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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part II: Rise of the Jedi

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 Jason Skywalker
05-13-2006, 4:40 PM
Reyvan went to the cantina to grab some lost energies.He saw a person telling another to not tell other people he was a Jedi.

"What?Jedi's?Looks like i'm not the only one."said Reyvan.

He then walked up to them.
05-14-2006, 12:36 PM
Komad went over to his wife. "Greea, it's me, Komad. I sort of let it slip that you were a Jedi, so we have to get out of here." He said, attempting not to alarm her too much.
05-14-2006, 1:56 PM
"I suggest we move have. At the moment we need to set-up a base of operations, I suggest the apartment room for the time beeing."
 Jason Skywalker
05-14-2006, 4:58 PM
"Hi."-said Reyvan-"I know you are Jedi".
05-14-2006, 6:10 PM
"Alright, but keep quiet about it. Here in Sith Space, anyone, even civilians, are required to shoot and kill Jedi on sight. Like I said before, we have to get out of here before any Sith troops find us." Komad responded.
 Jason Skywalker
05-14-2006, 6:14 PM
"Don't worry.I'm a Jedi myself.Wait a minute,are you Komad?"asked Reyvan.
05-14-2006, 7:35 PM
"Yes. My wife and I were leading the crew of the Republic Star Destroyer Spirit of Ithor in an attempt to liberate Taris. Unfortunately, we were ambushed by the Sith, and we were forced to abandon ship, and I only met back up with my wife now in this cantina." Komad replied.
05-15-2006, 5:04 AM
"Komad, I am not here alone. I met someone aboard the ship before we evacuated. She's over there," and Greea pointed to the corner where Alkea was sitting.
Alkea watched the whole scene where her brother had walked in and inquired about Greea. She hadn't seen him in three years but he hadn't changed much, just his hand where her lightsaber had cut it off. She didn't move but remained where she was sitting and hoped that no one could see her. She was still nervous at meeting fellow Jedi, especially new ones.
05-15-2006, 9:30 AM
Matthew stumbled into the Cantina, blaster marks scorched his clothing, but he didn't seem to damaged. "We.. " He said, walking to Komad. "We need to leave- now. I landed in the Undercity..I was attacked..They're up here searching for Jedi right now.."
05-15-2006, 5:36 PM
(@JM12: How hard can it be to recognise a human-Twi'lek hybrid, since I'm pretty sure Komad and Greea would at least have some guess that she was Alkea. There aren't many half-human, half-Twi'leks, and I'm pretty sure that none of them look alike, except maybe siblings.)
"Alright, let's go." Komad said, then going over to Alkea, not knowing it was her. "Listen, my wife told me you're a Jedi, so unless you want to be found out by the Sith, you'd best come with us." He said.
05-15-2006, 5:40 PM
"I'll meet you at the apartment. I'll stop off and gather supplies. Hopefully what credits I have left should be enough."
 Jason Skywalker
05-15-2006, 5:51 PM
"I'll come with you.I have a rather large supply of credits.And that's being modest."said Reyvan.
05-15-2006, 5:53 PM
((Alkonium: I was thinking in terms of time. You never know what could happen. Three years is a long time and considering the environment she was in I just thought...well let's run with it))

"I see three years have improved your looks but I can't say as to mine dear brother," Alkea spoke. She stood her full height and continued, "Time does fly doesn't it?"

Greea knew for certain that it was Alkea. She waited to let her husband say something.
05-15-2006, 6:00 PM
"No thanks. I dont trust you. I'll go alone." He said to Reyvan.
05-15-2006, 6:31 PM
"Yeah, but it is good to see you again, Alkea." Komad said, and then hugged his sister. "Now, we have to get out of here."
Right when they left the cantina, they were confronted by a squad of Sith Troops. "There they are! Kill the Jedi!" The leader shouted out.
05-15-2006, 6:47 PM
Alkea just looked at them and cocked her brown as if they were bothersome flies. She ignited her blade and stood ready. Greea had hers out and ready to ignite it. Alkea said, "Kill the Jedi? Can't you think of something better than that?"
05-15-2006, 7:03 PM
Komad then activated his lightsaber. Its blade was a unique viridian colour, created after he lost his orange lightsaber on Naboo last year. The Sith Troops fired, Komad twirled his lightsaber in his hand, blocking most of their shots and taking out most of them. Unfortunately another group of reinforcements came in to assist the remaining troops. Then, it seemed as if out of nowhere, the troopers were sniped into submission. Gamma Squad? Komad thought.
05-15-2006, 8:35 PM
Matthew walked over the bodies, snatching a rifle from one of the men's bodies and began distributing them. "Might as well go incognito.." He said, taking off his large robe. "Less damage and more concealing than a lightsaber.."
05-15-2006, 10:36 PM
Admiral Vot was personally leading the hunt and kill mission on Taris. After one squad reported finding the jedi in a local Cantina, Vot ordered every troop to get to that posistion ASAP. Dar would accept failure once, meybe even twice but three would be the end of his admirality. Charging his blaster he moved closer to were the jedi were.
05-15-2006, 11:04 PM
"I see you haven't lost your touch Komad. Three years have done you good," Tyrannus said as he stepped out of the shadows. He gazed at the brother and sister and continued, "It seems Alkea developed some spine. Exile has been good to her indeed."

