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The Crotch Thread

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 Purple Squid
10-23-2005, 2:16 AM
Then you're either near the end of about half way through.

Oh, swell. I've seen one before Ed joined--the one with the immortal type kid. I'm trying to pick up on what's what, but sometimes I get lost.

Jet's still cool, though.
10-23-2005, 2:29 AM
You should rent the dvd for the first five episodes. I'm sure they'll have it at your local library/video rental place. Just because the first five are a tad important (especially the fifth, which is my favorite one. Very memorable).
 Purple Squid
10-23-2005, 2:32 AM
You should rent the dvd for the first five episodes. I'm sure they'll have it at your local library/video rental place. Just because the first five are a tad important (especially the fifth, which is my favorite one. Very memorable).

The nearest library doesn't rent out movies, so I suppose I'll have to wait until the season is replayed...
10-23-2005, 2:34 AM
Back on topic pleez?
 Purple Squid
10-23-2005, 2:35 AM
Back on topic pleez?

Why do you want to talk about crotches so much? There's nuffin else to say.
10-23-2005, 2:36 AM
You can also buy them cheap, for only $154.99 (!) :¬:

The outrageous price is worth it, in the long run.

Back on topic pleez?

Well, tell that to the people who didn't give us an off-topic chat area. :xp:
 Purple Squid
10-23-2005, 2:40 AM
You can also buy them cheap, for only $154.99 (!) :¬:

The outrageous price is worth it, in the long run.

Well, tell that to the people who didn't give us an off-topic chat area. :xp:

I wouldn't spend $155 on saving my own legs, let alone a DVD thing. :0

I think if we had an off topic area, main board would die.
10-23-2005, 3:07 AM
Yeah, I suppose so. That means that the people who made this forum had our interests in mind, despite the implications! I'm sure there's a metaphore here somewhere...

Yeah, I began saving up for a car. I bought Bebop instead. But the tradeoffs are worth it (despite the fact that I'm totally broke now >_<) .
10-23-2005, 10:03 AM
Sorry I took to long to respond. I'll PM you with the costumes. Alright.
10-23-2005, 12:32 PM
Oh and now this thread has died and become... OT!!

*Old lady screaming* "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"!!!!
10-23-2005, 4:39 PM
I turn my back for like 10 hours, and this thread dies? Shame!
10-23-2005, 6:17 PM
So it turned from Pavlov's crotch to... Cowboy BeBop? Sweeeet. I have the movie UMD in my PSP right now.
10-23-2005, 7:03 PM
So it turned from Pavlov's crotch to... Cowboy BeBop? Sweeeet. I have the movie UMD in my PSP right now.
Lucky you.

The only UMD I have is NFL Street... and I can't find it.
11-04-2005, 5:09 PM
What's going on?
11-04-2005, 6:39 PM
It's an earthquake! Run!
11-04-2005, 6:40 PM
11-04-2005, 7:14 PM
what rate is the earthquake?
11-04-2005, 7:37 PM
Nobody knows. Run, It's Gozilla...sorry wrong movie.
11-30-2005, 3:43 PM
I saw Godzilla the other day. It was pretty good. Was there a sequel? I mean, they really set up for one at the end.
11-30-2005, 4:38 PM
Like Psychonauts? ~looks around and starts interrigating an iguana~
11-30-2005, 4:41 PM
Huh, I never though about it that way. :indif:

Seriously though, it was vastly improved over "Godzilla 2000"

 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 4:43 PM

;D I thought the American version was silly. With those stick-in people... took away the purpose of Godzilla.

Which was to imbody the atomic bomb(s) that had hit Japan, of course. :0
11-30-2005, 4:50 PM

Nobody like a perfectionist. :xp:

Yeah, the American version was ok by it's own rights. Less corny, though more

Scientist: Wait, I have an ingenious idea that will end our suffering!

The Military: I don't like you and your crazy ideas. You're dismissed.

Scientist: Rats.

The Military: Uh-oh, we're dead! We should have listened.

Scientist: Never fear: crisis solved thanks to my intellect and the French

French: Oui oui! I am French! I eat croissants and cheese and say French words!
11-30-2005, 4:51 PM
Does the French man wear a beret, play an accordion on the streets, and explaor the catacombs. Then he'd just rock.
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 4:53 PM
French: Oui oui! I am French! I eat croissants and cheese and say French words!


They say it makes a good radio tower. And a good toothpick for Paul.
11-30-2005, 4:54 PM
Well, they explored catacombs, and I think he wore a beret a few times. No accordion, but he used various automatic weapons throughout the films, so I guess you could say that he played the accordion. The accordion...of death.
11-30-2005, 4:56 PM
Well, they explored catacombs, and I think he wore a beret a few times.
Sweetness! I wanna get lost in the catacombs and die with a bunch of bones.
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 4:57 PM
...Court of Miracles?
11-30-2005, 5:03 PM
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 5:04 PM

Nothing, nothing.

I was just referencing classic literature.


11-30-2005, 5:16 PM
guess what?
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 5:16 PM
guess what?

11-30-2005, 5:18 PM
CHICKEN BUTT!!!! I got you!
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 5:19 PM
Oooh, FIDDLESTICKS! Dooped again!


*crying noises*
11-30-2005, 5:20 PM
Aww, it was only a joke. I know what'll make you feel better. Have some ice cream, wanna go get some ice cream?
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 5:24 PM

NO! I don't want any of your fat ice-cream! I'm leaving, and I'm never coming back! Again!

11-30-2005, 5:24 PM
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 5:26 PM
*is too busy running away in shame to bring up a funny Ashton joke*

Boohoo, who could be as mean as Darth Twister?
11-30-2005, 5:28 PM
Purple, come back!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm gonna go drown my sorrow in Dr. Pepper and fruit roll ups.
11-30-2005, 5:58 PM
no, you have to have at least a chocolate bar
11-30-2005, 5:59 PM
Nah, chocolate leaves this crummy aftertaste. Dr.Pepper is the superior choice.
11-30-2005, 6:01 PM
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 6:01 PM
Chocolate and Coke-the-drink is the best combo, actually. It's like... MAJIKZ.
11-30-2005, 6:02 PM
Would you drink chocolate flavored coke? Actually, that sounds disgusting.
11-30-2005, 6:03 PM
hey, up at sonic, i always ask for a chocolate dr. pepper
 Purple Squid
11-30-2005, 6:04 PM
Nooo, chocolate flavored Coke-the-drink IS disgusting. Hershey's, however, saves lives.

And kitten's lives. Mmm.
11-30-2005, 6:06 PM
I thought we didn't like kittens here?
11-30-2005, 6:07 PM
I went to Hershey, Penn. for vacation a few years back. It was fun. I bought a five pound chocolate bar and used it as my birthday cake.

But... this is the Crotch Thread. Where are teh crotches?
11-30-2005, 6:07 PM
That would be wrong.

Narrator: I've given this person a coke, but it's not a normal coke.
*person walks away*
Narrator: It's a chocolate coke.
Person: Ahhhhhhhh

How you make it. You cram a chocolate bar in the coke can and you put it in the microwave until the chocolate melts. Or your mircowave blows up. Which ever comes first. Once done, you give it to an unsuspecting person. I mean if they don't notice that the coke is on fire, they deserve that coke.

Croth thread, but we're talking about chocolate.... Ahhhhhhhh, why the heck did you have to remind me about the name of the thread. So wrong. OO
11-30-2005, 6:10 PM
no, you add chocolate syrup to a regular dr.pepper
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