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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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04-09-2006, 3:53 PM
Tari frowned grudgingly. "Tacit is right, for once. Besides, we wouldn't be able to keep up with you if we were on foot and you were on...that. If you want, I'm sure that you could store it in the Embassy."
 The Doctor
04-09-2006, 4:01 PM
"If you're coming, hurry it up. I want to make it out of the main city by nightfall," said Tacit. "I'll give you a hand. You two," he said, pointing to Tari and Katri. "Stay here. If either of you get hurt, my pay goes down."
04-09-2006, 5:40 PM
He sighed and switched it off, letting it stay there. He snatched his ridiculously large wrench and his knapsack and slipped them on as an attendee from the Embassy dragged it inside the building. He strutted up next to Tari, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "Shall we?" He said in his most charming voice- he was doing this to get Tacit angry, it seemed to be working.
04-09-2006, 6:02 PM
On any other normal occasion, Tari would have slapped Ty for even touching her. But seeing as he was a potential ally against Tacit, she smiled kindly at him, and slipped gently from beneath his arm. "Indeed we shall. That is, as long our control-freak friend doesn't have an objection to it."
 The Doctor
04-09-2006, 8:37 PM
Tacit glared at them for a moment. "I'm good. You sure there's nobody else you want to tie a leash to and drag along, princess?"
04-09-2006, 10:22 PM
Ty smirked and stood on his own. He glanced around, then to the soldier. "Him?" He poked a thumb in his direction.
04-09-2006, 10:28 PM
"Hey! It's nothing personal, it's just my job. I need a drink." Gashon said, leaving the group to go to a nearby cantina.
04-10-2006, 11:27 AM
He muttered the words 'drunk' before turning back to Tari and Tacit. "What're we waiting for?"
04-10-2006, 3:06 PM
"Now we're waiting for Tacit to point us in the right direction." Tari answered, cocking an eyebrow at him expectantly.
 The Doctor
04-10-2006, 8:54 PM
Tacit threw her a dirty look, the turned away from them and began walking towards the north end of town.
"There's a shop on the edge of town I want to stop at. I want to get you a real weapon, princess - that dagger won't be very useful against anything more than a yelt rat."
04-10-2006, 9:35 PM
"Whoa - wait a minute!" Tari said, "I can hardly use this thing, let alone anything bigger! Besides, I'm not supposed to fight, that's why you're here."
 The Doctor
04-10-2006, 9:48 PM
"I might not always be there to take a sword blade for you," he said seriously. "I want you to have something you can actually use to defend yourself should the need arise. It's just a precaution."
04-10-2006, 9:50 PM
"But Katri is also here. Even if you would be gone, she's paid to stay by my side every minute of the day and night." though by this time, she saw that there was no swaying Tacit. "But fine, go ahead and waste your credits. See if I care."
 The Doctor
04-10-2006, 9:57 PM
"I'll also want to train you how to use both the dagger and what I have in mind for you properly. Something tells me of all the areas you've been edjucated in, hand to hand combat wasn't one of them. Katri can help me with that," he added, giving Katri suggestive look. "I want you to teach her whatever you can, got it?"
04-10-2006, 10:03 PM
"This is so unlady-like." Tari murmured, more to herself than anyone else. "What would father think if he knew I was learning to fight like some common soldier?"
 The Doctor
04-10-2006, 10:05 PM
"He would be proud, I'm sure. You're father was a great soldier himself. The best of the Dalmonic Wars, if you ask me. I'm surprised he hasn't forced you to learn basic combat yet."
04-10-2006, 10:57 PM
Katri smiled slightly. "He would not force her to do anything she didn't want to," she said quietly. "As for training, yes I can help with that."

She turned to Tari. "As much as I know you despise the idea, it is wise. I am paid to remain with you and that is what I'll do. But you ought to know how to defend yourself at least if there are more attackers than Tacit and I can effectively handle."
04-11-2006, 12:42 AM
He glanced down at his ridiculously outdated and rusted 3 foot hammer hanging behind him on his belt as he walked. "Wow.. this thing needs.. " He looked to Tacit and grinned to himself, running up beside him and throwing an arm around his shoulders, practically hanging on him.

