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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part II: Rise of the Jedi

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06-09-2006, 8:43 PM
I know, I could sense all of it. I for one feel we should not be prying in another person's mind unless necessary. If she wanted us to hear it, she would have said it out loud, so we should respect her privacy. Komad sent back to his wife. The speeder then stopped at the apartment building where the group was hiding.
06-12-2006, 1:31 PM
Maybe so but I fear that if you don't talk to her, never mind Greea dropped it as they entered the apartment. She couldn't put her finger on it but she didn't want Alkea to become bitter and resentful. She put her hand to her belt and noticed that her lightsaber was back. She realized that Alkea must have put them back when no one was looking.
Alkea entered the apartment first and flung three uniforms on the table. She ignored the Sith droids as she went to an overstuffed chair and sat down and rew her legs up and hugged her knees. She said expectantly at her brother, "Well, what's the plan?"
06-12-2006, 4:55 PM
"Ok, here's the plan: John and two members of Gamma squad will enter the compound, wearing the Sith Armour. They will then access the communications satellite and send a distress call to Coruscant." Komad said. "Then we'll wait for reinforcements to arrive."
06-12-2006, 5:10 PM
The clones and marine stood silently. John was the first to speak"I've got some bad news. Slicer here was able to slice into a computer consel outside a sith base and through that we were able to hook up with most systems inside there base. Inculding there interstella satalites. Just to see what ships they have there and... well have you ever heard of the star destoryer known as 'The Sith's Servant'?"
06-12-2006, 5:31 PM
(@steven:I suggest you change the name of the star destroyer, since you're referring to a real world religion, which does not exist in Star Wars)
"Yes, it's been the flagship of the Sith Fleet for the past 23 years, ever since the Palpatine was captured in the Battle for Coruscant." Komad replied. "If this is true, then they must really want to hold on to Taris. Perhaps it would be best for the Republic to send in a group of their own Star Destroyers then."
06-12-2006, 8:43 PM
"What of the Sith droids?" Alkea asked. She had been quiet and toying with other ideas in her head. Tyrannus gave them the droids for a reason so why weren't they going to use them? She quietly made her way to one of the droids and began inspecting it. She didn't expect her brother to respond. Lately she had the feeling that he was ignoring her or he was doing what he always did, respect her space.
06-12-2006, 10:23 PM
"My guess is we'll need them to access the satellite receiver." Komad replied. "They appear to be the right type of droid, albeit heavily armed."
06-13-2006, 11:17 AM
"May I finished? Anyways the Sith's Servant has infact left this planet. Leaving only a few left. Ones that wouldn't even stand up to a quater of our fleet. Why would they do that if they know the republics likely to attack it?"
06-13-2006, 4:01 PM
Alkea voiced it softly, "Bait for a trap."
She sighed slightly before continuing, "Tyrannus used to play bait and trap with me for about a year. I finally caught on and turned the tables. He then suggested a new challenge."
06-13-2006, 4:45 PM
"If the Republic were to attack, they'd be wiped out by the Sith. Kalla Vel told me that the best way to avoid a trap was to spring it. That way the Republic will be prepared when they arrive." Komad replied.
06-13-2006, 4:47 PM
"Perhabs if we were able to smuggle soldiers and piolt on Taris itself we'll be able to launch an attack from the diraction they would never suspect." Suggested John
06-13-2006, 5:29 PM
"Perhaps we should try to start a revolt amongst the citizens, which would distract the Sith, and allow the Republic to attack and assist the Tarisians." Komad suggested.
06-13-2006, 5:52 PM
"You want to risk the possibility of death of civilians?" Alkea voiced in a strange tone.
Greea didn't miss it but Alkea voiced exactly what her thoughts were if they incited a revolt.
06-13-2006, 7:16 PM
"You won't have to. I know there is an organised rebellion against the Sith here on Taris." Demo suggested. "The doctor who fixed up my leg told me about it. Their base is nearby, and they have been waiting for the chance to liberate Taris." "Hmmm, this could prove helpful." Komad replied.
