll just go and drop our things in the starboard dorms and make ourselves comfortable." Kyla and Jethro went to the starboard dorms and left their belongings there.

"The empty cargo hold sounded like a great idea to me Jethro, do you want to start practicing now?"Kyla asked with an 'ohhhh please' expression on her face.
"Ok ok, you seem to be getting more impatient whenever there is a chance to train your combat skills. Hopefully you won't be like that when we run into stormtroopers because it might cost you more than you would like sis."
"Are you going to act like one of the masters now and start lecturing your own sister?" Kyla said with a challanging expression."
"Ok you've asked for it, we're going straight for the Makashi form and don't think I'll be holding back this time" Jethro replied.
"Well wouldn't that be something" Kyla said with a smile on her face.

They entered the empty room in the cargo hold and started their training.
"This time I'll be using both of my lightsabers sis. You wanted a challange, now you have one."
"Fine, you'll be biting the dust no matter what it takes." Kyla replied.
They both ignited their lightsabers and the training began, flashes of lightsabers making contact were lighting up the entire room as the two of them were fighting. At first Kyla thought she had a good chance of winning from her older brother but now she was doubting if she could even lay a hand on him.
08-14-2006, 8:44 PM
((gerr the sith rule all there to busy to post))
08-14-2006, 8:47 PM
((gerr the sith rule all there to busy to post))

(( hehe, well I guess we'll just have to do something about that now don't we? Btw how are you capable of sensing a non-force sensitive coming your way?(the imperial officer) ))
08-14-2006, 8:50 PM
((OOC: Seems that way, doesn't it? :lol: ))


For a few moments, Sara cycled through the security feeds from the different holds, pausing to watch the flashing sabers of the training Jedi. The whirling colors were mezmerizing...
After a while she grabbed the inter-hold comm., hitting a few buttons on the dash.
"I'd suggest you find something to hang onto." she broadcasted to the brother and sister, "We're jumping."
08-14-2006, 8:55 PM
((You could have simply pressed the hyperspace button for fun ))

The siblings quickly grabbed hold of something and turned off their lightsabers.
"I nearly had you there Jethro" Kyla said
"You wish sis, I could have ended the fight whenever I wanted to."
"I'll believe it when I see it." She said determined to beat her older brother.
08-14-2006, 9:04 PM
((OOC: Meh, maybe later when first impressions aren't so important :xp: ))


Seeing the others in the ship were ready, Sara allowed the Northstream to proceed with the short, rocky jump to hyperspace. The stars enlongated for a moment, then disappeared all together to be replaced by a shifting tunnel of blue light. The auto-pilot taking over, the captain stood and strode to the cargo bay.
"Not hacking each other up too badly in here, are we?" she asked with a smile as she came upon the Jedi pairing.
08-14-2006, 9:15 PM
"As if she would be able to do that already. We've only just started." Jethro said in a humoristic way.
"Very funny, let's just continue and I'll show you."

"Continue? You're breathing that heavily right now I doubt you'll be able to continue much longer sis, let's take a break, you can always try to hit me another time."

"Fine, but don't even think about meditating instead of dueling or I'll be cutting a hole through the hull in your room and seal the door so you could enjoy meditating in the 'fresh air' outside of the ship's hull." Kyla said threatening.

( :eekanime: )
08-14-2006, 9:20 PM
Sara grinned and cocked an eyebrow, masking her surprise at the girl's words.
"Fiesty, eh? Can't say I've ever heard a Jedi make a threat like that..."
08-14-2006, 9:34 PM
Jethro sighed "Well she still is a padawan and I doubt any of the masters would allow her to ascend rank if she keeps losing her temper like that." Jethro said with a teasing look to Kyla.

"Well I guess you've never seen a jedi provoking as good as he can." Kyla replied.

"Just kidding sis, you'll be fine as long as you don't actually do stuff like that. Besides, you'll find out that there are plenty of sith spit capable of provoking like that. You merely need to control your emotions a bit more, but I already told you that before we started training now didn't I?"

