Kent ran as fast as he could without being detected, he soon reached the river in time to meet Tepe and Craig.
"They're getting more and more reinforcements. I think we'd better burn the remaining bridges when there are more orcs and run. We won't last much longer."
"Kent, take care of the remaining bridges... Craig, to the horses..." Tepe sayd and runned next to his horse. He rided next to Rohirrim. He explained something and soon Rohirrim, Craig and Tepe attacked from horses.
((Weiderudare, yeah... I know... I'm on it :p ))
Manуn started fighting his way to his sword. He picked it up and with magic, he putted it on fire. Manуn drove the sword into the bridge, setting it on fire. He ran back, towards the other.
"What now?"
((and now, presenting the suprise))
Kent nodded, he got on his horse again, took out a bottle, and squirted some of the liquid onto the point of his arrows, and his sword. He took out a lighter (yes, a modern one) and set them both on fire. He started riding toward the bridges quickly, at first only firing the arrows, but once he got closer squirting petroleum on them and setting them on fire. Whenever an orc tried attacking him, he killed it with the flaming sword.
((WTF? No lighters and flaming swords in middle-earth!!! I suppose that soon you will get a UZI from you pocket and kill everyone on middle-earth :mad: !!! No Godmoding you Ьber-****!!! What part of the word NO, you dont understand!?!? :swear: ))
(((i agree with tepe and im sorry i havent been posting ffor a while internets been down)))rick ran acros the bridge
For a time, Arrandir had not been seen in the battle. When he reappeared, he was followed closely by a young woman who appeared to be around 18 or 19. She was not wearing a dress; instead, she was wearing a very functional outfit and fighting as well or better than Arrandir. When questioned briefly by the rest of the group, Arrandir could not say much.
"She tells me that she is a friend," he said, "but other than that, she has only said one other thing when I ask her who she is. She simply says "lightning"."
When the fight was over, the girl wiped her sword on the grass and put it back in its sheath. Arrandir went over to her.
"You would not tell me much about yourself," he said. "Will you not say more?"
"If you are to call me anything," she replied, "you must call me Lightning. It is a nickname and the only name I ever give any more."
"And what of the ring you wear?" he pressed.
"That secret goes along with my name," she snapped. "Few people know that secret and until it is time, only those few will know."
She turned to the others, staring at each one for a short time before saying, "Well, what of the rest of you? Do you not have questions as well?"
((OOC Bah, keep forgetting my name is Lance in this RPG lol.))
Lance looked over at the woman, and said "I have never seen a woman fight as extraordinarily as you. Are you human or elven?"
Also, on the topic of unreleased information, Lance then looked about the group. "There is much I have not mentioned about myself either. Should we all make it to Rivendell in one peace, I shall tell much more then."
((1st of all, sorry Tepe, thought I could insert a little backstory, but better not, 2nd, sorry for not posting, I went on a cruise, and I haven't been able to post. ))
Manуn had retrived his sword and was standing next to the others.
"So, Lightning, good to see you again."
He smiled. Manуn had walked the earth long before any of the others, and knew nearly everyone alive.
((((Just so you know :D ))))))
"You know this girl?" Asked Kent.
"He knows me only by my nickname and my great speed," Lightning said. "My nickname comes from how fast I am. Other than that, he knows nothing about me."
Turning to Lance, Lightning replied, "I am human." She paused. "If we make it to Rivendell? Is that not more a question of when?"
Kent shook his head. "They know where we are, we'll meet reinforcements every step of the way."
"Not if we avoid the main path," Lightning argued.
"That's what they're expecting us to do! They'll be watching every possible way, every mountain, every road, every forest, every town, every praire."
Lightning frowned as she thought about what Kent said. A brief smile touched her face as she looked around.
"Then we have to give them something they won't be expecting," she said. She frowned again. "Any ideas?"
"If anyone would like to bound through Moria, I'm sure they wouldn't think we'd be that stupid to do that." Lance said, with some input to the situation.
Both Lightning and Arrandir turned to stare at Lance. Arrandir shook his head, but it was Lightning who spoke.
"Have you forgotten Durin's Bane?" she asked, seeming surprised at this suggestion. "I know what it is and it is not something I want to risk a battle with."