06-14-2006, 3:18 PM
Alkea was looking more at Demo than Komad when she said, "Yes but I can't stand the potential loss of life."
06-14-2006, 3:23 PM
"We're not forcing anyone to fight. We're not asking them to die. We're asking them to cause a huge disraction. I've lead sorts of missions like that where not a single man or women on our side died. It's a similar situation. We just need to right people"
06-14-2006, 5:04 PM
"Alright. Niner, Blade, go with John to infiltrate the Sith Compound. Everyone else, we're going to go down into the lower city to find people to help us distract the Sith long enough for the Republic to arrive, free the planet and rescue us." Komad said.
06-14-2006, 5:24 PM
"Komad, your going to have to take my two Marines with you. Chad here is a brilliant talker and motivator and Dennis, well he's a mute but he's one hell of a shot."
06-14-2006, 6:11 PM
"Very well, let's go." Komad said, and his group left the apartment, heading for the Lower City.
 Diego Varen
06-15-2006, 11:47 AM
(It's been a while since I last posted. If I've done something wrong Alkonium, please tell me.)

Yado and Karn had stayed with the Rebellion down in the Lower City. While Yado meditated, he knew that Komad and the other Jedi were looking for them.
06-15-2006, 3:35 PM
(No, everything's fine)
Komad thought about how Alkea was so hesitant about risking life. Of course, she had been on Dagobah, away from the war, while he had been fighting on the front lines. He looked back to last year, when Kalla Vel, his former master, sacrificed her life on Malastare in order to allow him and Greea to free the planet. Since then, he felt that sometimes the loss of life was necessary, but life was invaluable nonetheless. He remained silent as the group made it to the elevator to the Lower City.
 Diego Varen
06-15-2006, 4:04 PM
Karn entered the room where Yado was meditating.
"Is something wrong Master?" He asked.
Yado breathed heavily.
"Komad, Alkea and Greea and the others are coming to find the Rebellion. And maybe us."
"Is that bad?" Karn asked.
Yado got up from the cold floor and turned to face his apprentice.
"Possibly." He told Karn finally.
06-15-2006, 6:57 PM
I know what you are thinking brother. I am hesitant because it is oue fight, not theirs. Alkea sent. She was quiet as she followed them down to the Lower city. Along the way, her mind drifted, at least to hide her true thoughts. Conciously she thought about some of the lessons she had learned from Tyrannus. These thoughts she kept hidden.
06-15-2006, 11:51 PM
Are you sure? This is their planet, not ours. I feel this is just as much their fight as it is ours. Komad sent back to his sister. "Demo, how far is the base?" He asked. "Not far, approximately 250 m west of the cantina." Demo replied. "Good."
06-17-2006, 4:18 AM
Is it worth the risk? Alkea voiced through the Force. She felt as if she were blindly following people she didn't know. She didn't want to say anything lest she hurt feelings, especially Greea, whom she was fond of.
06-17-2006, 10:00 AM
I don't know. I always thought that this was the hardest part of being a Jedi. Komad replied through the Force. When they arrived at the Rebel Base, Komad sensed two presences in the Force, something he'd only expect from Jedi or Sith. "We're not the only Jedi here." He immediately said out loud.
06-17-2006, 8:01 PM
"No duh and it's not Tyrannus either. He is an enigma in the Force," Alkea voiced slightly annoyed. She placed her hand on the door and sort of frowned as if trying to see through the door before it opened.
06-18-2006, 9:37 PM
"I doubt it would be Tyrannus. For him to be the leader of this rebellion would make it far too easy. I'm certain it's someone we know is on our side. My guess is Yado." Komad commented. He then opened the door and motioned for the group to follow.
 Diego Varen
06-19-2006, 1:35 AM
Yado sensed Komad and the others approaching. Soon, they would know Yado was leading the Rebellion.
06-19-2006, 11:09 AM
Alkea actually stayed behind and slipped away to wander the streets alone. She wanted time to think. She headed in the general direction of the cantina and just minded her business while looking around.
