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A proposal for a Senate

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 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 3:08 PM
It always has to come back to that, doesn't it Kvan? :D

Anyway, i've already gotten some people from here, and i don't go anywhere else, so i can't really recruit. Sorry, i would if i could.

Oh, and Rommel, you'll have to ask Leo, but i think that this will be the people's senate, a democracy. The Mods already have enough power, they don't need any more. :D Of course, they could probably post in it if they wantec too, but they won't get a "seat"......i don't think.
 Sherack Nhar
08-07-2001, 3:10 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
A quick question: will all the mods automatically get a seat?
No, because this Senate will not have anything to do will moderating. In fact, I hope that the mod WILL be able to get a seat, as I'd like to be part of it myself (as a GB player, not a mod)...
08-07-2001, 3:10 PM
...unless i'd become Chancellor...
08-07-2001, 3:11 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
It always has to come back to that, doesn't it Kvan? :D

Anyway, i've already gotten some people from here, and i don't go anywhere else, so i can't really recruit. Sorry, i would if i could.

Oh, and Rommel, you'll have to ask Leo, but i think that this will be the people's senate, a democracy. The Mods already have enough power, they don't need any more. :D Of course, they could probably post in it if they wantec too, but they won't get a "seat"......i don't think.
Hey I just wanted to see if my input meant anything to anyone, thats all :D
Hey Rommel I don't think that the mods should/would have a seat, this is all about US! If they get involved too much why even have a Senate then?
08-07-2001, 3:13 PM
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

No, because this Senate will not have anything to do will moderating. In fact, I hope that the mod WILL be able to get a seat, as I'd like to be part of it myself (as a GB player, not a mod)...
Tell you what, if I get a seat (which we all know if slim to none) I'll give you my seat and you give me your mod powers?
08-07-2001, 3:13 PM
So no mods. allowed...
08-07-2001, 3:13 PM
In all honesty, i think there SHOULD be a mod to keep an eye on how many posts one Senator does during a meeting, if things go o.k. and there's no spamming / calling names / whatever..

It IS a people's forum, it's just that the ones at the top would have to be able to control it with authority.
 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 3:14 PM
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

No, because this Senate will not have anything to do will moderating. In fact, I hope that the mod WILL be able to get a seat, as I'd like to be part of it myself (as a GB player, not a mod)...

Soory for the confusion, it's not like i don't want you on the senate. :D

I just meant that mods won't get an "automatic" seat in the senate. If you want to join i have no problem with that, and i don't think Leo will either, as he's a mod too :D
08-07-2001, 3:14 PM
But we don't have any spammers here!
08-07-2001, 3:17 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
In all honesty, i think there SHOULD be a mod to keep an eye on how many posts one Senator does during a meeting, if things go o.k. and there's no spamming / calling names / whatever..

It IS a people's forum, it's just that the ones at the top would have to be able to control it with authority.
But won't the Chan. have power like a MOD only on the Senate Forum? So he is there to make sure everyone behaves
08-07-2001, 3:43 PM
Exactly. that's the whole idea. The Chancellor would function as a mod for the Senate-meetings. The Senators would do the actual talking. Remember the Senate meeting in Ep 1 ? All Valorum did was give people the opportunity to speak and ask them if they agreed on something. Oh, and he officially announced any motions to make it official.
I'm thinking of doing that, so you can do most of the talking.. :D
 Wraith 5
08-07-2001, 3:44 PM
Kvan I was just thinking the samething!!!

Why not make the head person a mod that can only mod that fourm.

Also the world has been spered at by Aristotle

And just to make sure i have this clear. The Senate will be the gaming rule body of this fourm.
 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 3:49 PM
That's pretty much it.

And Leon, the Supreme Chancellor would do alot of talking too, otherwise having one or being one is useless. Everyone has to have a say in the senate, isn't that what it's about. The Chancellor could just keep the peace also.
08-07-2001, 3:50 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
Exactly. that's the whole idea. The Chancellor would function as a mod for the Senate-meetings. The Senators would do the actual talking. Remember the Senate meeting in Ep 1 ? All Valorum did was give people the opportunity to speak and ask them if they agreed on something. Oh, and he officially announced any motions to make it official.
I'm thinking of doing that, so you can do most of the talking.. :D
Hiya Wraith never talked to you before! :D
Leon, I think that Sherack would be better for the position, he is nice! Or Chris, he's nice too, but he probably has to much to do ;)
Really though, *I* would have the senators elect a Chan. be it JUST from the mods or not..

