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A proposal for a Senate

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 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 1:57 PM
Whoops, sorry Sherack. BTW, where'd you go for the day?

Anyways, do you think that you could get us or ask to get us a new forum set up if we decide to go ahead. I'm not sure what Leon's thinking, but i don't think we are ready or even that close. Thanks for your imput, i hope we can get this moving ahead soon.

PS: Are you calling me a spammer? j/k You know what i meant by that is that the more upstanding and "veteran" posters should be on the council, not just people that someone else likes. Maybe the mods or the existing council can vote on who gets in, after they are nominated.
08-05-2001, 2:43 PM
Why are you "j/k" Tie? He is calling you a spammer :D
Oh BTW I don't agree with you ( Sherack) that members are selected by the mod, I think that WE should vote on who will be on the senate!
08-05-2001, 2:45 PM
YEAH! Power to the people! j/k :D
 Young David
08-05-2001, 2:51 PM
I think you should be able to make yorself candidate ... For a period of time you're status under your name will be "Counsil candidate" ... when typing this I reject it as quick, cause everyone wants to be a candidate ...

Maybe you can make yourself a webpage about it and link to it in your sig like:

Vote for me on the Jedi Counsil, find out more about me on my devoted site:
08-05-2001, 2:55 PM
Originally posted by Young David
I think you should be able to make yorself candidate ... For a period of time you're status under your name will be "Counsil candidate" ... when typing this I reject it as quick, cause everyone wants to be a candidate ...

Maybe you can make yourself a webpage about it and link to it in your sig like:

[i]Vote for me on the Jedi Counsil, find out more about me on my devoted site:
I was thinking that same thing and rejected it for the exact same reason. Making a website for yourself would be cool, but if Sherack has his way we won't be voting! Down with Sherack's idea's!!:D
08-05-2001, 3:49 PM
OK, here's what i AM thinking :D :

- A Senate should go active once the board is big enough; simple as that... You need a sufficient amount of members and voters to get it done, and about 50 % of registred members probably won't visit often enough to participate in it..

- Membership would be handled by being nominated first, then voted upon. It's the democratic way... :D That way, no single person could be 'blamed' for keeping someone out of the Senate if that happened AND i'm sure it would inspire us all to behave. :D

- Senators (which i believe would become an official title) could also REPRESENT other forummers. That way, people who are not part of the Senate, still have some kind of say.

I'll post a complete work-in-progress in the near future.. watch this space...
08-05-2001, 3:54 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
OK, here's what i AM thinking :D :

- A Senate should go active once the board is big enough; simple as that... You need a sufficient amount of members and voters to get it done, and about 50 % of registred members probably won't visit often enough to participate in it..

- Membership would be handled by being nominated first, then voted upon. It's the democratic way... :D That way, no single person could be 'blamed' for keeping someone out of the Senate if that happened AND i'm sure it would inspire us all to behave. :D

- Senators (which i believe would become an official title) could also REPRESENT other forummers. That way, people who are not part of the Senate, still have some kind of say.

I'll post a complete work-in-progress in the near future.. watch this space...
Yeah, I think you have the right idea as to how to go about it.
"i'm sure it would inspire us all to behave", Don't we behave already?!
08-05-2001, 3:55 PM
yes they would vote on it, but lets say over a weeks tim or so. how does that sound. that way we wouldn't leave out alot of members.:D
08-05-2001, 3:59 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie
yes they would vote on it, but lets say over a weeks tim or so. how does that sound. that way we wouldn't leave out alot of members.:D
A week or maybe *gasp* the day the game is released! I should be able to bribe enough people by then to be able to get in the senate :D
08-05-2001, 4:33 PM
hehe... bribing is of the dark side, Kvan...

and with 'behaving' i mean posting relevant instead of using up mosts posts by simply replying 'yes' or 'no' when you can do that in a longer, more to-the-point post..
08-05-2001, 5:27 PM

Oh sorry.:D I totaly agree though. Now I can see why they made you Mod as soon as you thought that subject up.:D
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 5:48 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
a longer, more to-the-point post..

are you sure that makes sense? :D

Anyways, one question. How will you decide who are the "charter" senators? Have the mods select, or you, or something else?

Oh, and another thing. Are you wanting to go ahead with the whole, council thing, or just have the senate?
08-05-2001, 5:57 PM
There'd be something like a Chancellor who'd be starting weekly/monthly sessions and could guide the meeting, and there'd be the Senators.

So far that seems pretty manageable. I don't see the practical point yet of making 'higher ranking Senators'... maybe in time, when the whole thing seems to work, will we figure that out.