06-19-2006, 12:07 PM
John and the two clones headed to the residentional block after putting on the sith uniforms. The three walked into a cental area which a massive holo-projectile showed the news. John sat down with a large crowd however the clones kept standing. The news was talking about the recent Taris swoop races, something John was found of. But then it changed the picture change. It was then a rodian wearing gothic robes. Next to him was a Human wearing similar robes and Twi'Lek wearing a sith admiral uniform.
"I am Lord Dar," annonced the Rodian "Most of you know that I rule this planet and it inhabitants. Now recently there have been reports of republicans have reached the Taris. This is not acceptable. I am issueing a 10,000 credit reward to anyone who brings for these dirty republics or anyone who is contected to them. And I shall offer a 100,000 credit reward for these Jedi." He then shown a picture of Alkea, Komad and
Greea "And these men for 50,000 credits" He then showed a picture of John and the three commandos. "That is all!" The image of Dar disapeared.
06-19-2006, 2:13 PM
Alkea managed to find her way into an apartment complex where some destitute aliens were living. She looked at them with a sadness and pity from a shadowy corner. She was startled by Tyrannus, "Painful isn't it? Hunger, sickness, the benefits of gracious living."
"They are starving," Alkea replied not looking at him.
"Yes, but what can you do? You cannot help them all. The galaxy is a big place and every action results in a..."
"reaction. I know. But one must do what they can right?"
"It all comes down to choice. You chose to listen to me on occassion and now you choose to open your heart again. I merely point out the obvious. You should know that after three years."
"Yes. You 'suggested' that I should return and here I find my brother and his wife but I feel like an outsider. That brings me to another question: Why haven't you found your way off? You usually rather always have a back door."
"I am enjoying myself. I just came to tell you that your time is short to get yourself off the planet."
Alkea felt it. There was a shift in the Force and she voiced it, "They know who we are."
06-19-2006, 2:15 PM
(@steven: a few mistakes: it's spelled Dar, that's his first name, and there are four commandos, not three)
"Master Yado, I need to speak with you. The Sith know we're here, so it won't be long before they find us, so I need you to organise your men. I've already sent a group to infiltrate one of the Sith Bases and alert the Republic." Komad said to the the Jedi Master.
 Diego Varen
06-20-2006, 1:28 AM
"I know," Yado told Komad, "I have already felt the Sith's prescence. My apprentice and I shall leave with you."
06-20-2006, 8:21 AM
"Alright, but the Sith have set a trap for the Republic. We need you to organise your troops, in order to distract the Sith long enough for the Republic to arrive." Komad replied.
06-20-2006, 11:14 AM
Alkea was still out wandering the streets alone. Her brief conversation with Tyrannus encouraged her to work quickly. She stopped at the cantina and hoped that Tyrannus wasn't in one of hise testing moods. She went in.
06-21-2006, 11:43 AM
"Sir, the Sith base is right ahead, I suggest you do the talking." Blade said to John as they arrived at the base.
06-26-2006, 11:15 AM
"Finally, my shift's over. I've been guarding the communications satellite nonstop for the past three weeks." A Sith Trooper said as he saw John, Niner, and Blade walk by. As soon as the Sith trooper had left, they discussed their plan. "Alright, Niner, you sneak into the satellite control room and try to send a message to Coruscant. John and I will keep watch out here." Blade said to Niner. "Yes, sir." Niner replied.
06-26-2006, 11:24 AM
John stood next to Blade while waitng for Niner to do his job and keeping a look out at the same time. He learnt towards Blade and asked "So what do you think of the whole Demo and the Alkea romance thing?"
06-26-2006, 1:41 PM
"I prefer not to think about it, and besides, Demo wouldn't tell me about it. He's been at odds with me ever since I became squad leader. See, Gamma Squad was originally led by a female commando by the name of Amidala, and she and Demo fell in love, but the Kaminoans found out and had Amidala transferred to Theta Squad and put me in her place as leader of Gamma Squad." Blade replied.
