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Pirates VS Ninjas, who'd win?

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 St. Jimmy
09-13-2006, 11:29 PM
That would be nice.
I draw freehand and I've allways had problems with proportions. I like my drawings it's just that they're not very good. that's why I either cartoon or draw something that's 'my style' I usually draw really small pictures that no-one notices. and I always put alot of detail into them (which makes them look better.)
09-13-2006, 11:42 PM
The only things I ever "draw" are doodles of orcs and night elves slaughtering each other all over my french homework. >_>
09-13-2006, 11:50 PM
Okay then, first thing is first: the head and face. This is the hardest to tell you about cuz the face is often how characters are differentiated since the body in general is usually the same among the same genders. The head starts off as a circle (for mangaish or american-comicish drawings). Just a circle. Place a dot in the center. This will help you figure your guidelines. From here, things get tricky. You are to draw the eye-line, a line going from one end of the circle to the other that acts as the center for the eyes. The eyeline must bo on or below the centered dot. I must stress that for anatomically correct (even cartoony) characters. As a rule of thumb, the higher the eyeline the older the character. Younger characters, especially cute one should have a lower eyeline. Place that eye-line where you wish, but do it nicely since it takes a while to learn your preference, you might put it too high for a child for example. The eyeline must be level unless the character's head is cocked and/or angled. EYES! The bigger the eyes, the younger and cuter the character. The opposite applies to older characters. There isn't much I can say about eyes, you will draw them according to your style. I personally love the way they do the eyes in Naruto, high up and thus a tad more realistic, but thats just me. Now the angling line. It starts in the eyeline, and extends outward, and out of that circle. Where it ends determines how long the chin is, and thus how old. The angling line must not be on the center unless the char is facing forward. Where it is drawn dictates where the chin is also actually located. So, the closer to the edge of the circle, the more the character is looking to the side. The closer in to the center, the more the char is looking forward. There is little I can say about this too, it just takes practice to find where you like for the angel/chin line to be. Now, you must draw the chin and jaw. Draw a line from the center of the bottom of the circle, going out intil you reach the end of the eyeline. You can also extend a little further for higher cheekbones, or in more for lowere ones. Connect a line from the eyeline to the cheeckline, then from there, to the chinline. And finally, from there to the edge of the circle facing away from the angle the char is facing. Take some liberties, women have softer contours and rounded to pointy chins, men tend to have square jaws. The nose is about halfway down from the eyes to the chin, the mouth, (obviously) below it. Another note, no eye should be centered on the chin-line, it just cant. It will look wrong. The end of an eye can line with the chineline, preferably the outside eye where the cheekline is made on. Confused, I wouldn't be surprised, but there, WALAH! you've made the head. Simpler in practice actually.
 St. Jimmy
09-14-2006, 1:04 AM
Wow. I'm going to get a piece of paper and use that thing like a walkthrough. I'm a little confused as to the angling line though. Now all we need to know is the rest of the body! what if you're drawing really vague images or people with heads looking away from the picture?
Also, did you draw your avatar? 'cause it rawks too.
09-14-2006, 11:33 PM
Yeah, I drew the avatar and used Irfanview to crop it. The angling line pretty much positions the angle/location of the chin. I'm 'onna try and make the guide on paper and link to it, makes it easier as there is alot you can cover on the head and face if you want to include how to invoke a certain image.
 St. Jimmy
09-14-2006, 11:35 PM
09-15-2006, 12:05 AM

Well, there's the pic, hope you like it. The scanner blurred it up a bit, so I'll post a sharperone later.

*edit* Mkay, I posted a clearer pic. Better?
 St. Jimmy
09-15-2006, 12:21 AM
*click and save*
Very VERY nice. You made so much cooler than anything I could done! In fact Everything about it rocks! 'Rawk's to be precice. I still don't know how you draw so well. I did that little 'tutorial' you posted. I ended up with this little guy that looks like Stuey from family guy dressed up as a Ninja. But yeah, teh pic is GREATness concentrated! I especially like the Coat and Boots. How long did it take you to draw it?
Damn. It's just so bad-ass.
Cheers HEAPS!
St. Jimmy
EDIT: Yes, much clearer. You even named it St. Jimmy! wicked-ness intensified.
09-15-2006, 12:23 AM
Thanx! *ponder ?* About 20 min. You get used to all the guidelines after a while, so with practice you can draw faster. Wait until I post the little tutorial up later on in the week, it really helps if you can see the lines involved. I'll make two demonstrating the differences between the faces of women and men.
 St. Jimmy
09-15-2006, 12:28 AM
Coolies. 20 mins! MAD! *moan* I wish I could draw like that! I sat down and drew something this morning and I was like, "damn that's crap." If I ever get to know how to use the scanner I'll post it.