Senators would be nominated and then voted on with polls.
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 6:35 PM
By "charter" i meant original. How would the original senators be voted on? Polls?
08-05-2001, 6:37 PM
Yes, that too I guess.
I'm thinking of even putting Supreme Chancellor up on a poll. Some have asked me if i'm going to do it and it would be easy to do since i can use the mod-functions then, but hey, this is a democracy...
08-05-2001, 7:06 PM
Where would you post the Poll? Off-Topic?Where I want to know so I can exersise my right to denounce all other people beides one (vote) Paragon_Leon are you going to say no replies when we vote because all votes are confidential. Plus you didn't answer TIE Guy's question. Are we going to make a Jedi Council or not?:D
08-05-2001, 7:10 PM
phew. ok, here goes one by one:

- yes, it would be in off-topic
- you have a right to denounce ? goodness. :D
- i did answer tie's question. i said that with just the Senate, things would be more manageable. which leaves out the Jedi council for now. we could always implement it later though.
08-05-2001, 7:17 PM
Works for me even though it was my idea on Jedi Council, but I think your right on track. Your working out great as a mod. At least there is someone online more than me.:D
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 9:31 PM
I wonder if we could get our own Forum. We could call it like the Senate Chamber or something. We could hold our meetings there, unless you were thinking chat. What were you thinking as far as meetings? Maybe you should contact an admin and see if we could set something up. That would be better than having that kinda stuff in the off-topic forum.
08-05-2001, 9:35 PM
So Tie, you thinking of running for a Senator position?
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 11:00 PM
Yes, and you probably are too. why shouldnt i want to be on the senate, it would be fun, and probably produce some interesting results. :D
08-05-2001, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Yes, and you probably are too. why shouldnt i want to be on the senate, it would be fun, and probably produce some interesting results. :D
OH, so thats your agenda! Your not posting so much anymore because you want to be a mod or doing it to be senator! Sneaky :)
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 11:08 PM
No, i honestly and truthfully said what i actualkly think in the other thread. I'm not lying. You don't come here just to get posts, do you. You come here to talk about GB and to have fun. I think that everyone does. It just happens that i have alot to say. :D
08-05-2001, 11:12 PM
Well go check that other thread you were talking about. I had something to say about this.
You are one sneaky fellow!
BTW I might not run for a Senate seat. I'd rather be an "advisor" type person.
 Tie Guy
08-05-2001, 11:27 PM
Well, what can you expect of a politician :D

Anyway, let's get back on topic.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how many seats we should have in the senate?
08-05-2001, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Well, what can you expect of a politician :D

Anyway, let's get back on topic.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how many seats we should have in the senate?
Well we are in off-topic so we can talk about anything we want :p
But if you insist, I think there should be Ten people, eleven counting the Chan. I do like the suggestion you made about having the amount of senators are determined by the amount of people, but that can get crazy real fast. Keeping it at a nice low number is better, imo
08-06-2001, 4:07 AM
Ten probably will be the STARTING number of seats.
I reckon that for every 20-25 members, there should be 1 senate seat. If it gets bigger, we can always expand..

And yeah, a separate forum for the Senate would be easiest.
That way we could have 1 separate thread with suggestions for the meeting, and another for the actual meetings themselves.
 Lord JayVizIon
08-06-2001, 4:34 AM
can someone tell me about the senate thingy? i have NOT followed this thread at all, so i'm not sure who the 20-25 people you are referring to are.
08-06-2001, 5:49 AM
I'm suggesting that for every 20-25 members on these boards, we should have 1 Senate-seat. It's simply a way of structuring the whole thing.. Happy reading; if you want to get up-to-speed on the Senate-thingy, i suggest you read the entire thread..

.....all 79 posts.... :D :D
08-06-2001, 8:46 AM
We should go by Star Wars in the Senate seat buisness. Lets try New Republic for a second here and think. They had a main senate (people of the forum) then they had the advisory Council with the chief of state at their head. I think there are about 12 members in the advisory council, but I can't think right now. So if anybody knows how many members. POST IT!!
 Sherack Nhar
08-06-2001, 11:50 AM
*reads feedback*
I didn't know I was so hated on this board :eyeraise:

Tie Guy, I didn't call you a spammer. I didn't want to at all, sorry for the confusion.

If we are to let the people vote, then there's a risk that people will be voting for their best friend. But if you want to do it that way, it's okay - it's Paragorn_Leon's project after all ;)

Soooooo... on the number of senator issue... I guess that one seat for 25 people is fine.

Here another suggestion (hoping that you will consider it after my last post...)
Maybe we culd let the people vote for the Senators... and then, let the chosen Senators elect their own Chief of State (or Supreme Chancellor, whatever the name).
08-06-2001, 12:15 PM
All right! Leon heres where you signature goes...:D
08-06-2001, 12:19 PM
hehe... why do i get the feeling i'm being rushed ?!? :D

look, i'll come with a full-fledged proposal with all the workings written out later on. Possibly friday, definitely saturday. By then i expect the boards to have grown to about 200 members and we'll be able to figure out what to do with the voting issue.