Niner took off his helmet and began transmitting to Coruscant. "Republic Command, do you read me? This is Clone Commando TRC-1309 requesting assistance." Niner said. The holographic image of a Jedi Master appeared before him. "This is Jedi Master Alkonium Kaltas. We read you loud and clear." Alkonium responded. "Master Kaltas, I was part of a group of Republic Soldiers sent to liberate the planet of Taris, unfortunately our Star Destroyer, the Spirit of Ithor was destroyed by Sith Forces above the planet. The other survivors and I have formulated an escape plan, but need reinforcements." Niner said to Alkonium. "Wait, my son and his wife were part of that mission, are they alright?" Alkonium asked. "Yes, they're alright, and your daughter is here as well." Niner answered. Alkonium paused for a moment. Alkea was back in known space. "That's good to know, but enough about that. I'll see to it that a Republic Battle Fleet is sent to Taris immediately." Alkonium replied, his holographic image fading out.
In another part of the facility, a Sith Trooper was monitoring the satellite. "Sir, I've been scanning the satellite transmissions, and it appears there was a message sent to hyperspace coordinates 0,0,0, that just ended now." He told his superior. "Triple Zero? That's Coruscant! Put the facility on high alert, we've been infiltrated!" The commander reacted.
07-02-2006, 7:19 PM
They were silenced by the hum of a lightsaber as Alkea stood there in front of them. She said calmly and firmly, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Now you are going to pretend like none of this happened. Got it?"
07-03-2006, 8:37 PM
The Sith Officer simply responded with, "She's a Jedi! Kill her!" and then raised his blaster. Meanwhile, a group of rebels had begun their attack on the Sith Base, led by three Jedi and a number of Republic Marines, and a fleet of Republic Star Destroyers had begun to move towards Taris.
07-04-2006, 3:39 PM
The Sith officer had no time to react except maybe squeeze off one shot as he was struck down by Alkea. When the room was full of bodies, she took a deep breath and it felt like she was choking. She glanced at the security cams and saw her brother lead the attack. She slid into the controller's seat and unlocked all the security doors. She sent a little message to her brother's comm and left to fight her way down.

((Alkonium: I will be gone Wed till Sat at a dig site ok?))
07-04-2006, 3:53 PM
"Well, since your the commando, what do you suggest we do? Sneak out or blast our way out?"Said John, reading his gun as he heard the footsteps of sith troops marching toward them.
07-04-2006, 6:32 PM
(@JM12: Ok, given the rate of things in summer, that shouldn't make much of a difference)
"Let's do the Republic a favour and take out this facility for them." Blade replied, and began placing an explosive device near a exhaust panel. He then signalled Alkea. "This building's going to blow, so I suggest you leave immediately." He said to her, placing another explosive device.
07-07-2006, 6:10 PM
"Wait,this is a civillian building, they have children that will get caught in the blast." John informed.
07-07-2006, 8:53 PM
Alkea said nothing but turned tail to where the children would be. She went with a quickened pace. She used the FOrce to sense out the building and from the plans she had downloaded. She was going to rig the evac alarms so that they would leave.
07-08-2006, 8:51 AM
"Ok, new plan: we evacuate the civilians from the building, and then we hold out for reinforcements to take control of the building." Blade said out loud and to Alkea on his communicator.
Komad, Greea, and Yado continued their assault, when they arrived and the civilian housing complex that Blade, Niner, John, and Alkea had infiltrated. Komad signalled for Demo to blow the door open and he sent a message to those inside. "Ok, clear away from the main door, we're blowing it open!" He said into his communicator.
07-08-2006, 4:27 PM
"The door is unlocked and the alarms are going to ring any moment," Alkea replied from the inside. She crawled up into the vents to hide and wait.
07-10-2006, 9:40 AM
"Ok, try to take out the security system. Blade, Niner, and John should be with you shortly." Komad replied. He then motioned for the group to enter the facility.
Blade, Niner, and John then arrived at the security control room. "Alright, let's deactivate the security system, and do it quickly. I doubt we have much time." Blade said to Niner and John.
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