"Yes, yes like the thousand times the other jedi masters said. I get the point already." Kyla said while finally calming down.

"Well I guess we'll just have to start medita....ehhmm I mean doing something else then. We'll continue this later. Sara do you have any idea when we'll arrive?" Jethro asked
08-14-2006, 9:38 PM
She shook her head. "Not for a few hours yet. Even then, we can't be sure of what the orbit around the planet will be like, or if any landing pads are open. It could be a while before we can physically land on Kashyyyk."
08-14-2006, 9:48 PM
((hehe, better make up a story now :giggle1: ))

"I see, well since we're taking a break from dueling for a minute you might as well tell us what happened to that rodian."
08-14-2006, 9:50 PM
"Eheh...well..." Sara's embarassed smile from ealier returned, "It was nothing, really. Like you said, I was only a few minutes late. It wasn't anything major -- nothing good Jedi like yourselves should worry about."

08-14-2006, 10:04 PM
((Some posts come back to haunt you ^^))
"Well if you say so."
"Since meditating is out of the question right now I don't really see anything else to do for the moment except well...." Jethro sighed

"Care to continue the combat training sis?"

"I thought you would never ask" Kyla answered, already drawing her lightsaber.
The battle was fierce and Kyla seem to be more focussed than before.
They continued fighting for hours until Jethro finally decided to give Kyla a break and leave a hole in his defense. Kyla positioned her lightsaber in such a way, which would normally be a finishing strike to the chest and they both stopped fighting.

"Told you I would get you."
"You seem to be forgetting the position of my second lightsaber sis"
Kyla looked down and noticed that the blue lightsaber was only 1 inch away from her legs.
"Fine, we'll call it a draw then."

Jethro turned around with a smile on his face thinking: "if she only knew..."
08-14-2006, 10:21 PM
Though she had always been fascinated by the fighting forms and weapons of the Jedi, Sara could only handle so much. After watching an hour's worth of combat, her head was spinning from trying to follow the flashes of colored light that were the Jedi's lightsabers.
Sitting in the pilot's chair, she had her feet up on the dashboard, tossing an astro-ball from one hand to the other, her eyes gazing out absently into the great hole that was the slipstream.
It seemed like only yesterday...
"Back early?" he asked, looking up from a holovid as she entered the apartment.
"Anderson deal fell through." Sara answered with a heavy sigh, running a hand through her dark hair, "Which means that I'm left without a way to pay for those new parts we needed for the Mercentile..."
"I see...think fast." he said with a light chuckle, tossing the ball he had been spinning on one finger in her direction. Throwing her hands up in surprise, she just barely caught the fist-sized ball.
"Evil." she accused him teasingly, "Pure evil is what you are."
"Well...I wouldn't say I was pure evil..." by this time he was up and had crossed the room, slipping around behind her and capturing her in his arms before she had a chance to dart away. He held out a hand expectantly.
"Nuh-uh." she answered, smiling, "My ball now."
"Your ball? We'll just see about that..."
" we really have to?"
As if in answer, he spun around to the front of her, pressing her up against a wall. A hand on either side of her head, he leaned in, smiling devilishly.
"Ready to give me the ball yet?"
"Oh, don't do this. You know I hate it when you --"
She didn't have time to finish as he closed the remaining distance between them, his lips pressing to hers. Though she clutched at he astro-ball, her determination to beat him in this quickly began to slip away as his kisses began to melt her heart, as they always did. Soon, the ball slipped from her fingers, falling into his open and waiting hand as her arms moved to a more favorable position around his neck.
After a few more moments, he pulled away and smiled at her, holding the ball up.
"I told you." he said jokingly.
"I hate you." she answered, but couldn't stop the smile from coming to her lips.
08-14-2006, 10:57 PM
((You thought the thread needed a bit more emotion, didn't you?^^ ))

Kyla had been thinking about that day in the warehouse all the time now. She just couldn't stop thinking about it. Finally she gave in to her thoughts.

