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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part II: Rise of the Jedi

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05-31-2006, 10:04 PM
Akea entered the cantina and immediately she wrinkled her nose. She disliked alcohol and here it was like a permanent haze hovering everywhere. I am going to desperately need a shower after this she thought to herself. She walked in and scanned for any obvious Sith and hoped to Force that the plan would work.

Meanwhile, Greea whispered to Komad asking, "Did you notice how the debris shook when John said something to her? It was almost as if she were annoyed, maybe angry."
05-31-2006, 10:12 PM
"Yes, it was very unsettling to me. Now I really want to know what was going on Dagobah for the past three years and what sort of influence Tyrannus was on her. I'm also now interested in what kind of power she, and for that matter I, would have, since we have the same midi-chlorian count, given the proper training. But of course, my midi-chlorian count is still nothing compared to yours." Komad replied. "I do hope she's alright in there. She never did like alcohol, and Tarisian Ale is some of the worst liquor in the galaxy."
06-01-2006, 1:49 PM
Alkea managed to find a few off duty Siths who looked like they were just chillin'. She had handed her lightsaber to Komad before entering since the reaction would not be favorable if she had brought it in. She siddled up and played cutsey with them though their breath nearly wanted to make her vomit. She managed to keep them at arms length while getting invited to a party later in the evening. She smiled a pretty smile and left with the datapad information in her hand remembering to turn around and smile saying, see ya there." She headed towards the door and rolled her eyes. I hope I don't have to go in there again. She came out of the cantina and held the datapad in her hand and said, "We've hit a jackpot."

While Alkea was in the cantina Greea was talking to Komad, "I sensed no deception from Tyrannus. In fact I think he may have been the reason she came back. I think John may have hit a nerve of hers for she was throughly annoyed when he spoke."
06-01-2006, 4:47 PM
"It's not deception if the topic never comes up, meaning he was neither telling the truth nor lies about what happened on Dagobah, because he told us nothing. I feel that all is not all as it seems." Komad replied, then noticed that Alkea had returned from the cantina. "How did it go in there?" He asked, handing his sister's lightsaber back to her.
06-01-2006, 5:38 PM
"She doesn't have a suit. Personally, we should of just found some lone sentry and used a confussion grenade or something."
06-02-2006, 3:28 AM
Alkea glared at the soldier and replied while holding out the datapad, "Let's just say that we are invited to a party. They will have the uniforms there. Minimal bloodshed."
06-02-2006, 5:58 AM
"Great, so then we charge into the party, take the suits and leave behind some sort of explosive. Because I dont know about you lot but I'd feel better if there were less sith troopers to deal with."
06-02-2006, 7:30 AM
"Bad idea. That would only draw out more Sith Troops, likely overwhelming us. However, there are alternatives to fighting. I suggest we slip a sedative into their drinks, while we appear to actually be drinking." Komad replied.
06-02-2006, 12:10 PM
"Excuse me brother," Alkea said with a slight sauciness in her voice, "they will more likely have Tarisian ale. If you remember, that stuff is extremely potent. They'll be passed out after three drinks."
Alkea didn't know why but she was thoroughly annoyed with the bloodthirsty soldier. She took a glance at Demo and she calmed down. He understood her pain and she thought that maybe with his help, she could let go.
06-02-2006, 1:00 PM
"While they'll sober up at some point, they'll get back to work and possibly shoot us. I say we kill them or atleast infect them with some illness that stops them working."
06-02-2006, 1:42 PM
"They'll be too passed out. In fact even if they do wake up, more likely they'll see Pink Banthas dancing across the room." Alkea was thoroughly annoyed and wished that she had just stayed on Dagobah. At least Tyrannus didn't irk her. He may be blunt but at least he was honest about things. She almost wanted to send the debris she had been shaking earlier at the soldier but glancing at her brother she decided not to though her annoyance was still plastered in her eyes.