....oh your nice too Leon :)
08-07-2001, 3:56 PM
Of course he'd talk too... it's just that his main goal would be to keep the Senate in one piece, have meetings go orderly and have AUTHORITY by being able to correct or even ban wrong-doers.

oh Kvan, glad i'm nice.. :D :D

i'm seriously considering that chancellor-ship... would you think it's a good idea to make it a position that serves for a certain term ? Like, say, half a year ? Then there could be elections for a new Chancellor.... a strong chanchellor... one who won't let.. o. sorry. got carried away there. ;)
08-07-2001, 3:58 PM
People elect 5 senators. The 5 senators elect 1 Chancellor who then becomes Mod over that forum. So how do we make ourselves candidates.(#5 poster speaking:D )
08-07-2001, 4:00 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
Of course he'd talk too... it's just that his main goal would be to keep the Senate in one piece, have meetings go orderly and have AUTHORITY by being able to correct or even ban wrong-doers.

oh Kvan, glad i'm nice.. :D :D

i'm seriously considering that chancellor-ship... would you think it's a good idea to make it a position that serves for a certain term ? Like, say, half a year ? Then there could be elections for a new Chancellor.... a strong chanchellor... one who won't let.. o. sorry. got carried away there. ;)
Yeah thats a good idea, maybe you serve the first term just because , and the next Chan. has to be voted on. Good idea
08-07-2001, 4:03 PM
erm... actually, it's still my proposal..
let's not get carried away too quickly, ok ?? :D
I reckon that with a set Chancellor (who basically moderates and CAN be voted out after his first term) and nominated-and-voted-upon Senators, 5 at first, there's the best basis to get going.

oh, and i was talking to fergie here, not Kvan (but thanks, Kvan)
 Sherack Nhar
08-07-2001, 4:04 PM
Originally posted by Kvan
Leon, I think that Sherack would be better for the position, he is nice! That's so nice Kvan, thanks! :)

Let's not decide on a chancellor right now. I thought we agreed that we'd let the senators decide on their leader??

Leon, in addition to the "time-limit", we'd let the senators the possibility to pass a vote of no-confidence if they're unhappy with the Chancellor's behavior, just like Amidala did in TPM!
08-07-2001, 4:06 PM
Allright!!!! That means when Leon starts going berserk we can vote him off:D :D :D

What is up with ranking? Wampa to Jawa? strange:confused:
08-07-2001, 4:07 PM
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar
That's so nice Kvan, thanks! :)

Let's not decide on a chancellor right now. I thought we agreed that we'd let the senators decide on their leader??

Leon, in addition to the "time-limit", we'd let the senators the possibility to pass a vote of no-confidence if they're unhappy with the Chancellor's behavior, just like Amidala did in TPM!
oooo....yeah I never thought of that. What would it have to be, 3/4 and the Chan. is gone?
08-07-2001, 4:08 PM
but i won't go berserk so it'll be a blatant power-grab by one of you, there for all to see.. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

the vote of no confidence is intrigueing to say the least. I'll have to give it some serious thought.
08-12-2001, 10:27 PM
hey, id love to be a senator! :D
What about this idea:
How about each senator is in charge of a type of tactics or something, like one senator could be in charge of attack tactics and another defense, of senators could be for different races. Perhaps senators could have underlings that would report in on new ideas. Well what do you think? :D
08-13-2001, 3:41 AM
Nice suggestion.
The 'underlings'-concept was already part of the first draft..
I'm relieved that i didn't post it already and started polling on it.. that would have cost me a LOT of work..

As far as tactics go; i'm pretty sure most people will be able to give their input on tactics.. maybe it's a good idea to post profiles on certain Senators ? Stating how they're experts in certain fields ? That way, anybody can contribute on tactics, but a few will be publicly known as experts on it.
08-13-2001, 11:31 AM
When are you going to post that??? When they get the new senate Forum up???
08-13-2001, 1:04 PM
i'm thinking of letting the whole sub-skin 'mod-bashing' thing subside a bit.. there's so much reference to certain remarks now that i feel it would keep surfacing again and again in the forming of the Senate.. and we had the setback in registrants; that could take a week to 'heal'.. I'll try and post the first draft before wednesday though, since i know you're anxious to read it...

take care
08-13-2001, 1:08 PM
Thank you:angel:
08-14-2001, 1:47 AM
We are down to 149 memebers from 166 members when the server blew. It will be a while...:o
08-14-2001, 2:23 AM
Originally posted by thrawn12786
hey, id love to be a senator! :D
What about this idea:
How about each senator is in charge of a type of tactics or something, like one senator could be in charge of attack tactics and another defense, of senators could be for different races. Perhaps senators could have underlings that would report in on new ideas. Well what do you think? :D
Good ideas thrawn. It's too bad you didn't get to see the WHOLE thread :( BTW good luck in becoming a Senator :)
Leon, bash, bash, bash ;)
Fergie, I hope that another preview will come out. Maybe it will stir interest in the game somemore?
08-14-2001, 8:32 AM
08-15-2001, 5:03 PM
Is there a planned date to present the first draft for inquiries and feedback yet, or are we all just going to wait for a while? I say the sooner the better! :D
 Tie Guy
08-15-2001, 9:11 PM
Leon is gonna put one out in a little while. I think that he is gonna wait until there are 200 or so members. We an just wait till it comes out.
08-15-2001, 10:55 PM
I was thinking and I had this idea that Mods shouldn't be Senators. They need to devote their utmost to the Senate not to Galactic Discussion where somebody posted "I agree". The only mod the Senate will have is the Chancellor. And he will be mod only over the Senate NOTHING ELSE. So if Leon takes Chan. (which I have no doubt will happen because he has the most experiance) He MUST step down from the Galactic BattleGround discussions. Also it will keep the Senator from having too much power on this site. Power to the PEOPLE!!! I should like to run for Senate of this site. I will devote my time and effort to this site because it is the best place for SW and strategy fans (of which I am both) to come.:vadar:
08-15-2001, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie
I was thinking and I had this idea that Mods shouldn't be Senators. They need to devote their utmost to the Senate not to Galactic Discussion where somebody posted "I agree". The only mod the Senate will have is the Chancellor. And he will be mod only over the Senate NOTHING ELSE. So if Leon takes Chan. (which I have no doubt will happen because he has the most experiance) He MUST step down from the Galactic BattleGround discussions. Also it will keep the Senator from having too much power on this site. Power to the PEOPLE!!! I should like to run for Senate of this site. I will devote my time and effort to this site because it is the best place for SW and strategy fans (of which I am both) to come.:vadar:
Yeah, I don't think MODS should be Senators (execpt Sherack ;) )
They have enough to do as it is. Plus I see it as, this is a chance for people who aren't going to be MODs to feel "special" and a part of something.
 Tie Guy
08-15-2001, 11:00 PM
Why should Leon step down as a mod if he is the chancellor? He already has the power, the only difference would be the title. He would be able to do the senate stuff and be a mod very easily. It's not like this is some huge job that requires full attention.