"Yes what's on your mind sis?"

"When will you be teaching me how to heal?"

Jethro sighed. "I really can't teach you something I can't explain. The way the jedi used to heal and the way I healed you are completely different."

"What do you mean different?"

"There aren't any known jedi capable of healing a wound like that, master Skywalker told me that it was a one of a kind force heal and that he had never seen anyone do that before."

"but you used it on me so how could you not..."

"Teach you? First, I do not know how to describe how, second we can't practise on anything. When I am capable of teaching you I will Kyla, but for now it'll just have to wait until I know how."

"Fine, when we get back to the academy I'll ask master Skywalker about it."

((edit: Might want to let the ship arrive by now, I'm off for today ))
08-14-2006, 11:04 PM
((OOC: Ah, just a bit :xp: But then again, I'm ForceFight, the Queen of Melodrama XD))


Pulling herself from her revire, she threw the ball hard against the wall on her right, trying to aliviate the sudden upweeling of anger and frustration inside her.
C'mon, Sara. she growled to herself as she caught the ball on the rebound, You're supposed to be forgetting about that no good son of a...
A bleeping from the nav console distracted her as it announced their arrival at
"Hey guys, you might want to--" but before she could get all the words out, the Nothstream dropped from Hyperspace with a jolt. "Nevermind..."
08-14-2006, 11:49 PM
(( nothing is more haunting than the past ^^ ))

Jethro was helping his sister clearing the table after dinner when he suddenly heard his parents talking to eachother in soft tone, but he was able to hear what they said from where he was standing.

"Jane, I have some bad news, the mercenaries here on Alderaan found out that I was the republic officer who killed their leader, Reaper. I fear they might be after me for revenge and that they will find us soon." His father said
"What do you mean they found out? How could they possibly know you did that?"
"It seems one of the republic officers here was quite drunk last night and told the mercenary that if he wasn't careful, he would do the same thing to him as I did to Reaper. Unfortunatly that drunk fool also happened to have said my last name out loud, so the mercenaries are aware of who I am."
"Well what do you suppose we ....

The conversation ended as a speeder was stopping infront of the house.
Jethro watched his father as he ran to the door and looked outside.
"They're here!" At first Jethro didn't understand what was happening but then blaster shots were flying through the doorway. "No time to explain, just hide Jethro!" His father ran up the stairs and yelled: Kyla, Kyla where are you? Jane go see if you can find Kyla. Jethro watched as his mother ran up the stairs and went out of sight. He could hear himself say: "Dad what's happening?" but his father couldn't hear him, the blaster shots were almost deafening by now. His father picked him up and ran to the closet in the living room, he opened it and put Jethro inside: "Be quiet, Jethro. Everything will be alright he yelled." He ran upstairs but Jethro could hear other people following him, shooting as they ran up the stairs. After a minute or what seemed like an hour, Jethro heard blaster shots and he could hear his sister screaming. The footsteps were coming closer and he the voice of a man saying: "Burn it all" Moments later, everything was silent. Jethro finally decided to come out of the closet, when he did that it was like entering hell itself. The living room was on fire, the flames scourching everything in it's path. The house he had lived for all his life was burning down. Even though he was completely shocked, Jethro quickly ran up the stairway and into his parents room, only to find the most cruel scene. He saw his parents lying down against the wall, with blood against the wall and the remains burning from blaster fire. The flames were coming up to the doorway now and he decided to take the credits which were laying on the table next to him and he ran out of the door, down the stairway. The flames were truly covering the entire house and things were looking pretty bad. He noticed that the front door was closed but there was no other way out. He started running towards it and for a minute long, everything was happening in what seemed like slow motion, Jethro was nearly hit by the sealing coming down onto the living room, and was burned by the flames that appeared. He was nearly crying out in pain as he came closer to the door. When he was only 1 meter away he threw all of his last energy in a final attempt to knock it down. So it happened, the door fell open on the impact and Jethro fell onto the ground outside while flames were searing out of the house just inches above his body. He could see a speeder taking off and then he faded away.

