hey all, did rich diesal die or something? 'cause his mapping tutorial (
http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/) )
is not only unfinished but outdated though still a good source to use when first learning how to map
I think I remember seeing a post somewhere, where he said he is not going to finish it because he has no time or something like that. I think it was in the richdiesel mapping tutorial thread in the JO mapping forum.
if thats so, where can i find a complete mapping tutorial from beginning to end (noob lessons to elite lessons?)???
Originally posted by JeeMonkey
if thats so, where can i find a complete mapping tutorial from beginning to end (noob lessons to elite lessons?)???
In the Land of Dreams...
Or these very Lucasforums. The thing is that when you have learnt what Rich has to say, mapped some, you only need solutions to specific problems, not any general tutorials that somebody can offer you without knowing what you want. These forums are full of information, and when you ask, chances are somebody will answer. And there are a multitude of links to specific tutorials, like terrain tutorials, all over the place if you just search the threads.
And when you have acquired some experience, you will just notice some things by yourself, without needing any tutorials...
well it is not out of date rich diesal is probably one of the best tutorials you can use. Just because its JO doesn't mean it doesn't work for JA. It teachs you every basic and a tad more for mapping. The things it doesn't cover are covered in a few other tutorials.
use everyones friend
www.google.com). That is your best hope also u can go to
here another forum (
Rich is waiting for a game that has dynamic lughting before he writes new tutorials.. In othe rwords, wait for DOOMII and Halflife and see which one he likes best ;)
HL2 doesn't have true dynamic lighting. It's merely of a JA kind.
There used to be another JK2 mapping tutorial site by 007 Kayron James Mercieca. He always had unrealiable hosts and the site was down most of the time and I think he just gave up on it and let it die.
insert a sorrowful tune here
Mercenary, I remember those tutorials being put up for download somewhere. I'll see if I can dig up a link.
Indeed. I have a sizable amount of those 007 tutorials sitting right on my hard disk. They were good ones, when I was just starting my long and improsperous mapping career, all those years ago...
Unfortunately I don't think they are online anymore. At least my fast search with Google produced no results. But who knows? They certainly would deserve to be.
I probably still have all his tuts on CDs. His tuts weren't as technically sound as Rich Diesal's but he covered some different areas including scripting. I used to like sending n00bs his way.