06-02-2006, 1:48 PM
"They'll soon be a possible threat. Maybe not today, but that some point they'll kill someone, perhabs one of us, perhabs a jedi, perhabs some kid who want to fetch they're they're lost ball.." Said John, his bloodthirst for sith blood begining to take over.
06-02-2006, 4:40 PM
Alkea couldn't stand it anymore and got directly into John's face, her dark eyes flashing. Her voice was firm and controlled, "You better curb that bloodlust or you may find yourself shoved off a platform. There is no reason to kill anyone. Rules of engagement will be better. No one firing unless fired upon. Got it?"
06-02-2006, 4:57 PM
"You don't scare me jedi! And there is a war going on if you haven't noticed. They're the enemy! If they were in our poistion they wouldn't wait to kill us!" John said darkly looking straight into her eyes.
"Hey hey hey!" Said one of the marines and pulled her back "You two arguing isn't helping!"
06-02-2006, 4:58 PM
Komad sensed that something was not right with John. "That is not the way of the Jedi, or the Republic. To kill Sith in cold blood would bring us down to their level, something I will not do, and will not allow anyone under my command to do so either. To draw first blood is a victory in itself for the Sith. Remember what I said before, there are alternatives to fighting, and I hope to do that by redeeming the Dark Lord of the Sith himself." He said. "We should get moving."
06-03-2006, 3:15 AM
Alkea was still glaring at John. She never removed her gaze until he turned away. She said to Komad, "Well said Brother. We have to get to the Upper City. That's where the party is going to be." She then took firm steps heading back to the elevator. She passed Demo and her hard face softened slightly almost as if she were trying to apologize.

Greea watched Alkea head for the elevator. She gave her husband's hand a squeeze and sent through their bond, He shouldn't have done that and neither should have she. Maybe a brother/sister talk will help. I am worried.
06-03-2006, 12:45 PM
I agree, I'll try to talk to her soon. Komad said back to his wife, also worrying about his sister. He then entered the elevator back up to the Upper City. While in the elevator he try asking Alkea about what happened to her on Dagobah. "Alkea, after you caused that debris to shake earlier, Greea and I have been wondering what happened to you on Dagobah." He said.
 Jason Skywalker
06-03-2006, 6:43 PM
Reyvan finaly escaped and went to the Upper City.
06-04-2006, 10:55 AM
Alkea had a feeling that the question would come up. She sighed slightly and ran her fingers through her hair. She said, "I have been training. Living among deadly creatures alters your sense of survival." She was nervous and uncomfortable. Tyrannus had told her once that if she couldn't control her temper, all her hard work would have been for nothing.
06-04-2006, 4:59 PM
The elevator then stopped at the Upper City, where the group was confronted by a group of Sith Sentry Droids. Komad activated his lightsaber and held it in a traditional Soresu defensive stance, ready to block the droids' blaster bolts.
06-04-2006, 5:05 PM
John quickly took cover behind what little space between the elivator door and the elivator wall "They're not firing, odd." John said after half a minute, "Maybe somethings wrong with them. Anyhow, you should disable them before they get the chance."
06-04-2006, 5:21 PM
"I don't think so. I think that Dar knows we're here and who we are. I do agree with you, however, that we should disable them, but I'm guessing that they will fire on us if we try, so I think it would be best to destroy them." Komad replied.
06-05-2006, 5:17 AM
"No need Kaltas. What Dar doesn't know won't kill him," and Tyrannus stepped out from behind the droids. He looked at Komad, "Besides. What better way to infiltrate than to have a couple of droids that formerly belong to the enemy?"
Alkea stared at the scene. She wasn't worried about the droids but more curious and suspicious as to why Tyrannus was getting involved. He did what he pleased but always to keep things in balance. She had seen that. Why he was exerting so much energy to help them, she had no idea and frankly, it made her suspicious.
Tyrannus noticed her staring and said, "I wonder if your sister shares everythign like she used to or is she merely hiding it?"
06-05-2006, 11:13 AM
John, still pointing his blaster riffle at the droids asked, quite simpely "Who the hell are you?"