"Oh buddy ol' pal! How 'ya doing? How's your life? Anyway, let's get to the point.. I need a blade.. preferably a long, thick one with some weight.." He said, grinning from ear to ear. "What about it pal?"
 The Doctor
04-11-2006, 4:12 PM
"I'll see what I can do..." said Tacit. "But I'm not exactly loaded on cash. Not until I get her safely away," he jabbed a finger at Tari over his shoulder. "And bring her home when her father sends word."
04-11-2006, 5:01 PM
"Her has a name, you know." Tari said, her arms crossed again. "I'd like you to start using it."
04-11-2006, 5:57 PM
He smirked and backed up, keeping the pace with Tari. "Yeah.." He said, folding his arms behind his head. "A name.."
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 5:07 PM
The walk through the city was uneventful, other than a few drunks and a beggar. At the edge of town, a old shop with a battered sign had on display in it's windows a variety of swords, ranging from simple short swords to large, ornate broadswords. There was an assortment of other weapons, as well as several types of armour. Tacit opened the door, holding it open for the others.

Inside was quite, and felt oddly like an old library. An old man with a kind face stood behind the counter, shining a large shield behind the counter. Tacit walked up to the counter and cleared his throat.
"I need something for the girl," he said, indicating Tari. "Something easy to handle, but will keep her safe if I can't be there."
The old man studied Tari for a moment, then walked out from behind the counter. "I have a wide variety of smaller weapons over here..." he said, gesturing to the back wall. "I don't know how much weapons training she has..."
"None," said Tacit baldly. "But I plan on fixing that. I was hoping to get her a melee weapon - a blaster isn't going to do much, where we're going."
"Well, I have an assortment of swords to your left. Rapiers, short swords... I don't think she could handle anything larger than that, though."
"I doubt it," agreed Tacit, eyeing Tari. "Something light, I think. Iron, maybe. Nothing heavier than steel."
04-12-2006, 5:17 PM
"I would preferably not handle a weapon at all." Tari murmured, looking around the shop with disdain. Why was Tacit so difficult?
Just then, something caught her eye. It was a longsword that was on display in the window. She moved past the otheres to its display, and wrapped her hand around the wire-bound hilt, lifting it down and resting the blade in her other palm. It was indeed heavier than she had thought, but the steel was flawless and glinting, the binding on the hilt smooth and comfortable. The jewel embedded in the pommel was an emerald, and the grip fit her well...or at least, with her limited knowlage, she thought it did. The crosshilt, also of steel, stretched straight across, the edges curving in both directions, forming two small spikes on each side. She gripped the hilt tighter, and swung it up. The movement was clumsy, and the blade nearly made contact with another display, but the weapon wasn't so heavy that she couldn't pick it up.
"How much for this?" she asked, scanning about and picking up the black and silver sheath for the weapon.
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 5:32 PM
The old man waled over to her, and took the sword from her. "Ah, a fine choice, madam," he said, smiling. He turned to Tacit. "She has good taste."
Tacit rolled his eyes. "How much?"
"I believe I could sell it to you for... perhaps 200 deths."
Tacit pulled a money pouch from his tunic. "200 it is," he said, emptying the pouch on the counter, gold and silver coins cascading across it.
The old man went behind the counter to count out the coins. Tacit turned to Tari. "There's an old tradition among... my 'people'," he said. "We name our weapons. Something meaningful to he... or she... who wields it. I don't know if you'll want to do that. Just something to think about."
04-12-2006, 5:53 PM
Tari began to pull the belt of the sheath around her waist, but throught better of it and instead slung it around her shoulder.
"Why in the world would I want to participate in a Jedia tradition?" she asked increduously as she tried, and failed, to slide the sword into the sheath. "I don't even have a good one..." she murmured to herself as she tried a second time, this time successfully to sheath her new blade across her back.
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 6:06 PM
"Just a thought," he said defensively. "No need to get all... Hrent-ish on me."
The old man looked up, having counted all the coins. "Thank you, sir. Pleasure doing business with you."
Tacit nodded, and proceeded to the door, holding it open for the others.