((Alkonium:I have a sketch of Alkea three years later. I want to add color. What do you see brother and sister as?))
05-16-2006, 7:47 AM
((Well, I'd say that Komad now has a thicker build, a Jedi Mullet[Obi-Wan's hairstyle in Ep2, and Anakin's in Ep3], his mechanical hand looks real, and he wears a standard Jedi Robe. All I can suggest for Alkea is that her clothes are very muddy and torn up. For both of them I think remember saying black hair.))
"Tyrannus. So, too lazy to take us yourself, and instead you sent these troops? You've lost your touch. Three years ago you were the only Sith Lord with any cunning." Komad said, holding his lightsaber tightly.
05-16-2006, 12:18 PM
"Stupid fool. You think I want to take you on? I'm glad I didn't connect with you for long the last time we met. You are horrible at judging character," Tyrannus replied. Tyrannus didn't make a move except stand there. He continued, "Besides Sith, Jedi, they are merely titles. I guess you are too stupid to realize that it was Dar that sent them. I have no desire to conquer. At least your sister knew that the last time and could tell that I was doing something that was as old as four thousand years."

Greea raised her head when she heard her brother's name. She wanted desperately to find him and bring him back to the light. She listened to see if Tyrannus would reveal more.

((Alkonium: I need skin color. Are we going Twilek coloring like green, blue, purple or human coloring? I think you might like what I have for Alkea.))
05-16-2006, 12:28 PM
John, with a full bottel, a clothe and a cigerate in hand, walked up behind Komad and wispered "You and the other get out, I'll create a distraction."
05-16-2006, 4:12 PM
Matthew dropped the rifle and sighed. "A Sith lord..?"
05-16-2006, 4:48 PM
((@JM12: I always pictured Komad and Alkea as having a human Caucasian skintone, except for their Lekku, which is the same tone as Aayla Secura's.))
"I believe you, but I don't think Dar would try and kill his brother-in-law or his sister, so I guess that's why he sent these troops to do it. So what do you actually want with us?" Komad asked, still not trusting Tyrannus.
05-16-2006, 4:59 PM
"I once killed a guy who killed his kids and wife because he had trouble sleeping. But of you say so."
05-16-2006, 10:35 PM
"Perhaps you should ask Alkea. She seems to know quite a bit," Tyrannus said. He wanted the truths to come out.
Alkea was upset at the manuever and choosing her words carefully she said, "He has no loyalties to the Sith or Jedi. He has a unique role to play. It is something he should explain," and she glared at Tyrannus.
05-16-2006, 11:10 PM
"Regardless of who's planning on explaining, we should get off the streets before more Sith Troops arrive." Komad said, putting his lightsaber back on his belt. "John and I have been hiding in an apartment since the destruction of the Spirit of Ithor, so I suggest we go there."
05-16-2006, 11:51 PM
Matthew withdrew his lightsaber, running towards Tyrannus, flipping forward into a vertical slice with is ignited blue saber. His slice quickly being blocked by a fizz of red sparks from Tyrannus. He flipped backwards twice and landed in a crouch, moving to stand. "See.. Red.. As a Leigreks eye.. He's still a Sith.." Matthew said, twirling his lightsaber and deactivating it, sheathing it.
05-17-2006, 2:49 AM
"Never judge a book by it's cover. For all you know he could be cookiee scout and was payed a lightsaber for a few cookiees."
05-17-2006, 12:58 PM
"Amusing analogy. You must have some stupid Jedi under your command Komad. They reflect your personality and your brains. If you excuse me, I could get back to my duties," and he turned away giving a small kick at Matthew and chuckling.
Alkea watched him leave and shook her head at him as he left. She turned to her brother, "I guess we should get back to the apartment."
05-17-2006, 3:13 PM
"Good idea. I'll go and get the supplys and see if I can gather any information on any marines or crew menbers. While I'm at it I'll try and find Gamma squadron. They could be a massive trump card in this battle."
05-17-2006, 3:36 PM
"Komad, what else shall we do while we wait?" Alkea asked.
05-17-2006, 4:07 PM
"I suggest you guys should make a plan of what you guys do next. I'll try and find a few maps."
05-17-2006, 5:02 PM
Komad looked back at his sister. "We should look for Master Yado. He was doing reconnaisance here before Greea and I were even assigned to the Spirit of Ithor. If we can find him, we might have a better idea of the playing field. Last time we had contact with him, he was with the Thek family in the Lower City. We should try there."
05-17-2006, 6:00 PM
"Ok then," and Alkea just shrugged a shoulder and started heading for the section of the Upper City with the elevator to go to the Lower City.
 Jason Skywalker
05-17-2006, 6:08 PM
"Hey guys,i'm gonna hang out,to see what i can dig."said Reyvan.
05-17-2006, 6:12 PM
"We need a meet at some place at some time. I'd say at the apartment at midnight."
05-17-2006, 6:19 PM
While on the elevator down, Komad decided to ask Greea about Dar. "Hey Greea, I know your brother left Corellia when you were eleven to join the Sith, but do you really think he'd want us killed?" He asked her.
05-17-2006, 6:26 PM