Jethro woke up and was sweating all over. It was just another restless night of the many he had since the death of his parents. He could never forgive the mercenaries for what they did to his parents, never. Although he had killed the ones whom were with Kyla, he knew they weren't the ones who killed his parents. He still remembered the voice of the man that day and it never left his mind. Luckily for Jethro, he was able to shield his mind from the Jedi masters at the academy, so no one really found out that this past event was still haunting him up to this day.
08-15-2006, 12:08 AM
"Somehow, I don't think dropping from Hyperspace was that scary." Sara said, cocking her head to the side as she watched him from where she leaned against the doorframe.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 4:36 AM
(Off-Topic: Wow, so many Posts.)

Krel entered Malus' throne room to tell him about the news.

"What have you found out?" Malus asked.

"My... my lord," Krel said, "I've found out that Katarn was talking to a man. This man had another being living inside him."

"Interesting," Malus said, pondering, "What else?"

"I tried to spy on Skywalker, but I couldn't see what he was doing."

Malus grabbed his Scepter, scaring Krel. Krel backed up towards the wall and he had no weapon to fight with, since Malus had his Force Pike. Malus immediately shot at Krel with his Scepter, leaving Krel dead.

"You fool! You aren't strong enough to a part of me!" Malus shouted, "I've no need for bodyguards now!"

Inside the Scepter, Marka Ragnos spoke.

08-15-2006, 5:25 AM
Jethro picked up his gear and said: "I doubt a captain such as yourself would have to worry about minor things like that."

He noticed that his sister was still asleep and he didn't bother waking her.
"Any sign of the imperial remnant or a place to land?"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 5:30 AM
Malus left his throne room and left for the hangar. He had to see his new Fighters.
08-15-2006, 5:59 AM
John woke up from his slumber to find the Death Glider in hyperspace. "Sithspit, since when has Korriban been this far away?"
We're not heading to KorribanIsis replied
"What!? Where are we heading then!?" John demanded to know
We're heading to Kashyyk to ingage imperal force!
"What!? I though we were ment to discusse these things first!"
There's no time for that! If we don't act the wookiees will be enslaved once again! We cannot allow that to happen
"Good point... and we have yet to try this baby against a star destroy!" Jack said smiling. "How long will we be?" The Death Glider exitted hyperspace "Nevermind."
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:12 AM
While Malus was walking towards the hangar, his comlink immediately turned on.

"Lord Malus," A voice shouted on Malus' comlink, "The New Republic are going to Kashyyyk. According to Imperial intelligence, they have sent a Jedi Knight and a Padawan, along with some sort of Traveller. What should we do?"

"Prepare our armies," Malus told the man "We need to block off all access on Kashyyyk."

"Right away my lord." The man said, before turning off his own comlink.

Malus knew that there wasn't time. He ran to another hangar and got inside his personal Tie Fighter. Besides, he would see his new Fighters in battle. He longed to battle in space, because Kyle had never let him fight with the Raven's Claw. Malus also hoped he saw Kyle, because this would be his chance to kill him. Although Malus guessed that he wouldn't show up.
08-15-2006, 6:14 AM
((Is Malus in the Kashyyk system))
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:16 AM
((Is Malus in the Kashyyk system))

(Off-Topic: Malus is bringing an army to Kashyyyk. Either Officer Starkiller the army he has prepared should be on the surface.)
08-15-2006, 6:25 AM
((GAH! An army? You're overreacting, what good are a jedi knight and a jedi padawan when they are blown to bits in outer space. I'm not planning on dying any time soon. @ ForcefightWMe12, I hope that ship has turrets...))
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:29 AM
((GAH! An army? You're overreacting, what good are a jedi knight and a jedi padawan when they are blown to bits in outer space. I'm not planning on dying any time soon. @ ForcefightWMe12, I hope that ship has turrets...))