06-05-2006, 12:36 PM
Tyrannus looked at the trigger happy idiot and said, "Someone that Kaltas knows very well you trigger happy fool. Besides there is no way to get where you need to go without the droids. What is one Sith uniform going to do for you?"
Alkea just stared at Tyrannus. She seemed to be saying with her eyes, Don't provoke him though she knew that Tyrannus did what he pleased.
06-05-2006, 12:43 PM
"Trigger happy fool? I've been insulted worse by a drunk Rodian. And what the hell has it got to do with you?"
06-05-2006, 3:42 PM
"Yes you have been called worse and killed for far less but you are still a fool," Tyrannus replied. He smirked a bit and patted a droid on its shoulder. He then said, "I have a vested interest but it doesn't mean I'm on your side or anybody's. Komad there knows. We've met before."
06-05-2006, 5:09 PM
"If you really want to help us, tell us how we can contact the Republic so we can get off this planet." Komad said. "Couldn't I just shoot him now?" Niner asked. "As much as I'd like to say yes, no." Komad replied.
06-05-2006, 5:15 PM
"I always knew you wanted to kill me Komad and I let you nearly get me a couple of times. You could never accept the fact that maybe there are some who don't see things in black or white. Your sister was better at it and she picked up a few habits along the way," Tyrannus responded. Then leaning on the droid and pointing in a direction he said, "By the way, the route you are looking for is that way. You'll need the droids and the Sith uniform to get what you need. As to transport, figure it out. I'm not going to babby you all the way." With that said he turned and disappeared into the crowd.
Alkea was watching him leave and she braced herself for the rain of questions Komad would more likely send her way.
06-05-2006, 5:36 PM
"I know you're expecting me to start asking you a lot of questions, but I'm not going to. I'm starting to think that Tyrannus might neither be an enemy or an ally, and I'm not too sure if he's good or evil anymore. All I know is that we have to get those Sith Uniforms so we can alert the Republic." Komad said to his sister.
06-05-2006, 6:35 PM
Alkea didn't say anything but looked at him. Her eyes and the Force said, Thank you. Aloud she said, "It's in his nature to make you question everything. I don't think he's a normal sentient, but I think for once we should take his advice. Besides the party should be started by now and it won't do us any good to get in and transmit without a proper disguise."
06-05-2006, 6:53 PM
"I agree, and since we're already wearing civilian clothing, I suggest we go there now." Komad replied. He then called an airtaxi to take them to the party.
06-06-2006, 1:09 PM
Alkea said, "Maybe Gamma squad or what's his face John can stay with the droids. It'll look silly and suspicious if we have a couple of Sith droids with us and we are not under arrest."
"I agree," replied Greea.
06-06-2006, 4:54 PM
(Does anyone want to take the part of Dar until Maverick5770 can get back with us?)
"Sure, we could keep an eye on the droids, or I could slice into them and shut them down." Slicer suggested.
"That might work better. We won't have to worry about them at all this way." Komad commented. "Think you can take care of it?" He then asked.
"Sure, should be easy." Slicer replied.
"Good." Komad responded, getting on the airtaxi with his sister and his wife.
06-07-2006, 4:03 AM
Tyrannus watched them leave. He was tired of this double play but someone has to keep the balance.
Alkea sat quietly. Her thoughts drifted to that time three years ago when Scooter killed himself to save them. She thought of her training and how Tyrannus showed her no mercy when he taught her some new techniques. She thought of Demo. It was this last thought that had her occupied as she thought of how much they had in common.
06-07-2006, 9:05 AM
Komad decided to ask Greea a serious question. "Greea, lately I've been wondering something. If we wanted to have children, could we?" He asked.
06-07-2006, 11:01 AM
(Does anyone want to take the part of Dar until Maverick5770 can get back with us?)

((Yeah I am. I haven't posted as him because there was no need))
06-07-2006, 12:59 PM
Alkea let out a sound that was similar to a snicker but more of a snort of surprise. Greea said nothing but looked at Komad. Rather stupidly she said, "What?"
