First: answer my "stupid" question below.
Second: Ask another stupid question with it.
Then make a sort of chain with it.
Q: What did I just make this post?
(Answers and questions have to stupid)
answer: me no know
quetion: why me smell nice
there is that wat u wanted?:atat:
Cuz u .... well.... id d'know!
Q: Where did all the Mutant Radio-Active Rabid Coal-Breathing Worms go?
to hell, where they belong.
Q:Why can't citizens own mortars?
A: 'cause they can't.
Q: Why must Gandalf be a wizard?
because the books & movies would be kinda lame with "Gandalf the Old Guy"
Q: Why did we start another spam thread?
A: Because we wanted to.
Q: What do pie-eating, carrot-spewing hamsters do for fun?
A: Make threads like this
Q: Should I allow another very stupid game thread?
A: Consult the Rancor first
Q: Why is my eye burning when applied some fire on it?
A. don't use the flamethrower for laser eye surgery.
Q. where does SPAM come from?
From hell, which is were it ends uip going too!!
Q:why do i have only 1 eye,1 leg, and one of everything!?!?!
A. maybe you cut yourself in half.
Q. why are books made of paper?
Because they just are.
Q: Why does everyone else get cookies?
A:because I said so
Q:Why does it hurt when I jump in a bonfire?
A: Because when your balls get speared with a flaming stck it tends to hurt a bit!
Q:How do my legs work when they are 12 feet away from my body??
A:because they're not your legs
Q:How come the air doesn't turn to White Phosporus?
A. Cause then we wouldn't be able to breathe, duh.
Q. What is the answer to life?
A: Uh... Uh... Life minus uh six uh.... 7!!!
Q: What happened to the Tux when he jumped off the Empire State Building?
A: a giant flying squrriel grabbed him by the scrotum and chewed his nuts :D
Q: does bill gates use linux servers?
Q: Why do I sneeze when something tickles my nose?
A: coz the nose deamons are after you :D
Q: Why whenver you get a hair cut its all ways ****ty
Cuz your hair stylist is a BAD PERSON!!
Q: Why do I like Star Wars better than LotR?
A because you do!
Q. What is the answer to life?
*Just to answer that one!!!*
My actual Q:
what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything???
((if noone gets this ill be very surprised and ill tell in my nxt post!))
Where are my legs? why they've turned into a thick gelatin substance!-The Ultimate HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy
I have no clue.
Q: Why someone just try to kill me?
because they thought it would be funny.
Q:How come i can't eat my computer
Try putting macaroni and cheese on it.
Q: Does C3PO have blood?
A: if you can call oil blood
Q: why when i drink milkshake and then go on a round about really fast do i throw up :D
A: Maybe the shake was so shakey when you went on that round-about that it decidede to take some fresh air. Too bad we don't have windows...
Q: Do Star Wars characters ever go to the bathroom?
A: no because they are all robots and they don't need bathroom.
he he he he he he :D
Q: is the meaning of this question a question of the meaning :confused:
A) yes
Q) what makes blue cheese blue?
It's sad because it tastes disgusting.
Q: What is Padme Amidala's favorite food?
humans, she's a canibal.
Q:why is tainted meat bad for you?
A:cuz if your not carful, your head will turn blue
((the answer to life, the universe, and everything, is......42!!! same answer as my last post!!duh!))
Q:What is the plastic thingie at the end of your shoelace
A thermal nuclear device used for world peace... or desruction i dont know.
Q:Why cant I fly?
A: well it depends on if you have wings, no? well you just can't then
Q: How old am I if i died in 1496?
Q:why do things that are labeled inflamable, flammable
The 'IN' is printed by mistake.
Q: Why doesn't Chewie have a Lamborghini?
A) he would rather have a chewback car
Q) whats funnier than farting?
Everything is.
Q: what is X times X times X times X?
A: Anything but X
Q: Why are camels purple in colour?:D :D :D :D
A:they're not, there green
Q:What is z times y times h times d times me times my "friend" equal to?
I'm not doing your homework for you
Why won't I do his homework for him?
A:cuz it wasnt my homework!
Q:why is it that modders don't close this thread down, since in all technicalities it IS a spam, thread?
Because they were captured by terrorists, and taken to Cuba
Q:Why shouldn't I open my computer up, while its on, during a thunder/lighting storm, while standing in a puddle of water.
A: Well.....if your balls get fried and a homo eats em for dinner its not my fault!! oh and open your moniter, better zap!!
Q: What is my most unpleasant characteristic?
the fact that you mention someones balls getting fried off, and getting eaten by a homo
Q:how come my PS2 network adaptor doesn't work?
A:because little kids in korea made it in a sweatshop!
Q: why do i have bite marks (human) on my wrist/arm??
Canabals tried to eat you as you slept
Q:why am i in imense debt
because you have to pay for each spelling mistake (immense, $1 please)
Why am I an Evil Penguin?
A:because your from hell of course, or cuz you got a bad case of the bloat!
Q: do i have a ripped apart spleen and pancreas?