"Alright," he said, as they left the city limits. "There are a few things you should all know. We'll be going along the base of the Herpetlec mountains. That's the shortest way to the Hirtala forests, where we'll be hiding out until we hear word from your father." He turned to Tari. "It won't be a picnic. The mountains are home to some dangerous creatures. Al'hayat make their dens on the edge of the forest, at the base of the mountains. You'll want to start training with that new sword of yours as soon as possible."
04-12-2006, 6:08 PM
Tari's face paled. "W-wait. Al'hayat? Please tell me you're joking!"
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 6:28 PM
"No, I'm not," said Tacit darkly. He saw the terrified look on her face, and his features softened. "Look, don't worry about it. You'll be fine, as long as you stay close to me or Katri. Sleep as close to the fire as you can, and keep your swords nearby."
04-12-2006, 6:33 PM
"As if that will do me any good." Tari murmured, a hand resting on the hilt of her dagger. She now found herself wishing that she knew how to use the small blade, at least.
04-12-2006, 7:19 PM
"GYAH!" He yelled, running after them, an extremely large buster sword flailing along behind him, the shopkeeper taking off after him, yelling obscenities. He tripped as the sword flung out forward, barely missing Tacit as it embedded itself in a tree, practically toppling it over.

'675 deths!' the shopkeeper yelled, tackling Ty. With his old age, it was suprising he was so athletic. Ty yelled out as he and the man tumbled head over heels along the ground. They skidded to a halt as he fought off the old man who was straddling his chest, throttling him. "Hel-!" Ty yelled before he was thrown aside then tackled to the ground again."THIEF!" The old man yelled.
04-12-2006, 7:23 PM
"Ty!" Tari called as the old man pumbled him with his fists. She jogged over and tugged the man off her companion and pulled a small sack from her pack. "Here. 675 deths." she said, collecting several coins into her hand and handing them over to the old shopkeeper. He growled and murmured something under his breath, but left without further trouble.
"What do you think you're doing??" Tari asked the man, looking at the ridiculously long sword. "You can't just walk off with things, especially when you're traveling with me. I'm the ambassador's daughter! How do you think it would look for him if someone saw me traveling with a common criminal?"
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 7:25 PM
Tacit turned around, grabbing Ty by the collar and pulling him to his feet. "Got some sticky hands there, Ty?" he asked darkly. Before Ty could answer, he threw him to the ground and advanced on him. "I don't like people with stick hands. They're dishonest."
04-12-2006, 7:27 PM
"Tacit, don't!" Tari said sternly, throwing a hand out and stepping between the two. "He might have stolen something, but it's taken care of now. There's no need to harm him!"
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 7:33 PM
Tacit glared at her for a moment, then backed down. keeping a close eye on Ty, he took the broadsword and examined it. He stabbed it into the ground, and pulled out a small crystal from his tunic. He threw it to the old man. "That should be more than enough."
He turned to Ty. "You try something like that again, and I swear I'll leave you out in the wild alone." He pulled the sword sharply out of the ground, the blade coming up to eye level. He grabbed it by the blade, then threw it, handle first, to Ty. "Don't push your luck."
04-12-2006, 7:55 PM
"Tacit's right." Tari said, wincing as she realized that was the second time in one day she had agreed with the Geohound. A scary thought. "But enough of that for now. Are you alright?"
04-12-2006, 10:22 PM
He stood and grabbed the blade and gracefully twirled it about his body, the full 7 feet of the blade not touching the ground once. He searched the ground then sighed and thrust the sword into the ground. The old man had already walked off with the money by then. Ty swiped a fist across his lips and slinged a little bit of blood to the ground.

"I'll live.." He said, turning around and looking into his fallen sack. "Here.." He said, pulling out a small sack of credits and throwing it at Tacit. "All I have.. and i'm not leaving 'till it's all repayed.." He said, pulling out a long coiled rope and biting off an end of it, wrapping it diagonally across his chest into a triple knotted bandolier.

He took the sword out of the ground and slid it into the make-shift sheath that had formed through the knots on his back, tightening it and standing up to his full height, ripping off the right sleeve of his jacket and tossing it to the ground, revealing his scarred and dented muscles. "Tari, Tacit.. I was born with sticky hands.. not my fault if I see something I like.. plus.. you promised me a sword.. right Tacit?" He said, smirking and raising his right eyebrow.
 The Doctor
04-12-2006, 11:08 PM
"I didn't promise anything," said Tacit, scowling. "And it was her who payed him, not me," he added, throwing the bag at Tari. "And it's you who owes her now. If she hadn't stopped that guy from killing you, I know I wouldn't have. No offense. Now let's get going. I want to make the base of Suspiritus by dusk."
04-12-2006, 11:54 PM
He scoffed a little then nodded at Tari, stepping up next to Tacit. He rested an elbow on his shoulder, sniffing a little before leaning over and speaking into his ear. "Touch me again and you're going to die." He stood back up straight and slowed down to catch up with Tari, walking alongside her. "I guess I owe you then.."
04-13-2006, 10:46 AM
((OOC: far as I know, the meeting should not be happening for a week or so, Steve, not tomorrow. Just an FYI. No time to post right now, just thought I'd point that out :xp: ))
04-13-2006, 3:49 PM
((OOC: Not a clue :xp: ))


