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The Crotch Thread

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11-30-2005, 6:11 PM
I like my way better. Things explode.
11-30-2005, 6:12 PM
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 8:55 PM
I went to Hershey, Penn. for vacation a few years back. It was fun. I bought a five pound chocolate bar and used it as my birthday cake.

But... this is the Crotch Thread. Where are teh crotches?


11-30-2005, 9:04 PM
11-30-2005, 9:05 PM
ugh, so wrong.
11-30-2005, 9:06 PM
yet so funny
11-30-2005, 9:18 PM



I'd post random crotch pics, but the social implications would be a big pain (in the crotch) to dispel.
11-30-2005, 9:19 PM
hehehehe,you're funny mr.s
11-30-2005, 9:59 PM
quite, your excellent at risque humor. I'm almost done with my squirrell story!
11-30-2005, 10:33 PM
i want to read it
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 11:06 PM
Man, do I have any homie-types here at all?
11-30-2005, 11:07 PM
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 11:08 PM
Ouch. Burned.

My icon says you suck anyway. :'b
11-30-2005, 11:13 PM
Man, you don't need homies with that avatar, staring down everyone. ;P
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 11:14 PM
True. He does have the tendency to look angry. Or 'burly', as J.K. Rowling put it. Often.

He was awesome in the movie. And book.

Your avatar reminds me of Agent Smith. >>
11-30-2005, 11:26 PM
I'm tempted to use instead. If just for a few trial minutes.

Yeah, he was great in the movie. I was a tad disappointed with the movie itself, mainly for the cuts they did, but other than that it was great. In fact, I'd say it's the best in the series (of movies) so far.
11-30-2005, 11:29 PM
he seems your kind of guy mr.s
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 11:30 PM
Agreed. I thought they did a wonderful job of picking scenes and cutting them. A lot of stuff was gone, ut it kept the overall feel of Harry Potter.

...Except the Sorting Hat and Madame Hooch. I miss them. They deserved more scenes. ;'(
11-30-2005, 11:31 PM
Compare the pic in the message to my avatar. They look like they have different widths, right? Wrong. They're the same. It's fun with optical illusions!
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 11:31 PM
Is it okay if I ask who he is? He looks like... Willy Wonka. ^^
11-30-2005, 11:34 PM
he does
12-01-2005, 6:05 AM
Is it okay if I ask who he is? He looks like... Willy Wonka. ^^
WW looks like MJ. Ya-hee-hee!
12-01-2005, 1:02 PM
Skye, your avatar looks like that guy from guns and roses. or a version of jack the ripper(too weak to capatalize)
12-01-2005, 3:17 PM
Who knows? Not I.

Looks kinda like Johnny Depp and Stuart Townsend ( from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 3:42 PM
Stuart Townsend (

Augh. You know, I'm going to make this post relevant to the quote.

You know they're making a children's version of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?


Now, I must find a way to be on topic...
12-01-2005, 3:43 PM
please don't
12-01-2005, 3:45 PM
Augh. You know, I'm going to make this post relevant to the quote.

You know they're making a children's version of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?


Now, I must find a way to be on topic...

No way, it was a pic of him? Excellent.
12-01-2005, 3:48 PM
ok, now i'm bored.
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 3:53 PM
No way, it was a pic of him? Excellent.

...or so the book is called. >>;

Good book, but also had SATAN in it, and it makes me wonder why they're turning it into a children's book.

...Captain is good at vanishing.
12-01-2005, 4:01 PM
Well, think about all the other Disney classics. Don't you think there would be a wee bit more raping and pillaging in Aladdin? I mean, this is the medieval Middle East.
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 4:06 PM
Well, the actual story took place in Persia (or in China), so all they did was use the characters in Disney Aladdin. OR SOMETHING.

There was pillaging! Like... petty thievery. And... Jafar was like 'marry me!' and stuff. To Jasmine, not Aladdin. :'D

But when they condense a book, none of the characters are... actual characters. They lose their personalities and such.

12-01-2005, 4:13 PM
Who is this Viktor?
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 4:16 PM
Who is this Viktor?

*pointy to teh ikon*

Viktor Krum. From Harry Potter. GOF. He's cool like that.
12-01-2005, 4:31 PM
darth, i told you about the movie, damn
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 4:31 PM
darth, i told you about the movie, damn

GACKT. You saw it too?! WANNA TALK ABOUT IT?! 8D 8D 8D 8D
12-01-2005, 4:32 PM
i know, it was so good, lord v. looks funky though.
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 4:33 PM
He looks more like Voldemort than I expected him to. If that makes sense.

I still like Viktor best, though. 8D

And Cedric made me cry. In the book, too. :'(
12-01-2005, 4:35 PM
i know, my friend went with me and she said that lord v looks like michael jackson without his fake nose
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 4:43 PM
i know, my friend went with me and she said that lord v looks like michael jackson without his fake nose

...right. Because I'm sure she thought it was very funny. >>

*scorns teen humor*

Actually, I thought he looked pretty good. For a guy without a nose. ;D
12-01-2005, 4:45 PM
The lack of nose was a tad too flaunted for my tastes, though I really liked his reveal. I got a tad giddy when he first appeared.
12-01-2005, 4:46 PM
i didn't like the fact that the messed up the triwizard.
 Purple Squid
12-01-2005, 4:47 PM
I expected him to be noseless, because that's what The Rowling described him as.


Even though I knew it wasn't supposed to be, I thought Peter dropping Baby Voldie into the baby-stew-cauldron was hilarious. >>


Allie, there's only so much you can fit into a two/whatever hour movie. XD
12-01-2005, 4:49 PM
i forgot you eat babies
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