One problem we will have is getting everyone online at the same time.
08-15-2001, 11:04 PM
Leon would step down as mod of Galactic Disscussion, Off-Topic, and Developers forums and accept the Chancellory of the Senate. Simply stated. He would rule over the Senate while other delt with the Galactic Battles area. We would still post there. All the time, but the Senators would look to the Senate Forum first.
08-15-2001, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Why should Leon step down as a mod if he is the chancellor? He already has the power, the only difference would be the title. He would be able to do the senate stuff and be a mod very easily. It's not like this is some huge job that requires full attention.

One problem we will have is getting everyone online at the same time.
Well hopefully when Leon comes out with all the rules, he'll have a set time when they meet (maybe two times) so if people can't make it, then I guess they won't last long as a senator..
It's actually really not that hard if people don't show, it's a MB, the messages will be there when they can get on.
 Tie Guy
08-15-2001, 11:17 PM
yeah, but that doesn't make for good debate, maybe we can all agree on a time that suits everybody. Maybe that should a topic for the first meeting, setting up times for the other meetings.
08-15-2001, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Leon is gonna put one out in a little while. I think that he is gonna wait until there are 200 or so members. We an just wait till it comes out.
200!!! How many do we have now?
08-16-2001, 12:08 AM
156 member at this time. We had 166 beforethe server crashed.:o
 Boba Rhett
08-16-2001, 12:27 AM
How many would we be up to if the server hadn't crashed? Around 175-180?
08-16-2001, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Boba Rhett
How many would we be up to if the server hadn't crashed? Around 175-180?

Maybe more. People ad about that probably weren't happy and ran away permenantly.:(
 Sherack Nhar
08-16-2001, 1:48 PM
Originally posted by Kvan

Yeah, I don't think MODS should be Senators (execpt Sherack ;) )
They have enough to do as it is. Plus I see it as, this is a chance for people who aren't going to be MODs to feel "special" and a part of something. You really like me do you :D

I say chances are equal to everybody. I don't see why mods shouldn't be able to become senators, as it's a completely different job. It's like saying that a musician can't be a poet in his free time.

As far as the Chancellor is concerned, that depends on what role it will play in the senate (that is up to Leon to decide).

As for me, I don't think I'll run for senator after all... with the launch of approaching fast, and school starting the 29th, I'll have my hands full.
 Tie Guy
08-16-2001, 5:01 PM
Buy i'm in school, and i still devote a big portion of my time here. Of course, i don't have a major website to help put up.......but you still still run, it wouldn't take up that much time.
08-19-2001, 2:13 AM
172 members so LEON PUT UP THE DRAFT NOW!!!!
I had to remind you or else we'll be at 300 before you do it
08-19-2001, 1:09 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie
172 members so LEON PUT UP THE DRAFT NOW!!!!
I had to remind you or else we'll be at 300 before you do it
Leon's not here. No one knows where he is....I think aliens took him and are probing him....:D
08-19-2001, 1:22 PM
Leon might be dead *gasp*

I haven't been commenting on this since it started during my book frenzy. But I think its a grand idea. Maybe it could consist of the top 15 or so posters..
08-19-2001, 1:30 PM
Originally posted by Clefo
Leon might be dead *gasp*

I haven't been commenting on this since it started during my book frenzy. But I think its a grand idea. Maybe it could consist of the top 15 or so posters..
Yeah, well I think at this point we are just awaiting word from Leon. Last time I heard it was gonna be like 10 or 15 but I'm not sure anymore..
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 1:32 PM
We've had that discussion before i think, and we decided that it couldn't be like that coz it could lead to spamming. Also, i think that there are only gonna be 7 senators, which includes the chancellor.
 Sherack Nhar
08-19-2001, 1:42 PM
Leon is away at a music festival. He'll be back today (Sunday).
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