(Off-Topic: If Revan and two people could handle the whole power of the Star Forge on KOTOR, so your Characters should be okay. Besides, it just a small army. One in space and the other on the surface. Also, steven's Character, John will be there.)
 Ryan Sл'vla
08-15-2006, 6:36 AM
As Kyle was entering his ship, his apprentice, Ryan appeard.

"Kyle, a overheard that you are going to find Jaden. Can I come too?" Asked Ryan.
08-15-2006, 6:39 AM
(( Ok you've made your point. So basicly you are saying that all of those imperial troops are just cannon fodder waiting for a lightsaber to chop them to pieces?))
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 6:43 AM
(( Ok you've made your point. So basicly you are saying that all of those imperial troops are just cannon fodder waiting for a lightsaber to chop them to pieces?))

(Off-Topic: If you want to put it that way, yes. I'm glad that everyone who's joined has made at least one Post (Unlike my Ebon Hawk Crew RP).)
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 7:32 AM
Kyle noticed Ryan and then answered.

"Alright kid, but we're going to tell Jaden's parents about him. Then we look for him." Kyle said as Ryan hopped in and they blasted off to Coruscant in Hyperspace.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 7:53 AM
(Off-Topic: Jason, in the Fic version, Jaden's parents had moved to Naboo after he left for the Academy. Your choice though.)
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 8:13 AM
(OT: I know, they first ask because they didn't know. ;) )

The Raven's Claw landed on Coruscant and Kyle, Jan and Ryan made their way out. A droid then walked up to them.

"Welcome to Coruscant, how may i help you?

"We're looking for the Korr family, do you know where they live?" Kyle asked. The droid started searching and then answered.

"I'm sorry, but the Korr family left a while ago." Answered the droid. Kyle sighed.

"Do you know where they are now?" He asked

"I believe they decided to live on Naboo, in the city of Theed."

"Alright, thanks" said Kyle then turning behind to Jan and Ryan. "Let's go."

They entered the Raven's Claw and left for Naboo.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 8:16 AM
(Off-Topic: Good Jason. Still great RP'ing going on. Now when am I going to RP?)

Malus' Tie Fighter arrived at the small legion of Tie Fighters and Bombers. The Bombers along with the Echo, would keep Kashyyyk under control and the Fighters would assist Malus with the fighting. Now all they had to do was wait.
08-15-2006, 8:30 AM
The death glider exitted hyperspace and zoomed towards the tie fighters. "They brought bombers? Litttle good they'll do against this baby. Isis open comms with all fighters, bomber and the echo!" There was a few second of scilence before John's voice was heard "Imperal remintant, this is your warning! P*** off or I will be force to engaged in combat with will no dought lresult in me the winning and you dieing. SO what will it be?"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 8:34 AM
"Combat it is then," Malus told the unknown traveller, "I would gladly like to see another dead pawn of the New Republic."

Malus ended his conversation with the traveller and opened all the Fighter's comlinks and told them.


Every single Fighter fired at the ship, but it didn't leave a scratch or even damage the ship, because of the shields the traveller was using.

(Off-Topic: I hope this alright with you steven. If not, I'll change it.)
08-15-2006, 8:47 AM
((It's lovely))

"I'm no pawn... I see myself more as a Castle. Which is also my favorate chess peace. Don't know why, I just like the fact it can take down anything infront of it. Just like this, Isis! Open fire!" The Death gliders thrusters activated, zooming after a random tiefighet. John/Isis fired two shots which hit a tie fighter, blowing it up instantly. "Now get leave while you still have the chance."
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 8:55 AM
(Off-Topic: I like Chess.)

In his Tie Fighter, Malus watched as the Tie Fighter fell to the surface of Kashyyyk. In anger, Malus shouted:

"Maximum firepower on the ship!"

"But my lord..." A pilot asked.