"I agree," Arrandir said. "I also know what Durin's Bane is, but that is not all there is to worry about in Moria. I have heard tell of a strange creature that occupies a lake before the walls. It comes to the surface when disturbed. Other than that, there are orcs living there and they are easily disturbed. The few times I have ever attempted the Moria path nearly ended in disaster."
"While it was an idea," Lightning continued, "I must agree with Arrandir. It cannot be risked."
"Even if we decide to go through Moria, the problem is: How do we even get that far? We are at the border to Mordor.... Its a long way to Rivendell."
"Hmm..." Tepe thinked for himself, next to his horse. He was standing on a hill with his horse.
"We have Rohirrim on our side... Remember that when you plan the way to Moria..." Tepe sayd on a quiet voice. The other turned to see him but Tepe was allready jumped on his horse and rode towards Rohirrim, on the other side of the hill.
"Here we go again" Said Kent, who then followed Tepe.
"Again?" Lightning asked curiously, looking up at Kent. She had a good little ways to look because she was standing on the ground and he was on a horse. "What do you mean "again"?"
"You see that" He said, pointing at the destruction they had just left, the cloak still covering most of his face swayed with teh movement. "That is what happened last time we went on the move and encountered orcs by chance. Now they're either tracking us, or we're going straight into the lion's den."
"We are heading into Rohan," Lightning said, as if confident nothing terrible would happen. "They have riders going about all over the land. We will be noticed and they will send a body of horsemen to greet us... well, to find out if we are friend or foe."
She smiled slightly, but the smile vanished quickly. Suddenly, Arrandir gave a cry of surprise. He had heard Lightning speaking to Kent and had assumed that they were on the same horse. After all, who could keep up with a horse on foot? But Lightning was running next to Kent's horse, not sitting on it.
"Who are you?" Arrandir asked in awe. Lightning laughed at him.
"Did you think I was kidding when I said that my nickname came from how fast I am?" she asked, still smiling. "Now you know why I am called Lightning."
"Then dodge this." Tepe sayd, shooting an arrow. He shot it next to Lightning's foot, making her stumble and fall to the ground. "You shouldn't run so fast... You can stmuble on anything you counter with" Tepe sayd and turned his horse back towards Moria. "Hmm... This can't be good..." Tepe said, jumping behind few big rocks and leading his horse there too. "Come on!! Hurry!!" He shouted to the others.
((Lightning's a she Tepe))
Kent caught up with Tepe.
"That was too harsh. She's used to keeping up like that, not by horse."
Lance was easily confused by which direction they were going to, Rohan or Moria. Either way, he was prepared for the events that lay ahead. He thought it essential that they get to Rivendell though, as it was the safest place from Orcs that they would find.
Seeing confusion on Lance's face, Lightning glanced around.
"Currently, we're making our way back toward Moria," she said, but her eyes were sparkling with laughter. "Oddly enough, I could have sworn he said we were going to Rohan. He'd better make up his mind."
Kent went back to ride alongside Lightning.
"Do you agree with the decition?"
Lightning sighed. "If you mean the desicion to go to Moria, no. I still think it is foolish, but I am only following orders."
Noting some confusion in his face, Lightning continued.
"Gandalf told me that a group of people would be going to Rivendell," she said. "He wanted me to join you, thinking you might want some help."
The others noticed that Tepe was gone. His horse was standing next to the rocks but they couldn't see Tepe anywere.
Tepe was slaughtering few wolfriders about two hundred meters away from the rocks. He used his elf swords with great honor and his accuracy could maybe beat even the greatest elf bowmen.
Then the others heard a horn. It was first Rohirrim's horn... Then an orc-horn. Then Tepe's horn answered to the Rohirrim's horn.
Fiftyfour wolfriders came around Tepe, making a circle. Then came rohirrim and thirtytwo wolfriders extracted to slaughter the remains of Rohirrim that attacked towards them. Tepe turned around, just to see an ugly wolf, staring at him with an orc on top of it. It took few steps backwards. It was getting ready to attack quickly. Tepe looked at it, then took his bow out. In two seconds, the wolf attacked. It fell to the ground with an arrow in his head about one meter away from Tepe's feet. Tepe took his sword out again and started to slice few of the wolfriders, hoping that the reinforcmets would arrive soon.