"If he fell to the dark side then yes. He never got along with Dad very well and they almost always yelled at each other," Greea replied.
"His hatred consumed him. He no longer distiguishes between the target of his hate," Alkea cut it. She was very intense in her expression.
Greea responded, "How do you know that, Alkea?"
"Tyrannus was once the same way but he turned from it. Now he serves neither Jedi nor Sith. He says he serves the Force. Besides, there are worse things that of pure hatred in a crude matter. I've seen it on Dagobah," Alkea responded. She said nothing more, creating an awkward silence.
05-17-2006, 7:07 PM
"Hmm, it may be harder to redeem him if he joined willingly. I doubt he's going to be happy about you marrying a man of one different species, let alone two different species, if he was trained by Virul." Komad commented. The elevator stopped and the three Jedi got out. Komad thought of the last time a Kaltas was on Taris. It was over four thousand years ago, his ancestor, known as Revan to most, but to his closest friends was known as Kale Kaltas. He and Carth Onasi had entered the Lower City, gaining the allegiance of Gadon Thek, and now, over four millennia later, things had finally come full circle.
05-17-2006, 8:05 PM
Alkea was oblivious to the nostalgic feeling that her brother was feeling. She was inclined to listen to the suffering of the people living there. Even though the planet had been restored, things didn't really change that much. She could feel it and wondered if that it was how the Exile felt it on Nar Shadaa. She strode ahead towards direction of the elevator that went to the Lower City. She stopped to find some thugs bullying a mother and her children for some money. Normally Tyrannus would have disproved of such things but children was of an entirely different matter. She marched right up to them and said, "Leave them alone."
05-17-2006, 10:38 PM
The leader of the Aqualish thugs looked at Alkea. "Why should we listen to some crossbred offworlder? This is our city, not yours." He said. Komad then walked up to them, waving his hand. "You want to leave them alone." He said. "We want to leave them alone." The thug replied. "You want to go home and rethink your lives." Komad added, waving his hand again. "We want to go home and rethink our lives." The Aqualish replied, leaving the area. Komad then went over to the Ithorian woman and her children. "Are you alright?" He asked.
05-18-2006, 4:14 AM
Alkea handed a few credits to the Ithorian woman, not saying much but she smiled. The Ithorian thanked them both. She spoke especially to Alkea saying, "The wound you carry must be healed. You must let go."
Alkea just smiled rather and patted the her child's head and walked away towards Javyaar's Cantina. She was sure that someone there may have some information. The Ithorian watched Alkea and spoke to Komad and Greea, "She must let go. You must tell her that. She will do great things but will be crippled if she doesn't let him go. Again I thank you," and she herded her children towards their apartment.
 Jason Skywalker
05-18-2006, 4:24 AM
Meanwhile,Reyvan was in Javyaar's Cantina,and things were not pretty.Some Mercenaries found that he was a Jedi,and there were some Bounty Hunters there.Reyvan quickly rose his lightsaber,and deflected the blaster shots,but he wasn't going to stay like that too long.
05-19-2006, 8:40 AM
Komad saw Reyvan run out of the cantina with Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters chasing after him, so he force pushed the group and activated his lightsaber. "Javyar's Cantina suddenly doesn't seem like a good idea." He said.
05-19-2006, 12:29 PM
Alkea rolled her eyes and said nothing and instead continued to walk down the streets. She said nothing but kept a slight pace aways. She headed for the elevator to head to the Undercity but kept an eye out for anyone from the Republic.
05-22-2006, 6:09 PM
Gamma Squad continued searching through the Lower City, reluctant to removed their heavy armour, due to the fact that under, they were exactly identical to each other. "Niner, do a quick recon, and keep rifle handy." Blade said to Niner. Niner then snuck around the corner to check for hostiles. Instead, he found Komad, Alkea, and Greea. "Boss, I've found three Jedi. It appears to be Master Kaltas, as well as his wife, and who I think is his sister." Niner said to Blade.
05-22-2006, 6:44 PM
Alkea spotted Gamma squad and signaled with her hand. She didn't raise it in case someone was watching but waited until they could join them. She asked "What's your status?"

((Alkonium: new drawings are up. Take a looksie. I hope Komad came out ok))
05-22-2006, 7:17 PM
((Saw them, very impressive, although the lightsaber blades are the wrong colour. You yourself stated that Alkea's lightsaber has a silver blade, and Komad's lightsaber blade is viridian.))
Blade signaled back. "Demo's leg is broken, but aside from that, we're good." He said. "And don't worry, we've cleared out the streets." He added. Komad then signalled them. "Have you found any other crew members?" He asked. "No sir, we have had no contact with any other Republic soldiers. Permission to go to the Upper City to provide Demo with medical attention?" Blade asked. "Granted. Do you require escort?" Komad replied. "Yes sir." Demo answered.
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