It's really ok if people would simply wanna vote for their best friend.. they can vote once in a poll anyway.
08-06-2001, 12:23 PM
We are getting members all the time. Why right now someone has just joined up. 136 members. We need to establish the Senate forum first THEN we go with the voting so it can all be organized:D
08-06-2001, 12:28 PM
well, i only posted the very first proposal four days ago..

tell you what, i'll talk it over with the webmaster and see if things can be sped up a little, alright ?
08-06-2001, 1:06 PM
Okay enough of that, I'm perfectly sane...
This is great. I don't mind it being set up later, but do set your sites on 200. How about 150. We are at 130 something now with a few people coming on to the boards each day so it will take a little while.:D
08-06-2001, 1:29 PM
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar
*reads feedback*
I didn't know I was so hated on this board :eyeraise:

Tie Guy, I didn't call you a spammer. I didn't want to at all, sorry for the confusion.

If we are to let the people vote, then there's a risk that people will be voting for their best friend. But if you want to do it that way, it's okay - it's Paragorn_Leon's project after all ;)

Soooooo... on the number of senator issue... I guess that one seat for 25 people is fine.

Here another suggestion (hoping that you will consider it after my last post...)
Maybe we culd let the people vote for the Senators... and then, let the chosen Senators elect their own Chief of State (or Supreme Chancellor, whatever the name).
But Sherack we could say the same things about the mods, what if you guys only voted for your friends? I mean even though you are a mod I'm sure there are people you like, and you would put them on the board. Having a vote means everyone gets a say not just a few. Meaning there it is less likely that a person would get on the Senate just because he has "friends".
I was thinking 10 to keep it low, but you guys are the mods and if you think a higher number is ok then, ok.
As to people not liking you....didn't you know that? :D
08-06-2001, 1:52 PM
Kvan may have a point. At the start we might want to keep it to 10 because there isn't exactly 1000 people on this site. (and plus a poll can only hold ten so when we do supreme councilor we don't have to go into 2 polls or stuff like that)
08-06-2001, 1:57 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie
Kvan may have a point. At the start we might want to keep it to 10 because there isn't exactly 1000 people on this site. (and plus a poll can only hold ten so when we do supreme councilor we don't have to go into 2 polls or stuff like that)
Hey....yeah.....I do have a point, don't I? Thanks for pointing it out :)
08-06-2001, 2:08 PM
your welcome oh Mechanized one:D
08-06-2001, 4:11 PM
With every 100 new visitors we add 5 new senators ;)
08-06-2001, 4:15 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
With every 100 new visitors we add 5 new senators ;)
I'd prefer to wait and see how many people are gonna show. If I were you I'd put it at for every 100 you get 1 senator....that is if I was going your way, which I'm not, I like my way better :P
I think we should wait till the game is at least released! Not even 90% of the people are here yet! Plus I haven't rallied my support for me yet!
08-06-2001, 4:18 PM
if people read your posts and can conclude you'd make a great Senator, you wouldn't even HAVE to rally support, Kvan.
:D :D

It was too good to pass..
08-06-2001, 4:20 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
if people read your posts and can conclude you'd make a great Senator, you wouldn't even HAVE to rally support, Kvan.
:D :D

It was too good to pass..
OH! See! See how mean Leon is! I wasn't doing anything and he comes and puts me down! I think I'm gonna cry :(
 Boba Rhett
08-06-2001, 4:21 PM
Ouch! Burn!! :laughing:
08-06-2001, 4:30 PM

if you read the guidelines to the boards, Rommel, that kind of post deserves deleting.
I won't for now, but it seems that there's some 'testing' as to how far i'd go..

Not far. simple as that. These boards are the priority and if they're not attractive to read for people who come here, then there's something wrong.
if you want to vent something, send a pm. that way there's no post-wasting on the boards.
and please be courteous people.. let's show that we only want to destroy each other in the game, ok ? :D
08-06-2001, 4:31 PM
Oh come on Leon, I was joking! :( I deleted it anyways :angel: am i forgiven?

Yes you are.. (posted like this so it doesn't waste ANOTHER post) :cool:

Ahhh!!!!!! He did it again! :(
08-06-2001, 4:52 PM
Leon what did he say? PM if you could.
08-06-2001, 4:54 PM
I called him mean... now let's forget about it you nosey person! (j/k:D )

AHEM !!!

Won't happen again sir! :sweat: He's watching me :(
08-06-2001, 4:58 PM
OOOOO, Could you do that cool thing with the dark letters in one of my posts?Please? :D
Anyway, I'll pm you Rommel to see what you said.
Leon, when do you see the Senate being formed?

Soon, my young apprentice... soon.... (kidding) I'll simply reply.
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