EDIT: BTW how much is the ad-space in your sig?
09-15-2006, 12:33 AM
20 intarweb bucks.
 St. Jimmy
09-15-2006, 12:34 AM
*Pretends He's bargaining* 25!
09-15-2006, 12:36 AM
30! Last chance!
 St. Jimmy
09-15-2006, 12:38 AM
Fine! 30 it is! Sold! to the man in the Basketball jersey! (I couldn't find anything else to wear.)
09-15-2006, 12:44 AM
Yay, first adspace sold! This calls for a party ^_^
 St. Jimmy
09-15-2006, 12:56 AM
*breaks open portello bottles* *fliks on CD* But what to write? *bowls and BOWLs of lollies*
09-16-2006, 12:23 AM
*BANGS HEAD* I had finished one of the drawn tutorials and now it's gone! Arrg *pulls hair and wrecks office-rrom in fruitless search* I gotta go interrogate my mom about this now...
 St. Jimmy
09-16-2006, 3:21 AM
What? you drew out a tutorial thingy and now you can't find it? Hot damn! *looks around own office* Nup, can't find it here... I do look forward to it though...
09-16-2006, 12:20 PM
Hooray for artwork!!!!! I just started one of my painting classes and it's pretty damn neat. I ususually only did charcoal and pencil stuff, but painting is fun! Like Bob Ross. Who is awesome. My name is Ross too. So we have something in common besides a love for art and a 'fro. (Actually, I don't have a fro but it would be great if I did.)
09-16-2006, 1:20 PM
I have some charcoal pencils, but I find that medium rather messy. I prefer to use artists pencils, hence why none of my work is colored and simply shaded with grays. Painting is fun I admit, but it's not something I really crave to do for a) the paints, easel and paper are kinda expensive, b) I feel like you have less control over what you are doing. I might take it up again once I feel better about my drawing. Your name is Ross eh? It reminds me of offense. Making the tut gives me a newfound respect for whoever writes tuts themselves or authors the books, cuz you have to draw the same steps over and over, and looking at unfinished sketches is such a ...I dunno, You just wanna go back and finish them! I suppose I'll have to make a new one. Exoect it up either Sunday at the earliest or Tuesday at the latest.
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-17-2006, 11:00 PM
Hi! I'm new to LucasForums. I'm friends with St. Jimmy. He told me about here And I just HAD to check it out!
So, you're talking about art I see. I LOVE art. I enter comps ALL the time! My favorite medium would have to be charcoals and drawing.

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-17-2006, 11:05 PM
Hi! I'm new to LucasForums. I'm friends with St. Jimmy. He told me about here And I just HAD to check it out!
So, you're talking about art I see. I LOVE art. I enter comps ALL the time! My favorite medium would have to be charcoals and drawing.

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!

09-17-2006, 11:06 PM
Nice to meet you.

Do you also live in Australia? (sp)
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-17-2006, 11:10 PM
Nice to meet you.

Do you also live in Australia? (sp)
She is from the 3rd plane of Baator.
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-17-2006, 11:46 PM
Umm.. yes I'm from Australia. Where are you guys from? And I can't understand the chick with the blue hair. what's She saying?

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-18-2006, 12:08 AM
Umm.. yes I'm from Australia. Where are you guys from? And I can't understand the chick with the blue hair. what's She saying?

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!

*crawls within skin*
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 12:24 AM
Sorry. You said I was from some weird place and I really was not sure what you were talking about. So do you guys like art? what's you favorite medium?

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!