Lance saw the riderless horse and rode his horse to the rocks and saw the fight. Unfortunately for Lance back at the previous battle, he did not have his Ranger sword as it had broke, but now that he had his horse back, he drew the backup sword that he kept on the saddle and rode off to help Tepe. He got to the area and swung, knocking a rider off it's wolf, then turned and flung his sword into the side of the wolf, killing it. He rode over and pulled it out then turned to Tepe.
"Need some help?"
Kent ran over to the rock and started firing arrows at the wolves' heads.
Lightning ran to join the battle, followed closely by Arrandir.
"Either way we want to go is blocked," Lightning said. "We must get out of here as fast as we possibly can."
"Sure" Tepe answered to lance and jumped on to one of the wolves, pushed the rider off and stabbed his both swords throught the wolf's head. Then he jumped off just before the wolf started to fall on it's side.
"We're wasting time!" Lightning snapped. Then, she turned in the direction of Moria and started her way through. Arrandir shook his head in despair and moved to cover her back. Back to back, the two of them inched their way away from the rest of the group, forming a path that did not stay open for long.
"Arrandir!!! Lightning!!!" Tepe shouted and ran allmost as fast as Lightning towards an archer wolfrider. Tepe jumped and landed slicing the orc's head oof and stabbing the wolf. Then he started to fight his way to Arrandir and Lightning. When he reached them he said: "May I join you?" and started to faught with them
Lance rode over on his horse and beheaded an Orc rider as he went to Lightning and Arrandir. "I'm going with you. On to Moria!"
Kent saw Arradir, Lightning, Tepe and Lance and rode to join them.
"We can't stay in one spot and fight until they are all dead!" Lightning shouted. "We must keep moving or we'll never get anywhere."
Now that they were all together again, a path toward Moria was opened much more quickly than if it had just been Arrandir and Lightning.
((Remember that from the Rauros-falls to Moria is many many miles!! There could never be that large of an orc army!!))
Tepe blowed to his horn and soon they all heard horses and horn's. Then flags came on top of an hill... They were the many flags of Rohan. Then about size of 1000 horseriders came behind the hill with their swords and spears out. The battle was on and the wolf riders will be dead.
((I dunno, the one in the two towers looked as if though it stretched for miles))
((Compare: the about 100 miles from Isengard to Halm's deep and the about 600 miles from Rauros to Moria's gates. And in LOTR:TTT, the Uruk-hai army was just about 20 000 Uruk's. And still the army walked to Helm's deep in was it five or six hours.
You do the math ;) ))
((I didn't mean that the army stretched from here to there. Doesn't it make sense that if they saw we were going that way, they would shift to follow us? BTW, at the battle of Helm's Deep, there were 10,000 Uruk Hai))
He drew his bow and arrow and knocked a wolf over, then looked to the group. "If we're going anywhere, let's go now. I'm running low on arrows, and I don't know how much longer we'll last, even with help."
((Wildjedi: Saruman said that the invade of Helm's deep would take ten's of thousands orc's))
Tepe took about half of his arrows and gave them to Lance.
"There's fifty arrows... Try to relax..." Tepe said and attacked towards the biggest group of wolfriders
Lance laughed at this. "Relax...right." He drew his bow and knocked one of the arrows and let it fly, knocking over another wolf.
Kent kept shooting arrows at the wolfriders, finally he took out his sword and rode out against them. He impaled and orc with his sword and then used the body, still impaled on the sword, to block some arrows from another wolfrider. He then shoved the body off the sword and threw it in front of another wolfrider, startling the wolf.
In two hours, the wolfriders were killed and so was many of Rohan's horsemen that came to the "rescue".
Tepe cleaned his swords and mounted. "Let's go... Do you want to come with us?" Tepe asked from the horsmen that said yes eventually. Tepe had enought arrows and so did the others. Everyone that hadn't a bow, got one from the wolfriders. Those hwo had, took arrows from the wolfriders. Tepe rode on to a hill and looked the mountains that held Moria inside them...
"After Moria, we head to Rivendell, correct?" Lance wondered. He had specific business there, dealing with a sword that he had not yet drawn from its sheath.