"I don't care how many ships I lose, just do it!" Malus shouted at the pilot, before returning to talk to the traveller, "Checkmate, pawn, castle, whatever you are of the Republic."
08-15-2006, 8:58 AM
"Accutally I have no dealings what so ever with the Republic. I'm neutral. I'm only here because I like wookiees and hate egoist b*****s like yourself who believe that they're both all creation." John replied.
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 9:01 AM
"Wookiees are only useful for one thing," Malus told the traveller, "Slavery. Also, you are a pawn of the Republic. Soon enough, they shall arrive to save your skin. Also, if you ever survive, I'm sure we'll be running into each other. What is your name traveller?"
08-15-2006, 9:05 AM
"You haven't tried a wookiee's cooking! Oh and I'm John... John Ranger, I travell the galaxy with a funny little snake like alien who lives in my body. Her name's Isis. May I ask who I'm speaking too?"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 9:10 AM
"My bodyguard was right," Malus told him, "He did say something was inside you. Enough of that, I'm Darth Malus, once I was a Jedi Knight, known as Jaden Korr. I have a proposition for you."
08-15-2006, 9:13 AM
"Your Darth Malus!? I was expecting a dark voice or something." John paused "Your have a proposition for me? Did you hear that Isis? The idiot things he's got something that'll interest us! Ha! We'll humur you, what do you want?"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 9:16 AM
"Okay here is the proposition," Malus started, "Join me and I promise you power, along with your Force Sensitive thing inside you, money and all you've ever wanted. A family. I can sense a black hole in your heart and the only thing that can fix it is a family. Something you've never had. If you accept this proposition, you shall be with me by my side, but if you decline, then I shall let my army destroy you, with nothing but the New Republic and the Jedi Order to save you. Choose now."
 Jason Skywalker
08-15-2006, 9:20 AM
The Raven's Claw landed on Naboo. It was a peaceful world and Theed was a peaceful city.

"Now, where do we search?" Jan asked to Kyle.

"We should see the palace, they probably know." Kyle answered. They nodded and luckily, they landed on a place nearby the palace. They walked up to the guards.

"What is your business here?" One of them asked.

"We are looking for the Korr family, any idea where they are?" Kyle asked. The guard thought for a while and then answered.

"They live in the backstreets of Theed, number twenty-five."

Kyle and Jan thanked them and they and Ryan were off to look for them.
08-15-2006, 9:26 AM
"It was dumbass' like you who took my family away from me. I'd never join you. Now here's my propostion, you help me destroy the Echo, we'll then eject that Staff into a blackhole before it is able to gain controll. Then you can choose your own destiny, you can either attempt to rejoin the Jedi Order and serve the goodside of the force or join me in my travells around the universe. Searching out life's dangers and then wave to them when they realise that we've cocked up they're plans. But if you decline, you will destroy, either by me or when the sceptor becomes too powerfull for even you too controll and Ragnos will return."
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 9:34 AM
"I'd rather laze on the Echo, then be with you or the Jedi!" Malus shouted, "Ragnos will never return, I have full control of the dark side, like nobody has ever achieved. Now that you won't join me, you are now my enemy, John Ranger. Say goodbye to your life."

The Tie Fighters immediately tried shooting at John's ship, but the Tie Fighter's guns immediately blew up.

"What did you do?" Malus asked John, "What is your ship called and what have you done to my Tie's?"

(Off-Topic: I hope this is okay with you steven. Just make something up. If not, I'll change it.)
08-15-2006, 9:47 AM
"My ship is called something weird and long however the translated into Galatic Basic the ship's called the Death Glider. You see this ship only has two weapons, one on each wing. It's also has a complex shielding system..I just need to divert all weapons, engines and other stuff's power I didn't need and all shots you fire at me will simply bounce off and right back at you, genius, huh?"
 Diego Varen
08-15-2006, 9:50 AM
"Bah, go and save your Wookiee friends if you want, I'm getting sick of you." Malus told John.
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