"Think nothing of it." Tari said, "As far as I'm concerned, we're all in this together."
The words sounded more sincere than they actually were. She was slightly bitter at having to pay for some criminal's acts, but it was over and done with now. Besides, it would probably have some good effect or another in the longrun. She hoped.
04-13-2006, 4:01 PM
"Well you know, I was just kinda swept up in it, but i'll flow with it," he said, nodding a little. "As long as I still owe you money, i'm staying." He glanced around then sighed, repositioning his jacket. "So.. this village of yours.. how important is it?"
 The Doctor
04-13-2006, 4:04 PM
Tacit turned and glared at Ty as he tried to initiate Tari in conversation. He turned to face forward, but reached out with his mind to touch Ty's. He met a barrier - obviously, there were thoughts and feelings he was trying to bury - hiding them from even himself.
Katri walked slightly behind Tari, eyeing Ty closely. He reached out, and implanted a thought into her mind, making sure she knew where it was coming from.
This 'Ty'... he's hiding something. I don't trust him, or his motives. Keep an eye on him.
04-13-2006, 6:14 PM
He sighed a little, kicking a rock along the ground. It had stopped unusually far down the road and landed in a pile of sticks, strangely the rock slipped down into the pile of sticks. He smirked. "Yo Tacit.." He said, walking up behind him and motioning for everyone to stop.

"Looks like someone doesn't want us here.." He said, kicking the pile of sticks as it revealed a small pit of sharpened sticks, covered in what looked like light-brownish sludge. He glanced around the area and reached behind him, grasping the hilt of his massive sword with his right hand, as the sword was tilted to his right shoulder. "We're not alone.." He said, looking up into the barren sky, a few trees littered the worn path they were travelling, but not enough to hide a body in, let alone a few bodies.

"An individual.. " He said, sniffing the air a little then spitting on the ground, pulling his sword out a little.
 The Doctor
04-13-2006, 6:21 PM
Tacit pulled his weapon from his belt, humouring Ty. He scanned the area with his mind - and his heart skipped a beat. He ignited his weapon.
"He's right. Get down, Tari! Katri, stay here. Ty, come with me."
04-13-2006, 6:46 PM
Ty kept is hand on his weapon, walking to keep up with Tacit. "Alright. He seems crafty, like he knows what he's doing. Katri should know what to do with Tari.." He said, looking around for any sign of movement. His eye caught some movement to the left and he turned that way, only to see nothing but dead grass and a rotting stump of a tree. He turned back to Tacit, then forward. "He's near.. "
04-13-2006, 6:51 PM
Katri frowned and moved just slightly closer to Tari, hands ready at her weapons.
 The Doctor
04-13-2006, 6:54 PM
Tacit closed his eyes, reaching out with his mind. He felt a presence...
"She," he said suddenly, raising his weapon. "And yes, she's close."
04-13-2006, 7:25 PM
He withdrew his massive weapon and held it out infront of him vertically, his hands holding the long hilt tightly, drooping a little due to the amount of weight being held on them. He saw a shadow flit past him as he heard a feminine whisper in his ear, "five seconds," it said. He barely managed to make it out. He spun around with all his strength and sliced behind him as he was turned around, the sword slicing through the air. "Damnit.."

He turned back around, holding the sword out infront of him.
04-13-2006, 8:52 PM
"Oh, oh, oh!" Tari whimpered quietly, a shakey hand drawing her sword. Though she hadn't the foggiest idea how to use it, maybe it would serve her some good. She crept closer to Katri, both hands on her longsword's hilt.
"What is it? What's watching us?"
 The Doctor
04-13-2006, 9:26 PM
"Stay down!" yelled Tacit, not looking at her. He used a touch of his power to pin her gently to the ground.
He spun in circles, his blade ready. "Show yourself!" he yelled.
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