Alkea looked at him with a look that said, 'What brought this up?'
06-07-2006, 4:42 PM
Komad looked back at his sister. "I don't know, it could have been you and Demo, which got me thinking about my future with Greea, and whether or not it's possible for us to take the next step. I know that a Human and a Twi'lek can have children, so I've been thinking about whether it's possible for a Human-Twi'lek hybrid and a Rodian to have children." He replied. The airtaxi then stopped and set down on the ground. Komad then stepped out of the speeder.
06-07-2006, 5:39 PM
Greea was starting to blush and Alkea was blushing even harder. She never considered love again. Demos did awaken her back to life from the death she had subjected to herself for three years. She was still blushing when she asked, "Is this the right time to ask that now? And what makes you think Demo and I?" Her voice drifted.
06-07-2006, 6:22 PM
"You're right this is hardly the right time to talk about it. It is something Greea and I should discuss alone on Coruscant. We should get back to the mission. Wait, we did leave our lightsabers behind, right?" Komad replied.
06-07-2006, 8:41 PM
"No," Alkea said and held up three in her hands. "I pickpocketed them off ya and hid them in my bag. There was no need to announce anything," and she put them back in securely fastening the strap. She led the way to apartment according to the directions on her datapad.
06-07-2006, 10:35 PM
"Careful, if they see them this'll be over real quick, and we may meet Greea's brother a lot sooner than we'd like." Komad replied. "I for one am surprised they haven't recognised us yet." He added.
06-08-2006, 3:55 PM
alkea said nothing as she made her way to the apartment. She had been suspicious but from the looks of the guy she flirted with, he was nothing more than a junior officer. They wouldn't be able to tell the sifference between a Jedi and a civilian unless it jumped up and bit them. She voiced softly, "They are junior officers. More easier to trick."
The halls were quiet as she led the way. She stopped outside a door and could clearly hear music on the other side of the door. She touched her land lightly on the door and closed her eyes.
06-08-2006, 9:19 PM
Komad quietly attempted to look casual while waiting for most of the Sith officers to drink themselves to unconsciousness, every now and then having to tell some of the officers that he was married. He spotted Greea. "I can't believe how many Sith find a half Twi'lek attractive. How are you handling yourself?" He asked her.
06-09-2006, 2:19 AM
Greea was rather disgusted at the display of drunkeness and she showed it on her face and sent through her bond to Komad, Much better at keeping the hounds at bay though I might say you are enjoying the attention. THe last comment was meant to tease him.
Alkea found the junior officer that she had talked to and she trying desperately to keep his hands off her. No one had touched her that personally for the last three years and she certainly didn't want to with a drunken bore. She smiled sweetly and kept pouring drinks until they all passed out. Sighing a breath of relief, she policed the equipment bags and came up with three Sith uniforms. She walked back to where Komad and Greea were waiting.
06-09-2006, 8:25 AM
"We should get out of here, before anyone thinks we had anything to do with the unconscious Sith troopers." Komad said once he saw that Alkea had the uniforms. "Let's meet back up with John at Gamma Squad, it's time we freed this planet."
06-09-2006, 12:02 PM
Alkea said nothing but quickly packed the uniforms in her bag. It was bad enough that they had been in the company of Sith. What would make it worse is to get caught with uniforms. She replied to Komad, "We should meet up at the apartment. We can decide from there."
06-09-2006, 6:13 PM
"Ok. Let's go." Komad replied and tried to call an airspeeder to take them back to the apartment.
06-09-2006, 8:03 PM
Once in the speeder, Alkea slipped Komad's and Greea's lightsabers back on their belts without them noticing. She actually started to think about what Komad said about her and Demo. She was teasing when she asked if he was trying to set her up but she wasn't sure of herself. This is weakness, she thought to herself, Tyrannus would've ridiculed me for showing weakness. Show weakness and the enemy can exploit you. She didn't realize that Greea was listening in onto her thoughts. Greea sent her concern through the Force to Komad.
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