:clap2: :clap2: :guitar1 :emodanc: :afro1: :band1 :violin:
09-18-2006, 12:51 AM
Sorry. You said I was from some weird place and I really was not sure what you were talking about.
I can tell you don't surf the interwebs much.
So do you guys like art?
what's you favorite medium?
Uh...pencil. On the margins of my homework.
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 8:10 AM
So what kinda stuff do you draw on the edge of you home work? I draw wierd animals, you know stuff thats compltly off the top of you head?

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!
09-18-2006, 1:15 PM
Hey do you need help with your "I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!"?

I can tell you how to make it perminent so that you don't have to type it every time.
09-18-2006, 1:16 PM
Double Post: oh and Jmac is a Guy.
09-18-2006, 4:48 PM
09-18-2006, 5:06 PM
WTF? I am a total n00B.

But I don't get this whole "1337" crap.
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 5:53 PM
Yes, thanks that would be awsome! And don't worry I don't get what he means either.

Need help:) :clap2: :afro1: :emodanc: :guitar2 :monkey4: :3pdance: :shads3: :violin:
09-18-2006, 5:56 PM
#185 overuse of smilies.
...little post

I SMELL A NEWBIE!! Welcome to Razputin's Domain!!
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 7:13 PM
Thankyou, Darth Ave. And Halo_92 St. Jimmy told me Jmac was a guy, I feel really dumb. Sorry Jmac. But thanks Halo_92 for telling me anyway.

I am FuzzyDice Chick hear me roar!
09-18-2006, 7:14 PM
Smilies are AWESOME ... in totally random RPs, and in snarky sigs. And yes, WELCOME to a technicolor wonderland full of wonder and whimsy and total randomness

Parmesan is smelly.

Cats are cute.

Penguins wanna take over the world, and I respect and support that.

Nothing stays on topic.


As for me, I only really like to use pencils for my drawings. I dont do much else like painting or sculpture. Just drawing. My stuff is either kinda mangaish or cartoony.

Parmesan is smelly!

No really, it is.

And since you posted here, you must state an opinion on the pirate versus ninja rivalry.

Why? Cuz that's the thread and I feel like being unleniant just becuz I can. Is that a word? No, this isn't rhetorical, I really want to know if it's a word.
 St. Jimmy
09-18-2006, 7:35 PM
Penguins wanna take over the world, and I respect and support that.
"Dogs are gonna take over the world someday. It's a known fact for those that beleive it."
09-18-2006, 7:51 PM
I have rules to declair too.

-Don't talk bad about any cool movies. (ex. Silence of the Lambs, The Black Dahlia, Rushmore.)
-Psychonauts pwns.
-Bonus Stage pwns.
-pwning pwns.
-I'm on the newspaper staff.
09-18-2006, 7:59 PM
Yeah, that seems to pretty much cover it.
09-18-2006, 8:10 PM
Oh I forgot one.

-I like applesauce.
09-18-2006, 8:20 PM
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 8:26 PM
Ninjas! The cheez :)may reck but it still tasts nice! Yes Cats r so so so cute!
And thankyou for:) welcomeing me. I think :)thats a woud?!?!? Yes smiles in rendom:) places :) rock! Sorry I know it's alittle off topic. Hey I'm starting a new thread what do you think it should be called?
 St. Jimmy
09-18-2006, 8:45 PM
crap, that was annoying to read. :D :) :( ;) :sheepdanc
 FuzzyDice Chick
09-18-2006, 10:15 PM
The Princess of rearvisionmoirrorland FuzzyDice is bord! I'm starting a new thred! :) :) :)
09-18-2006, 10:18 PM
The Princess of rearvisionmoirrorland FuzzyDice is bord! I'm starting a new thred! :) :) :)
Something provocative/disturbing.
 St. Jimmy
09-18-2006, 10:42 PM
 Det. Bart Lasiter
09-18-2006, 11:48 PM
Double Post: oh and Jmac is a Guy.
Damn you. I had stuff planned. I think.
09-23-2006, 12:24 AM
This is what happens when I leave for a while.
Art rulz
Dogs rulz
magik rulz
Chicken patties are awesome.
Also ninjas.
 St. Jimmy
09-23-2006, 12:26 AM
POOPDOG backness! also, Birthdays rulz and Punk Rulz.
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